Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

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Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

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April 16, 2020 | 7,945 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7945 Comments

  1. honeybee Said:

    mrg3105 Said:
    a superior design
    Having spent my life near and in close proximity to the male species, I must differ with your conclusion.
    mrg3105 Said:
    you are held to account
    “I calls it the ways I sees it” Popeye the Sailorman

    Our imperfections are not for the lack of His trying. Find yourself a box of napkins.

    Your sight is limited

  2. mrg3105 Said:

    a superior design

    Having spent my life near and in close proximity to the male species, I must differ with your conclusion.

    mrg3105 Said:

    you are held to account

    “I calls it the ways I sees it” Popeye the Sailorman

  3. No Honeybee, Adam was perfection since there was an ability to self-replicate, a superior design to every other living creature.

    The decision to make a woman was HaShem’s reflection on something deeper than the simple physicality of His design.

    Perfection has a flaw.

    I wonder if you will still think it funny when you are held to account for your words about a nevia and her husband in a different place and time.

  4. dove Said:

    @ mrg3105:

    I’m a Jew with an Australian citizenship because the law of the land (per Torah law) requires me to have one.
    Doesn’t the same apply to other Jews in the Diaspora?

    Yes it does.
    But how many American, Cnadian, British or for that matter Australian Jews give up their citizenships when they move to Israel? Yamit82? Still got your’s?

    For me a move to Israel would be a significant financial loss, and added hardship in other ways. This is not so for many. I had seen how American Jews live in Yerushalaim. Humility and willingness to put up with hardships is not for most of them.

    So for me the choice is very different than what Yamit82 has in his mind, assuming as always.

  5. mrg3105 Said:

    Are you saying that HaShem created men less perfect then women?

    Adam was the proto-type with many flaws, Eve was the perfected model.

    mrg3105 Said:

    Honeybee, I can’t decide if you are more ignorant or arrogant.

    Both !!!!!!!!!!

  6. honeybee Said:

    yamit82 Said:
    No doubt they were making whoopy on the side especially after he let her take undo credit for victories
    His victory ??? Deborah was the General, Barak was a good looking grunt in a uniform and a fast chariot.

    Honeybee, I can’t decide if you are more ignorant or arrogant.

  7. dove Said:

    @ mar55:
    Happy Mothers Day to you too. I’m actually not a feminist – I often get mistaken for one.
    We have different gifts and strengths. All are equally important. I don’t want to be ‘equal’ to a man. I am different. I don’t want to be the same. No offense guys but that would be a step back for me.
    Have a great Shabbat!

    This is what I mean Dove, you are a Canadian and a feminist, though you either don’t recognise this, or are in denial.

    Jews don’t have a Mother’s Day…every day is mother’s day.

    Are you saying that HaShem created men less perfect then women?

  8. Yamit82, though you keep insinuating I’m a Christian, it is you who keeps quoting from TaNaKh, and I think the Christian versions online, and typing in capitals, now bold. I have only seen Xtians do this.

    So, a few truths.
    The state of Israel was created throughthe efforts of people who never lived there, and never held a gun.

    The ‘ultra-orthodox’, i.e. haredim, DID fight in 1948.

    You don’t know anything about the rebuilding of the Temple, and in any case, you won’t be in that activity, so you can chill on that.

    One does not need to be in Israel to defend Israel. In fact, HaShem prefers the indirect approach, attrition being the stupid way to fight (as I said before).

    Just because you don’t want to hear it, does not make these facts ‘go away’.

  9. yamit82 Said:

    mrg3105 Said:
    I also criticize Jewish women, but thats a different chit chat.
    I also criticize Jewish men.
    We both criticize you so who is correct?

    I’m correct

  10. @ mrg3105:



    I’m a Jew with an Australian citizenship because the law of the land (per Torah law) requires me to have one.

    Doesn’t the same apply to other Jews in the Diaspora?

  11. honeybee Said:

    His victory ??? Deborah was the General, Barak was a good looking grunt in a uniform and a fast chariot.

    His nick name was ‘2 spear Barak’.

  12. yamit82 Said:

    No doubt they were making whoopy on the side especially after he let her take undo credit for victories

    His victory ??? Deborah was the General, Barak was a good looking grunt in a uniform and a fast chariot.

  13. @ mar55:

    Happy Mothers Day to you too. I’m actually not a feminist – I often get mistaken for one.

    We have different gifts and strengths. All are equally important. I don’t want to be ‘equal’ to a man. I am different. I don’t want to be the same. No offense guys but that would be a step back for me. 🙂

    Have a great Shabbat!

  14. dove Said:

    A good example is Yamit on another post. Criticizing Geller – like he always does – criticizes women – especially if their Jewish. We are not talking about constructive criticism either.

    BS dove…. I submit the primary motivation behind Geller is Money and not principle…This time she was lucky her stunt only flushed out two amateur wannabees but I said what if they were successful and had managed to kill and wound many at this event? This was not about free speech it was on it’s face an irresponsible act to gain notoriety for Geller and to attracts mega donations from it’s controversy and Geller being controversial…. You are right i don’t like her I believe she is a phony not very smart but underpinning all her efforts is money. Freedom of speech? I wonder how many have been barred from her blog???

    That said I don’t disagree with her core message and understanding re: Islam…. Yet she has used Muslims when they were beneficial to her financially her emphasis is from an American POV and not a Jewish POV or and Israeli POV….

  15. @ yamit82:
    mrg3105 Said:

    I hadn’t seen Yamit82’s criticism of Pamela Geller, but it would be consistent with his views I suppose. I don’t know much about her other than what I see in the news sometimes.
    I am much more interested in the views of Jewish women in EY that send their sons, fathers, brothers and husbands to war ever few years, and in fact sometimes end up in the shooting also.

    Well it’s not like our women have much of a choice. It’s the law and if their sons and daughters don’t serve who will defend the collective Israel? I think you should stay in Australia we are much safer without you and your ilk.


    “Moses said to the Children of Gad and the Children of Reuben, ‘Shall your brothers go to war while you stay here? Why do you dissuade the heart of the Children of Israel from crossing to the Land that HaShem has given to them?'” (Numbers 32:6-7)

    “‘… You shall not stand aside while your fellow’s blood is shed — I am HaShem. … You shall love your fellow as yourself — I am HaShem.'” (Leviticus 19:16-18)

    “Thus declared HaShem, Master of Legions, saying, ‘This [Jewish] people has said: “The time has not yet come!” [But I say:] “It is time for the Temple of HaShem to be rebuilt!”‘” (Haggai 1:2)

  16. mrg3105 Said:

    I also criticize Jewish women, but thats a different chit chat.
    I also criticize Jewish men.

    We both criticize you so who is correct?

  17. mrg3105 Said:

    I honestly wish I had a horse 🙂 In fact a few.
    Moshiakh was also offered a horse (end of m. Sanhedrin) but seem to have opted for no-thrills ride 🙂

    Cloud or donkey I think were the options???

  18. mrg3105 Said:

    It isn’t your role to decide if males and females should be separated, when and how. Part of being Jewish is accepting the higher authority.

    Higher authority??? Who?? What??? Where does it say, with clear specificity ???

  19. honeybee Said:

    Ruth taught David how to use a sling-shot ?

    How do you know?? In those days everybod knew how to use a slingshot. When I was a kid I knew and wasn’t bad either.

  20. honeybee Said:

    Boo Hoo!!!!!! The story of Deborah and Barak, read between the lines, they had a romance. I think our girl Deborah had a “thing” for a Man in an uniform. Barak receive his “reward”.

    No doubt they were making whoopy on the side especially after he let her take undo credit for victories…. 🙂

  21. Laura Said:

    Martha McCollum is a bimbo with a long yellow streak. Who did she sleep with to get that job? Was it Roger Ailes or the Saudi Prince who owns 5% of FOX?

    A heavily made up middle aged blond from NJ with no apparent intellectual or professional talents leads one to give credit to your hypothesis. She ain’t very sexy either… 🙂

  22. @ dove:
    @ honeybee:
    HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Dove, you are a feminist who had a big bat hidden from us until you got rubbed the wrong way. You are doing great.
    honeybee, give the guy a chance to recuperate. Another feminist pounding on him might be a bit too much. He won’t be able to breathe.
    I’m recuperating from eye surgery and still cannot see very well. You two enjoy your day.
    Have a great time celebrating with your families.
    honeybee, no cooking. It is someone’s else turn for a change.

  23. Is Chris Matthews undergoing a gender transformation? It is obvious his penis and balls have been removed.

    In fact the entire media establishment is,filled with males who lack anything between their legs.

  24. Martha McCollum is a bimbo with a long yellow streak. Who did she sleep with to get that job? Was it Roger Ailes or the Saudi Prince who owns 5% of FOX?

  25. mrg3105 Said:

    So who is to admire in this story Dvorah who is ordained for a role by HaShem,

    mrg3105 Said:

    Predestination? You sound more like a Presbyterian then a Jew.

    There is a man with a lot of expectations and he is told he is not going to get any glory out of this, yet he does what has to be done.

    Boo Hoo!!!!!! The story of Deborah and Barak, read between the lines, they had a romance. I think our girl Deborah had a “thing” for a Man in an uniform. Barak receive his “reward”.

  26. mrg3105 Said:

    Did you know that neither Miriam, Dvorah or Esther were *Jewish*?
    And bringing Lilitx in? Jael was a Kanite, and ‘Judith’ is a fictional character, likely invented by a Hellenised Jew.

    How would you know ?

    mrg3105 Said:

    Pompus, shmompus…

    You said it

  27. mrg3105 Said:

    d if it wasn’t for Ruth, David could not have killed Goliath. Now you have something to ask your rabbi

    Ruth taught David how to use a sling-shot ?

  28. @ Dove, if I misunderstood what you said, its probably the way you said it, and of course we are likely to have different contextual POVs and frames of reference.

    Which man? Or do you mean all men, which would be a really huge generalisation.

    And, BIG NEWS IN FLASHING LIGHTS…women also use men 🙂
    I could just save myself typing and copy and paste what you wrote.

    I honestly wish I had a horse 🙂 In fact a few.
    Moshiakh was also offered a horse (end of m. Sanhedrin) but seem to have opted for no-thrills ride 🙂

    I hadn’t seen Yamit82’s criticism of Pamela Geller, but it would be consistent with his views I suppose. I don’t know much about her other than what I see in the news sometimes.
    I am much more interested in the views of Jewish women in EY that send their sons, fathers, brothers and husbands to war ever few years, and in fact sometimes end up in the shooting also.

    I also criticize Jewish women, but thats a different chit chat.
    I also criticize Jewish men.

    It seems to me that you, like many people, fail to understand criticism. A critic is one who is able to offer a judgement on something. Judgement is the indispensable faculty of our mentality that, at its basic separates right and wrong. You mentioned Devorah, who was a judge, yet she is not known for her participation in litigation cases, is she? And, not a lot of people think about what led her to be chosen as one. So you see to be judgemental/critical of anything does not require a law degree, just expert knowledge and sometimes only intuition. Its not like the beth din.

    Constructive criticism is otherwise known as problem solving, and in Ivrit, hakhma. 🙂

    It isn’t your role to decide if males and females should be separated, when and how. Part of being Jewish is accepting the higher authority.

    Dancing with men is called acculturation.
    Its OK to dance with women as long as they are culturally Jewish because Lesbos is located in Greece. The Midrash informs us thought that the all-female society (which is what existed on Lesbos) actually originated from Mitzrayim. Surprise surprise.

    Define ‘normal’, and Jewish ‘normal’ 🙂
    To borrow from the story of Dvorah.
    Dvorah: Honey, I’m just going to step out and give some war campaign advice to the tribes. I’ll be by my palm tree over there if you need me. Meanwhile, could you go gather 10,000 reservists for a quick battle with the occupying enemy.
    Barak: Er…I’ll do it, but you are coming with me; by the way, are we out of beer again?
    There is a man with a lot of expectations and he is told he is not going to get any glory out of this, yet he does what has to be done.
    So who is to admire in this story Dvorah who is ordained for a role by HaShem, or Barak who does what he has to despite a very unconventional situation?

  29. @ mrg3105:

    I have a busy sched today. You are misunderstanding what I say. I did not say that Hashem provided woman as a Hashem substitute but man often does use us. Leans way too hard on us. Expectations way too high. Uses us like a g-d. Then gets critical. The man could be anyone – a boss a neighbour. Get off your high horse. No wonder Messiah hasn’t arrived yet.

    A good example is Yamit on another post. Criticizing Geller – like he always does – criticizes women – especially if their Jewish. We are not talking about constructive criticism either.

    I strongly disagree with this separation of men and women – except for services – as men are distracting. I don’t feel comfortable dancing with women only. Gives me heeby jeebies. What are you trying to do? Turn us all into lesbians?

    I like normal relationships.

  30. @ Dove, I have plenty ‘ha ha’ when APPROPRIATE

    Lilitx is not ‘made up’

    As for why Judith was made up, no idea; other Hellenised Jews made up the NT, so it seemed to be part of the ‘culture’

    Everything HaShem wanted us to know is already in the Torah
    I don’t have an eidetic memory, and have not learned every Midrash or even all of the Talmuds, but I think I would have noticed a concept of a woman being used as a ‘substitute’ for HaShem by a man. I think you refer to more an abnormal mental state in a relationship than anything to do with HaShem.

  31. @ mrg3105:

    I see you have no haha. Some of that response was just me and HB bantering back and forth.

    One example. Like duh? Of course I know that Lilith and some others were made up. Why were they made up? That is an answer that man is still not ready to face.

    If you know what you are talking about, feel free to share

    condescending remark. I wouldn’t make the statement if I didn’t know what I was talking about. No, I don’t care to expand on it. I will just redirect you back to Hashem. Ask Hashem for an explanation.

    I have a very busy day ahead. No time for your nonsense.

  32. dove Said:

    @ mrg3105:
    What does this sound like?
    Are you going to ask HaShem to reconsider how many female prophetesses there were, and make up the numbers so there is geneder equality?
    You are so pompous. This is not about gender equality. That is not where I come from.
    I smile. I smile listening to the hypocrites….spending endless hours in fruitless prayer thanking Hashem for not making them a woman.

    What is it about when you explicitly emphasise women from TaNaKh?
    Do you know about not ‘singling out’?
    Did you know that neither Miriam, Dvorah or Esther were *Jewish*?
    And bringing Lilitx in? Jael was a Kanite, and ‘Judith’ is a fictional character, likely invented by a Hellenised Jew.
    I doubt very much Ruth would want to be mentioned in THIS company!

    Pompus, shmompus…

    I smile. I smile listening to the hypocrites….spending endless hours in fruitless prayer thanking Hashem for not making them a woman.

    And I smile because you don’t know what I say, and how long I spend saying it

    So, you are an American too eh? If you are either Jewish or American – since you don’t live in Israel either…then YOU are an American!!

    I have an Australian citizenship. That does not make me an Australian.

    One is no less Jewish for not living in EY.

    If you go to a “shul”, you had better learn something there one way or another. I wonder what you mean by “old school” rabbi.

    their ‘Hashem substitute’

    If you know what you are talking about, feel free to share

  33. @ mar55: I guess Obama did not enter the contest otherwise he might of beat out Hillary for the best liar 1st place award.

  34. @ mrg3105:

    Now you have something to ask your rabbi

    I actually don’t need a rabbi. I rarely ask a rabbi questions. Not too happy with my rabbi anyway. He is being replaced. Too old school.

    I may be a member of an orthodox shul but we don’t fit the ‘norm’. Some people (myself included) drive to shul on Shabbat. We don’t all live within walking distance. Walking a long distance in sub zero temperatures is not good for the health. Most will just stay home instead. That way they are still keeping Shabbat and not being accused of driving on Shabbat.

    I am not a woman that even the most observant Jewish man would want to tangle with. I refuse to mother or smother men. I do not allow them to use me as their ‘Hashem substitute’ since most men I know will try to do anything other than face Hashem themselves. I send them back to Hashem. Hashem created them. Hashem can fix them. I don’t have the time or patience for it.

  35. @ mrg3105:

    So, you are an American too eh? If you are either Jewish or American – since you don’t live in Israel either…then YOU are an American!!

  36. @ mrg3105:

    What does this sound like?
    Are you going to ask HaShem to reconsider how many female prophetesses there were, and make up the numbers so there is geneder equality?

    You are so pompous. This is not about gender equality. That is not where I come from.

    I smile. I smile listening to the hypocrites….spending endless hours in fruitless prayer thanking Hashem for not making them a woman.

  37. @ mrg3105:

    Your totally missing the boat. This is not about gender equality. Get that out of your head. That is not where I come from.

    You do display a rather pompous male attitude. I am glad I am not in mans shoes. I rather be in my own. There are so many times when man had the opportunity to get it right – and man has failed.

    You are also an American too according to how you define Jewish or American. Your not living in Israel either – so you are an American.

    There is going to come a day when the Orthodox male is going to regret spending years thanking Hashem for not making them a woman. What a pompous prayer!

    If the Orthodox male thinks that it is so bad being a woman – but yet they also believe they are in control of women then why don’t they just do more to make womens life better instead of thanking Hashem for not being a woman??

    Quite frankly, I thank Hashem and man for making me a woman. But I don’t spend endless hours in fruitless prayer about it. Action speaks louder than words.

    The men in my life I do not mother or smother or allow them to lean on me too hard – I send them back to Hashem. Man has a tendancy of avoiding Hashem and using the women in their life as Hashem substitutes with unrealistic expectations.

  38. dove Said:

    @ mrg3105:
    Male pride is not foreign to Jewish culture – AT ALL. You threw in the feminist crap.
    I am not going to get into this debate with you on the internet.
    I know I am right so I don’t have a need to debate it with you.

    Don’t underestimate the role of woman. Esther, Miriam, Ruth – those names ring a bell? Expect more women like them to surface again.

    What does this sound like?
    Are you going to ask HaShem to reconsider how many female prophetesses there were, and make up the numbers so there is geneder equality?

    I don’t need a debate. Facts are facts. Division of who’s who in Torah may be something some people engage in, but not Torah. Gender had a role to play, but not in the least of the sort being promoted in the modern Western societies.

    There is geneder separation, in every way, because that is how HaShem intended. Not democratic?

    What do you know about these women?
    What do you know about Esther?
    You learned what HaZa’L had to say to her?

    If you can still find it, get Esther’s Plea by Nachman Cohen 1-877650-01-3 1999

    And Miryam came before Ruth, and if it wasn’t for Ruth, David could not have killed Goliath. Now you have something to ask your rabbi 🙂

  39. @ mrg3105:

    Male pride is not foreign to Jewish culture – AT ALL. You threw in the feminist crap.

    I am not going to get into this debate with you on the internet.

    I know I am right so I don’t have a need to debate it with you.

  40. dove Said:

    @ mrg3105:
    @ mrg3105:

    You can be an American or Jewish, not both

    What does this response have to do with my comment?
    @ mrg3105: I know there is still this male pride ego thing – prevents from ‘crying out’.

    The whole ‘male pride’, feminism, etc. is foreign to Jewish culture. It is what makes you an American, and it doesn’t matter if you are from Nova Scotia or Patagonia.

    Don’t underestimate the role of woman. Esther, Miriam, Ruth – those names ring a bell? Expect more women like them to surface again.
    You can be an American or Jewish, not both

    Firstly, the females in TaNaKh had a role given to them by HaShem; there was no ’empowerment’ involved. Start with Sarah imanu if you wish, and don’t forget Tamar, who wasn’t Jewish.

    That’s quite an insult to these guys

    I have never been an American but I certainly would not insult many wonderful Jewish Americans – I can sift throught the good and bad and not paint everyone with the same brush.

    If they are Jewish Americans, they are already a little less Jewish. Every culture we immerse in during galut makes geula a little harder. Its the need for the longer route to EY Moshe had to take.
    I’m a Jew with an Australian citizenship because the law of the land (per Torah law) requires me to have one. I am not a Jewish Australian.

    The problematic nature of this is that the general ‘illness’ of the Arab society is causing the individuals (the ‘symptoms’) within it to be aggressive towards Israel. People often quote that there are over a billion Muslims in the World, yet the number that would assault Israel has been but a very small percentage of this, and even when they did, the assault was largely ineffective because individuals involved were not really committed to the violence against EY or AY as a group (e.g. 1973).

    Your starting to sound like Justin Trudeau. You go ahead and focus on the Muzzies who in your opinion would not slit our throats since it is only a small percentage of 1 or 2 billion that would. What a dumb statement. The so called small percentage of Germans that were willing to kill the Jews certainly were able to put a large dent in our population wouldn’t you say??

    I’m saying – focus on the problem, and the problem is not Islamic World, but very specific segments of a very specific, small slice of that World.

    EY political leaders are not solving problems in a rational way using sustainable and permanent solutions.

  41. honeybee Said:

    mrg3105 Said:
    Everything is big in Texas, including assholes
    Something we has in common with Australia.

    Thats the best you can do?
    Weak, very weak