Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,903 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7903 Comments

  1. dweller Said:

    “The meaningless, baseless and totally unsupported drivel of a purveyor of fairy tales.”

    Four malodorous cow patties in one brief sentence (very efficient) and none of them any more ‘supported’ than the remarks they decry.

    You might argue with meaningless but you have certainly provided no basis or support for the fairy tales you purveyed.
    dweller Said:

    I cited common sense, and you ignored the remark (when you weren’t belittling it) — as if the very IDEA of the faculty were itself a fairy tale, and the remark an evasion. … common sense, a capacity accessible to all persons, irrespective of education or training.

    LOL, you cannot cite a capacity as an argument,as support or as a basis for your conclusions. That would be like citing your brain, or your ability to reason, or ability to observe phenomenon. That is like saying I cite my brain for the statement that dweller is a lunatic. Perhaps you should just say that your god told you so, or gave you a vision, or you had an epiphany. common sense does not indicate the absence of sound reasoning. what are the reasons for your “common sense” conclusions? common sense conclusions tend to be reasonable. and understood by most, Hence the word common. I think you use it because you have no basis for your statements and it is simply another of your escape routes, like obfuscation, tangents, etc.

  2. @ bernard ross:

    “So why should HB provide evidence when you dont?”

    “When I make a direct accusation of a specific act of moral turpitude, I do offer evidence. She made an accusation in re a specific act [for dweller’s behaving as a ‘snitch’] — and did not offer evidence.

    There is no comparison between that and saying, as I did, that ‘pity’ is a bogus cover for hate. There’s an observation of human nature there, but no accusation of a specific ACT. Apples & Oranges.”

    “rubbish, both claim to be assertions of fact.”

    “What’s that got to do with the price of onions? Only ONE of them leaves the assertor liable to slander for not proving his case. For the other, you can take it or leave it.”

    “…slander is not the issue. “

    “Right. The issue is the OBLIGATION — or lack of same — to offer proof.

    If the assertion incorporates an assault on somebody’s reputation connected with alleged reprehensible or otherwise wrongful conduct, THEN the Accuser has placed himself under an iron-clad, unyielding obligation to prove his allegations.

    Short of such claims, however, one isn’t obliged to ‘prove’ anything. If he WANTS to, he may ELECT to do so, but there is no inherent obligation to do so as in the matter of defamation.”

    “stop twisting my words…”

    You seem to think YOU are the only one entitled to DO that. (Surprise, surprise.) I warned you that two could play the same game YOU play, but you ignored the warning. . . .

    Yet I have NOT ‘twisted’ your words. You just don’t like not being able to control the direction of discourse.


    No need to ‘stop’ lying. I never started.

    “I have not asked for ‘proof,’ as I keep telling you.”

    As you ‘keep’ telling me??? When have you EVER told me you ‘weren’t’ asking for proof?

    “I have asked for anything that can show that your psychobabble has…”

    You are disingenuous in ‘asking’ me to show anything ABOUT what you label as “psychobabble” right from the outset, as if that were a ‘given.’ Moreover, your persisting in asking it under those circumstances amounts to the old rhetorical gambit of BEGGING THE QUESTION, and constitutes the very HEIGHT of chutzpah.

    — It’s impossible to take your askings as ‘serious’ (let alone, sincere).

    “…has any basis whatsoever outside of your imagination. This can be in the form of evidence, studies, or even a logical and reasoned argument linking your conclusions with observable phenomena.”

    I cited common sense, and you ignored the remark (when you weren’t belittling it) — as if the very IDEA of the faculty were itself a fairy tale, and the remark an evasion. I can’t help it if that’s your attitude; it’s a problem, but it’s not MY problem.

    We all have all the same games inside us, and they are constantly making their appeals — whether we respond to them and play, or not. See thru your own games, and you can see thru ANYBODY’s.

    — What allows you to DO that is common sense, a capacity accessible to all persons, irrespective of education or training.

    “You ask for discussion of your [observations’] ‘substance’ but provide no ‘substance’ as a basis for discussion.”

    No. I did NOT ask for such a discussion. I said if you must discuss it, then you should do so on its own terms (that’s what “substance” means in such a context); otherwise, just leave it alone — put it on a back burner — until the picture comes clearer for you. That’s what I always do with open or unsettled questions.

    ” its a form of intellectual masturbation.”

    You speak only for yourself. I do not find it so. There’s no self-indulgence in maintaining a open mind. QTC, it takes considerable intellectual discipline to do that.

  3. @ bernard ross:

    “You are reminiscent of those priests who study hebrew,Torah, Talmud etc for the purpose of arguing with and converting jews.”

    “You’re paranoid because — like many posters on this blogsite — you’re insecure in your ‘Jewishness.’ That’s why you rely on Capt Huff’n’puf for Jewish ‘validation.’ What you have yet to realize, however, is that he cannot provide it.”

    “psychobabble and ad hominem, as usual.”

    “Not only paranoid, and Jewishly insecure — but also fully in denial (as to both) — as usual.”

    “more psychobable and ad hominem to support the prior psychobabble and ad hominem.”

    Not a syllable of either — on either occasion.

    “The meaningless, baseless and totally unsupported drivel of a purveyor of fairy tales.”

    Four malodorous cow patties in one brief sentence (very efficient) and none of them any more ‘supported’ than the remarks they decry.

  4. @ honeybee:

    I like any girl with meat on her bones but yes good life here is revenge and an in their face revenge. 🙂

    Cuddle Alert! Giant Pandas Coming to Israel

    The Chinese government has agreed to send two giant pandas to a zoo in Israel.

    The gift will be conferred on the Haifa zoo if Chinese panda experts agree that the conditions in the zoo will be appropriate for the animals, according to Haaretz, including providing the appropriate food, which is a certain kind of bamboo. The zoo must also build a special habitat for the pandas.

    A delegation from the Haifa zoo must also visit China to observe the rare animal, which is considered an endangered species.

  5. dweller Said:

    The issue is the OBLIGATION — or lack of same — to offer proof.

    stop twisting my words and lying. You deny you are a liar but engage in “marketing” my words by twisting them to a different meaning. I have not asked for “proof”, as I keep telling you. I have asked for anything that can show that your psychobabble has any basis whatsoever outside of your imagination. This can be in the form of evidence, studies, or even a logical and reasoned argument linking your conclusions with observable phenomena. You never accompany your psychobabbling conclusions with any form of support. Therefore as usual your psychobabble have no more value than the ravings of a lunatic at bellevue. You ask for discussion of your “substance” but provide no ‘substance” as a basis for discussion. its a form of intellectual masturbation.
    Bernard Ross Said:

    “… when smearing Honeybee?”
    Dweller said:
    Where’s the proof (except in your scheming mind) that I’ve ‘smeared’ her?

    calling her Twinkie is a smear. You deny smearing people which is a lie. You also regularly deny lying which is also a lie. apparently, like Paul, you deem your lies to be tools of “marketing”. Both yamit and I keep asking to provide an explanation and evidence for your regular use of the misogynist term twinkie wrt HB. Of course you avoid it.

    (this post removed from storm in teacup)

  6. dweller Said:

    “You’re paranoid because — like many posters on this blogsite — you’re insecure in your “Jewishness.” That’s why you rely on Capt Huff’n’puf for Jewish ‘validation.’ What you have yet to realize, however, is that he cannot provide it.”

    “psychobabble and ad hominem, as usual.”

    Not only paranoid, and Jewishly insecure — but also fully in denial (as to both) — as usual.

    more psychobable and ad hominem to support the prior psychobabble and ad hominem, as usual. The meaningless, baseless and totally unsupported drivel of a purveyor of fairy tales.
    (this post removed from storm over teacup)

  7. @ yamit82:
    Living in Israel is to be alive. To be happy and well. Thank you. To live without reservations.
    Love the thought. I’m considering it. Have to wait a bit.

  8. @ honeybee:
    There is a family connection to the Bardem actor. I do not remember exactly how but, some family by marry explained it to me and I can’t remember or understand all the connections. As an actor he surely was considered the black sheep of the family. She made some comments about it. In Spain they believe in all the crap about lineage and who should marry or not marry whom and I can’t understand un comino (a cumin seed) neither do I care. There are only two decent people in all that rigamarole. I speak only to two. The rest they could go and fly a kite.
    What they do not realize is that the higher they put their noses the sooner the shit will fall on their faces.
    My father had to put up with the “Don’t go dancing with these girls. They are not our class” Dad will say how they are not my class. They are better than I am. They are so innocent and I’m a rascal. Like you I’m a chip of the old block. Only older. I never conform to norms. There are exceptions. As I got older, I learned that there are other ways to defeat the enemy and bring chaos to an institution. Had I been a Patron as I used to be from the Met at the time. Peter Gelb would have a very good chance of being fired. If I get into a meeting. After lobbying with friends and the people I know to be effective. You go armed with facts. Then open your mouth and have them see your point of view. Most of the time I’ve gotten them to see things my way. Not all the time. It only depends how you present it. That is life. Sometimes you win and others you loose.
    Gelb would remember the mother who gave birth to him if I ever get hold of him. The bastard changed everything he could at the Met. He has bankrupted the institution. Two years after he became general manager I left for good. As usual he has filled the place with rats like him. Coward!
    Same goal. Different tactics.

  9. Abeja, You should not sell. Wait until you have enough paintings for a one woman show. You need someone to promote you. Do not let family or friends influence you. G-d gave you the talent. You must use what the Almighty gave you.
    If your paintings hit the market and some critics like it. You will be set for life. Make some inquires. You do not have anything to loose and a lot to gain. Think about it. I’ll ask around here. Although the market might be better over there or maybe not. You can’t be a Prophet in your own land.

  10. @ yamit82:
    A sweet story as HB said. Once, going to the supermarket we heard a the car. We took it to a gas station. They put the car on the lift and could not find a cat. My husband has his ears very attuned to a cat’s sound. His mother always had cats. We went on the road and still he heard a cat. I could not hear a thing. We stopped at the supermarket and N went to look for the cat. He found a kitten under the front right fender. He said: I knew it was a cat here. He went looking for food for the kitten and I cuddle it under my coat. It was very cold.
    We fed the kitten and back home we stopped by the same station and showed them the kitten. By then I had an asthma attack because I keep forgetting I’m allergic to cats. The gas station owner said he needed a cat, took him and called him:
    FENDER BENDER. Had a cat as a child and no allergies then.

  11. @ honeybee:
    No, I did not see the movie but I saw them for almost two years at the Prado. Weekly trips. Try to find in the internet the painting of the Cardinal. You will see why he was angry and did not want the portrait Velazquez painted. Ha,ha, ha,

  12. mar55 Said:

    “Goya’s black paintings” Las Pinturas negras de Goya.

    Those are Masterpieces !!!! Did ypu see the movie ” Goya’s Muse” with beautiful Natalie Portman?

  13. @ honeybee:
    Good, thanks to yamit82 now we can chat here.
    How are your paintings coming alone? Have you had a show yet?
    If you could find a sponsor to exhibit your paintings. The only problem is that sometimes sponsors try to influence the painter for their commercial value. Do not listen. A work of art is part of the painter’s soul.
    Paint what you want and in the way you want. Preaching to the choir. An independent spirit like you cannot paint any other way. You are a very honest person. Part of your personality, part of yourself goes into your work.
    I never go by what the critics say. For example, some of the old masters I like, some I do not like. Many of the so called modern painters that New Yorkers are raving about are nothing
    but paint thrown at the canvas by a monkey. I’m a contrarian
    when investing and my own person when admiring a painter’s work. As a young person living in Madrid 1960-1961 every Tuesday afternoon I visited the Prado Museum. Students day. For 1 duro = 5 pesetas. I could spend an entire afternoon in the Prado’s galleries. Some of these paintings show a great difference from the early years of the painter and the later years. I have come to the conclusion that some of these painters might have suffered of macula degeneration or some other degenerative eye disease. Take Goya for example. His most powerful paintings are the ones from the Napoleonic war or what is called “Goya’s black paintings” Las Pinturas negras de Goya. I never got tired of visiting this part of the museum. They can drain me emotionally.
    Then for example Degas. Same thing happens. His early paintings when looking at them you can almost touch the lace on the garments worn by his subjects. Looking at his later years the contrast is incredible. More so when you look at them in an exhibition in chronological order.
    I love Giusseppi de Ribera. El espanoleto who was studying in Naples at the time of Caravagio. He is a realist in the most classical way and there is a similitude with Caravaggio.
    Velazques painting “Los borracchos” every face in that painting shows the personality of the people around the table. So vivid. Then there is the Cardinal who Velazques portrait so vividly. Shows the eyes and countenance of a real SOBB. Evil in all its force. The Cardinal was furious when he saw the portrait but…painters always paint what they see.
    Some of the modern painters I also admired but If I had a Picasso in my dining room and had to see him every time I sit down to a meal I would have indigestion. I like beauty in all its forms. Soy una cucaracha de Museos. The Metropolitan Museum have a great collection in Egyptology. Third greatest.
    First in Cairo, second in London and third in NY. I do not like New York except for its museums (more than 150) and some of the institutions for the arts such as the NY Philharmonic.
    I stopped donating to any of these liberal AH’s. Not even for the children programs that they can corrupt their minds with their liberal POW. Not with my money.
    After my arteries were fixed I can walk again. I’m waiting for you to come to New York. I even know of great small museums which not many people know. The big ones first. The Museum of Modern Art is lovely but… The Guggenheim Museum of Art has excellent exhibits and the architecture is beautiful. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
    I love museums specially going with someone who can appreciate what she is looking at.
    Mos of the time I got stuck with my kids. Men do not have patient for museums. Well, only some men.

  14. @ yamit82:

    Sweet story. We used baby bottles borrowed from our neighbor and a heat lamp borrowed from another neighbor and I made the formula. when they were strong back they went to the herd.

  15. honeybee Said:

    @ mar55:

    The mother goat died a few weeks later. She was ill when the twins were born. They were so white and cute

    mar55 Said:

    @ honeybee:
    Thank G-d TX was there. Just the thought of a baby being abandoned by the mother upsets me. You and your husband are very good and responsible people. It probably a daily occurrence in the life of a rancher. Can you tell us more stories about cattle ranching? For you it is a daily reality. For us who are not in contact with the people from the land who produce our food it is fascinating. You are realists and

    About 13 years ago I rescued a newborn kitten who had been crying for two day by a neighbors home . Couldn’t stand the crying so I looked for and found him under my neighbors car. He was so small he fit in the palm of my hand, He was covered from head to paw in paint. I cleaned him up the best i could bought some baby formula and an eyedropper and fed him by hand for a week till he got stronger. I had two dogs then and the female adopted him and let the cat nurse from her. She was as protective of the kitten as she would have if he was her own pup… My dog practically raise the cat for over 6 months and they were good friends ever since.

    Beautiful to watch them together. The cat would jump on the dogs back when she was sleeping hold on like a bear hug and fall asleep on the dog…..

  16. yamit82 says:

    December 2, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    @ honeybee:

    Sorry I forget automatic ice makers but mine has Icecube trays. I bought a simple fridge which meets my needs fine.

  17. @ bernard ross:

    “you must provide the basis, support or reasoning upon which you base your assertions.”

    Now you’re just repeating yourself, apparently expecting a different answer. Yet I gave you a perfectly satisfactory one, repeated here:

    “Must” provide? Why, no indeed — not necessary.

    Every reader was BORN with all the requisite tools to see the sense of what I’ve written above [re the phoniness of ‘pitying’ somebody to ‘outflank’ the guilt of hating them; post #2, this pg]. The “basis” is simple common sense, a commodity so-designated because it is NOT dependent on specialized learning or other narrow endeavor.

    However, common sense is evidently in short supply, alas, w/ PresentCompany. Drained clean away, it seems. But then, maliciousness will do that; eats holes in your bucket. Just as virtue is its own reward, so is viciousness ITS own reward:

    — renders you hopelessly (though deservedly) stupid.

    “Surely there must be a shred of an argument, reasoning, evidence, study, anything that can support your isolated ungrounded assertions?”

    Common sense produced them. Common sense supports them. TIOLI.

    “You’ve NEVER been able to show a single instance of you being right about someone’s emotional and psychological makeup (including your own).”

    Perhaps I should start charging royalties for your repeating my words (all but two words, which you altered). Again, though, I covered this already. No reason to give you a different answer from the original, which was right on the money:

    I’m certainly glad you like my words enough to COPY them in this repetitive little ploy of yours for reversing the Burden of Proof by replacing key words — yet the Burden still remains with you, notwithstanding the tired & tiresome gambit.

    The only thing that would legitimately place the Burden on me would be for me to accuse somebody of an act involving moral turpitude (which I haven’t done)

    — you know, the way YOU accused Curious American of ‘antisemitism’ (& without EVER meeting the Burden of Proof).

    Of course, you know better than to try twisting & manipulating my words with cheap, hokey, doctoring jobs — such as the one you have pulled here once again — to alter their meaning.

    The abiding REALITY of the matter remains , nonetheless, that you’ve NEVER been able to show a single instance of MY being wrong about someone’s emotional and psychological makeup (including your own emotional & psychological makeup, B.ROSS).

    No way that you can get around that, apart from successfully refuting one of those actual instances.

    “Still waiting for that moment when you might be right. when that occurs we can all celebrate”

    “Waiting” for it? — “Celebrate”? — you ‘wait’ for it the way a condemned man ‘waits’ for the noose & the scaffold. You’re terrified that I might be right. ‘Celebrate’??? — Get real.

    The Burden remains with YOU to show as much as a single instance where I’ve been ‘wrong.’

    “If his projections were valid he could offer results of those surveys…”

    Told you, I don’t project. Don’ t need to.

    And I have no idea what ‘surveys’ he’s talking about

    — since you obviously lifted his remarks out of context.

    “That’s his MO. Always shooting from the hip”

    “Shooting from the hip” doesn’t keep me from hitting the target with greater reliability than when he takes dead aim. . . .

  18. @ bernard ross:

    “In other words your conclusions arose from your mind alone.”

    THRU my mind; not ‘from’ it.

    Common sense conclusions always come from the Same Place. If you had a shred of common sense, you’d have no trouble seeing the sense of them.

    “I see no common sense in your opinions or conclusions.”

    Well, of course not. You’d have to HAVE common sense yourself to SEE the common sense in what I’ve said.

    The EVIDENCE that you don’t is that the first thing out of your mouth (after routinely calling my remarks ‘psychobabble’) is a demand for controlled studies to prove my words. If you were sincere, you would address those assertions on their own terms; instead you studiously avoid that. You’re transparently disingenuous and anything BUT sincere.

    “As it stands any lunatic in an asylum can make similar statements and no one would be concerned about proving him wrong.”

    That’s too easy (and too lame). I defy you to show me a nut-house loony who makes statements like mine. Show me the statements.

    “If you wish to pretend that your fairy tales are facts…”

    Your very WORDS betray the fact that you clearly have no idea what fairy tales are about.

    “…give even a shred of a basis, or reasons which lead you to your conclusions.”

    Gave you that, but common sense has no place in your life. Can’t help that.

    “The only thing that would legitimately place the Burden of Proof on me would be for me to accuse somebody of an act involving moral turpitude (which I haven’t done)

    — you know, the way YOU accused Curious American of ‘antisemitism’ (& without EVER meeting the Burden of Proof).”

    “you are disingenuously selective…any time I gave my opinion that CA was exhibiting anti semitic behavior I gave the examples and the reasoning behind my conclusions.”

    QTC, it is YOURSELF who is disingenuously selective.

    The only evidence you gave of his purported ‘antisemitism’ was his proclivity toward the “both sides, “on-the-other-hand” paradigm (which could well be a regular pattern w/ him over all sorts of things) and which proclivity you observed on this site — a Jewish, pro-Israel site. Yet that’s about as selective a universe as one can DRAW from in such a matter.

    You gave NO evidence of the pattern — or absence of it — as seen in his postings on any other site (let alone, an anti-Zionist site, or even an altogether non-political one).

    “You always disputed my basis and reasoning and arrived at a different conclusions.”

    The only ‘conclusion’ I arrived at was that as the Accuser, PresentCompany had the Burden of Proof but had failed to meet the Burden. The only REASONABLE conclusion was that you’d offered purely circumstantial evidence and had not made your case, displaying instead only your obvious & embarrassing prejudice.

    “However, you had reasoning and a basis to dispute and discuss.”

    Nonsense. All there was to ‘dispute & discuss’ was transparent bigotry hopelessly masquerading as ‘reasoning.’ And I told you so.

    What’s more, you tried like hell to invert the Presumption & the Burden there too, coming up w/ the silliest imaginable cock-&-bull justifications for it.

  19. @ bernard ross:

    “My words speak for themselves — just as your hopelessly lame & strenuous huffings & puffings at marginalizing me speak for THEMSELVES. . . .”

    “Exactly, and it is only your word for what its worth.”

    No, NOT only my word.

    My word and your common sense. If, however, you lack that faculty (or you don’t trust it), I can’t help that. As I said, TIOLI.

    “Nothing to dispute, no substance there!”

    “Anybody can stab at explaining away what he dare not address by claiming it has ‘no’ substance to address. But you can’t SUCCESSFULLY even make that assertion unless — and UNTIL — you’ve first made a denial of what’s been said

    — a denial which remains curiously, systematically (indeed, conspicuously) ABSENT from your remarks in these matters.”

    “i asked you to point out that ‘substance’ in your post so that there might be a basis or reason of discussion…”

    The substance is in the words themselves. You either see it or you don’t. It’s not complicated; doesn’t require ‘interpretation’ — only an open mind.

    “Every reader was BORN with all the requisite tools to see the sense of what I’ve written above. The ‘basis’ is simple common sense, a commodity so-designated because it is NOT dependent on specialized learning or other narrow endeavor.

    However, common sense is evidently in short supply, alas, w/ PresentCompany. Drained clean away, it seems. But then, maliciousness will do that; eats holes in your bucket. Just as virtue is its own reward, so is viciousness ITS own reward:

    — renders you hopelessly (though deservedly) stupid.”

    “In other words: there is no basis in science or psychology for your conclusions…

    No. “In other words”: there is NO SCIENCE in what’s called ‘psychology.’

    “… your conclusions have no basis in any studies.”

    You’ll NEVER come to the truth thru ‘study.’

    — It’s found elsewhere.

  20. dweller Said:

    My words speak for themselves —

    Exactly, and it is only your word for what its worth.
    dweller Said:

    Anybody can stab at explaining away what he dare not address by claiming it has ‘no’ substance to address.

    i asked you to point out that “substance” in your post so that there might be a basis or reason of discussion but your psychobabble comments tend to be devoid of any reasoning, basis or support.
    dweller Said:

    Every reader was BORN with all the requisite tools to see the sense of what I’ve written above. The “basis” is simple common sense,

    In other words: there is no basis in science or psychology for your conclusions; your conclusions have no basis in any studies. Your conclusions represent YOUR “common sense” perspective but there is no 3rd party validation or support for your conclusions. In other words your conclusions arose from your mind alone. I see no common sense in your opinions or conclusions which is why I ask for any reasoning, basis or support for your conclusions. As it stands any lunatic in an asylum can make similar statements and no one would be concerned about proving him wrong. If you wish to pretend that your fairy tales are facts then give even a shred of a basis, or reasons which lead you to your conclusions.
    dweller Said:

    — you know, the way YOU accused Curious American of ‘antisemitism’ (& without EVER meeting the Burden of Proof).

    you are disingenuously selective, probably a form of “marketing”. any time I gave my opinion that CA was exhibiting anti semitic behavior I gave the examples and the reasoning behind my conclusions. Often he demonstrated double standards which are often a hallmark of anti semitism. You always disputed my basis and reasoning and arrived at a different conclusions. However, you had reasoning and a basis to dispute and discuss. If I were simply to state as fact that he were an anti semite and give no reasoning, support or basis for my conclusions then I would be doing the equivalent of your psychobabble: making statements on peoples emotional and psychological makeup with no basis or reasoning to support my statement. I never asked you to unequivocally prove your psychobabble to the standard of a scientific proof. I merely asked you as follows:
    bernard ross Said:

    if you wish to take your psychobabble fairy tales and assert them as facts then you must provide the basis, support or reasoning upon which you base your assertions. Any fool can make assertions…..supporting them is the difficulty

    Surely there must be a shred of an argument, reasoning, evidence, study, anything that can support your isolated ungrounded assertions?
    If not then the conclusion remains as always:
    bernard ross Said:

    You’ve NEVER been able to show a single instance of you being right about someone’s emotional and psychological makeup (including your own).

    followed by:
    bernard ross Said:

    Still waiting for that moment when you might be right. 🙂

    when that occurs we can all celebrate 😛
    in the meantime ponder this helpful observation:
    yamit82 Said:

    ….if his projections were valid he could offer results of those surveys to substantiate and validate his fallacious claims.
    That’s his MO. Always shooting from the hip a plethora of BS unsupported by any real data and just his usually sick opinionated Projections representing nothing but his own warped fantasies…….

    still waiting 🙂

  21. @ bernard ross:

    “Twisted by knaves, to make a trap for fools. . . .”

    “You’ve NEVER been able to show a single instance of you being right about someone’s emotional and psychological makeup (including your own).”

    My words speak for themselves — just as your hopelessly lame & strenuous huffings & puffings at marginalizing me speak for THEMSELVES. . . .

    But I’m certainly glad you like my words enough to COPY them in this repetitive little ploy of yours for reversing the Burden of Proof by replacing key words — yet the Burden still remains with you, notwithstanding the tired & tiresome gambit.

    The only thing that would legitimately place the Burden on me would be for me to accuse somebody of an act involving moral turpitude (which I haven’t done)

    you know, the way YOU accused Curious American of ‘antisemitism’ (& without EVER meeting the Burden of Proof).

    Of course, you know better than to try twisting & manipulating my words with cheap, hokey, doctoring jobs — such as the one you have pulled here once again — to alter their meaning.

    The abiding REALITY of the matter remains , nonetheless, that you’ve NEVER been able to show a single instance of MY being wrong about someone’s emotional and psychological makeup (including your own emotional & psychological makeup, B.ROSS).

    No way that you can get around that, apart from successfully refuting one of those actual instances.

    “You appear to have a learning disability.”

    None of my professors seemed to think so (but then, what would they know?). You, OTOH, appear to be afflicted with a case of Dunning–Kruger effect. I’d suggest that Yamit explain it for you, but he seems to be blithely clueless to its pattern & implications for himself — to say nothing of its implications for YOU.

    “Still waiting for that moment when you might be right.”

    “Waiting” for it? — you ‘wait’ for it the way a condemned man ‘waits’ for the noose & the scaffold. You’re terrified that I might be right.

  22. @ bernard ross:

    “I suppose you were miffed that the naughty boys never ‘shared stories’ with you…”

    “…‘Miffed’? — Nah. They tried sharing them with me — one time. After I broke their noses for them, however, they thought better of the idea, and subsequently sought (apparently) more ‘congenial’ company for their favorite pastime.”

    “another attempt at putting your fantasies into print.”

    “Not a word of fantasy, Twerpy Twit. What I wrote there was a direct reply to a remark from Yamit. Absent his remark, there’d have been no occasion for making mine. TIOLI, IDGAFF.

    “We have your word for that, for what its worth.”

    My word must BE worthwhile to you, or you wouldn’t have “supposed” [above] that I was “miffed” that the (otherwise presumably ‘nonexistent’) naughty boys who wound up with deviated septums wouldn’t “share” w/ me their crude assaults on innocent reputations.

    “And whenever I publish fairy tales, I do so only under my own name — never under a web handle.”

    I “guess it is still unpublished…”

    Not at all. If it’s online, it’s published. It’s no fairy tale. (But then, how would YOU know anyway?) Any fairy tale of mine is introduced as such and always gets my byline to go with it. No exceptions. Long-standing policy.

    “Pitying somebody — feeling sorry for them — is just an attempt to get ‘above’ the guilt you experience for your HATRED of them in the first place. You’re trying to do an end-run around your conscience.

    — But there will ALWAYS be a flag on that play. The Ref is never fooled, Yamit.

    The only real way to get past the guilt of hatred is to give up the hatred. Anything else is bogus, phoney.”

    “more of that psychobabble”

    “NOTICE how he offers NO refutation. NO challenge. NO dispute based on the substance.

    He doesn’t say, ‘What you’ve asserted is wrong, and here’s why …’

    Rather, just the standard, mindless, empty, generic, routine — and by now, crashingly boring — charge of ‘psychobabble.’

    And why? — because he has NOTHING to counter it.

    And knows it.”

    “Nothing to dispute, no substance there!”

    Anybody can stab at explaining away what he dare not address by claiming it has ‘no’ substance to address.

    But you can’t SUCCESSFULLY even make that assertion unless — and UNTIL — you’ve first made a denial of what’s been said

    — a denial which remains curiously, systematically — indeed, conspicuously — ABSENT from your remarks in these matters. I wonder why. . . .

    “you must provide the basis, support or reasoning upon which you base your assertions.”

    “Must” provide? Why, no indeed — not necessary.

    Every reader was BORN with all the requisite tools to see the sense of what I’ve written above. The “basis” is simple common sense, a commodity so-designated because it is NOT dependent on specialized learning or other narrow endeavor.

    However, common sense is evidently in short supply, alas, w/ PresentCompany. Drained clean away, it seems. But then, maliciousness will do that; eats holes in your bucket. Just as virtue is its own reward, so is viciousness ITS own reward:

    — renders you hopelessly (though deservedly) stupid.

  23. yamit82 Said:

    Detective Hemlock

    Sherlock Hemlock is a Muppet spoof of Sherlock Holmes, as seen on Sesame Street. Sherlock is the self-appointed “World’s Greatest Detective,” dressed in the iconographic Holmes deerstalker cap and Inverness cape, and usually brandishing a large magnifying glass. He prides himself on his powers of observation and does succeed in deciphering small clues, but he seldom arrives at a correct, final solution without assistance.

    Is hemlock the solution?

  24. dweller Said:

    NOTICE how he offers no refutation. No challenge. No dispute based on the substance. He doesn’t say, ‘What you’ve asserted is wrong, and here’s why.’

    Rather, just the standard, mindless, empty, generic, routine — and by now, crashingly boring — charge of ‘psychobabble.’

    And why? — because he has NOTHING to counter it.

    And knows it.

    The Dunning–Kruger effect In action or “confident idiot” The trouble with ignorance is that it feels so much like expertise to those afflicted with the syndrome. I call it a form of Catch 22. The freak is crazy but because he is crazy doesn’t know he is crazy.

    There is only one known cure for this syndrome.

    Ask me and I will reveal all.

  25. dweller Said:

    Not a word of fantasy,

    We have your word for that, for what its worth. 😛
    dweller Said:

    And whenever I publish fairy tales, I do so only under my own name — never under a web handle.

    I guess it is still unpublished, a fairy tale in a trial balloon, but still a fairy tale like most of your stories.
    dweller Said:

    NOTICE how he offers no refutation. No challenge. No dispute based on the substance. He doesn’t say, ‘What you’ve asserted is wrong, and here’s why.’

    Nothing to dispute, no substance there! Perhaps you can point out the “substance” and provide a basis for that assertion?….. if you wish to take your psychobabble fairy tales and assert them as facts then you must provide the basis, support or reasoning upon which you base your assertions. Any fool can make assertions…..supporting them is the difficulty……especially in the light of your proven history here:

    You’ve NEVER been able to show a single instance of you being right about someone’s emotional and psychological makeup (including your own).

    You appear to have a learning disability and neglect to consider this timeless principle regarding your psychobabble assertions. Still waiting for that moment when you might be right. 😛

  26. @ bernard ross:

    “hear them and have a good laugh…and we sure did”

    “A ‘good’ laugh? No; a naughty laugh, a dirty laugh…Truthfully, I don’t think either one of you [you or Yamit] knows HOW to laugh. Your humor is sneering & sniggering, and utterly without mirth. Two naughty boys sneaking cigarettes in back of the schoolyard, while sharing nasty stories about the girls they’ve heard will give them anything they want.

    Yeah, I remember twits of your caliber. The only place where these lame attempts of yours don’t consistently fall flat is in the world of your over-amped and hateful imaginations.”

    “I suppose you were miffed that the naughty boys never ‘shared stories’ with you…”

    “…‘Miffed’? — Nah. They tried sharing them with me — one time. After I broke their noses for them, however, they thought better of the idea, and subsequently sought (apparently) more ‘congenial’ company for their favorite pastime.”

    “another attempt at putting your fantasies into print.”

    Not a word of fantasy, Twerpy Twit. What I wrote there was a direct reply to a remark from Yamit. Absent his remark, there’d have been no occasion for making mine . TIOLI, IDGAFF.

    “getting drunk on his own fairy tale”

    Sober as a judge.

    And whenever I publish fairy tales, I do so only under my own name — never under a web handle.

    “The brawlers & bullies invariably assumed that since I was unfailingly courteous and always well-spoken, that I must be a pushover. Whenever they’d start showing signs of harboring such assumptions, I’d warn them they were making a major mistake, but they never had the discipline to resist going after what they assumed to be the smell of blood in the water (to which they were so well accustomed).”

    “a failed novelist”

    BR’s way of saying “sour grapes.”

    “Pitying somebody — feeling sorry for them — is just an attempt to get ‘above’ the guilt you experience for your HATRED of them in the first place. You’re trying to do an end-run around your conscience.

    — But there will ALWAYS be a flag on that play. The Ref is never fooled, yamit.

    The only real way to get past the guilt of hatred is to give up the hatred. Anything else is bogus, phoney.”

    “more of that psychobabble”

    NOTICE how he offers no refutation. No challenge. No dispute based on the substance. He doesn’t say, ‘What you’ve asserted is wrong, and here’s why.’

    Rather, just the standard, mindless, empty, generic, routine — and by now, crashingly boring — charge of ‘psychobabble.’

    And why? — because he has NOTHING to counter it.

    And knows it.

  27. dweller Said:

    After I broke their noses for them, however,

    another attempt at putting your fantasies into print.
    dweller Said:

    Oh, yes. And not only in the nose. Blackened a few eyes & dislocated a couple of arms too (not those guys, but some others), as well as possibly a few other body parts I was never aware of injuring; the catalog is actually rather extensive, tho I’ve never advertised it.

    😛 😛 😛 😛
    dweller Said:

    but I was quite good at taking care of myself & my friends when I had to. (Of course I collected a few lumps, bumps & bruised knuckles of my own in the process.)

    dweller Said:

    Am not suggesting I was a habitual scrapper or even a particularly ‘violent’ person — I wasn’t — but I was quite good at taking care of myself & my friends when I had to. (Of course I collected a few lumps, bumps & bruised knuckles of my own in the process.)

    getting drunk on his own fairy tale
    dweller Said:

    The brawlers & bullies invariably assumed that since I was unfailingly courteous and always well-spoken, that I must be a pushover. Whenever they’d start showing signs of harboring such assumptions, I’d warn them they were making a major mistake, but they never had the discipline to resist going after what they assumed to be the smell of blood in the water (to which they were so well accustomed).

    a failed novelist
    dweller Said:

    Pitying somebody — feeling sorry for them — is just an attempt to get ‘above’ the guilt you experience for your HATRED of them in the first place. You’re trying to do an end-run around your conscience…..The only real way to get past the guilt of hatred is to give up the hatred. Anything else is bogus, phoney.

    oooops, more of that psychobabble