Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,903 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7903 Comments


    The persecution of the Climate struggle must not now be seen in isolation. There is another struggle in England. The Tories are out, Labour is in but NO CHANGE. The persecution by the UNIPARTY STATE is stepped up. Against EDL + CLIMATE. Both by UK’s UNIPARTY. LABOUR+TORIES united

    The EDL leader Tommy Robinson made a long and well produced video in it he proved media like Piers Morgan lie through their teeth. And the judges back the LIES NARRATIVE and plan to jail Tommy Robinson. Robinson is now a FUGITIVE FROM THE UNIPARTY. I plan to describe that video.

  2. I don’t know if this is the right place to post this. But have any of our business people who subscribe to or work for this channel noticed that the stock market seems to be crashing over th epast few days. It is very down today, Friday August 2, and this continues over the last few days. Is this the beginning of the recession that the stock market mavens have been predicting since the beginning of 2023? Or for some of them, such as Peter Schiff, for many years before that? Bear, I believe you are a businessman with many years experience and investments in the United States. What do you think?

    This is an honest, genuine question, not a rhetorical one. I really want to know what our business mavens think. I have some very small market positions and commodity holdings, chiefly gold, that could conceivably be affected by the downturn. But these are not significant for myfinancial well-being. I am mainly just interested in the world economy as an intellectual interest of mine for many years.

    Of course I am interested in how a serious economic downturn in America and worldwide willimpact israel. Any of your opinions on this question will also be welcomed. Thanks everyone, Adam.

  3. The land that God of our fathers of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob gave to Israel is far greater than the sliver we see today.

  4. Hi, Adam

    Thank you for allowing that I might have been “charitable”. As for the “LA confidential” comment, I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about — we unplugged from “popular” media eight years ago.

    Have you been following Alex Jones? I’m watching the current program — which includes a clandestine poll of illegal aliens in Georgia. Some statistics obtained real time, right before our eyes, is that 9-14% of voters in Georgia and Texas are these illegals. This is first-hand info, straight from their mouths. That’s enough voters to throw the whole election for Harris.

    Does “LA Confidential” talk about these things?

  5. @Michael S. You are being a bit of a wiseguy here. But comparing the FBI, Secret Service etc. “investigators” to the Keystone Cops is charitable. A better analogy to popular fiction might be to the corrupt police captain in “LA confidential.”

  6. @Thanks, Peloni, for your kind words. As I descend into the veil of years, I increasingly feel the need for praise from my friends. Because I can rarely think of anything nice to say to myself about myself.

  7. @Adam
    I wanted to thank you for your increased posting of late. Your posts are always informative, thoughtful, and thought provoking.

  8. Schlubbele, S.

    I forgot to include that you are also a schmekkle, with a right angle bend in it.
    Amazing when I need my Yiddish all; that I had forgotten comes right back.


    Your class and background dragging up shows how impeccably crude, vulgar and cat/pig-stink you are. ‘How did you ever get anyone to marry you-if you did- as we only have YOUR word, which as all can see, is not even worth the piece of dog dirt you mention so politely.

    Please refrain from responding, because even through the internet I feel soiled to be in contact with you.
    Change your underpants at least one a year, pleeeze ….1111

    If you wear any.- I think I can smell them …and I thought it was the smoke from a nearby fire at a garbage dump. .

    You ARE very touchy these days I speak in the abstract because In don’t think anyone would ever actually TOUCH you.

  10. Basilica Shined as ‘Technical Anomaly’ Blackout Plunged Paris Into Darkness After ‘Debauched’ Olympic Ceremony

    God gets the last laugh.

    “Many on social media linked the blackout in Paris with the controversial Olympic Opening Ceremony, which appeared to mock the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with a woke drag queen interpolation of the Biblical event.

    “Responding to the image of the Basilica shining out of the darkness on Saturday, Bishop Emeritus of Tyler Joseph Strickland commented: “The irony of an electrical power outage in Paris in the wake of the blasphemous [and] debauched opening ceremonies of the Olympics should be noted.


  11. SEB-

    O.K. Thanks. Sounds more than simple to do. Just the terms were unfamiliar.

    You didn’t tell me which words I use of which I don’t know the meanings.
    I’m interested to know the extent of my ignorance?

    Abd, for heaven’s sake what is an SBNR???

  12. @Edgar You said, “No idea what an SBNR is, never heard of it.” As to how to google a word, I said, “Just type the word in your address bar and hit enter. It will find any relevant dictionaries, all of which have been uploaded. No cost.” you can open another tab in your browser so as not to lose your place. The address bar is the space at top with the web address. Don’t get angry at me for stating the obvious because I don’t
    know what’s obvious to you.


    Yes you DO have some unusual friends-if they are really friends.

    If “Mark”, and obviously had had a doctor’s prognosis. died 2 days after arranging for his funeral he was not still ‘Very much alive”. He was in the toils of extremis, poor fellow. I can be corrected here.

    And why point up your “nobility” to blazon that out of “respect” you submit a false name. This is commonplace. Many including myself have USER names. As do Sebastien, Adam, Peloni and likely a majority of others.

    Our “bad manners” are almost certainly spurred on by the unmitigated tripe you post frequently, your pseudo-miracle “religion” etc.

    And how does Seb’s story of his means of observing Yahrzeit , remind you of such a prosaic event as your friend Mark’s was. I fail to see why it impressed you so much. Of course you’re clever and I’m not….

    I arranged my own demise needs many years ago already, and never changed them a whit. They still apply….
    And I’m not advertising it on this site. I mentioned it once some years ago merely as a point of possible interest as I was sure I was the only with such arrangements.
    No one was interested enough to comment. I didn’t mind, as many of our members are mostly concerned in earning “brownie points”.. posting “news” they got from news outlets that everyone has read and heard already, and “scratching each other’s backs” so to speak.

    T.G. That now and then, and in these perilous times, more frequently lately, some really interesting and relevant items, due to real deep digging, are posted by a few dedicated researchers. Even those opposing one another, are responding to their own deep research

    Still no matter what we know or dig up, it means zero except vicariously, since we can do nothing about it, and the experts are in charge , who know much more and make things happen

  14. SEB-
    Which words do I use that in YOUR opinion I don’t know the meaning of??
    I believe that every word I use is in it’s correct position and expressed my meaning correctly. Including secondary menings.

    And , admitting my ignorance, how do you “google” anything.??

  15. @Sebastian, sorry if I got my wires crossed. Admittedly, I don’t invest enough time to follow every story, but sometimes the nonsense I read gives me the feeling I need to respond in the off-chance that I can help someone see a little light. Your feedback is welcome.

  16. Hi, Seb

    Your “jahrzeit” news brought to mind a curious incident involving some friends of mine, one of which arranged for his own memorial service while he was very much alive. Because of the endemic bad manners by some on this site, I will respect those friends by using false identities:

    “Mark” is an old friend from long ago, who suffered from both a heart condition and the loss of speech. Through hoarse whispers and gestures, he told my musician friend, “Carl”, to play for a special gathering at a church that Saturday. Carl was to be otherwise engaged that day; but Mark was insistant. When he arrived to lead the service and play, Carl realized that none of the other invited people had any idea what the event was about, nor were any of them aware that the “guest of honor”, Mark, had died suddenly of a heart attack, just two days before. In effect, Mark had arranged his own funeral! That was a very unusual experience for all involved; but then, I have some rather unusual friends.

  17. @Edgar Do you have some sort of aversion to googling words you don’t know? The internet has made dictionaries obsolete. That’s why you can’t even give them away. Just type the word in your address bar and hit enter. It will find any relevant dictionaries, all of which have been uploaded. No cost. Is that so hard?

  18. SEB

    No idea what an SBNR is, never heard of it. I was not suggesting that you change your practice. Far from it. Not my concern. Was just pointing out a Jewish fact. It goes by the Hebrew date nwhich varies widely.
    I’m sure you know this anyway.

    Sorry about not being Korean. I tried hard but my eyes just won’t slant.

  19. @Edgar Thanks for
    the good wishes. Interesting. That’s also the traditional Korean practice. but my mother held a benefit concert to celebrate my late sister’s life on her birthday for almost 30 years so I’ll do it that way. You didn’t google SBNR, did you.

  20. SEB-

    I understand how you feel. But the Centenary date means nothing in Jewish Law. It’s the death date. Next May end PG, I hope to send you a LONG LIFE wish.

    I’ve been doing it all my life beginning after Barmitzvah with Kaddish for my beloved Eldest Brother who passed away in 1935, preceded by my baby brother just 7 weeks before. An almost shattering time then. We never really recovered from this. It overshadowed our whole life, and the family was dysfunctional for over 2 years, like zombies.
    He was 16 1/2, healthy, kind, brilliant, caught something they had no cure for until 18 months later. It was called Cerebral Meningitis. Ill one afternoon, gone the next day..

    My dear sister, passed away in March of last year aged 103, which I posted here. She was the eldest I was many years younger, but now it doesn’t seem so many after all.
    I’m the only survivor of a large very happy family.

    7 Kaddishes and Yahrzeit lights to switch on every year as long as I live, not that I don’t think of them every day, which I do. I loved them all.

    I now use a small night light plugged in, which has a Magen David on the plastic cover.

  21. “I can vouch for there being a type of Zionist who doesn’t care what kind of society our “state” will have; I’m that person. If I were to know that the only way to a state was via socialism, or even that this would hasten it by a generation, I’d welcome it. More than that: give me a religiously Orthodox state in which I would be forced to eat gefilte fish all day long (but only if there were no other way) and I’ll take it.” ??

    “Warrior of Zion
    A review of Jabotinsky: A Life, by Hillel Halkin.”

    by Jeremy Rozansky

  22. Today is the centennial anniversary of the birth of my mother who passed away last year at the end of May. I got a battery operated Yahrtzeit candle and said Kaddish with a kippah on though I wasn’t brought up that way and I would still describe myself as SBNR (the latest term for it.) except in a political context and then I bloc with the Israeli religious Zionist movement.

  23. Former US Ambassador to Israel Martin_Indyk has passed away at the age of 73.

    I won’t speak ill of the dead and he is dead, so…

  24. Iran has supplied Hezbollah with bombs capable of emitting an electromagnetic pulse that can paralyze Israeli communication systems and radar, according to a report Thursday in the Kuwaiti Al-Jareeda.

    The paper said that the Lebanese terror group and its allied factions plan to launch an offensive against Israel in the Golan Heights and Galilee in retaliation to a potential Israeli ground operation in southern Lebanon.

    My comment: Disinformation? They’re getting their news from Arabs now? Lying is a central feature of Muslim and Arab culture. Mordechai Kedar has explained this at great length.

    “Mordechai Kedar contends that Israel needs to get tough with its media enemies. He said that Israel already keeps out reporters for Hezbollah, Iran, and Hamas, and must take a tougher stance on Al-Jazeera, by forcing them, for example, to solicit an official Israeli reaction to every story they publish.”

  25. TED-
    My response to Seb regarding a discussion on Zeitlin has disappeared.
    If you can find it I’d be obliged.

  26. The United States Congress endorsed the British Mandate for Palestine in June 1922 with the Lodge–Fish Resolution, a joint resolution introduced by Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts and Republican Representative Hamilton Fish III of New York. The resolution, which became effective on September 21, 1922, favored the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine.

  27. I have been wanting to write something about the draft military age haredim, which has become such a hot button issue iin Israel. T

    The IDF is complying, or seeming to comply with the Supreme Court’s order to draft haredim, but not in the way that High Court and its acolytes wanted or expected. It has issued summons for physicals only to those haredim whom it knows are likely to enlist anyway, and whom it knows have the necessary skills, education and motivation to render good service to the IDF. The overwhelming majority of haredi yeshiva students have not been called up. That is because the IDF is aware that 90 percent of haredi yeshiva bokers of military age are both physically andecucationally unfit to serve in the IDF. They are nearly all legally blind or close to it because of the way that they are required to pray and study by their yeshivas. Also, they are too fat to serve in those yeshivas that provide them with adundant food, and extremely thin and scrawney from those yeshivas that cannot give them much food. Presumably because their donors have provided these yeshivas with enough money to feet them. This while it is true that there are 60,000 haredim of military age who could theoretically be called up, the IDF knows that would be a useless exercise. So thet IDF is only calling up those haredim that it knows have the necessary skills and education to serve competently as soldiers. These “qualified” haredi recruits or potential recruits either have experience holding down real jobs in the real world, or they are graduates of technical institutes where they learned some useful, marketable skills. Everything from website design to auto mechanics. The IDF has so far called up 1,000 of these “useful” haredim, and it has announced its intention to to call up 2,000 more this year and 3,000 in 2025. This is remarkably close to the total number of “capable” haredim who have been volunteering for service and reuesting physicals for the past 3-5 years. About three thousand a year. In this way the IDF has sillfully manipulated the Supreme Court order to enlist only those haredim who are physicaly and mentally fit to serve ,

  28. Democracy in action:

    United States Senate election in New York, 2024

    Democratic primary election
    The Democratic primary election was canceled. Incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate New York.

    Withdrawn or disqualified candidates
    William Schweitzer (D)
    Tyrrell Lev Sharif Ben-Avi (D)
    Khaled Salem (D)
    Reece Wright-McDonald (D)
    Daniel Foti (D)
    Republican primary election

    The Republican primary election was canceled. Mike Sapraicone advanced from the Republican primary for U.S. Senate New York.

    Withdrawn or disqualified candidates
    Calvin Driggers (R)
    Jeffrey Rozler (R)
    Joshua Eisen (R)
    David Bellon (R)
    Cara Castronuova (R)
    Conservative Party primary election

    The Conservative Party primary election was canceled. Mike Sapraicone advanced from the Conservative Party primary for U.S. Senate New York.

    Working Families Party primary election
    The Working Families Party primary election was canceled. Incumbent Kirsten Gillibrand advanced from the Working Families Party primary for U.S. Senate New York.,_2024

    And there are three independents, two of whom represent fringe partiess I haven’t seen before and probably won’t again, none of whom have any political experience, The Republican candidate doesn’t either.

  29. Nikki Haley Voters PAC Announces Support for Kamala Harris

    Oops. Sorry, I had just read the misleading headline. It goes on to say,

    “The political action committee (PAC), previously known as Haley Voters for Biden, which now features Harris’ name, seeks to amplify the voices of former Haley voters in support of Harris’ White House bid.

    ‘It is not affiliated with the Stand For America or Nikki Haley for President PACs. On Monday morning, the group posted on X clarifying this, writing “Just to clarify, we are not the Nikki Haley affiliated PAC. That was Stand for America.”

    Just another case of “violins on television” Neeever mind. 😀

    Apropos of nothing, in important news, a major string quartet, Cuarteto Casals of Barcelona has hired Cristina Cordero of Spain as its new violist.
    She’s fantastic. Listen to her playing the Bach Chaconne 5 years ago on Youtube.


    “French court rules Ravel was sole author of Bolero in financial blow to descendants”

    My comment: It’s also a blow to string players in community orchestras who have to wear out their fingers with 4 note chord strumming all the way through whille the brass blare the melody over and over – presumably for 75 years – right behind them, destroying their ears because it remains in the public domain because the court ruled that the set designer wasn’t the co-author. 😀

    – Euronews

    – Scott Slapin, another fantastic violist recording of all 6 solo sonatas and partitas for violin transcribed for viola, including the Chaconne. Another beautiful interpretation.

  30. It is now being reported that Harris had the delegates to gain the nomination. She will announce her VP this weekend. My money is still on Newsom, the heir to the Pelosi mafia.

  31. Amid speculation about Biden being alive, @amuse is reporting that the Israeli embassy was contacted by the White House to cancel the meeting between Biden and Bibi without explanation. @amuse also relates that there was no US officials present to greet Bibi on arriving in the US amid the ensuing chaos surrounding the Biden withdrawal from both public scrutiny and the presidential race.

  32. Fauda creators Lior Raz and Avi Issacharoff will make a movie titled “October 7th.”
    The movie tells the heroic story of Noam Tibon, a retired general and grandfather, who saved his son, Amir Tibon, Amir’s wife, and their two young daughters from their Kibbutz Nahal Oz on October 7th.
    Via Inbar Cohen

    “The Real Israel” pop-up on my News Feed on FB just now.