Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,625 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7625 Comments

  1. Peloni

    You obviously have some knowledge of the crisis facing Zionism. And fair play to you.

    On matters of science I fear you are mostly ignorant.

    The true story of the COVID Pandemic and the long story of Global Warming you do not demonstrate any learning at all. And since you demonstrate only ignorance then I conclude, I think fairly, you ARE ignorant indeed. Israpundit was founded in hope it is sad that it has ended like this. Israpundit keep right on cussing those scientific realities as Peloni scolds those lethal “shots”. I offered to discuss but was rebuffed as you know everything – especially when you do not.

  2. I do not think that a single person has had a single word to say about the absolutely key messages about dangers of world nuclear war flowing out of extended Ukrainian crisis. I gave the URL. This failure is nothing less than bankruptcy. This may come back to haunt you on this site and I do hope I am very wrong.

  3. @Sebastien
    I rescued your reposted comments from the trash. Thank you for reposting them under the relative article. Very insightful comments.

  4. @Ted I thought maybe the drama/movie links might have made it Chit Chat. Anyway, I just tried to copy and paste the comment to your post, twice, and they dutifully disappeared as soon as I hit enter.

  5. re Ayn Rand:

    she was not a businesswoman and did not know which businesses would make good investiments.

    Reminds me of a fun Korean Drama from 2022.

    The series tells the story of Yoon Hyun-woo (Song Joong-ki), a loyal higher-up employee working for chaebol Soonyang Group, who was betrayed and murdered by a member of the Soonyang family to cover up a tax evasion scheme. Hyun-woo later wakes up in 1987 discovering that he has been reincarnated into the body of Jin Do-jun, youngest grandson of the Soonyang family. Using these circumstances to his advantage, he starts his revenge by plotting a hostile takeover of Soonyang Group. The background to the story is the power of the chaebols and the 1997 Asian Financial crisis.

    Marry My Husband is 2024, Twinkling Watermelon is 2023 and Reborn Rich is 2022. I think they all are or were on Netflix among other platforms. With English subtitles, of course. All have time travel knowing future events and trying to take advantage of that knowledge.

    In real life, I’ll take the safety net that every democracy and every developed country has in place, thank you very much, including Israel, Russia, and Hungary, every European country, Canada, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, Japan,Taiwan, except the U.S. and Belgium ? the capital of the EU. Ironically, the Communist countries don’t provide universal health care either. So much for the slippery slope argument. ? Some do it better than others but they all have it. And vicious radicals like the Squad take at advantage of the fact that we don’t to win constituencies that otherwise wouldn’t give them the time of day. And that’s socialism then “I’m not a cab driver, I’m a coffee pot.”

    Arsenic and Old Lace

  6. re Ayn Rand:

    she was not a businesswoman and did not know which businesses would make good investiments.

    Reminds me of a fun Korean Drama from 2022.

    The series tells the story of Yoon Hyun-woo (Song Joong-ki), a loyal higher-up employee working for chaebol Soonyang Group, who was betrayed and murdered by a member of the Soonyang family to cover up a tax evasion scheme. Hyun-woo later wakes up in 1987 discovering that he has been reincarnated into the body of Jin Do-jun, youngest grandson of the Soonyang family. Using these circumstances to his advantage, he starts his revenge by plotting a hostile takeover of Soonyang Group. The background to the story is the power of the chaebols and the 1997 Asian Financial crisis.

    Marry My Husband is 2024, Twinkling Watermelon is 2023 and Reborn Rich is 2022. I think they all are or were on Netflix among other platforms. With English subtitles, of course. All have time travel knowing future events and trying to take advantage of that knowledge.

    In real life, I’ll take the safety net that every democracy and every developed country has in place, thank you very much, including Israel, Russia, and Hungary, every European country, Canada, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, Japan,Taiwan, except the U.S. and Belgium 😀 the capital of the EU. Ironically, the Communist countries don’t provide universal health care either. So much for the slippery slope argument. 😀 Some do it better than others but they all have it. And vicious radicals like the Squad take advantage of the fact that we don’t to win constituencies that otherwise wouldn’t give them the tme of day. if that’s socialism, then “I’m a coffee pot.”

    “Arsenic and Old Lace” (1944) ending.

  7. re Ayn Rand:

    she was not a businesswoman and did not know which businesses would make good investiments.

    Reminds me of a fun Korean Drama from 2022.

    The series tells the story of Yoon Hyun-woo (Song Joong-ki), a loyal higher-up employee working for chaebol Soonyang Group, who was betrayed and murdered by a member of the Soonyang family to cover up a tax evasion scheme. Hyun-woo later wakes up in 1987 discovering that he has been reincarnated into the body of Jin Do-jun, youngest grandson of the Soonyang family. Using these circumstances to his advantage, he starts his revenge by plotting a hostile takeover of Soonyang Group. The background to the story is the power of the chaebols and the 1997 Asian Financial crisis.

    Another fun reincarnation/time travel knowing and trying to change the future one that may have been inspired by the premise the following year:

    And still another, thought the last one isn’t about revenge.

  8. SEB

    That’s really precious to have met such a towering figure of early pre-jazz
    I note that you spotted that he had his own style.

  9. Felix
    The Covid scam, forgive me but it is a scam, is daily revealed with greater and greater evidence of both the cover up of what was done to mislead the world in 2020 as well as the medical harms which are still coming to light. And yet you still cling to your vaccine advocacy.

    I mean you no disrespect, but I find your support of this position to be quite dogmatic, something which I have made known to you in the past. In any event, I am only one of two Asst Editors here, but Ted and Eve and myself are of a single mind on this subject in particular, that Covid was a scam, that the refusal to allow adequate treatment was a crime, and that the shots are toxic. So there is no need to direct your frustration at myself alone, though I am quite happy to continue engaging your arguments as I have in the past.

    You are of course free to leave your own commentary, which you are quite skilled at doing, and prove this more often than many, upto 400 words in length. You know that this is the case, and you have even posted the link to the latest video which forms the basis of your views without any punitive or editorial rescissions to your commentary. Hence your claim that I or anyone is actually censoring you or your views is both dishonest and malicious – so you might say that I am calling you out on this point, because I am.

    I think that to which you more accurately object is the fact that we disagree with your advocacy of the toxic shots, that we find such advocacy hazardous, and consequently we will not support you in furthering such advocacy as you are promoting. Still, since we offer but a window into the marketplace of ideas, you are welcome to present your arguments, such as they are, as you commonly and routinely do.

  10. 😀 For your Edgarfication:

    How Music Was invented.

    The First Artist and the First Critic

    (Both from Mel Brooks’ History of hte World Part I. (1981) Orson Welles narrating.

    PDQ Bach Sonata for Viola 4 Hands and Harpsichord, S. 440

    P.D.Q. Bach – The Seasonings

    PDQ Bach – New Horizons in Music Appreciation — Beethoven’s Fifth Sports Commentary

  11. SEB-

    Far being from me “lecturing> ( bad word choice) a working classical musician like you.

    I have no Idea about Blake meeting Joplin, but their paths must have crossed at some times. I didn’t introcuce them to one another anyhow.

  12. EDGAR –

    Did Eubie Blake know Scott Joplin?
    “Shuffle Along” was their best-known work. Eubie wrote “The Charleston Rag” at age 16 in 1903 and another popular piece, “The Chevy Chase,” in 1914. Eubie always claimed to have met Scott Joplin. His ragtime compositions, however, moved slightly away from Joplin’s Classic style.Aug 30, 2023

    Rudiments of Ragtime Installment 9: Eubie Blake (1887-1983)

    Winifred Atwell Winifred Atwell was a Trinidadian pianist who enjoyed great popularity in Britain and Australia from the 1950s with a series of boogie-woogie and …

    Wikipedia. I wasn’t familiar with her but I see some videos of her performing on Youtube. Amazing.

    I heard Eubie Blake live at the Central Park Band shell in the ’70s and spoke to him afterward. It’s a treasured memory.

  13. @Edgar

    Have you ever heard Winifred Atwell or Eubie Blake??

    Atwell, no, but I was a Eubie Blake fan as a teenager and I had the honor of meeting and speaking to him once after seeing and hearing him perform live at the Central Park band shell in NY in the ’70s. It’s a treasured memory.

  14. @Edgar You lecture me about the musical structure of Ragtime and wonder why I reference Scott Joplin? 😀

    People also ask
    Who is the father of ragtime music?
    Scott Joplin | Songwriters Hall of Fame
    Scott Joplin
    Scott Joplin, the father of ragtime and one of the most influential composers of American popular song, died in New York City on April 4, 1919.

    Scott Joplin – | Songwriters Hall of Fame

  15. EdGar-

    Close, but no cigar: Durum wheat. However, if it were about the Dem machine rigging the election, I might have gone with the guards of the witch’s castle which always makes me think of the song of the Bulgur (Vulgar) Vote men.
    “”Oh-RE-Oles, OH-Rioles” (music from The Wizard of Oz)”

    Russian Red Army Choir – Song of the Volga Boatmen (1965)” concert version with great nature visuals opening.

    B&W 1962 concert variation Red Army Choir Alexandrov

  16. SEB-

    I apologise for the typos which I just now noticed. I meant to say “Funny Ha-ha”

    I don’t know why you google Scott Joplin. He certainly is on Youtube.

    In fact I have ofren seen different rags the screens just sowing the scores and sometimes piano keyboards moving….Player Pianos.
    Very sharply disciplined tempos and not many dotted crotchets.

    Jimmy Durante in his early days was a ragtime player, not very good but improved by his funny stuff.

    I’ve heard Victor Borge play Ragtime as part of an act. I think every pianist has some in thr repertoire. even Liberace…
    Have you ever heard Winifred Atwell or Eubie Blake??

    Jelly Roll Morton, in his early days but not with his Red HOT PEPPERS..

  17. EDGAR-

    I tried googling Scott Joplin and Schmatte again and again and nothing came up! I can’t understand it.

  18. SEB-

    Looking damned funny 9Ha0ha) but ….it is NOT a rag. Rag timing is completely different. This is more like barrel-house, but not much of even that.

    BUT< again,….NOT a RAG….!!

  19. @Ted, or Peloni, or E. Rowell,

    Just a suggestion: So many times I read an article or a post and just want to express my feelings, without writing a full comment. Would it be feasible to append some sort of check-box poll at the end of each story? How about, “Strongly Agree, Agree, Whatever, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree.” One other category… WTF?

    Not only would this give people a way to indicate their feelings on any particular topic, but it might also provide you with some useful polling data about your followers. (Of course anyone who responds would need to be logged in.)

  20. Wickie-Wackie-Michael…!!

    An old song of Sophie Tucker’s, a collector’s item-which I have
    “Making Wickie-Wackie down at Waikiki.”……

    YOU should learn it Mikey, at least the first 3 words. You do a lot of it.

  21. @Honeybee “So Marx, Lenin and Trotsky walk into a bar. Marx argues the punchline is inevitable. Lenin has a five-year plan. Trotsky flirts with a woman. Later, Stalin orders Trotsky removed from the original joke and inserts himself instead. Decrees punchlines are a bourgeois indulgence.”

    My comment: “Eureka!” – Septuagint (apocrypha)

  22. Mikey-

    You really DO mix your metaphors…signs of a disturbed mind. You are still shovelling out that drek about Acts even though I’ve already disposed of it’s fake “evidence. Is it such a strong (obsessive)compulsion for you. There are meds for it I’m sure.

    For your information, assuming your head is balsa and not oak, Acts is regarded by experts (meaning that you can look them up for confirmation) to have been written as a fake piece after 100, On
    ly Mark has support for being written aroun 75.

    If you’d directed your dwindling reading and comprehension skills to the book by Ehrman , that I’d recommended, it would all have been explained to you, in a moderately technical, but totally logical form.
    He even quotes F.F. Bruce and Remy.

    But you were AFRAID. Pah.

    *****as a 10 stone “featherweight” you are still “off the board”.
    Of course 126 lbs could be th REAL you, and the extra 14 lbs,. the weight you carry inside your head………..???

  23. @Honeybee

    ” @Michael “What is wrong with yawl Darlin??? You can’t distinguish between a Marxist, Stalinist, or a Troskiet. xoxoxo”

    So, I googled:

    A Marxist, a Stalinist, and a Trotskyist walk into a bar

    Some gags came up, some funny, some not so funny, couldn’t find that one exactly.

  24. @Edgar Oh, how cool. R U a Drekkie, as well?

    What does “you have the Conn” mean in Star Trek?

    Conn is an old naval term, and it means to control the movements of a ship at sea. The large structure on a ship where the bridge is located is called the conning tower.

    Starfleet for the most part adopted English naval terms for ships in space. When the senior officer leaves the bridge, he designates who then has control of the ship. Thus, “Saavik, you have the conn” in Star Trek II.

  25. Little Eddie,

    I’ve never seen someone more in the dark, while at the same time putting on a pretense of knowing something, as you. FYI.

    Acts 11:
    26] And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

    Antioch was actually one of the first cities the gospel spread to. The Book of Acts was also completely written before 70 AD, which was considerably before the “2nd Century”

    Since Josephus was the ONLY Jewish writer to give a contemporary account of the 70 AD Jewish Rebellion Against Rome, and he makes mention of the followers of “Christ”, your arguments are reduced to blithering foolishness. Every time you open your mouth, it seems, you look like more of a fool.

  26. SEB-

    Stop your con. “Chosen” is English an term “Joseon” is a Korean Name.

    And I’m a kosher Korean and don’t eayt that drek.

    It was very popular in Ireland; the butchers of Chazar used to hang long huge sausage type strings outside their shops. I passed one a frw times every dy and always hrel my breath….Sickening stuff

  27. @Edgar The Koreans are next on the Muzzies’ menu, you know. Firstly, they are the Choson people.

    In 1392, a new dynasty established by a military coup revived the name Joseon (??, ??, Chos?n), after the ancient state Gojoseon. The alternative name for this nation could have been Hwaryeong, but in the end, Taejo of Joseon decided to go with Joseon.

    Names of Korea – Wikipedia

    and Secondly, the Muzzies are always saying, you know, First the Saturday people, then the Sundae people.

    Sundae (??) is a Korean blood sausage that’s a popular street food in both North and South Korea. It’s made by steaming pig or cow intestines that are stuffed with various ingredients, such as marinated glutinous rice, glass noodles, vegetables, blood, and spices. Sundae can be chewy and savory, with a dark color and a tangy flavor from the rice.


  28. Michael-

    With all your quoted rubbish you don’t seem to know that the term “Christian was not used until well into the second century. Other than the fake New Testament Acts. When a half looney guy is also self brainwashed, there’s nothing can be done with him.

    And that means YOU…….!!

    {The original Jewish Christians were reputed to have been The Jerusalem Church and they called themselves Ebionim, and existed for several centuries}.

    Also until the Bar Cocheba War the first 9 “popes” were all Jews…….

  29. Seb-

    I don’t think so….but I like rice a lot and have very light brown skin and slanting eyes….Wadda ya tink.

  30. Michael.

    Just about everything you’ve said is untrue.

    But allow me to commiserate with you on your illnesses which I sincerely are NOT fatal as you say.

    Apropos nothing; a featherweight is 126 lbs, 10 stones are 140 lbs wnd known in the boxing world as Super-lightweights (rightweight135 lbs) or Junior Welterweights Welterweight 147 lbs)

    As for age I think you recently said you are 75 years old…I am older, not that I like it.
    but T.G healthy….so far.

  31. SE

    The 4 Gospels are written anonymously, as was common in that period. It was only at the very end of the 2nd cent that those names were arbitrarily given to them by crazy Christian loonies,who picked the names from the Pauline Letters, never mind that half of them are proven fakes and forgeries.

  32. “How did Jesus find guys named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Middle East?”

    – popped up in my FB newsfeed. 😀

  33. Edgar,

    You seem to have forgotten who the ten stone featherweight is here. It is true, I have some terminal health issues; but you are probably in worse shape than me, even though at least ten years my junior.

    I’ve had enough of your unscholarly nonesense. Find someone else to bother.

  34. Little MIkkele-

    It doesn’t take much to set you off…these days…Alzheimers??? Maybe the Capone ailment…………..????

    And such RUDE language.
    Our little bandy legged pot bellied Beaky nosed scientist is not very scientific after all.

    Por, twisted little soul. Shoton awaits you, little guy.

    I bow to yout superiority in the New Testament, but I thought you’d be interested in what rationalists are saying about it. And it’s a great, full of knowledge volume, Deeply researched, including “Believers”……….And yes, 6 Pauline Letters are fakes, possibly 7-8…

    You are AFRAID to read Ehrman a very famous New Testament scholar. AFRAID.

    Not surprised with you sitting in your 100 ft deep hole surrounded by bales of toilet paper.

    No control over your outbursts….definitely Dementia of a violent sort..

    So solly-me jump over Niagara to p/lease you.
    Acts 26. No wonder they gave it the “hook” …..Lousy actors.
    You know I don’t read any of your reeled off crap, vicarious satisfaction though it gives you.

    To conclude ..I didn’t know that Seb had combined with you against me. Surprised. !!