Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,625 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7625 Comments

  1. Thank you for the post about Fetterman, Peloni. Yes, his behavior of late would be surprising under ordinary circumstances; but John Fetterman has literally had a “change of mind”, which was not overseen by the MSM, party bosses, etc. The change has been an inspiration to me, demonstrating the sovereignty of God in the lives of men.

    We had an ice storm last week, that left us without power and internet. When I got back online and caught up on the news, it was shocking to see the state of the world through the lens of the media. When I saw Fetterman flying the Israeli flag, it lifted my spirits, and I wanted to re-post it.

    Logging into Israpundit, I felt like Moses coming down the mountain — to hear not the sound of war, as he imagined, but the sound of mirth in the midst of depravity. It was a “Welcome back to hell” moment, in which truly good news, like that of what God has been doing in Fetterman, seemed out of place. I’m glad you dealt with the matter without the mockery and sarcasm I usually see here.

  2. Another thing for all you “funny Jews” (viz, Sebastien) to make fun of; but I think this is absolutely wonderful:

    For those of you like Sebastien, who are all for “doubling down for a laugh” out of one side of their mouth, and mockingly quoting from Torah out of the other, please, PLEASE can the hilarity for a while. These are horrible times for the hostage families, horrible times at the US border, horrible things being perpetrated against Christians and Conservatives across the world; but God is being glorified and turning awful things into wonderful things.

    A few months ago, John Fetterman was a brain-injured member of probably the most anti-Christian, anti-Jewish party in US history, elected by cheating partisans in spite of his disabilities. Now that he has been slowly recovering from his injuries, he’s become probably the most Pro-Israel, conservative voice in the US Senate. Glory to God!

  3. @Felix Doubling down for a laugh here, (or in Russian for non-English speakers, “doubling down for laugh here,”) I will acknowledge that prior to her current adolescent exploratory foray into the exciting and glittering new world of Jew hatred, Hansel’s little girlfriend, Greta’s climate hysteria was very much in line with Torah values, to whit, my favorite line – cracks me up every time, the last line of Deuteronomy 20 –

    “Are trees people that you would besiege them?” 😀

  4. A7 reports that Britain, Finland, Canada, Australia and Italy have also suspended contributions to UNRWA. There will be more countries following suit..

  5. @Felix

    “you are simply being troublemaker”

    Hilarious coming from someone whose avocation is promoting international class conflict. Reminds me of an apocryphal joke I heard back in the day. Supposedly, when Trotsky lived in the Village in New York, his aunt told him not to go back to Russia. “You’ll just make trouble,” she said.

    But, I like the fake Russian accent, leaving out the “a” and all. I can just imagine you rolling your r’s. It suits ya, me boyo.

    So tell me, which of us is the pot and which the kettle?

    Anyway, let my extend my most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your loony teenage climate mascot to the latest and shiniest mass hysteria. I can only imagine what it must be like to be turned from a fan to an anti-fan when your pop idol turns out to have feet of clay.

  6. @ketzel2

    “Putin jokes Alaska too cold to annex”

    “Firefox” (1982) “landing on ice”

    “Mitchell Gant (Clint Eastwood) is a veteran American pilot [with severe PTSD from Vietnam and whose mother was Russian] who becomes involved in a top-secret mission to steal a high-tech Russian fighter plane [that fires missiles on telepathy in Russian] known as “Firefox.” Covertly entering the Soviet Union, Gant receives help from [Jewish] dissidents within the country, most notably a group of [enslaved Jewish] scientists who have been working on the plane. As Gant reaches his goal of heisting the aircraft, enemy pilots are quick to follow, leading to a sequence of soaring dogfights as he attempts to elude Soviet jets.”

    full movie for rent for $3.19 (if it’s available in your area)

  7. Edgar

    I suspect not. Haley is such a tool of the NeoCon war party, and since this war will end immediately when Trump wins it in November, the war party will elongate her political life.

  8. @ketzel2

    “It’s Putin who’s picking the fight.”

    Highly debatable; I agree with Ted and Peloni, there, but I’m in no mood to debate it anymore. Everything’s been said and done and now all these poor dead horses are taking a beating. Have a pity on all the deer departed lil’ horsies, will ya? Israel is calling.

    “Nichols and May – telephone information operators.” (1960)

    Oh, and on your AI paranoia thread:

    “The President’s Analyst – The Phone Company” (1967)


  9. @Laura

    Yes, it’s sarcasm, but no, it really happened exactly as I described. I can’t say as I’ve had the opportunity to discuss Israel with Ukrainians, but Ukraine, like Russia, has voted to condemn Israel almost every time, including right after October 7. The one time it didn’t was when Zelensky was hoping to trade Ukraine’s vote for Iron Dome but no dice so it was back to the drawing board and back to business as usual.

    As they say in the old country, “Feh!

    However, on the other hand, just now, after writing the above paragraph, I googled the question and I’m finding all these articles that say the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians side with Israel so what’s with its government?

    “Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark.”

    Then again:

    “Why can’t we talk about Ukrainian antisemitism?
    Nazi imagery prevalent among Kyiv’s soldiers points to a horrific past and problematic present. Noting this doesn’t justify Putin. But silence about it won’t defend freedom.” by Jonathan Tobin from last summer

    And there’s no way you can say Russia is worse than Ukraine in the human rights department at home, though Russia is allied with israel’s enemies.

    anyway, who cares? We should only be concerned about Israel.

    For all its faults, the U.S., even under the Biden regime, is the only country that votes against UN condemnations and blocks UN sanctions, almost all of the time. I’m not counting tiny countries like Micronesia which are U.S. protectorates, anyway.

  10. @ketzel 2

    “Short wave radio operators all over the world have picked up a ticking sound on many different frequencies that started recently.”

    They probably heard the sound of millions of people watching the hit Kdrama, “My Demon” that just finished airing.

    “People also ask
    What are the clocks in My Demon?
    Following this, viewers are introduced to the clocks at the beginning of the trailer. With only 10 numbers, each clock represents a person’s lifespan. After the contract given by the demon expires and Gu-Won succeeds in earning their life, the clock disappears.Dec 7, 2023”

  11. Aside from muslim and radical left accounts, Russians on social media are extremely hostile to Israel and Jews. The Ukrainians I come across are pro-Israel.

    Certainly not by yours truly. A couple of years ago, I played in the orchestra in a Reform synagogue in a benefit for Ukraine, neither of which I support ( then or now) on account of their pandering to antisemites/Israelophobes.

  12. I do hope this is sarcasm. You certainly don’t believe ally of Iran and hamas is the defender of Jews.

    This is on right now, courtesy of Putin, the defender of the Jews against Ukrainian nazis.

  13. Sth Carolina Polls end today.
    Taking results from 3 different polling companies is that Trump is leading Haley by from 31% to 62%

    So …. “as the sun sinks slowly into the West do we say
    farewell to Nikki Haley”. ?? A la James Fitzpatrick’s famous travelogues endings.

  14. @Sebastien I refer to it as the Doomsday Machine because it reminds me of Dr. Strangelove, but it’s not fiction or a conspiracy theory. Short wave radio operators all over the world have picked up a ticking sound on many different frequencies that started recently. They generally agree that it’s the Dead Hand system. People here should watch NY Prepper’s recent shows, and make up their own mind about whether this is a thing.

    It’s Putin who’s picking the fight. It’s one thing to appease an insane bully in order to not be nuked, and another thing to carry water for them. Not you because you have explained your position well, but in general, there are people on the right who make every excuse for Putin. By all means take him seriously and tread lightly around someone who is crazy, evil and has nukes, but see him for what he is, not a defender of Jews, family values or life itself.

  15. @ketzel2

    “More about the Doomsday Machine, which is called the Dead Hand system, according to Youtuber NY Prepper, it’s an early type of AI developed in Soviet times, which will launch Russia’s entire nuke arsenal at predetermined targets if certain conditions are met. If top generals can’t be contacted and if there are markers of nuclear strikes on Russian territory.”


    That’s from “Dr. Strangelove” (1964). Could it be that “Youtube Prepper” (preppie?) is assuming his/her/its GenZ/Millenial audience won’t have heard of it ’cause, you know, it’s before their time, like everything else from before 5 years ago.

    “Doctor Strangelove-Doomsday Machine”

    In any event, in the unlikely event it’s real, why would you want to pick a fight with them? Hmmm?

    Moreover. why should any Jew with his or her priorities straight care about anything that doesn’t directly bear on Israel’s Great Patriotic war effort. (Sorry, I used to be a Stalinist; old habits “Die Hard.”* No pun intended.) 😀


    “Die Hard (1988) 30th Anniversary Trailer”

  16. @ketzel2

    “Ukraine {has been} unfairly scapegoated”

    Certainly not by yours truly. A couple of years ago, I played in the orchestra in a Reform synagogue in a benefit for Ukraine, neither of which I support ( then or now) on account of their pandering to antisemites/Israelophobes.

    But, hey, a gig’s a gig! 😀

  17. @ketzel2

    “Why single out Ukraine? Look at Russia’s behavior right here right now.”

    Yes, “a plague on both their houses,” as the saying goes.

    Or as many a parent has exclaimed to out of control siblings, “kill each other.”

  18. More about the Doomsday Machine, which is called the Dead Hand system, according to Youtuber NY Prepper, it’s an early type of AI developed in Soviet times, which will launch Russia’s entire nuke arsenal at predetermined targets if certain conditions are met. If top generals can’t be contacted and if there are markers of nuclear strikes on Russian territory.

    I’m not an expert, but I see a few problems. First, this is an old system and probably has as many problems as some leaky old Russian sub or the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. Soviet craftsmanship isn’t exactly on the level of the average Japanese car. And the markers for nuclear strikes on Russian territory have potential for false positives. Especially since it’s an old system that may not be able to interpret modern technology. And as for being able to contact Russian generals…so there’s a cell phone outage and you can’t call them for a few minutes, why they must be dead, let’s nuke the whole world.

    This is on right now, courtesy of Putin, the defender of the Jews against Ukrainian nazis.

  19. This Uke nazi stuff is a type of rhetorical fallacy, that all political situations can be judged from one universal fact applied in one case. Antisemitism is universal, its absence is rare. But let’s zoom in on one party and its documented antisemitism. Proof! Never mind that Russia, China, North Korea, various Muslim states, South Africa, and the Biden administration, have joined forces and become more aggressive by the day. But Ukrainians put on offensive religious plays! Wipe them out, give Ukraine to Russia. Never mind the Russian Doomsday machine, the fit young Chinese men streaming across the southern border. Ukrainians don’t love us, let’s kill them.

  20. @Sebastien, I have never claimed that Ukraine was a philosemitic paradise, but my point has always been, it’s been unfairly scapegoated by people who are influenced by Russian propaganda. That’s all.

    Everyone has to deal with varying degrees of this stuff. Bret Weinstein recently did an important podcast with Tucker Carlson on the vax scandal, uncomfortably close in time to Carlson being accused of antisemitism.

    Was I paranoid to wonder if Tucker was using Bret as a way to whitewash this? Look, I’m having a good convo with a Jew!

    This is the reality for Jews and other minority groups. If you want to talk to people in public, you look away. Viewed in this context, passion plays, Jews with horns, etc. are the cost of doing business. Why single out Ukraine? Look at Russia’s behavior right here right now.

  21. @ketzel2

    “our evangelical friends put on a Passion play every year in Branson, MO, you probably wouldn’t like that either.”

    Does it feature a Jew with horns and a tail being confronted by a knight in armor?

    Or blood libels of any kind?

    if so, you’re right, I wouldn’t like it and I wouldn’t go quite so far as to refer to them as “friends.” More, temporary allies of expedience assuming their support for Israel is unqualified. I played in the orchestra of an important Korean Pentecostal (and evangelical; they sent missionaries to Africa (and Israel, unfortunately) and built schools ) mega-church for many years and listened to many of the sermons with a provided translator. I loved the people, the culture, and the place but, sadly, it wasn’t.

  22. @Sebastien, our evangelical friends put on a Passion play every year in Branson, MO, you probably wouldn’t like that either, but many of the attendees are allies of Israel. IMO, there is a huge difference between antisemitic attitudes and acting out exterminationist fantasies. If Kyiv in 2019 could have a Netta Barzilai concert and an unguarded Brodsky synagogue, that’s all we really want from anyone.

    The Uke nazis slur is somewhat true but also misleading Russian propaganda. So many American conservatives believe Russia stands for family values, Putin makes a pretty speech, and no one inquires into the high rates of Russian divorce, abortion, alcoholism, prostitution and antisemitism. When Putin says he wants to denazify Ukraine, surely he knows he’s full of it.

    How much farther does this war have to go for people to realize, the Russians aren’t the good guys. When crazy Putin activates his automated Doomsday machine, that will launch Russia’s entire nuclear arsenal, if top generals don’t answer their phones in time, you really have to wonder if Ukrainians are so bad by comparison.

  23. @ketzel2

    “my brief experience as a tourist prevents me from believing Ukrainians are raving antisemites.”

    I recall playing a Christmas gig in a Ukrainian church in Long Island a few years ago. Everybody was so nice. And afterward, they invited us (we were a string quartet all women except me and all Jewish except for the Ukrainian first violinist) to this wonderful vegetarian repast in the enormous basement of the church (Polish/Ukrainian food is among the most extensive and best vegetarian cuisine in the world) and we were treated to a lovely little Christmas children’s play. It was all in Ukrainian so I didn’t know what it was about but there were two children facing each other. One was wearing medieval armor and had a spear and the other was dressed like a Chasid from Borough Park or Crown Heights but with horns and a tail. Lovely evening.

    Afterward, as we were getting into the car, I wistfully opined to the second violinist, “you know, it’s at times like this, I’m filled with a profound sense of gratitude that I don’t speak a word of Ukrainian.”

  24. Edgar

    There is much for Americans to agree with Trump against Haley who supports Biden.

    This is especially so in the Ukraine issue.

    Carlson thoroughly exposed her on the blowing up of the pipeline by Biden. She tried to be flippant saying when asked Who blew up the pipeline? with “I don’t know do you”. Carlson said Biden did in reply. She was exposed.

    Trump will win the Presidency
    It won’t do Israel any good and for Israeli leaders will encourage no radical change while Jews have to ask where Israel is heading in a rapidly heating world.

    Only knaves and fools turn away from global warming that’s the brutal reality now to get worse

    The effects of Global warming is causing the poles to warm even more

    On study of big climate events over 50 million years this is a known phenomenon

    You either get with this stuff or you become a harmful operator.

    (Putting Israpundit policy as a whole in perspective)

  25. I just watched Jonathan Tobin interview Phyllis Chesler on how feminists have abandoned Jewish women, this is a great interview, she has seen the whole process of how feminism became woke and antisemitic, and kudos to Tobin for letting her speak without interrupting. I wish Pollard’s rabbi would copy Tobin’s interview style.

    Ep. 127: Phyllis Chesler: With Israel and Hamas, Feminists Have Abandoned Moral Principles

  26. Seb

    This is a typical bombastic statement and you are simply being troublemaker

    Greta Thunberg no longer concerned with Climate. Now she just hates Israel. The organization she founded is cutting ties with he

    What’s really on show is the role of Antisemitism and how dangerous this is for the struggle for socialist leadership

    Also that single issue politics always fails

  27. I’ve just read a Reuters Poll report that in the Coming Sth Carolina Repub. Primary Trump already has a 37 point lead over Haley whose home State it is, as well as serving 5 years as governor. 52%-25%.

    This speaks Volumes”…

  28. Felix-

    Arabs began pouring into Palestine from the time that Jews had been returning and establishing businesses and factories, looking for work. The British Colonial Office records show that in 1933 alone , more than 34,000 Arabs legally entered Palestine and a marginal note that they expected that more than twice that number entered illegally.

    I myself when living there knew an Arab Family a few miles away from my home and often visited. He told me that his family had been there since the Crusades.

    Later, he had to go to the Land Registry in Acre (Akko) with his title Deeds. He asked me to drive him. I did. At the Office his stained ancient looking Deed was shown by the official to be a forgery.

    On the way home he confessed to me that they had been in Israel only 5 years, had crossed the northern border at night from Syria.

    The official told me that forged ancient Arab Title Deeds was a HUGE Business in a few towns over the Green Line.

    I drove there, went into a mall store and saw dozens of sacks of flour, barley beans etc all stamped UNWRA for sale . Stolen or given but definitely being openly sold.

    Massive corruption there and everywhere.

    I should mention that Reland did not go to Palestine himself . He sent his trusted assistants to do the census and later travelled to join them. He got as far as Constantinople when he was forced to return to Holland because his father was critically ill and died shortly after. He used the census information to include in his most famous book, when fleshing it out with the important details already gathered by intensive study of the Torah, and other relevant documentary evidence that he had.

  29. Edgar can I suggest you posting an official type letter to Haifa University saying you are arranging a visit and can book by Adriaan Reland be viewed please and follow with letter from Ted too. It’s a shame this is not better known.

  30. Edgar that’s really good. And it figures because with a lot of reading I got the figure of around 300,000 Arabs at this critical time in 1910 more or less, say also 1900.

    And this includes not yet created Transjordan

    The big draw of the Arabs to the area was JEWS to hate fight them and at the same time USE them

  31. @Edgar
    I do recall you referencing Reland several times over the years. His historical description of the occupants of the area is an important fact to raise.

  32. FELIX

    Adriaan Reland, had a complete survey of Palestine in 1696-7. He wrote an important book about it, unfortunately only in Latin. He was very Famous Person a genius, polymath and much more. Wirld famous for that time.

    He’s on the internet.

    His scrupulous census reveals NO Arabs in Palestine then, A small population mainly Jews, , some Christians and Samaritans. He says that all the “arab” towns and villages were translated from their original Hebrew names, not one original Arab one.

    He had a strong record of exactness, probity, accuracy, and meticulousness in everything hi did.

    Utrecht University held a 2 month Seminar beginning Feb 2017to commemorate his date of death.
    I personally phoned the most involved professors there as well as several emails to and fro. They all emphatically endorsed the above.
    Haifa Uni has a copy of his famous Illustrated book hidden somewhere.
    They, the liberals…………………..

    The only Arabs were 120 people of one extended family in Jaffa or soewhere on the coast.

  33. What was the population of Arabs in the Ottoman Empire Palestine?

    Of these, 697 settlements were within the boundaries of Ottoman Palestine, with a population of ?335,000. Most of the population was concentrated in the municipal towns while part of it inhabited rural regions in the Galilee, Samaria, and Judea.

    It should therefore be obvious that Israel never was associated with a genocide of the Arabs. From these official figures it is clear the Arabs have grown in number many many times over,Galilee%2C%20Samaria%2C%20and%20Judea.

  34. Here is my published article from 2021 titled:

    A look back at the first disastrous ‘two-state solution’

    By Victor Sharpe
    May 12, 2021

    In the 11th hour and 59th minute of his miserable term in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama struck his knife deep into the heart of the embattled Jewish state.

    With the appalling anti-Israel passage of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334, engineered by President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry on December 23, 2016, the blame for the Israel-Palestinian conflict was falsely imparted upon the easy target: Israel and the so-called “settlements.”

    There were no “settlements” before the June 1967 Six-Day War, when the Jewish state survived yet another Arab war of genocide launched against it and freed the embattled nation from the existing 1947 nine to fifteen mile-wide armistice lines, which Israel’s earlier minister of foreign affairs, Abba Eban, appropriately called the Auschwitz lines. These were the lines that existed after the fledgling Israeli forces had pushed back the invading Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian, Iraqi, and Lebanese armies.

    It is not from 1947 or 1967 or 1973 that the relentless aggression against Israel by the Arab and Muslim world or the so-called Palestinians began. To fully understand its origins, we must go back to the early years of the 20th century.

    In 1920, Great Britain was given the responsibility by the League of Nations to oversee the Palestine Mandate after the ending of the 400-year-old Ottoman Turkish Empire’s occupation of much of the Middle East. Britain was to uphold the League’s express intention of reconstituting within the Mandatory territory a reborn Jewish national home.

    The League of Nations created several articles in line with the original intent of the Balfour Declaration of November 29, 1917. At the last minute, however, a new article was introduced by the British Colonial Office: Article 25.

    It became apparent that its inclusion directly enabled Great Britain in 1921-22 to tear away all the vast Mandatory territory east of the River Jordan and give it away to the Arab Hashemite tribe: The territory to become Trans-Jordan, led by the emir Abdullah.

    British officials claimed that the gift of Mandatory Palestine east of the Jordan River was in gratitude to the Hashemites for their contribution in helping defeat the Turks. However, T.S. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) described in derisory terms the Hashemite role as “a side show of a side show.”

    Ironically, Britain was aided far more by the Nili underground movement in defeating the Ottoman Turkish Empire, which had ruled geographical Palestine for 400 years.

    This was the first partition of the non-state geographical territory known as Palestine and the first two-state solution. It created a new Arab entity some 100 years or more ago called Trans-Jordan, covering some 35,000 square miles, or nearly four fifths of the erstwhile Palestine Mandate. Immediately, Jewish residence in this new Arab territory was forbidden in an act of Islamic apartheid, and it is thus historically correct to state that Jordan is Palestine. Note too that Jordan’s population is comprised of over 75% Palestinian Arabs.

    In 1923, the British and French colonial powers also divided up the northern part of the Palestine Mandate. Britain stripped away the Golan Heights (with its ancient Biblical Jewish roots) and gave it to French-occupied Syria.

    The Balfour Declaration issued by Lord Balfour, British foreign secretary, never envisaged that the Jordan River would be the eastern boundary of the reconstituted Jewish homeland.

    As early as September 19, 1919, the London Times newspaper had thundered in an editorial: “The Jordan will not do as the eastern frontier of Palestine[.] … Palestine must have a good military frontier east of the River Jordan[.] … Our duty as Mandatory is to make Jewish Palestine not a struggling state but one that is capable of vigorous and independent life[.]”

    During its administration of the remaining Palestine Mandate’s tiny territory, between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, (a mere forty miles o so in width) Britain severely restricted Jewish immigration and purchases of land while turning a blind eye to massive illegal Arab immigration into the territory from neighboring stagnant Arab territories. This had been Britain’s policy since it was given the Mandate from 1921/22 up until 1947 and Israel’s subsequent independence in 1948.

    Britain’s sorry record of appeasement of the Arabs, at the expense of Jewish destiny in the remaining tiny territory, culminated in the infamous 1939 White Paper, which limited Jewish immigration to just 75,000 souls over the next five years. This draconian policy, coming as it did on the eve of the outbreak of World War 2, was a deathblow to millions of Jews attempting to flee extermination by Nazi Germany.

    Britain’s mismanagement of the Mandate finally led to the United Nations’ Partition Plan of 1947. The Jewish Agency reluctantly accepted this additional dismemberment of what was left to them of the promised Jewish national home in Mandatory Palestine.

    They did this to provide a refuge for the surviving Jewish remnants of the Holocaust and for the over 800,000 Jewish refugees being driven out of their homes throughout the Arab world.
    In contrast, the Arab regimes rejected the Partition Plan. Then, as now, they worked against the existence of an independent Jewish state.

    Only since President Trump’s espousal of the Abraham Accords have several Arab states embraced diplomatic relations with Israel in addition to Egypt and Jordan.

    However, under the new Biden- Harris regime, the Accords may not survive the Democrat/Socialist Administration’s evolving policies and already these new ‘Arab friends’ in the Gulf are falsely blaming Israel for the Arab rioting in Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem, perpetrated at the urging of Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the terrorist Palestinian Authority and now aided by its Islamist rivals, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
    Both these Gaza based terrorist gangs have, at this time of writing, launched over 600 deadly missiles into Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon and the tiny town of S’derot, which alone has endured over 10,000 missiles from Hamas occupied Gaza during the last ten years.

    The great journalist, Caroline Glick, summed up the reality of the latest Arab aggression launched against Israel in a recent article. She began as follows:

    “Throughout the month of Ramadan, the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority and Hamas have been inciting Arab Israelis in Jerusalem and throughout the country to attack Jews.
    And so it happened that at the outset of the month, Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and beyond found themselves beset by gangs of Arab thugs who beat them on the streets and light-rail cars just because they were Jews.

    “Last week, Hamas’ leaders announced their detailed plans to open a new campaign against Israel on May 9. That date was a conflation of three events: Jerusalem Day – Israel’s national holiday celebrating the unification of Jerusalem in 1967; Muslims marked the holiest day of the month of Ramadan, and Iran marked its own Jerusalem Day, whose purpose is to call for the destruction of Israel and end Jewish rule in its capital city, Jerusalem.”

    Israel was officially reborn as a sovereign nation in 1948, and its 600,000 Jews fought to survive the massive onslaught by five Arab armies, which intended to wipe out the Jewish state.

    In 1948, Trans-Jordan, now renamed the Kingdom of Jordan, joined the other Arab nations in invading the Jewish state. Its British officer led Arab Legion drove out the Jewish inhabitants from east Jerusalem, the Jewish Quarter and the Old City, annexing the Biblical and ancestral Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria and renaming it the ‘West Bank.’ Only Britain and Pakistan recognized that illegal annexation.

    Nineteen years later, the Arab states declared again their imminent intention to destroy Israel. In the June 1967 Six-Day War, Israel liberated Jewish and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria from Jordan in a defensive war.

    Israel’s left-wing government at the time foolishly offered to give away newly liberated Judea and Samaria and the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, to the Hashemite regime in Jordan in the hope that a full and lasting peace could be established. But the Arab League, meeting in Khartoum in August 1967, delivered their notorious three Nos: no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel.

    It is within the narrow territory remaining for the Jewish state, which includes the more than 3,500 year old ancestral and Biblical Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria, that much of the world now demands the establishment of a fraudulent Arab state to be called Palestine – a state that has never existed before in all of recorded history.

    Here then would be the next so-called two-state solution, which would dismember what is left of Israel and drive hundreds of thousands of Jewish residents from their homes, villages, and farms – what a hostile world calls by its pejorative description, “settlements.” Why? Because just as in Jordan, Jews will not be permitted to live within Muslim claimed Arab territory, while Muslim Arabs can remain free to live within Israel.

    The searing tragedy is that a second two-state solution will presage for the Jewish people yet another Final Solution – the German Nazi regime’s euphemism for the Holocaust.

    The fact is that this is not a dispute over borders. This is a religious war, and the Arabs, so long as the overwhelming majority remain Muslim, will never accept the existence of a non-Muslim state in territory previously conquered by them in the name of Allah.

    Over 100 years ago, the original two-state solution was enacted in infamy. Certainly, the Obama-Biden administration, consumed as it was by Obama’s anti-Israel animus, was equally infamous during its baleful two terms in office. Now, it is increasingly obvious, the present Biden-Harris regime will act towards embattled Israel in a similar policy of ignominy.

    Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer and author of seven books including the acclaimed four volume, Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish State.

    © Victor Sharpe 2021

  35. “New Proposal for Israel-Hamas Agreement.”

    My comment:

    Sounds like this routine from Monty Python’s “Tale of the Pirannha Brothers”:

    “… they began to operate what they called ‘The Operation’… They would select a victim and then threaten to beat him up if he paid the so-called protection money. Four months later they started another operation which the called ‘The Other Operation’. In this racket they selected another victim and threatened not to beat him up if he didn’t pay them. One month later they hit upon ‘The Other Other Operation’. In this the victim was threatened that if he didn’t pay them, they would beat him up. This for the Piranha brothers was the turning point.”


  36. No DeSantis campaign ads running in New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina. Super PAC silent, too.

    Byron York


    NBC NEWS: DeSantis has canceled his appearance tomorrow on Meet The Press and is no longer appearing on CNN tomorrow as previously scheduled

    Election Wizard

  37. The Fourth Geneva Convention passed in 1949

    “Occupying powers are to provide food and medical supplies as necessary to the population and maintain medical and public health facilities. “

    Many articles I read today suggest Israel has the obligation to rebuild. Nowhere did I find an obligation to rebuild the destroyed homes.
    All Four conventions extend to

    “All four Geneva Conventions contain an identical Article 3, extending general coverage to “conflicts not of an international character.”

    In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each Party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions:”

    No where does it say Israel is responsible to rebuild.

    Israel is bound by the FGC because it signed it. Ir refused to sign the protocals so is not bound by them.