Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,625 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7625 Comments

  1. @Edgar Wikipedia is edited. It often has comments such as “citation needed.” And they do reject articles. The article cites several quotations by reputable historians validating Raushning. David Irving, the notorious Holocaust denier claimed it was discredited. Also, Nazi apologists in the 30s. He emigrated in 1934. One has to be careful in accepting claims of being discredited. One reads the same thing about Joan Peters. They say her writings are “tendentious.” 😀

  2. A lot of young Jewish men are dying – 8 yesterday, most by explosions. Israel should not be asked to give up one life. Does any Israeli leaders say that to Biden and Trump?

    Over 85 per cent Palestinian Arabs support October 7

    The problem is that Israel fights under the old leaders

    And their reaction to October 7 is to persevere with the Palestine Arabs in situ.

    I understand from this 2 things fundamentally

    1. No Israeli leaders are prepared to change to meet the fact staring them in the face which is the Arab population are totally Jihadi with only a HANDFUL of honourable exceptions

    2. A new type of Israeli leadership must be created

    Point number 2 is the point most studiously ignored. It is also the hardest, but most critical.

  3. Tanna and Honeybee,

    My gold is largely in my teeth. The FBI stealing from safety deposit boxes reminds me of Antiochus Epimenes robbing temple treasuries — echoes of Hanukkah.

  4. WIKIPEDIA is only as accurate as it’s contributors, the public allow it to be. Except for Technical info or even Historical info.

    I am not a believer in Wiki to any large extent, except in certain cases.

    Tou very much are.

    My recollection is that Rauschneng was very much discredited, he barely knew Hitler BEFORE the Party was elected, and not much after apart from a few meetings where Hitler wanted info and to discuss annexing Dantzig.

  5. The comments about post being eaten… my experience, maybe a fix and maybe not. I have had post eaten when I go to Instapundit from the link in my email notification. But, when I go directly to the website, it seems to work better. Or, divine providence eats’ our post to keep us from saying things when we are pissed…. happen to me three(3) times a few days ago.

  6. Michael, burry your gold in the backyard and make those sob’s work to find it. everyone knows if it’s in a safe deposit box. it’s only protected from low level thief’s.

  7. FBI gone completely rogue?

    Following a raid in March 2021, federal agents spent days rifling through the personal belongings stored in nearly 1,400 safe deposit boxes seized from a vault in Beverly Hills, California.

    The agents were tasked with cataloging the contents of the boxes, but they also seized piles of valuables—gold coins, luxury watches, family heirlooms, and stacks of cash—from people who had not been charged with any crimes.

    And they did that despite being told, by the warrant authorizing the raid, that the contents of the safe deposit boxes were off-limits.

    On Thursday, a panel of federal judges at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will be asked whether the FBI’s brazen smash-and-grab scheme that netted more than $86 million in forfeited cash and property violated the Fourth Amendment rights of the raid’s innocent victims.

    “The fundamental principle at stake is that if the government wants to search and seize your property, it has to have some reason to think you did something wrong,” Rob Johnson, an attorney with the Institute for Justice (IJ) and one of the lawyers who will argue the case before the circuit court on Thursday, wrote this week on Twitter. “The FBI came up with a blatant scheme to circumvent that fundamental principle, and, so far, no court has held them to account.”

  8. @Edgar According to the Wikipedia article about him, he was “discrediteded” by Holocaust deniers and later vindicated by historians.

    Wikipedia – Hermann Rauschning

  9. Thanks for the comment, Honeybee. I wish the war were just against Jews and Christians. In fact, it’s against all life. I’m concerned about our children and friends, right here in Oregon:

    Portland passed measure 110, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act, in November 2020 with 58 percent voter support. After becoming law, illicit drugs such as fentanyl, methamphetamine, and heroin were decriminalized, allowing small amounts to be carried for personal use.

    The city has since been grappling with increased homelessness and substance abuse, both of which critics contend have been exacerbated by Measure 110 and the decriminalization of hard drugs. Portland City Council voted unanimously on Sept. 6 to ban substances such as fentanyl and heroin from being used in public amid the ongoing opioid and public health crisis.

    Authorities in Oregon seized tens of thousands of fentanyl pills in Multnomah County back in August, marking the largest illegal drug bust in county history, according to officials. Upon closer inspection of the seized drugs, authorities found 58,000 individual fentanyl pills and 16 pounds of fentanyl powder. Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, can prove deadly as it is many times more potent than heroin, elevating overdose risk.

    This is, effectively, genocide against the US. The rest of the world, including Israel, will follow unless it is stopped.

  10. @Edgar I was quoting from the article concerning Marx and HItler. I never heard of Rauschning before. Why was he deemed unreliable and by whom?

  11. @Edgar then I misunderstood your question. What were you trying to ask about Wikipedia? It didn’t make any sense.

  12. SEB-

    Why are you “telling” me about the IDF casualties. I was pointing out to all the lies that the Gaza terrorist “Health Ministry” was reporting. And why are you recommending Arutz 7 for me to read??

    I check it a dozen times a day , and often post comments from it.
    I’m sure you know this because I state where I got the info.

    You just waste space with this sort of stuff, unless you are in a competition for The Most Active Poster Of The Year………….

  13. SEB-

    I’m surprised that you don’t know that Rauschning’s writings, especially about his talks with Hitler have been deemed for YEARS to be very unreliable and useless to researchers.. You should relate the complete info..if you have it.

    I’ve known this for over 50 years ,as I recall reading about him. He was very well known. Danzig, at one time was very much in the news being one of the very few “Free Cities”, an idea which has medieval antecedents, now long out of use.

    I read a book which had a chapter on Free Cities and Dantzig was prominently mentioned because of it’s pre-War importance on the International scene, especially the 1930’s when Europe was “heating up” towards War. All through the 1930s there were wars going in several places, with European nations trying to make themselves into Empires.

  14. I don’t believe this Otto Wagener character. AS far as I know, there is no confirmation of his supposed support for Marxism and admiration of Karl Marx other than the claims of this guy. Hitler left behind voluminous writings–the Table Talk Mein Kampf and his unpublished second book–and people who were in frequent communication with him, most notably Goebels very extensive diaries, letters and speeches– and I aven;t seen a word in any of them in which he expresses admiration for Kark Marx and his philsophy. Hitler believed that Marxism was just one of the methods that the Jews were using to take over the world,

    The author of the the Independent article fails to make a distinction between Marxism and socialism. This is a mistake. There are many people and groups that saw themselves as socialists butwho were opposed to Marxism. Hitler was certainly a socialist in his own mind, but a national socialist as the name of his party makes clear. National socialism, as Hitler saw it with the socialism that applied only to a particular race, That race, as Hitler saw it, was the Aryan race, and inparticular to its :Nordic” branch, to which Hitler thought the Germans belonged. Hitler believed that socialist policies, such as the protection of the rights of workers,helth and welfare benefits, state supplied jobs, etc,. should apply only to ethnic German workers, and perhaps also to those of what he considered kindred peoples, such the Norwegians and the Dutch. Peoples whom he regarded as inferior, such as the Poles.. Russians and the Jews, had no rights whatever undeer national socialism. They hadno rights whatsoever, and should either be used as slaves by the German folk or wiped out altogether, Hitler was careful to distinguish between his national socialism and the international socialism of the Jews and Bolsheviks, which supposedly aimed at the destruction or enslavement of the German-Aryan folk.

  15. “…Hermann Rauschning, for example, a Danzig Nazi who knew Hitler before and after his accession to power in 1933, tells how in private Hitler acknowledged his profound debt to the Marxian tradition…”


  16. Hermann Rauschning, for example, a Danzig Nazi who knew Hitler before and after his accession to power in 1933, tells how in private Hitler acknowledged his profound debt to the Marxian tradition. “I have learned a great deal from Marxism” he once remarked, “as I do not hesitate to admit”. He was proud of a knowledge of Marxist texts acquired in his student days before the First World War and later in a Bavarian prison, in 1924, after the failure of the Munich putsch. The trouble with Weimar Republic politicians, he told Otto Wagener at much the same time, was that “they had never even read Marx”, implying that no one who had failed to read so important an author could even begin to understand the modern world; in consequence, he went on, they imagined that the October revolution in 1917 had been “a private Russian affair”, whereas in fact it had changed the whole course of human history! His differences with the communists, he explained, were less ideological than tactical. German communists he had known before he took power, he told Rauschning, thought politics meant talking and writing. They were mere pamphleteers, whereas “I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun”, adding revealingly that “the whole of National Socialism” was based on Marx.

  17. AI keeps deleting my comments as soon asI hit send and Ted has been manually retrieving them later in most cases, thank you.

  18. Michael S The war is not against the Jews, it is against Western Christian Values and Civilization. As I tell my Christian friends, ” you are next”/

  19. Believe Carlson falls into that category with comments he’s made and the cover-up on his interview with K West where he edited it out the anti- semitic comments on the

  20. @Edgar

    “The ministry never distinguishes between civilians and combatants. That becomes clearer after the dust settles, when the U.N. and rights groups investigate and militant groups offer a tally of members killed. The Israeli military also conducts post-war investigations.

    The Health Ministry doesn’t report how Palestinians were killed, whether from Israeli airstrikes and artillery barrages or other means, like errant Palestinian rocket fire. It describes all casualties as victims of “Israeli aggression.”

    And they lied about the hospital. Hamas is the only source.

  21. I wish something could be done about Wikipaedia. Sebastien, you’re the Wiki expert, using it extensively. So DO something.

    I was looking up what they say about the Gaza War.

    The “Gaza Health Ministry”, reported a few days ago that over 17,000 civilians had been killed nearly all “women and children”.
    Also that over 350 IDF had been killed and thousands wounded..

    Further down a very weak US comment is that they don’t think the Gaza Health Ministry report is reliable.

    90% of the article is all from Gaza very little from Israel.

  22. TOI reports.

    Still reeling from the trauma of October 7, some Israelis have retreated from support for a two-state solution. A poll conducted three weeks after the attacks found 28.6% of Jewish Israelis in favor of a two-state solution, down from 37.5% a month earlier, according to Tel Aviv University’s Peace Index poll.

    At the same time, only 8.5% of Jewish Israelis backed a fully democratic, one-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians. No separate question was asked about preference for the current status quo.

    The same poll found only 24.5% of Jewish Israelis in favor of peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.

  23. Left-wing Jews usher in Hanukkah in NY with rally demanding a ceasefire and mourning Gaza casualties
    By Luke Tress December 8, 2023 10:12 am

    “And while only 37% of New Yorkers approve of Israel’s war effort, according to a recent poll, the Jewish ceasefire activists have the support of only a minority of their own community: 72% of Jewish New Yorkers support Israel’s war effort, while only 19% disapprove. ”

  24. Chanukah, canceled
    I don’t recall public Christmas celebrations being shut down across the United States after the U.S. military entered Iraq.

    “…Moreover, this fear of being seen as siding with Israel over Hamas has not extended to Muslim-themed events and ceremonies in the United States and Canada, which continue to be held. When it comes to Muslim communities residing in these countries, there is a clear line being drawn between Hamas in Gaza and law-abiding citizens in Los Angeles, New York, Virginia and Toronto exercising their right to worship and assemble as they see fit….”

  25. Sebastien
    You’ve gotten my mouth watering for stroganoff. It mixes “fleishig” mit “milchig”, so Observant beware. Even in my more kosher-conscious days, though, I had no problem mixing turkey with cream sauce. How does one seethe a turkey in its mother’s milk? I asked my rabbi that once, and he was lost for words for a moment. Still, to each according to his own conscience, and I’m not Jewish anyway. Noodles! Mushrooms! Aah!

    I am surprised at nothing that comes out of the churches lately. When the Pope came out as an advocate for transgenderism, that pretty much dissolved the threshold. But if Pastor Isaac wants to see celebration in the ruins of Gaza, he should go watch the hannukiah lightings in Palestine Square:×480.jpg

  26. Shocking Christian news.

    The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem has cancelled Christmas celebrations.
    Pastor Munther Isaac announced that, instead of the usual Nativity display, an image of a baby Jesus lying amongst the rubble of Gaza would replace the manger scene as a message of Jesus being in solidarity with Palestinians.
    Can someone remind this anti-Semitic pastor that Jesus was not a Palestine, He was a Jew, and for this noxious priest to pose such a gruesome pantomime at a time when actual Jewish babies are buried under Gaza, dead or alive, by the Palestinians he supports, is a new example of the long tragic history that Jews have suffered at the hands of such malevolent priests,

    Barry Shaw,
    International Public Diplomacy Associate,
    Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

  27. @Michael Yes, well, Words are like that. White chocolate has no chocolate, Korea just means South Korea, Classical Music just means Italian classical music, a civilization isn’t just the culture of a city state, and piece de resistance:

    antipasto doesn’t refer to a spaghetti hater of the male persuasion. 😀

  28. Hello, Sebastien

    Willie Mahr sounds like a dirty dog who couldn’t keep his tool in his belt. I hate the term “antisemitism” — a queer term, not really meaning what it says. The word has been much abused; but then, I can’t come up with a word that adequately conveys the horror of what it stands for.

    This Hanukkah season marks yet another anniversary of a vain person who tried to wipe out the Jews’ connection to God’s promises. God continues to be the winner.

    I wonder what the IDF will do with all those Hamas prisoners. Chances are, they’ll become part of the greater prisoner exchange fund.

  29. “Wilhelm Marr (1819–1904), the German journalist credited for introducing the word “antisemitism” into wide circulation, at one point referred to himself as its patriarch. Ironically, he was also so obsessed with Jewish women that he married three of them.”
    So, the next time, somebody comes up to you and assures you they can’t be an antisemite because they are married to one and then tries to convince you that Jews are really Khazars or Israel is really bad for any reason at all, even dredging up controversies from 75 years ago, for example, bear this in mind.
    Oh, yes. For most of his career, he was a leftist. See Wikipedia.

  30. Seb-

    Max Sxhmeling , about whom I know a lot, nearly all his career, was NOT a Nazi, although he had to fight in the army..

    I have the book in which Joe Louis half kills him in their return bout. He later be-friended Luis and kept him in cash. He became a champagne salesman and later a multi- millionaire entrepreneur. He was one of the good guys and lived to be around 100.

    Yes, he saved several Jews, His manager of many years Joe Jacobs was a Jew. and describes in humourous terms his meeting with Hitler, saluting him with the hand holding one of his eternal cigars..

    That return fight with Louis was one of the most important of the 20th cent, although lasted less than 1 round. HUGE leadup and publicity and MORE…It was only THEN that Max Baer,(not a Jew-only partly) began to wear a Magen David on his trunks.

    It showed the Nazis were not “supermen” as Hitler had been touting.