Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,625 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7625 Comments

  1. @Honeybee Found this:

    …Max Schmeling – the former champ soundly defeated by Star-of-David-clad Jewish-American boxer, Max Baer (father of the actor who portrayed Jethro on The Beverly Hillbillies)….historically associated with the Nazi regime – not only defied Hitler and the Nazis, but also saved the life of two Jewish children who might otherwise have been murdered by them…

  2. From Patrick Byrne:

    Just letting the nation know that somewhere in the country, I won’t say which state or official, but somebody key has just flipped on superiors and is spilling guts.

    Lesson for all Election Miscreants:

    “Roll early role often.”

  3. Charlie Kirk’s remarks about Israel in 2023 were apparently delivered on Daniel Bet-David;s site , not on the sites linked by Michael S and Ted. Kirk did deliver a speech expressing his love for Israel in Jerusalem in 2019, some years before the current war. I did find that speech moving. It still remains a mystery, however, as to why Michael S and Ted posted misinformation about where to findthis speech.

  4. Those on Israpundit who carry on a campaign of disinformation on behalf of CIA, wittingly or not, in favour of Ukraine are helping the enemies of Israel. This is because the roots of the Ukrainian extreme right wingers go back to the Ukrainian Fascists who led the Holocaust along with the Nazis. This is all carefully documented. I name Michael, Bear Klein, Adam Dalgliesh and Laura. This certainly weakens Israel now in the present.

    The site Michael has just referenced is definitely CIA and MI6. It is called The Insider or and is located in Latvia.

    To take any of its information as truth is to greatly weaken Israel.

  5. I love this:

    Ivy League schools recruit smaller donors as Jewish mega-donors withdraw – NYP report
    Ivy League colleges that have lost the support of Jewish donors have lowered their donor standards – offering dedication donations for up to 90% less than usual, according to a new report.

  6. @ Michael @Ted There is no speech about Israel in on the second web address that Michael sent me any more than on the first. Neither of these flashpoint podcasts has anything about Israel except for a few casual references. Definitely no “keanot adress about either of them. Both flashpoint podcasts focus exclusely on American politics and religion, not Israel. Why do you guys keep lying to m: Are you just teasing and making fun of me? My feelings have never been hurt this badly by anything I have ever read on Israpundit before.

    Please give me the accurate web page where you saw the Charlie Kirk’s speech about Israel/ And please explain to me why you have lied twice to me.

  7. Today the PMs Office issued a glowing announcement addressed to the Gaza Citizens, painting a glowing future of sea front, palm trees (?) and prosperity if free of Hamas,

    If true , and not just propaganda to drive a wedge between the public and Hamas, It surely means the end of Netanyahu.
    Gazans are implicitly involved in the Hamas terroristic activities and support them, actively taking past in the Oct Massacres and looting.

    It said NOTHING about destroying the existence of Hamas, which has been one of the PMs most reiterated Mantras.

  8. @Ted @Michael For goodness sake, please help me to find this alleged Keynote speech of Charlie Kirk. I went to the podcast that you linked and I couldn’t find a keynote speech or any speech about Israel. But obviously you did fina a keynote speech somewhere. Please help me to find it.

  9. @Michael– I listened patiently to to the Charlie Kirk podcast that you provided a link to and I didn;t hear a word about Israel. Where is his supposed :”keynote speech” on this podcast? The podcast that you provided a link to doesn’t contain any reference to Israel that I can find. Please clarify.

  10. I’m not condemning you if you go to a Starbucks but if you go to a Starbucks insidea target, we have ti talk.

    opening pastor’s remarks in Charlie Kirk video

    It s long been my theory that just as Christian churches offered economic security to musicians, they did the same for standup comics.

  11. Israel & IDF did well to save the lives of about 100 hostages. In the midst of terrible circumstances it is important to recognize that saving lives has true merit.

  12. Son of Hamas co-founder calls for Israel to kill his father if terrorist group doesn’t release all hostages

    ““Israel cannot continue like this…Hamas must have a timeframe – a month or two or six months – to return the hostages and if they don’t return the hostages within the time frame, Israel must execute top Hamas leaders in prison, especially the mass murderers,” he said in a 10-minute video posted to X on Tuesday.

    “When I say execute top leaders, I mean no exceptions, that includes my own father,” he continued. “I made a mistake, 10 or 15 years ago when I saved his life many times…He was supposed to die for his actions. I saved his life. Things did not change, things got worse.”

    Yousef said he gave the war-torn country “permission to execute all Hamas top leaders in prison” before saying Israel should continue after them in Gaza and Qatar.”

  13. I noticed that Every interviewed Arab refugee from Gaza who complained about Hamas made it all about themselves. Not one said with outrage – unlike Jewish useful idiots who side with the Arabs- “Not in our name.”

    And almost every Muslim or Arab in Israel or abroad who gave lip service to condemning the October 7 Pogrom, invariably long after, almost in the same breath, began scolding and demanding concessions from Israel.

    With notable individual exceptions like the “Green Prince”.

  14. Netanyahu has stated:

    From the beginning of the war, I set three goals: the elimination of Hamas, the return of all our hostages, and to ensure that Gaza will never again be a threat to Israel. These three goals remain…

    Of course Netanyahu must be totally supported here without condition.

    But that unconditional support does not imply political agreement especially on whether we think he can succeed in carrying out these successfully.

    This is where freedom of speech entails massive importance.

    In fact I place freedom of speech as prerequisite for all successful action.

  15. Basically the statement by Blinken means that the words about October 7 coming out of the American Government were always words of deceit. They did not care at all. Israel has to proceed with that clear knowledge.

  16. Blinken tweeted:

    I spoke with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah about the conflict in Gaza and measures to improve security and freedom for Palestinians in the West Bank. I reiterated the U.S. commitment to advancing the establishment of a Palestinian state.

    Not a word of criticism . Not a demand of any kind. Blinken reserves that for Israel.

  17. Israel has informed the US that releasing Marwan Barghouti “is out of the question and is not applicable to any future hostage negotiations.”…
    Barghouti is serving five life sentences, plus an additional forty years, for killing five Israelis.

  18. @Edgar

    I’d have preferred that Israel be the one to renew the shooting

    I agree. It should be noted that the halting of hostage releases and resumption of hostility took place within hours of Blinken’s dictates which place Israel at a serious disadvantage. The daylight demonstrated between US demands and Israeli needs, once again, signaled to Hamas that all was not lost, and they responded accordingly. Very disturbing.

  19. Well all the quibbling is ended I’m sure. The war has resumed, just as the PM said it would.
    BUT, I’d have preferred that Israel be the one to renew the shooting, not being a political dissimulator.
    However since it was Hamas, that’s all to the good, although Netanyahu says they didn’t deliver the agreed on, hostages

    Not surprising. Hamas and scorpions are exactly alike .(I mean the tale about the scorpion being carried across theriver).

  20. I forgot to add

    All of the present above in the context that in truth and fact Gaza is Israel and according to all of League of Nations (not counting the British Barbarians post Balfour) all of Palestine is Jewish and history will be avenged

  21. TED

    I’m sure the normal “man -the-street” around the world does not understand “unilateral” cease fire. If Israel DID stop for a while and then resumed she would be condemned by all for starting an unprovoked war.

    Right now the people of most of the civilised world are positively on Israel’s side and are daily making fresh declarations against the horrors of Hamas, and supporting Israel to the hilt.

    Let’s keep it that way. The simple way.

  22. Ted

    My viewpoint is that this all comes back to January 7

    I never got on board this war but for very specific and different reasons.

    Reader will bear this out I said to him DO NOT FIGHT ON THE ENEMY’S TERMS GROUNDS or to that effect.

    I never agreed with Caroline Glick

    I said wait and have full open discussion as to what went wrong with security

    I saw it was all rotten at a high level when bastards warned the young women to get back to the job spotting.

    What you Ted say above

    It is somewhat like 2005. Sharon said get everyone out of Gaza and the least attack flatten where the attack came from. BUT HE DIDN’T! That was the catch IE leadership issue again.

    This is where I always disagree. Trotsky and thereby Trotskyism was always about leadership parties.

    The border was seemingly ok but the operating not

    Really issue was WHAT TYPE OF BORDER?

    Anybody entering the buffer area shot at once

    Border sealed. Let the Fascists rot.

    Nothing passes no passaran.

    No way no direction no how.

    The Hamas bestiality…Jews have the right of revenge and nobody can deny that.

    And release the hostages or else they pay.

    How can UN or Biden deny that.

    We need a new TYPE of leadership eventually Trotskyism

  23. Laura is like a programmed robot. She adds sweet nothing to debate but at regular intervals a hate Putin rant. This is the horrific level:

    Thank you Bear for speaking the truth! I’m astounded that anyone here is still defending Putin and Russia. I’ve been warning about Putin for a long time. I strongly believe Russia had a role in 10/7. Many months ago in fact Putin was threatening Israel.
    Russians are allies of Hamas and not friends of Israel!

    Already established Putin wants quiet.

    He has quite enough on his plate

  24. Not only does Israel need US resupply but she will need their veto when SC meets to end the war.

    Can Israel call Biden’s bluff and just continue in the south what she did in the north? Would Biden cut off ties with Israel or resupply? What options does Biden realistically have.

    Israel can’t finish the job in a month whether or not she restrained herself as Biden/Blinken are demanding.
    I think that Biden/ Blinken are pushing these restrictions to get Israel’s concession regarding the day after.
    I have been entertaining the idea that Israel doesn’t comply with the demands and instead takes a defensive posture.. We only shoot back if Hamas shoots. Israel would also prevent the Gazans returnoing to the north and would prevent any rebuiding. Also Israel would not involve herself with responsibility for civilians.
    What could the US or the world do in response.? What could Hamas do?
    I am not advocating for a permanent ceasefire.. I am advocating for a unilateral ceasefire, one we can abandon at a time of our choosing.
    The reason I am thinking about such a posture is because it prevents a solution to the problem on US terms. Also the US and the world will then have to deal with the displaced Gazans without our cooperation.
    If Hamas is still there, the US can’t impose their solution for the day after. Also we could significantly demobilize while the unilateral ceasefire is in place.

  25. According to Ch. 12 report, Blinken clashed with Israel’s war cabinet about the next phase in the Gaza operation.

    “I don’t think you have the credit for that,” Blinken reportedly told the defense minister about his stated goal to “dismantle Hamas, even if it takes months.”

    From Jacob N. Kornbluh on X


    Notably in his comments just now, Blinken said the U.S. supports Israel’s efforts so that “Hamas cannot repeat the horrors of Oct 7” – he didn’t say dismantle or eliminate.

    From Jim Sciutto on X

  26. @Bear

    it matters what Israel does not Blinken says.

    Really? Do you think that Bibi came out and acknowledged that there were many more Pals being killed in Gaza than intended for his own purposes? I doubt this is likely the case.

    I also doubt that Israel’s leadership will so flippantly ignore this very clear directive from Israel’s supplier of arms. Also, the smoke and mirrors regarding Biden’s statements should not be misunderstood to be for Israel’s consumption, but rather to mollify his own base which has opposing viewpoints.

    Blinken came to meet with the War Cabinet so that there was no record of the threats being delivered, but also so that the threats were delivered without misunderstanding. His summary following the meeting is not contradictory or obscure in the least.

    At best, this will result in Israel suffering far more casualties, and in the worst case, the war aims will never be met as they chase Hamas out of everywhere except where they can’t be chased, which is where they are held up, in the hospitals, and schools which will be maintained with a steady supply of civilians to serve as additional human shields.

    So the war will continue and the death toll will rise, and ultimately Israel will be left with a choice of whether they should continue on this silly merry go round going nowhere or simply withdraw without having won the war.

    This is very disturbing.

  27. @Ted it matters what Israel does not Blinken says. Biden & Blinken both themselves that contradictory to one another. There is no logic to their statements at times. It is political double talk to appeal to all political sides of the Democratic party.

    Israel just needs to what it needs to which is rout Hamas plus get the hostages back. Which in itself has a contraction or conflict.

  28. Blinken: There must be no enduring internal displacement in Gaza Nov 30, 2023

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at a press conference in Tel Aviv this evening: “In my meetings today with the Prime Minister and senior Israeli officials, I made clear that before Israel resumes major military operations, it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection plans that minimize further casualties of innocent Palestinians. That means taking more effective steps to protect the lives of civilians, including by clearly and precisely designating places in southern and central Gaza where they can be safe and out of the line of fire. It means avoiding further significant displacement of civilians inside of Gaza. It means avoiding damage to life-critical infrastructure like hospitals, like power stations, like water facilities. And it means giving civilians who have been displaced to southern Gaza the choice to return to the north as soon as conditions permit. There must be no enduring internal displacement.”

    This is the price Biden is demanding for letting us destroy Hamas.

  29. Thank you Bear for speaking the truth! I’m astounded that anyone here is still defending Putin and Russia. I’ve been warning about Putin for a long time. I strongly believe Russia had a role in 10/7. Many months ago in fact Putin was threatening Israel.
    Russians are allies of Hamas and not friends of Israel!

  30. Russians are allies of Hamas and not friends of Israel!

    Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has found no grounds for investigating the murder and abduction of Russian citizens in Israel by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 massacre, according to a report by Russian opposition media outlet Mojem Obyasnit. Israel’s Foreign Ministry says 23 Russian citizens were killed during the atrocities and another seven were kidnapped to the Gaza Strip.

  31. The Democratic administration, seeking to avoid more large-scale civilian casualties or mass displacement like that seen before the current temporary pause in the fighting, underscored to the Israelis that they must operate with far greater precision in southern Gaza than they did in the north, said officials who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the White House.