Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,626 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7626 Comments

  1. @Michael

    Still, you persist in hating me and mine because we are Christian.

    I have not said anything to suggest that I hold any hatred towards you or your coreligionists in any way, shape or form, not in this thread or any other. I hope I don’t have to state that my post about the Lebanese Christians was related specifically and exclusively to the Lebanese Christians, and amusingly not about you at all. Just for clarity, my post regarding Nasrallah below this one was also shared without any relationship or connotation towards you or your christian faith. These were both simply news stories relatable to the conflict ongoing in Israel today, and I raeally shouldn’t have to explain this to you. I am not anti-Christian, and as Ted aptly put it, i am also not anti-Michael, for what it is worth. You seem a bit fragile or confused or something, so take a minute and reflect on the content of my previous posts and you will recognize that nothing I have shared here was meant as an abuse to either you or your religion or your anything else. This may be perhaps the silliest post I will hopefully ever have to write, so let us end this silliness and make no more pretenses that I have been hateful towards you when I have clearly not been.

  2. @Peloni you believe the TASS report? I am highly skeptical to be understated.

    Hezbollah is Iran’s defense against an Israeli attack. They are not the savior of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood called Hamas. Hamas is just a tool they use.

  3. @Michael
    Reign it in.There are no anti-Christian or anti Michael comments or posts here.The only criticism is of the unelected Biden administration’s policies.

  4. Peloni,

    I’m pretty sure you know I’m not Lebanese. I imagine, though, that you DO know that the vast majority of Jews who fled RUSSIA in the early 1900s, came to the US — precisely because we were a CHRISTIAN country that gave everyone a fair shake. Still, you persist in hating me and mine because we are Christian. That’s your problem, not mine.

  5. Russian state news agency TASS:

    The Secretary General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, issued an ultimatum to the United States through intermediaries, demanding that Israel’s military operation in Gaza be stopped by November 3, reports the Al-Jarida newspaper in Kuwait, citing Iranian diplomatic sources.

    According to the sources, if the US does not comply with this demand, in his televised speech on Friday, Nasrallah will announce “a general mobilization of Shiite militias for war with Israel and will launch military operations against Israel from all directions.”

    Al-Jarida points out that the Secretary General of Hezbollah agreed on the ultimatum with Ismail Kani, head of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who arrived on Tuesday in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

    According to the newspaper’s sources, Quds Force chief Qani stated earlier at a meeting of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council that Tehran’s regional allies could lose popular support if they failed to “join the struggle to support the Palestinian people.”


  6. The President of the Christian-Based “Lebanese Forces” Political Party in Lebanon, Samir Geagea has now called for Hezbollah to Withdraw from the South of the Country and Return its Control to the Lebanese Armed Forces; he further stated that if Hezbollah decides to enter the War in Israel they will be committing a Major Crime against the Lebanese People.


  7. Hi, Bear

    Russian’s it is reported are going to send Hezbollah air defense systems. Anyone here besides the registered Trotsky worshiper still feel good about the Russians?

    I’m sure Peloni still loves them. I don’t know about Ted. No direct word from Peloni on the matter. He’s busy blaming the Americans for WWII.

  8. Israel is unified. I read one person’s commentary at the beginning of this war that the Israelis were so divided that they would lose the war and Israel disappear. Folks Israelis are really united and will win the war. I am worried about post war.

    Study: Nearly 50% of Israeli citizens volunteered during first weeks of war
    Far-reaching Hebrew University analysis shows ‘pre-existing social divisions set aside’ to create over 1,000 diverse civil initiatives
    By Gavriel Fiske Today, 1:23 am 0

    Volunteers prepare aid packages and supplies for Israeli soldiers and evacuated residents in Tel Aviv on October 12, 2023. (Gil Cohen-Magen/AFP)
    Volunteers prepare aid packages and supplies for Israeli soldiers and evacuated residents in Tel Aviv on October 12, 2023. (Gil Cohen-Magen/AFP)

    The eruption of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7 saw nearly half the Israeli population engaged in some form of volunteer work during the first two weeks of the conflict, according to an academic study released Thursday.

    “This is a mega-event for Israel and for Israel’s civil society. The scale of activities, the areas of activities… there are things that we haven’t seen before. We’ve had wars, military operations and the COVID crisis, but the scale and the magnitude [here] are very different,” Prof. Michal Almog-Bar, Head of the Institute for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and lead author of the study, told The Times of Israel.

    The authors of “Civil Society Engagement in Israel During the Iron Swords War: Emerging Trends and Preliminary Insights” found that “approximately 48.6% of the Israeli population engaged in volunteering during this critical period” and that “volunteers played a significant role in effectively addressing the multitude of needs that emerged on the ground during the initial two weeks of the war.”

  9. @ Peloni there was a WSJ article quoting US Military about anti Aircraft Systems to Hezbollah from Russians. When they get unloaded hopefully in Beirut Airport, Israel will know about it and blow them up.

  10. @Bear
    Is that report confirmed? When I read it yesterday on Twitter, it was clearly not yet confirmed, but just another report. Have you heard that the report is confirmed? I am not convinced that the report is real, but facts are stubborn things, if facts they be, of course.

  11. I am looking for an article that I published in which Biden claimed to have Israel’s agreement. If Israel did in fact agree, it would be suicde. Does anyone knw in whcih article Biden clkaimed to have israel’s agreement.?

  12. Russian’s it is reported are going to send Hezbollah air defense systems. Anyone here besides the registered Trotsky worshiper still feel good about the Russians?

  13. Pentagon Press Secretary, Brigadier General Patrick S. Ryder stated today that the U.S. Department of Defense does not agree with President Biden and Administration Officials on the Idea of a Ceasefire or “Pause” in Fighting within the Gaza Strip, with General Ryder stating it would only allow for Hamas Terrorists to Regroup and Resupply as well as possibly placing Israeli Lives at Risk.

    Summary of Politico report by OSINTdefender

    I have long seen a distinction in the policies being pursued by the DOD and Pentagon when compared to the State Dept and Intel Agencies in Washington. This is a particularly acute example of the dichotomy of policies which oppose eachother in the current administration. Hopefully the Pentagon’s policy will be allowed to prevail so that the war will be won with relatively low costs. The alternative is likely to have a far less pleasant outcome for everyone but the terrorists. No doubt this is the reason why Blinken and Biden are rushing to return to Israel just as the lock is placed upon this Hamas stronghold. It will be interesting to see how Bibi and his govt respond.

  14. Gaza city has been surrounded. So a new siege will begin…unless it is required that as they bomb Hamas into oblivion that they also serve them breakfast and dinner…The inhabitants of Mossel, Lybia and Syria would be quite jealous of the Penthouse treatment which Hamas is being treated. A million civillians were killed in the US war in Iraq. Half a million children died in America’s bombing of Serbia. Unkown numbers were slaughtered in the Gaddafi man-hunt in Libya. But in Israel, we must feed them before we can attack them. New double standards selectively enforced upon the Jewish State.

  15. TED-
    I posted about the 331fallen a couple of days ago. It was in Arutz 7. Likely it didn’t print. It was a sort of response to the news of the 15 IDF deaths in Gaza-including the 9 in a lightly armoured vehicle..

  16. Denys Davydov
    2 hours ago

    Six aircraft were spotted flying over the territory of Saudi Arabia, taking off from the American naval base in Bahrain. Also currently flying over the Red Sea is a KC-130J Super Hercules tanker aircraft.

    The task of this group, which includes air and sea forces, is likely to be the destruction of missiles launched from Yemen.

    It doesn’t seem like many Arab leaders actually sympathize with the Hamas creatures.

  17. The National Intelligence Service of South Korea briefed Lawmakers recently on Evidence they have received which shows North Korean Leader, Kim Jong Un has ordered for Officials to begin providing Support to the Palestinians in Israel and to begin looking into the possibility of Weapons Shipments to Iranian-Backed Militias across the Middle East; the North Korean Military has provided Weapons, including Anti-Tank Missiles, to Hamas before but this would be the First Time this is claimed to have been done in recent Years.

  18. @Ted Belman

    331 IDF soldiers have fallen since the beginning of the war.

    There should be a new settlement built for every fallen IDF soldier, and each one should be named after the fallen hero.

  19. IDF rescued a female solider today from a tunnel. GOOD NEWS!!!!!!

    IDF says captured soldier rescued from Gaza during overnight operation
    Pvt. Ori Megidish reunited with family and she is physically fine.

  20. @Ted
    CIJR presents “The British Treachery and Israel” with Geoffrey Clarfield
    Geoffrey Clarfield, who I recognize from your two symposiums, recently gave a lecture on the shocking plot by the British to overthrow the Israeli govt back during the 50’s by a military assault and re-establishthe British Mandate. In the discussion, Geoffrey relates the skullduggery of the British to betray Israel to the potential scemes of the current regime in Washington.

  21. Recently I saw an article in which it said that Britain wanted to destroy the new State of Israel and return to the area as a mandate.
    Please help me find this article.

  22. Here’s a good quote:

    “No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”
    – William Blum


    Russian state TV host Sergey Mardan ranted that being Ukrainian was a choice and compared it to swearing an oath to the devil.

    Speaking during his show Mardan Live, the TV host bemoaned calling people Ukrainians in a move that could be considered an attempt to undermine their national identity, according to a translation by Russian Media Monitor created by Daily Beast reporter Julia Davis.

    “Totally voluntarily, for some inexplicable reason, we call those who live in Ukraine Ukrainians,” Mardan said in the October 28 clip. “By ‘we’ I mean the average people, in conversations, in social media, on television, almost all of my colleagues, for some reason, call those living in Ukraine Ukrainians.

    “I am totally amazed by this. Right now to be a Ukrainian is a political choice. This is a completely deliberate choice. This is a political choice. A person stands in front of the mirror, looks in the mirror, and says, ‘I am a Ukrainian.’ He swears some kind of an oath and slits his vein, I don’t know all that they do during it.

    “It’s just a ritual,” Mardan later continued. “It’s like swearing an oath to the devil. You denounce Christ and say, ‘Now I am a Ukrainian.'”

    Mardan also said he believed that a family who insists upon studying Ukrainian in Russia in 2023 should be placed under “special scrutiny by the security services.”

    Many people seem to be trying to “redefine” reality. Is “Trans” a race? a gender? Are Jews “white supremacists”? Are “vaccine hesitant” terrorists? Should we Woke up and smell the vapes?

  24. Hi, Tanna

    Someone will have to dig through Israpundit to find what I posted — definitely before Wednesday. It was prophesied several days before then, that something big was about to happen in the tunnels below GCS. If the police were not already given a heads up by informants, they definitely had that prophecy to go by.

    In China, former PM Li Keqiang died, rather prematurely, at 68. His was the only voice remaining from the “Pre-Xi” era. He favored economic reform, but was silenced by Xi — along with Defense Minister Li Shangfu and Foreign Minister Qin Gang

    To make a long story short, Xi has effectively purged all potential rivals, and fired all his advisors who had any wisdom.

    Expect China to proceed from here on an exceedingly stupid and dangerous course.

  25. Michael, the GCS thing came in out dinner through text notification. this was new as of Wednesday the 25th. siting across the table, eyeball to eye. Not a reference to what you had said earlier. we shall see.

    what did you post about China?

  26. Hi Tanna

    The GCS thing was prophesied several days ago. I posted it on Israpundit, but it has scrolled off.

    BTW the news I just posted about China is earthshaking.

  27. United Nations voted on amendment condemning the Oct 7, attacked on Israel by HAMAS..
    Un voted, 88 in favor
    against 55
    23 abstentions
    Then applauded after the vote, on amendment L26 failed.

    reported on twitter

  28. Demonstrations at Grand central station. I was told NYC police is being placed on alert. All leave, vacation time off has been suspended starting noon on Sunday. It was reported that as the IDF ground operation increases, all hands-on deck. They must have some information to spend the money. They seem to always know before hand………

    The below link is long but from where I set I see it. Worth your time if you Believe in God, Torah and Israel.

  29. October 27 2023 10:22:09
    Former Chinese premier Li Keqiang dies at 68

    In his parting words, Li Keqiang warns that ‘heaven is watching’


    “China Fires Missing Defense Minister, Leaving Key Military Position Empty”

    The Chinese Communist Party announced through its state media arms on Tuesday that genocidal dictator Xi Jinping had fired now-former Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who had disappeared from the public eye without explanation in August.

    Beijing did not announce any replacement for Li, meaning the country currently has no defense minister at the helm of the core military agency. Li also lost his prestigious position in the Chinese State Council, the state-run Global Times announced, and that on the Central Military Commission (CMC).

    Li officially held the title for about seven months and is The Chinese Communist Party announced through its state media arms on Tuesday that genocidal dictator Xi Jinping had fired now-former Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who had disappeared from the public eye without explanation in August.

    Beijing did not announce any replacement for Li, meaning the country currently has no defense minister at the helm of the core military agency. Li also lost his prestigious position in the Chinese State Council, the state-run Global Times announced, and that on the Central Military Commission (CMC).

    Li officially held the title for about seven months and is the second recently appointed top minister to vanish for months before being unceremoniously removed from office. Prior to Li, former Foreign Minister Qin Gang abruptly began canceling all public appearances before the Communist Party ousted him from his office, also without explanation, in July. Like Li, Qin lasted seven months on the job, having been only appointed in January. Both Li and Qin were unconventional choices for their respective jobs, believed to have been hand-picked for their posts by Xi. Their disappearance has cast Xi’s decision-making in poor light and suggested that the dictator is engaging in an ongoing purge of his top officials, potentially an expansion of his obsessive attempts to eliminate alleged corruption within the Communist Party.the second recently appointed top minister to vanish for months before being unceremoniously removed from office. Prior to Li, former Foreign Minister Qin Gang abruptly began canceling all public appearances before the Communist Party ousted him from his office, also without explanation, in July. Like Li, Qin lasted seven months on the job, having been only appointed in January. Both Li and Qin were unconventional choices for their respective jobs, believed to have been hand-picked for their posts by Xi. Their disappearance has cast Xi’s decision-making in poor light and suggested that the dictator is engaging in an ongoing purge of his top officials, potentially an expansion of his obsessive attempts to eliminate alleged corruption within the Communist Party.

  30. IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi in a video statement: “Three weeks have passed since the start of the war. This war has stages, and today we moved into a new phase. Our forces are currently carrying out ground operations in the Gaza Strip… which serve to achieve all the war’s objectives, dismantling Hamas, security at the borders, and uppermost efforts to return all the hostages back home. The objectives of the war require ground entry. There are no achievements without risks, and there is no victory without prices being paid. In order to expose the enemy and destroy it, there is no other way but to enter its territory with great force. This action serves all the objectives of the war.”

  31. There are many reasons and possible reasons for limited incursions:

    First the enemy should not know what you are planning and when.
    Flexibility makes one less vulnerable.
    You prepare the ground finding vulnerabilities and enemy traps.
    Also Israel has from the air now divided Gaza in half and is furthering dividing it on the ground to control the battle space, not to allow the enemy resupply or reinforcements.

  32. You know the difference between a leftwing and a rightwing antisemite, from my observation? Leftwing antisemites have Jewish friends who they try to turn against other Jews

  33. @Edgar
    Your conclusions are probably correct, with the current operation simply making the hole previously poked thru the Gazan defenses that much bigger while also trying to push Hamas back to the negotiating table over the hostage issue. Of course, I am not hopeful for the hostages, many of whom are likely spirited away thru the Egyptian border as with the Hamas leadership as you suggested. The Egyptian border is always porous for the right price.

    Also, for all the bluster and public support of Israel being projected by the US, I am very certain that they are making a series of threats and warnings behind the scenes to try to counter Israeli resolve.

    One more thing, the naval support in the Mediterranean is just amazing. I read a partial list of the major vessels present and it is quite a shocking list to read. I had expected that the second carrier group, along with the marine forces at least, would be moved to the Persian gulf before activities on the ground became more involved to act as a point of restraint on Iran, but it seems that this was not the case, or at least not yet. It would appear that there is a greater interest in posturing in the Mediterranean than providing a counterweight to Persian aggression closer to home. This more than anything appears quite counterintuitive, but time will tell.

  34. Per my conversations with two US officials, this is how we should understand the last 7 hours:

    Today’s barrage of intensified Israeli strikes ahead of an imminent ground invasion – coupled with US calling again for a humanitarian pause – was a negotiating tool to push for hostage releases.

    Basically, one last big push to get hostages out before ground invasion begins

    As of this AM, Israel’s plan was to send a division into Gaza as strikes intensified– beginning around noon eastern.
    For the last several hours, Israel held off large-scale ground offensive, instead sending more limited force as US stepped up calls for pause to get hostages out.

    This was designed to allow one last chance for Hamas to be convinced that now is the time to trade // seriously discuss concessions.

    As of now, there is no progress on hostage discussions to announce.

    That said, this time did allow for Israel to learn more about the environment, gather intel, as they prepare to do more.

    I asked about ABC report that US/Israeli officials have indicated tonight’s ground incursion is not a large-scale offensive – and if that is an indication the pressure plan is working…

    ..The response didn’t directly answer the question, but I’m told Israel “has heard our concerns” – ie. about the need to take every possible step to mitigate civilian casualties.

    he US continues to express support for humanitarian pauses if hostage releases would be successful.

    Jacqui Heinrich (Fox News)

  35. PELONI-

    The way I’ve read it, there have been a few preparatory-exploratory incursions, and the heat of the raids have depended on the resistance of Hamas. The major offensive is still to come.
    And I think this is a good thing. . If the huge destruction incursions are just preparatory, then the Major offensive will obliterate Hamas-in Gaza at least.

    They’re likely to pop up elsewhere as I believe that most of the leaders have already escaped to safety in Egypt.

  36. If the Fighting tonight in the Gaza Strip really is just another Raid like some Israeli and U.S. Officials are stating than I have absolutely No Clue and am Terrified to see what the Full-Scale Invasion will look like.


  37. MICHAEL-

    The Metis may be “assimilated ” into the overwhelming Canadian culture as you say. I have yet to find any distinct Canadian Culture.

    The Metis are a distinct Group and recognised as a separate, indigenous People in Canada. They have their own Leaders, Councils and officials. I met a metis about 25 years ago and we became fiends, and corresponded for at least 10 years until I left Canada for a while.

    He chose “Metis’ over “Canadian”……

  38. Israel’s ground assaults in Gaza tonight appear to be a “rolling start” to the ground invasion, two US officials says – CBS

    Faytuks News