Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

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April 16, 2020 | 7,626 Comments »

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  1. WaPo reports now:

    The Israeli military said Friday that it was expanding ground operations in its attacks on the Gaza Strip, an announcement that coincided with intense bombardment across the enclave, a near-total collapse of the internet and appeals by Washington for Israel to hold off on a major ground offensive.

    The scope of Israel’s latest movement of ground forces remained unclear, along with whether it marked steps toward the full-scale incursion that Israel has vowed to carry out in an attempt to crush the militant group Hamas. In recent days, Israeli ground units have conducted targeted strikes in Gaza.

  2. A US reporter in Gaza Tweeted tonight:

    Massive airstrikes across northern Gaza. Nonstop. The heaviest I’ve seen since the war started.

    I believe Shifra Hospital is in the IDF’s sights.

  3. Two Israeli officials said the decision “to expand” ground operations in Gaza was made by the Israeli war cabinet on Thursday night local time after talks on a possible hostage release reached a stalemate.


  4. US and Israeli officials tell ABC News tonight’s ground incursion in Gaza is not a large-scale offensive.

    The connotation of this report is that Israel is confiding in the US with its plans in some degree at least. This is a mistake. The US is infiltrated with a well established spy ring in highly sensitive positions of the US govt, including the Pentagon. What is more, the US is still funding the Iranians and their terrorists proxies which it has promoted over the years to Israel’s great detriment. There should be NO sharing of operational plans with the West. Doing so will only serve to invite a battlefield disaster.

  5. A spokesperson for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday evening that “Hamas will feel our rage tonight”.


  6. Communications and internet have completely collapsed in Gaza, and the current assault is being characterized as being the most intense thus far during the war.

  7. Sebastien, the author is a Metis, a mixed breed person like myself. The Metis are throrughly assimilated into the dominant Canadian culture.

  8. Jewish students at Cooper Union, a private New York City college, were locked inside a library Wednesday as pro-Palestine and pro-Hamas protesters beat their fists on the doors, screamed, and tried to gain entry.

    New York police, however, told The Daily Signal that officers didn’t intervene because “no threats of physical violence were made.”

    THIS is NOT okay. @cooperunion, WTF is wrong with you?
    — Jason Curtis Anderson (@JCAndersonNYC) October 25, 2023

    Videos shot by terrified students trapped in the library initially were shared first on social media Wednesday afternoon by Jake Novak, former media director at the Israeli Consulate in New York.

    Novak reported that the New York Police Department was called “as soon as the protesters stormed the main Cooper Union building, but [officers] did nothing.”

  9. Russia and China vetoed on Wednesday a US-drafted UN Security Council resolution on the war between Israel and Hamas.

    The draft condemns the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, supports Israel’s right to defend itself, and calls for the unconditional release of hostages from Gaza.

    The resolution also called for pauses in the violence to allow aid access. The United Arab Emirates voted against the resolution, while 10 members voted in favor and two abstained.

  10. Hi, Tanna

    are rushing to support Israel. That makes no sense.

    Anbar-Tanf-Jordan-Israel Is the US conduit from the Mediterranean to the riches of the Middle East. It makes good sense that the West is rushing to protect its interests there.

    point #3 – Agreed. But this could be a false flag. Biden and Iran – they are working together.

    Yes; and Iran is also working closely and publicly with Russia and China. This is called “treachery”, the stock in trade of the Biden Crime Family.

    if Ted likes him, he must be O. K.

    Ted hates the Kinglet (Abdullah), and makes no bones of supporting his rival, Mudar Zahran. Ted trusts Mudar; I don’t.

    Biden wants a war

    — only when it serves his personal interest. He gets 10% of the action, whether it comes from war or peace.

    there are more than one ship

    There is a whole armada heading for the Middle East, from many nations. I wouldn’t be surprised to see both North and South Korea to be sending assets.

    they all want a piece of the land if the Arabs and Palestine’s where to destroy Israel. However, you and I both know that will not happen.

    You’ve been reading ahead in the book!

    BTW there is a prophetic warning, that terrorists may target a place like New York’s Grand Central Station. If I were in New York City, I would be very careful about security over the next month or so.

  11. Michael,

    to your point #1 – I agree. Here is what I see. The most antisemitic president in recent history (obama / Biden the same as one) are rushing to support Israel. That makes no sense.

    point #2 – I agree.
    point #3 – Agreed. But this could be a false flag. Biden and Iran – they are working together. remember the 60 Millon or so, Biden gave to Iran.

    point #4 – I know nothing about the “kinglet”, but if Ted likes him, he must be O. K.

    point #5 – Agreed, but although Biden wants a war, he does not want it while a democrat is in office. But if Trump is reelected or another Republican, the democrats would be organismic with a war. Everything the Democrats have done is pave the way for a war, here – there- somewhere or everywhere.

    Point#6 – yes, but my understanding is there are more than one ship and its support group.

    point #7 – Sure – they all want a piece of the land if the Arabs and Palestine’s where to destroy Israel. However, you and I both know that will not happen.

    I believe there is something afoot, but I do not think it is the battle of 38-39, although I do believe the groundwork is being done to set the stage.

  12. Hi, Tanna

    Have you ever known a time for USA to run to their defense as now, moving carriers and men to the shores of Israel.

    I can’t think of ever seeing a time when lies were so ubiquitous as now! Without doing any lookups, let me say what I see:

    1. Traitor Joehas ONLY his personal interests at heart. Whoever pays him the most will get his way.

    2. US policy, since a least the GW Bush years, has been to pre-position equipment all around the world, to allow beaches for rapid response. In the M.E., the main such bases are in Anwar Province, Iraq and Tanf, Syria. The only land access to these places is through Israel and Jordan.

    3. Those are the places Iranian proxies have just attacked us, and caused Sleepy Joe to interrupt a high level meeting to address the situation.

    4. The support of the one Ted Belman calls “The Kinglet” is essential to maintaining these outposts. Biden does NOT want to make trouble for the Kinglet.

    5. Likewise, Biden does NOT want Israel to spark trouble with Hizbullah at the moment, until we have a response prepared to take on Iran in the Cis-Euphrates area.

    6. One US carrier was already in the Mediterranean when Hamas attacked. Biden simply moved it closer to Israel — for a wshow of force, but also to support resupply of our forward bases. The other carrier seems to be headed toward the Indian Ocean, off Iran.

    7. I read that the Chinese Communists are rushing six warships to the area. Russia already has naval and air forces at hand at and near Tartus, Syria. Turkey is also a VERY interested party.

    People, here and elsewhere, who think this is a local matter, are going around blind. This is the opening stage of, yes, WWIII — which appears to be what Ezekiel 38-39 is talking about. It is between US, Israel and allies and Russia, China and Iran, with Turkey poised to jump in on any side to protect its interests.

    Israel is still listening to their handlers.

    EVERYONE is “handling”, being “handling”, and parading around naked in spike heels on every street corner, flashing passers-by under faux fur coats. That includes Jews of every persuasion.

  13. WASHINGTON — US lawmakers pass a resolution voicing solidarity with Israel in its war with Hamas terrorists, in their first act after electing a new speaker of the Republican-led House of Representatives.

    The measure, entitled “Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists,” receives near-unanimous backing from Republicans and all but 10 Democrats.

  14. Michael, you said : Ezekiel 38-39: Turkey, Iran, Sudan and Eastern Libya will attack Israel. There is no mention of Russia, but it isn’t necessarily excluded. The central attacker, at any rate, is not Russia, but Turkey. I do agree there is an evil darkness in Turkey toward the Jews and Israel. I do not think we have seen it on full display yet. As to Ezk. 38-39 being fulfilled not yet…. something about this last war in Israel that does not ring true to me. Something is off. Israel is still listening to their handlers. Have you ever known a time for USA to run to their defense as now, moving carriers and men to the shores of Israel. Something does not smell right. I currently do not feel like World war 3 is coming. Could be my normalcy Baisi kicking in. Time will tell. Maybe, Hamas attack was to bring unity to Israel, to prepare them for the real deal that is coming.

  15. Hi, Ted

    is it there now?

    Are you addressing this to me? Yes, “it” (information about Turkey) is “there”

    right here on Israpundit.

    Adam, you said,

    We should also bear in mind, however, that the peoples who are living in these areas now are not the same ones that were living there in Ezekiel’s time. For example, there were no Turks in the land, Anatolia, that we now call Turkey.

    The ones in the land (which was named “Magog”, probably after earlier settlers) were Meshech and Tubal, countries well known to the ancients, in what is now called “Cappadocia”. “Javan”, still called that in Hebrew; “Ionia” in Greek, was the modern Turkish Sea coast, home of classical Greek civilization. These countries, along with invaders from Gamir, Beit TilGurmu, etc, lived unmistakably in modern Turkey (l00k at the map, below)

    During Ezekiel’s time, the homeland of the Turks was in northeastern Asia

    and the Lydian Empire, at the western half of Turkey, was ruled by Croessus of the House of Gog. None of this is hidden knowledge.

  16. Ted

    My answer to Edgar has once again not appeared. It concerns the most important of all issues for Jews – the origins of the Holocaust in Ukraine.

  17. Edgar

    My train of thought on this issue of Christianity and the Jews

    As we agree centuries of hatred to the Jews

    But intensifying as capitalism was born, grew then entered crises with inevitable wars

    Given an accelerated hate from the Church to the Jews…my focus switches to 2 main events both connected to Ukraine

    Event 1

    The massive Pogroms of 1918 to about 1921. I cannot do it here. There is much to learn. It is a critical time in all respects including birth of myth of Jewish Bolshevism

    (Of course I leave out much, the issue of Stalin and Stalinism, the
    Moscow Trials, the Assassination of Trotsky in 1940)

    But the re-emergence of the Ukrainian Nazism in those very same areas of of Ukraine JUST ABOUT 15 YEARS EARLIER

    Nothing in historical time

    Then the Holocaust by Bullets in Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine

    That’s why our terrible people on this Jewish site have responsibility a massive responsibility

    This is the connection with ISIS and with the Arabs and this latest cruelty to Jews is DEFINITELY a direct connection

    Jews could have been prepared for this Pogrom by Hamas. But THEY WERE NOT PREPARED.

  18. MICHAEL-

    You know what you posted about Ezekiel and all that crap..Well my opinion is that it……………………….

  19. I agree with Michael S. concerning Ukraine and Israel. I am not competent to interpret Biblical prphesies. But it is certainly interesting that Israel’s enemies seem to be in all of the lands mentioned in Biblical prophesies. We should also bear in mind, however, that the peoples who are living in these areas now are not the same ones that were living there in Ezekiel’s time. For example, there were no Turks in the land, Anatolia, that we now call Turkey.

  20. FELIX-

    I agree that Jewish Israel’s problems have been caused by criminal Christianity, 100%, but not by Michael personally. He sincerely is on OUR side -as you are.

    He can’t help being a frantic Christian, it’s an obsession,, just like I can’t help being a Jew for much the same reason, but with a dollop of great pride as well.

    Michael, you should be ashamed to have your wife to bend down and cut your toenails.
    Why don’t you do it yourself. Put your foot up on a small stool and CLIP.

  21. FELIX-

    I agree that Jewish Israel’s problems have been caused by criminal Christianity, 100%, but not by Michael personally. He sincerely is on OUR side as much as you are.

    He can’t help being a frantic Christian, it’s an obsession,, just like I can’t help being a Jew for much the same reason, but with a dollop of great pride as well.

    Michael, you should be ashamed to have your wife to bend down and cut your toenails.
    Why don’t you do it yourself. Put your foot up on a small stool and CLIP.

  22. Both these conivers are exposing just how crooked their minds actually work

    What is at stake is the truth of the incontestable terrible suffering of millions of Jews in Ukraine.

    Honeybee you are a shameful Jew

    Michael you are a politicised Christian must call it Antisemitism

  23. Felix, you are mistaken. I have blood on my TOE — my wife nipped it while trimming my nails. It’s OK. She put a bandaid on it.

  24. Michael

    You are the one who has the blood of the young innocent Jews of the concert ON YOUR CHRISTIAN hands

    The arms were bought with Biden donated money

    From the black market

    From the very corrupt Zelensky

    As all stood silent including Israel.

    And the ideology of Hamas is that of Haj Amin el Husseini

    And of the Holocaust in Ukraine a la Nazi Stepan Bandera

    So really on your filthy hands are 2 crimes completely tied in with Christianity

  25. Hi, Peloni and Tanna.

    In passing, you should note that Ukraine has stood with Israel against Hamas, and Russia has stood with Hamas — with diplomatic support, with Russia’s dependence and co-production of weapons with Iran, with Russia’s interesting partnership, along with Iran and Hizbullah, with Bashar Assad, and elsewhere. I have been arguing this for some time, while many here were putting their trust in Russia and its policies. I also called out Scott Ritter, early in the game, as an anti-Israel Russian asset.

    You say Ukraine is doomed to lose to Russia, because Russia is the larger country; and I have been saying for some time that Russia cannot contend with a resolutely united NATO. You also might notice that for several months, Russia has been losing about 3:1 in men and materiel to the Ukrainians, because of deep flaws in their command structure, tactics and morale. Putin GREATLY miscalculated on all these points when he began his “special operation”.

    Meanwhile, I’ve been hearing prophecies of doom from you, Ted, Ritter and Douglas MacGregor for 20 months now; and it has never come to pass.

    If we can get past these “credibility” issues, we can go on to issues that will be bearing down strongly on Israel in the coming months. Get out your pencil, and note my predictions:

    Ezekiel 38-39: Turkey, Iran, Sudan and Eastern Libya will attack Israel. There is no mention of Russia, but it isn’t necessarily excluded. The central attacker, at any rate, is not Russia, but Turkey.

    At the moment, Russian Wagner forces are very active in supporting the Benghazi regime in E. Libya, the RSF in Sudan and, of course, in Syria — as the Bible says, “at the Euphrates”, not to mention also being allied with HAMAS and Hizbullah. They are also allied with Iran. The only missing piece is Turkey, which also backs HAMAS.

    Israel was caught completely off guard by the HAMAS attack. If they are also surprised by the coming Turkish move, they have nobody to blame but themselves.

  26. “Biden’s visit was friendly rhetorically and deeply hostile substantively.” Caroline Glick one-liner on Twitter.

  27. @Michael
    Tanna is of course quite correct, but even if we were to assume that the Ukrainian propaganda which masquerades as their intelligence were accurate for a change, this still misses the seminal point which has doomed Ukraine to its unfortunate end. The Russians could loss ten times these numbers and still draw forth more from their reserves, while if Ukraine were to lose even a tenth of these numbers, they have no bench from which to draw. This is a redundant theme, so I won’t argue it further than this mention, but I thought I should state the obvious, even as it has been stated many times previously.

  28. Fighting continues to rage between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan’s paramilitary force, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). This phase of the conflict started on April 15, and the weekend of September 16-17 was Sudan’s deadliest since then.

    “The horror of the day was overwhelming,” said Marie Burton, emergency coordinator for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Khartoum. “For hours, dozens of bodies lay under sheets in the hospital’s courtyard until their families came to identify their lost loved ones. Even though this war has been going on for nearly five months, the Sudanese volunteers on whom the hospital relies are still shocked by what they witnessed.”

    The RSF accused the SAF of committing the attacks, and the SAF denied responsibility.

    — Jerusalem Post

    The war in Africa is, and has been, more cruel, even, than what HAMAS has been doing in Israel — featuring, among other things, cannibalism.

    The main actors have been:

    1. The Central Government, supported by the Egypt and the Ukraine, and

    2. The Rapid Support Forces, supported by UAE and the Wagner Group (Russia)

  29. Homeless Sex-Offender Camped Across From School With Sign Offering ‘Free Fentanyl’
    Hotair ^ | 10/20/2023 | John Sexton

    What does it take to get arrested in San Francisco? There almost seems to be no limit to what some people can get away with. Joseph Adam Moore has been living in a tent across the street from a Catholic school for nearly two years. The fact that he was a convicted pedophile who’d spent several years in prison wasn’t enough to remove him. Moore really got attention this week when he placed a sign in front of his tent that read “Free Fentanyl 4 New Users.” Another sign read, “Meth For Stolen Items!”

    California’s Megan’s Law website lists Moore as a San Francisco transient convicted of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age in 1997 and released in 2002. San Francisco Superior Court documents show Moore has been arrested five times in the city since 2007 for allegedly failing to re-register his address as a sex offender every 30 days.

    Open borders. Welcome to the USA!

  30. FOLKS_

    I must confess tht after my first glimpse of skeletal Holocaust survivors, before war’s end I have NEVER ever been able to look at any more, or any movies depicting the camps and even the cursed Bevin Camps after the War.

    I just couldn’t bear it. It broke my heart. But it made me, already a strong Jew, 10 time stronger and more determined.

    I have NEVER forgiven placid Christianity for allowing such barbarism to be inflicted on us a culmination of nearly two thousand years of unrlenting persecution replete with pogroms.

    My beloved late father had his eardrum permanently destroyed as a child of 8, to avoid being kidnapped into the Russian Army a few years later, most often lost to Judaism after 25 years as a soldier.

  31. I see a few of us are talking freely about possible actions in Lebanon. None of you have mentioned Russia, which is the mainstay of Syria, and deeply involved with Hizbullah’s sponsonr Iran.

    Russia has on numerous occasions, this past week, expressed its wholehearted support for both HAMAS and Iran. It is one of the players in Syria and Lebanon, which is armed to the teeth and could suddenly inject itself into the thick of the fighting. Turkey is another such actor.

    Israel’s main advantage in attacks from Russia or Turkey is its air force. Weaknesses include its small navy (much smaller than Turkey’s), and the fact that its army is a citizen militia that is not equipped to sustain a lengthy conflict. In both of these areas, the massive US carrier groups stationed offshore are a powerful deterrent to Russian or Turkish mischief. Even so, the past two years have shown us that formerly well-behaved countries are becoming dangerously adventurous because of the rapidly changing political landscape.

    I expect 2024 to be jam-packed with surprises; and I don’t expect them all to be pleasant.

  32. BEAR_

    It’s just occurred to me that with Israeli forces well up into Lebanon, the enemy would not be able to use any of those long distance precision rockets but would have to rely on smaller calibre lesser armaments, that is, when they are allowed to,

    I’d assume that the IDf/IAF wouldn’t allow them to even sneeze.
    And even if Israeli military planners don’t want to fight a two front war, the Lebanon affair could be short and snappy. Enough to keep them from aggravatingly tossing over rockets as they please to distract from the Hamas pending destruction.