Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

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Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

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April 16, 2020 | 7,626 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7626 Comments

  1. BEAR-

    Perhaps you’re right. When I first formulated my concept the vast majority of the Hezballah sits were from the Litani the border.

    Well, it’s basically he same difference, the IDF just needs to find the best area for crossing to the Sea and then do as I suggested. It would actually be better, as you have suggested a more northernly area, because in retreat any Hezballah forces would be backed into the river.
    which could be a death trap. IDF would also be waiting for them on the south side.

    This is reminiscent of Hannibal’s Lake Trasimene victory over the Romans, many of whom, when pushed into retreat, drowned in the lake.

  2. @Edgar do to the type of rockets and missiles they have that can shoot the length of Israel in some cases going up to the Litani is inadequate.

  3. Honeybabe Darlin’

    How can you say “Darlin’ (with apostrophe) and “askinG” in the same sentence. I think your “garter” slipped. You also forgot the apostrophe after “callin”….
    Us Teyxans take pride in never completing words ending in “g’……Darlin’.
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Phew..xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox……

  4. Ted-

    They don’t have the 100,000 at the border for no reason. I would think that enough rockets have come from Hezballah to warrant a very strong response-like goiing into Lebanon, and destroying every military site up at least to the Litani.
    This would not be pre-emptive it would be in response to attacks.

    I’ve written several times that Israel should mass troops in the north, and cut across Lebanon just below the Litani and

    roll back the Hezballah dugouts all the way back to the border. Destroy them utterly, use seawater hoses to flood them, or an immobilizing gas injected into their air ventilators.
    Any enemy attempts from over the Litani could be guarded against by concentrating mobile armour at a bridge-if there is one- or on the high side of the River, which could rapidly proceed in any direction, with sufficient firepower to keep the enemy’s head down.
    And the IAF would play a very big part also, in the softening up process.

    Maybe my idea is not militarily sound, but….maybeit is. ….??

  5. Michael the very least I would have expected from you and Adam would be to deal with my points on the Holocaust in Ukraine. The very least. About 12 posts down. Rapidly now being swallowed up.

  6. Accordfing to Jonathan Schanzer, Israel is consaidering a pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah. I hope she does it. Israel is already at war and has fully mobilized. They have 100,000 soldiers on the Lebanon border and have evacuated all residents within a few miles of the border. Far better to preempt when you are mobilized. Israel must bite the bullet. Now is the time.

  7. RFK Jr. has informed the voters he is for reparations for “African Americans”.

    I believe that will finish any GOP voters who were considering voting for him.

  8. The CNBC All-America Economic Survey, which was conducted in light of US President Joe Biden’s recent visit to Israel, showed that 39% of the US public believe their government should support Israel over Gaza, while 36% say both sides should receive equal treatment. A full 19% of respondents were undecided on the matter.

    Unbelievable, What a shame.

  9. Israel eliminates top Hamas commander; 14 said killed as Haniyeh’s family home bombed
    Ayman Nofal led Central Gaza Brigade, was one of terror group’s ‘most dominant senior officials’; Gallant says Hamas members have two options: surrender or die

  10. Felix, Darlin, how can you be callin Michael S a religious fanatic when you grovel at the feet of Trotsky? Just asking, Darlin

  11. Felix,

    Times are indeed serious — FAR too serious to ignore religion. If you can’t see that we are on the verge of annihilation, you simply reject reality.

    Felix, friend, I don’t want to waste time quarreling with you; but I sincerely pray for you that God will open your eyes. “Politics” isn’t going to solve anything. Humanity has gone bat crap crazy, and every world leader wants to get his hands on nuclear weapons. Do you think you can solve this with political systems, with parliaments, people’s committees, etc?

    Take care. All the best 🙂

  12. Michael being a religious fanatic you are good at personal type attacks while keeping your contributions short on political relevant content. Note I have challenged post of Adam below. It applies to you too. Times are too serious to ignore politics.

  13. The positions taken in this post by Adam are of extraordinary importance and touch on nearly all issues concerned with present Gaza

    His contribution is in two parts really and this is the first part. In reading this consider how any Jew can write thus and then say anything useful on Gaza in burning issues of present

    Anyway he writes

    “Felix, the claim that Ukraine is somehow to blame for Russia’s vicious and unprovoked in invasion of that unfortunate country, and its gernocidal war to destroy its people and annex it against the will of its people–nation-rape I call it–is absurd. I am utterly baffled by how many intelligent people can believe such mishigas. Yet you, Peloni, Ted and others at Israpundit, as well as hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of normally sane conservatives in the United States, Canada and elsewhere do believe this mishigas, We live in a time when millions of people throughout the world believe in fantasies, lies, absurd conspiracy theories, ”

    So I ask is Adam as a Jew aware of the Holocaust that took place in Ukraine from 1941 onwards? What do you make of that Adam?

    I am checking on this to understand if you know anything about the history of the Jewish people in the Holocaust

    Please do not offer your usual silence.

    Treat it anyway it is an open question.

  14. Adam,

    I’ve been busy the past 24 hous, and haven’t kept up to date on the “news”. Now that I’m back on Israpundit, I see that Felix is up to his old tricks, which means, essentially, that

    there IS NO REAL NEWS 🙁
    (i.e. there’s only noise)

    I especially enjoyed the old, familiar feel of Felix’s


    Heretofore, I had thought that pronouncements of DOOM! like this only came from Scott Ritter and Douglas MacGreggor. It’s all BS, of course, whatever the source.

    Keep up the good work, Adam 🙂

  15. Adam

    The Ukrainian Fascists who took over power of the Ukrainian state are not in themselves ultra important

    Only important in being a PROXY of Biden

    Clear now?

  16. What is the role of the American NeoCon government of Biden today?

    Against Russia to have regime change, overthrow Putin and make the remnants a vassal state of Empire

    Against Netanyahu the exact same. To make it impossible for Jews to defeat Palestinians.

    To be continually molested by this Antisemitism

    America and the world use Palestinians to tie Jews down and make Israel an impossible entity

    Add Iraq and Libya

    You begin to see the picture in the whole

    If you don’t see this then you are no friend of the Jews.

    Israeli leaders are rotten to the core.

    After the Pogrom by Hamas the first item on the agenda had to be repulse the attack

    The second and SIMULTANEOUSLY critical find out how and why it happened.

    If Israel cannot find the answers to this then it can do nothing

    And Israel did not do this. It said we will settle that “down the road”

    Israel has never fought this Palestine Fascist phenomenon

    Israel has never explained it.

    The story of the founder Haj Amin el Husseini

    Zilsh. Nothing.

    In other words Israeli leadership has not accepted Jewish safety against Nazism as it’s first priority.

    In fact the very first thought of Netanyahu was to form a pact with the collaborators of Nazis in Israel…Gantz and supreme court Nazi collaboration

    The very first step to take was to draw all of these lessons

    Then decide what to do

    The far more urgent issues are in the other places and especially a friendship and alliance with Russia re Ukraine

    Gaza can wait

  17. Felix, the claim that Ukraine is somehow to blame for Russia’s vicious and unprovoked in invasion of that unfortunate country, and its gernocidal war to destroy its people and annex it against the will of its people–nation-rape I call it–is absurd. I am utterly baffled by how many intelligent people can believe such mishigas. Yet you, Peloni, Ted and others at Israpundit, as well as hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of normally sane conservatives in the United States, Canada and elsewhere do believe this mishigas, We live in a time when millions of people throughout the world believe in fantasies, lies, absurd conspiracy theories,

    There are no ‘neocons” in the Biden administration. They are a purely Republican phenomenon. The Biden administration is run by Marxists and Islamists, who are a lot more of a problem than neocons. You should also realize that when people talk about :neocons,” they are talking about Jewish conservatives. The word has antisemitic undertones,

  18. David Cohen writes to me

    Just wanted to let you know that what you post online is quality stuff!
    my congratulations on your selections
    I review more than 100 sites each day, focuing on matters related to the on-going war
    I have probably sent close to 75 articles, many of yours, to those on my distribution list all the best, stay well, stay safe


    This is an American NeoCon operation as much as any of the others…Iraq Libya Ireland – above all NATO against Russia via Ukraine

    2. The purpose is to dominate Israel by using the reactionary judicial court as the stalking horse for the Hamas and Fatah. These betrayers remain the same. It was after all they who gutted Israeli fighting ability and very likely gutted the necessary intelligence about Hamas

    3. The corollary here are the islamists against Gadhafi, and the Stepan Bandera faction against Ukraine and Russia. In Israel the NeoCons of Biden have already identified the forces of the counter revolution. The Barak and Gantz actions which opened the door, actually giving the signal to Hamas murderers of Jews, are the equivalent of Azov and Right Sector of the Maidan Coup

    Unless this is recognised Jews will lose

    A whole new conceptual thinking has to be fought for

    This is not a time for the historically Stalinist popular front in Israel which is a phony unity and blocking of seeing reality.

    There has to be unity yes but not to hide the truth but to have a productive unity which can see that THE SAME FORCES WHICH SET OUT TO SMASH RUSSIA are pulling the same stunt against the Jewish people of Israel.

    Leon Trotsky called this a strategic issue, full unity against the enemy, but in order to open up the discussion. No clouding of the issues.

    Especially to be clear that the destructive aims against Putin and Russia by the NeoCons of America and Europe are being equally put in place against Netanyahu.

  20. I concur with you Ted, it is for Israel to decide whether to conquer Gaza. We need to get international NGO’s to get Cruise Ship and other large ships off Gaza coast so Gazans can be free to flee. A completely humanitarian action. Gazans do not want to live their for the most part.

    Egypt and Hamas have been keeping there. Some have emigrated over the years with great expense and difficulty. Qatar always needs foreign labor and has lots of money plus it loves Palestinians. Take the money they have been spending in Gaza and use to help the Gazans get to safety.


    The visit to Israel, Blinken’s second in just a few days, comes after President Biden warned that a new Israeli occupation of Gaza would be a “big mistake” — one of his firmest efforts to signal restraint to Israel as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza reaches critical levels.

    That’s for israel to decide not for Biden to dictate.

  22. Edgar that history needs to be brought right into the Ireland of the present day and it is pretty urgent it is.

  23. Hi, Ketzel

    Some here loved Scott Ritter, when he attacked the Ukrainians as “Nazis”. Now that Israelis are also being called “Nazis”, the following is shifting a little.

    From the Liveblog of Sunday, October 15, 2023
    Israel halts security exports to Colombia as president likens IDF to Nazis
    Today, 10:35 pm

    We’re at war. Propaganda is ubiquitous. So is hatred.

    PS. That’s Colombia, the country, not Columbia University.

  24. FELIX_

    Well Felix you know my history in Dublin, another point in that “resume” is that when I would be walking in the street the young ruffians would shout at me “Ya dirty Jewman go back to Jerusalem”.

    So Ireland, always truly Jew Hating is still living well up to form. They refused to take in refugees before and during the War, despite Rabbi Herzog’s desperate plea to his “close” friend De Valera from 1941 on. He’d heard snippets of the ongoing Holocaust.

    That Fine Gael Bastard stood up in the Dail and shouted out “not a single Jew, we already have far too many”..(3500-4000) Was it Oliver Flanagan??
    Bobby Briscoe eventually Lord Mayor was passed over twice when it was his turn to be LM, until years after the War. A close personal friend of my family, a member of our Synagogue (my father was President for over 30 years) and a decent, charitable to all races, man.

    I knew poor Ettie Steinberg well, I recall seeing her wedding to which my older family was invited. It was very big Community news being married to a Belgian,,, her brother Myer, living just down the road, was my sister’s boy friend for a few years.

    And tiny (less than 5′)_ Rebbe Braun, age about 80+ would be
    shambling along the street with his tzitot hanging down would be subject to stones , spitting, curses, none of which he was even aware of being in the clouds of Rashi, or other Talmudic dissertation.

    I got a certain amount of revenge as you know, when I began boxing.

    I was physically fighting against the ruffians since age 8.

  25. I thought I deleted the extra links to the Scott Ritter piece, sorry all, I didn’t mean to do so many posts. But Scott Ritter is used as a source here and has a following among conservatives. I have been saying here and elsewhere that Ritter appears to be a Russian agent, for a long time, and his history as a registered sex offender discredits anything he has to say. If you look up his bio, it seems that he was compromised early on, for instance, even before he was arrested in the underage internet sex sting, he married his 19 year old Russian interpreter that had been provided for him by Russia.

    In other words, his personal life has been related to his work. Does anyone think this young wife of his wasn’t a spy? And I had no idea of his personal history, none at all, when I realized his content was off and had a gratuitous anti-American slant. There are ways to critique American policy without doiing what he does, which is shill for the other side.

    Character is important. Antisemites and anti-Americans are people of the lie, and it’s too bad that so many good American patriots and pro-Western people in general, regard Ritter as a hero and patriot, when he has been an enemy agent all along. BTW, he was a weapons inspector in Iran, charged with monitoring Iran’s nuclear program. I don’t know whether he was covering up things to aid their bomb project, but some investigative reporter should look into corruption, blackmail and bribery with sex and money, among Iran nuclear inspectors.

  26. Ireland is going bananas in support of Hamas…This Palestine ideology (and it is mainly an ideology) comes from Haj Amin el Husseini close associate of Nazis and also from Stepan Bandera

    The lessons are very much in history…need though a party to clarify for the people

  27. The ideology of Palestinian is a Fascist ideology. Originated with Haj Amin el Husseini and met up with the centuries old ideology of Antisemitism promoted by the Catholic Church, reinforced by Islam, in that order

    And Fascism is to qualify as such always – a mass movement.

    So it is in Ireland you can see and feel

    Another characteristic – not rational, relied on emotions. Hitler’s torch procession

    Looking back when Hamas pushed gays and Fatah off high building in 2007 also that was the qualitative moment.

    And when Hamas fired on the retreating tanks in 2005 that was the moment

    It was a terrible thing to go on and ask those poor Jews to live next to the fence. Shouldn’t have happened and now points to total removal of building in Gaza

    Who needs concrete today.

    Return it to nature to make up for the pain of suffering Jews.

    Jews live alone and others separate

    That was the whole lesson of the Holocaust especially in Eastern Europe

    This is the big lesson of Antisemitism

    Need unity on that basis and only that. The reason why lies in study of history of Eastern Europe.

  28. Ted, Donald Trump was not mocking Netanyahu. Here’s the exact quote:

    Speaking to Fox News, Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said Netanyahu “has been hurt very badly” due to the attack.

    “He was not prepared. He was not prepared and Israel was not prepared. And under Trump, they wouldn’t have had to be prepared,” he said.

    If anything, he was sympathizing with Bibi. Please listen to the following:

    Trump MOCKS Media After They LIE About His Statements On Israel

  29. The western province of Herat in Afghanistan has been hit with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake – its third since powerful quakes on October 8 killed more than 2,000 people.

    The United States Geological Survey said the quake hit just after 8am (03:30 GMT) on Sunday, with the epicentre 33km (21 miles) northwest of Herat city, the capital of the eponymous western province.

    This quake coincided with the annular solar eclipse over the US. All three quakes were in Western Afghanistan, along the road to Iran and Israel. The Taliban had been petitioning the Iranians and Iraqis for permission to sent troops to fight Israel.

    I understand this as a “signature moment”, that God is beginning to intervene on behalf of Israel, more significantly than usual.

  30. @ketzel2 In fact, its a blood libel about the war of independence. He even goes beyond Friedman who falsely claimed he supported Israel before Lebanon in defaming Israel. I didn’t read past the first page because I didn’t want to create a free account. It’s from 2 days ago, moreover! It sounds like he is rooting for Hamas. He is completely discredited. Nothing he says should be believed. He’s obviously just another unemployed free-lance spook who is spouting, frothing, more like, whatever disinformation his latest clients are paying him to disseminate.

  31. I have seen no evidence that Scott Ritter ever stood with Jews. His understanding of Banderism is flakey because he did not create the critical geographical and
    contemporary link between Bandera and Haj Amin el Husseini and total all encompassing role of both together in the Holocaust of the Jews

    Having said that the role of some Jewish forces to line up with NATO against Russia is the great betrayal of Judaism.

    More than anything this throws open a window into the danger to Jews from contemporary Jewish leadership and why a new leadership will have to be built

  32. @ketzel2

    Why I no longer stand with Israel, and never will again, by Scott Ritter

    It’s a classic: “I am not an antisemite BUT AFTER I SAW/FOUND OUT, etc., etc….”

  33. Good News in Israel: Country is Unified and United

    More soldiers reporting than requested even to reserve than called up even. Motivation of soldiers is super high.

    Citizens organized collection of clothes and food for those that had to leave their homes.

    Teenage Girls Organized Volunteer Babysitting (Child Care) for Parents who need who are in Army or Services such as Medical Care (Doctors, Nurses, etc)

  34. At the moment, Israel has not commented on its plans for Gaza. It has merely committed to killing every terrorists. As long as it targets terrorist collatteral damage is not a war crime.

    Gen Avivi said israel is trying to get Gazans to move south into Egypt but Egypt is refusing. Avivi says Egypt will eventuially have no choce. Let’s hope.

  35. Israel has NO AID to GAZA until ALL HOSTAGES RETURNED!!

    I hope Israel sticks to that policy. The external pressure will become fierce to allow humanitarian.

  36. @Sebastien

    “humanitarian aid.”

    It is nothing more than an euphemism for the reality that they are themselves state sponsors of terrorism.