Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,626 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7626 Comments

  1. X said it is removing accounts affiliated with the Hamas terror group, in an effort to curb the spread of “terrorist content” online.

    The platform has a policy against “Violent and Hateful Entities Policy,” according to which the company is taking steps to remove accounts that support Hamas or are sharing graphic media related to the invasion. The company also said it is monitoring the platform for antisemitic speech and is working with other platforms to prevent it from spreading through different networks.

  2. “Egypt has discussed plans with the United States and others to provide humanitarian aid through its border with Gaza Strip but rejects any move to set up safe corridors for refugees fleeing the enclave, Egyptian security sources said on Wednesday.”

    Israel must create such corridors without permission.

  3. Trump on Wednesday appeared to mock Israel for failing to anticipate the weekend Hamas onslaught and for not going on the offensive against Hezbollah amid several deadly clashes along its northern border. He also launched personal attacks against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he accused of “letting him down,” and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, whom he called a “jerk.”

  4. Ted,

    If you liked the Metaxes-Logan video, I think you’ll love the Eric Metaxes – Joel Rosenberg interview that follows it:

    For those who don’t know, Eric wrote the blockbusters “Bonhoeffer” and “Letter to the American Church”

    As I said elsewhere,

    Danger: Christians

    Eric’s parents fled to the US from Communist East Germany. His book Bonhoeffer deals with the issue of the German church having overwhelmingly supported Hitler — not on any theological basis, but because it was simply expedient to do so. Eric warns the American church, that this exactly where much of the American church is today. That is why I say, these videos are mainly addressed to Christians.

    Rosenberg is a Christian of Jewish parentage. He is speaking from the “Dome of the Rock” in Israel. His words are probably most appropriate for US Jews, because he is predicting that within a matters of days, the pro-Israel rhetoric of the Democrats, including the US Jews, will shift to STRONGLY anti-Israel, in which


  5. Lara Logan: Coordinated Sustained Attack By Hamas On Israel Was Unimaginable Until Now

    Lara is extremely well informed on these matters. I recommend this video. She did more than finger Iran as a culprit, which is obvious to just about everyone, but strongly implicated Deep State actors. I’m still in the middle of listening to the video.

  6. The following should be of interest mainly to Christians; but I think it is appropriate here:

    Christianity Today Staff Made Extensive Campaign Donations Between 2015 And 2022…All Went To Democrats
    By Megan Basham

    Oct 11, 2023

    “Between 2015 and 2022, nine Christianity Today employees made 73 political donations. All of them went to Democrats. This tally includes President and CEO Timothy Dalrymple, who gave $300 in two separate payments to failed Georgia Senate candidate Sarah Riggs Amico.

    Amico’s platform, which includes protecting abortion “without exception” and repealing the Hyde Amendment to allow federal tax dollars to fund abortions, contrasts sharply with the views of evangelicals who overwhelmingly say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. She is also at odds with traditional Christian beliefs when it comes to gender, sexuality, and religious liberty.”

    Christianity is said to have been founded by Rev. Billy Graham (I have not fact-checked this) I know from my fund-raising days, that popular Evangelical magazines, such as Christianity Today and Charisma have a readership that is 90% , mostly middle-aged (in the 1980s) and Middle Class, suburban women. I would not be surprised, if studies reveal that “megachurches” have the same demographic.

    A deep split has developed in “Evangelical” Christianity, especially in the past few years. I was booted out of one such church, partly, at least, because of my open support of Israel, in 1918. That church afterwards split apart.

    Christianity has been infiltrated by bad actors, at every level..

  7. Morsi was Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt = Hamas which is Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood spawned Al-Quida!

    All terrorist groups with a fundamentalist Muslim belief in conquering the world and every is either Muslim or Dead.

  8. Steve Scalise is the new GOP nominee for Speaker, which means that he will likely soon be Speaker and the Rep controlled congress will be able to allocate funding for the current war.


    My recollection of those times is that the guy’s name was Mohammed MORSI, and he was Egypt’s President for about a year before Al=Sisi put the Kybosh on him. He was sent to prisoj and I heard a few yesrs ago that he died there.

  10. Unbelievable scam artist Michael

    Are you getting a cut out of this

    Hank Kunneman is a pastor, however, his main earnings come from Youtube or his books, in which he is the author. His latest estimated net worth (2021) was near-about $500 thousand to $700 thousand.

    I see now where Bannon gets his ideas

    Consult the Vatican. They’re the really big earners.

  11. Get over it Michael. You were speaking utter crap. I defend the real astronomers of Newgrange and their science achievements of 5000 years ago. You are underneath the massive verbiage a real thickie
    And what are you saying that I cannot reply to your bogus

  12. Hi, Ted, “Ali Baba?” Maybe China. OK’

    Sisi seized the reins from a fellow named Mosri, who was, as I recall, very close to HAMAS and Erdogan… Islamic Brotherhood, I think. If Mudar is so anti-Sisi, is he pro-HAMAS and pro-Erdogan?

    In my gut, I’m actually with Sebastien on what to do with the Gazans. If that girl in the truck, who was brutalized by the terrorists, were my sister, I don’t know if I could sleep until every Gazan were in Muslim heaven, being bossed around by 72 fat, ugly houris who hate men and eat garlic all the time. I would like them to be trapped in Gaza, futilely resisting the IDF to their bitter end.

  13. Sebastien

    It is the right of the individual. Is he a good actor or not is the question?

    An English actor may be better to play Michael Collins if he is great enough in acting

    Politics stay out and aside

    Full freedom of art

  14. Hi, Felix

    barbarian… crap… queer… idiot… stupid ass…

    Wow! and I wasn’t even talking to you! I seem to have struck a nerve that I wasn’t even aiming at!

  15. Michael S

    You are worse than a barbarian with your crap from Jack Posobiac and queer Bannon on natural 80-year biological “saecula” (q.v.), which is crapology

    In fact if an idiot like you had appeared in Newgrange Ireland about 5000 years ago those Mesolithic people would have stuck feathers up your stupid ass and marched you around the Boyne as a stupid simpleton. Because they were actually astronomers. Fools around Bannon.

  16. Ted, I have not been receiving your post for the last few days. please check your end and see if you can fix the issue. Thanks, Tanna

  17. United Hatzlaha (Volunteer Rescue Organization) in Israel has run out of supplies and needs to replenish them. I will be donating. I ask anyone who can please donate and pass the link on to friends. Ted please put this request in a main article

  18. Mudar tweeted 5 hours ago:

    Sisi’s closure of the border with Gaza is the completion of his dirty conspiracy with Ali Baba, the “king” of Jordan and Iran, to strengthen Hamas and impose restrictions on the oppressed people of Gaza.
    Sisi’s action means that there is no escape for the Gazans from the brutality and recklessness of Hamas and there is no source of food, thus establishing the terrorist Hamas over the corpses of the oppressed people.
    The world must weaken Hamas by punishing those who secretly support it from worn-out regimes like Sisi’s regime.

    He has been telling me for at least a year that al Sisi is our enemy.

  19. Arab murderers sitting in prison should be executed to free up those guarding them for battle. If the judges interfere, Bibi should declare martial law, arrest them and be dictator. Otzma Yehudit officers should be put in charge. Democracy is a peacetime luxury Israel can ill afford.

  20. We should bomb the southern border scrossing so that Gazans can flee to Egypt.

    I disagree. HAMAS are Muslim Brotherhood, Sisi’s arch-enemies; and in that, he is a friend of Israel. Maybe the Chinese could use them.

  21. Mudar just tweeted:

    By closing Egypt’s borders in the faces of Gazans fleeing Hamas injustice, president Sisi is deliberately empowering Hamas by locking up Gazans under its full control, which remains his plan along with Jordan’s kinglet and Iran.
    The world must weaken Hamas by punishing outdated Arab regimes who support Hamas secretly and speak against it publicly; Sisi is one of the worst examples here…

    We should bomb the southern border scrossing so that Gazans can flee to Egypt.

  22. Hi, Edgar.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it were far more than 9,000. My wife mentioned it in passing, earlier in the day or last night, I think noting that it was a 6.3 — a very big quake in the ME, (considering the flimsy construction of houses).

    As for predicting it, you can see that I personally was speaking about earthquakes yesterday at 6:26 PM, JT(?) I hadn’t heard any reports of any; John Posobiec, a regular contributor on Steve Bannon’s War Room, said that the HAMAS attack marked the beginning of a new “first turning” in the natural 80-year biological “saecula” (q.v.), a time of wars fought over the rearranging the world into a “new world order”.

    Previous times like this occurred in 1933 (the inflection point between WWI an d WWII, corresponding with the ascent of Adolf Hitler), 1853 (the run-up to the Crimean War, the Taiping Rebellion and the US Civil War) and 1773 (events leading up to the US War of Independence). You probably recognize these as times of “lurches in history”, wherein social institutions had broken down so much that wars were fought to establish new boundaries.

    I’m still only beginning to answer your question. I personally do not think I have a “Prophet’s” calling; I just observe things, and sometimes do a little math. I do know that astronomical events, like a total solar eclipse over a certain area, coinciding with major aspects among the outer planets, are “signature” times of new beginnings. Such an event is due Saturday AM, Oct. 14 2023. That fits in well with Posobiec’s observation, and coincides with the current HAMAS-Israel proxy war (as well as ongoing proxy wars in Ukraine, the Sahel and perhaps a new kinetic war over the South China Sea).

    If you read the Bible, you have probably noticed the frequent mention of “voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.” I call these “punctuation marks in heaven”, which serve as “chapter” breaks in God’s narrative. Naturally, I expected the major dawn of a new era, such as that noted by John Posobiec, would be accompanied by considerable earthquakes and weather changes; so I started enquiring into the matter.

    I still haven’t answered your question. All of the above was confirmed in the prophecy by Hank Kunemann

    at 2:57 AM JT tomorrow. It’s in the “Update on War” thread.

    Shalom shalom 🙂

  23. MIchael-I read thatfar more than 3,000 were dead, actually it said “over 9.000” but this may have been a first, hasty estimate.

    About your mention of a recent prophesy, would you please tell us when was “recent” and who was the perspicacious person who made the prophesy.

    It was remarkable indeed.

  24. Monday 8pm: The death toll has risen to at least 900 and 2600 injured. The details of the number of captives are known, but these will not be made public until the families have been contacted.

  25. Mudar tweeted a few minutes ago”

    Israeli authorities arrest a Jordanian national suspected of terrorism in Jerusalem, the young man can be heard screaming in this video that he is “A Jordanian and King Abdullah is my master…”

  26. Mudar tweeted:

    Official Western sources: Israel has decided to re-extend and sustain direct military control over large parts of the Gaza Strip… The devastative military campaign against Hamas has not yet begun…

  27. Daily Mail photos and videos (not pretty)

    Israeli Ambassador: “This is our 9/11”

    That’s bad news for Israel. For the US, 9/11 meant Bush saying “Islam is Peace”, passing the Patriot Act and starting two “forever wars”.

  28. Denys Davydov
    2 hours ago
    ??The body of Hamas leader Ayman Younis was found under the ruins of his home in Nusirat, local media reported.

    The house was destroyed as a result of an attack by the Israeli army.

    He was dumb as f@k staying in his house after the Hamas attack.
    Well deserved.

  29. Saturday 8:00 PM: Air raid sirens were activated in Ness Ziona, Rehovot, Herzliya, and various other communities. Less than ten minutes later, a second barrage was fired toward Ramat Gan, Kfar Chabad, Yavne, Rishon Lezion, Tel Aviv, and other areas. Magen David Adom reported hits and injuries in Yavne, Givatayim, Bat Yam, Beit Dagan, Tel Aviv, and Rishon Lezion.

    Three people were seriously injured by one of the barrages on central Israel. At the same time, a building in Bat Yam was reported hit by the barrage; no one was injured, but damage was caused.

    Following this, the IDF reported that it is striking a number of targets belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza.

    The barrages were fired as Jews around Israel celebrated the Simchat Torah holiday, and in many cases disrupted the holiday prayer services.

    Parallel to the rocket attacks, dozens – perhaps hundreds – of terrorists infiltrated multiple Israeli communities, overtaking Israeli towns on the Gaza border and murdering Jews in nearby cities as well. Initial reports were that these attacks left at least 100 Israelis dead; an 10:10 p.m. update raised the number of dead to 250.

    Israel’s Health Ministry reported that 1,104 injured Israelis have been evacuated to hospitals. Of these, 17 are in critical condition, 200 are in serious condition, 226 are in moderate condition, 451 suffered only light injuries, 11 suffered shock, and 142 are being evaluated.

  30. Sunday 2:10 AM: Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan remarked on the attack: “Today is Israel’s 9/11 moment. Life for us will never be the same after today’s vicious terror attacks by Hamas terrorists. 250 murdered Israelis is the equivalent of over 8,000 Americans. When we say never again, never again is now. May God bless the State of Israel.”

  31. The rabbi of Safed (Tzfat), Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, issued an urgent message to the public following the war that the terrorist organizations launched against Israel.

    “We are currently in a major battle in the south and there is a fear of spillover to other cities, including the north. It is mandatory to carry weapons and organize accordingly, for a very reasonable fear of the war expanding over to other areas. Phones must be carried.

  32. OECD Calls on Israel to Increase Subsidies to Arab Schools, Halt Those to ultra-Orthodox
    This follows strong efforts by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to increase the budgets for ultra-Orthodox institutions while delaying and reducing the development and education budgets for the Arab sector

  33. Ukrainians capture tank and get phone tech support in Russia.

    . 😀

    What’s interesting is that the Russians didn’t know until the Ukrainians told them at the end of the call and they all laughed about it. Just goes to show you what a fake nationality Ukrainian is and that this is a civil war we’ve stuck our snouts into.

    Even the food. I’ve eaten in Polish and Ukrainian restaurants and could detect no discernible difference. I used to eat one that just says Polish/Ukrainian. It’s all Russia which is diverse. Not for us to meddle. Though it inspires some great music from Chopin so it’s all good. 😀

  34. Seriously, I see that old pal Singer is at it again. A real Pollyanna. As usual he takes 2-3 unconnected excerpts from political speeches, and makes a goulash from them.

    This time , along with a few “maybe” and “could”, he adds that Hamas and the PA have agreed to go along with it and not interfere.

    His main basis is that Netanyahu said that he has tried many ties to make peace with the YESHA mamzerim (not in those exact words of course) and that Ben Salman did not mention them as being a hindrance to peace, so David extrapolates and sticks his own “interpretations” to it.

    A kind of not-religious “interpolation”, at which he has become an expert..

  35. Glad to know that my love letters to Marilyn Munroe will not be used to blackmail me, or publicized for the general public. Nor those to Raquel Welsh
    Their replies burnt holes in the note paper.

  36. Ted,

    It’s nice to know you have a dependable techie friend. I imagine God has one as well — maybe Michael the Archangel, who helped out when Gabriel was in a tight spot with the Prince of Persia.

  37. HACKED? Sorry, No.
    Israpundit was taking far too long to load. Two experts suggested I should upgrade my server which I did in June 2023. It helped a bit but not by much. I asked another techie to fix a couple of minor problems which he did but those issues were not the problem and then everything fell apart and we couldn’t even load Israpundit at all.
    In the course of our investigations, we discovered that there was a confusion between the old server which I hadn’t cancelled yet, and the new one. After further investigation my techie recommended that we return to the old server even though I had paid for another 9 months for the new server.
    He found reasons why the loading time was so long in both servers. And recommended that we restore the old server which we did and everything is working now and loading time is extremely fast.
    The whole exercise of changing servers and struggling with the problem was very costly and shouldn’t have happened.
    The original problem was created when Israpundit first migrated to the old server a few years ago. Errors were made in that migration that greatly slowed the loading time. My current techie methodically sent through all the details and identified a number of fixable problems. Once fixed everything was fine and loading time was fast.