Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,626 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7626 Comments

  1. Abedaleylah Amaala tweeted in the last 24 hours;.

    Arab and international diplomatic missions in Damascus are leaving Syria quickly. And Saudi Arabia stopped restoring the construction work to restore its embassy in Damascus. Now, at any moment, change will begin in Syria and Bashar al-Assad will be arrested


    A Saudi-Palestinian political committee to re-furnish and restore Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to receive and hand over the Hashemite guardianship and bequeath it to the Saudi leadership. Abdullah II’s activities will be limited to sports and wrestling in the coming and final days of his fallen rule.

  2. @Edgar
    Thank you for raising this article to my attention, as I had not yet seen it.

    Honestly I do believe that these claims that they would sit by and watch their nation fall and see their people destroyed are cavalier statements of threat without any substance. That being said, these public statements of insurrection and coup’s are read around the world, and the claim made by these warriors, false or not, damages Israel in the eyes of her friends and threatens her with the rising hopes of her enemies. So, whereas I agree that these are not serious statements, the damage being inflicted by what i see as being little more than paper insurrectionists is quite real.

  3. The lead article in Arutz 7 today is that Jonathan Pollard asked the rebellious IDF Pilots if they would defend Israel if attacked and they unequivocally answered ..NO…!!

    This sounds like either “the suicide of a nation” or an attempt to play “Hardball”..
    I cannot imagine them sitting idly by when their families come under fire.
    Their training alone would instinctively mitigate against any attack on Israel as a whole.

    So what do others think abou tthis??


    Oh, the bad, the bad. The distance between Ramallah and Amman is 100 km. 47 minutes driving by car. Every month, Mahmoud Abbas visits Jordan and receives an official reception, a guard of honor, a dance and a tabaqa. All this Hashemite blasphemy for Mahmoud Abbas is a message to Israel ?? that he is the Palestinian leader of the Palestinian state and that the Hashemites will remain in Jordan.

    The Hashemites are in a situation of great fear of what is coming, after it was reported that they are now at the table of official change. The soon departing Arab leaders are Mahmoud Abbas, Abdullah II, Bashar al-Assad, Mohammed bin Salman and Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.


    The Israeli state is protected from the global deep state. The two-state solution is a thing of the past. New Jordan is the solution without the Hashemites


    Sweeping changes across the Middle East are overdue, and they will begin with Jordan first. Nonetheless, some outdated globalist regional agents are trying to halt the inevitable by launching a new conflict in Lebanon.
    The recent confrontations between Palestinian factions in the Ein Al-Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon were a failed attempt to ignite Lebanon. This was funded by a Gulf state – whose main source of internal revenue is human trafficking and money laundering. This was also the joint nasty work of the said state and the intelligence agencies of the HASHemite kingdom.
    Now both, the said Gulf state and the HASHEemite kingdom, are pushing for a war between Hezbollah and Israel. Hezbollah leadership knows it is not in its interest to start a war that will cost it dearly, even if Nasrallah does it, Israel will end both, the war and Hezbollah, in just a few weeks.
    #Jordan #Lebanon


    Jordan is the beginning, the news, and the key to the entire exclusionary matrix that afflicts humans on this planet.
    Therefore, Ali Baba “king” #?????? enjoyed absolute protection from the savage globalization system, his fall meant the fall of the Kabal puppets in the entire Middle East region…
    Today, the Cabal is unable to protect itself, and Ali Baba is just the remnants of a filthy period that will soon be thrown into the pool of the stale past.
    He follows….

  6. @Adam over the years you have lost a lot of comments. Suggest you write them first in Word and save them. The just copy and paste your comment onto these pages to save you some grief.

    Friendly suggestion

  7. @Michael S But murdering Jews isn’t just a tactic for the “Palestinians.” It’s their raison d’etre.

  8. Michael S., I just posted a detailed attempt to explain this riot. But for some reason it was not posted. It seems to have dropped off into some electronic wastebasket to oblivion. Ted, could you please try to fish out this post from whatever electronic wastebasket it may have fallen into? Thanks.

  9. Michael S: Some sort of social media “influencer” who sent out messages on a chat room where he was a member, promising to hand out “free stuff,” including some smart phones, in a certain park in Manhattan two days ago. A large crowd of black teenagers gathered to await the arrival of the “free stuff.” Eventually, the “influencer,” who was apparently well known to black teenagers but to almost no one else, did arrive with his van and attempted to hand out the free stuff. However, most of the crowd was unable to get near the van. The first comers got all the free stuff. The disappointrf teenagerd began to riot, jumped on the van and nearby cars, went around smashing and burning cars and any other objects tey could find, and in general running wild. Its not entirely clear whether they were really upset about the free stuff or just felt like rioting and busting up things. Apparently, black teenagers have rioting and causing mayhem as more or less a recreational activity for years in New York City, and the police, afraid to be accused of “racism,” have tolerated these teenage hyjinks. Largely as a result of this lawless atmosphere, people have been moving out of New York City in large numbers.

  10. Sebastien, The ANC did not usually target white civilians, but on a few occasions they did. However, they did kill several thousand black civilians whom they suspected of being agents of the white regime by such techniques as “necklassing,” in which tires were placed around their necks and set on fire. Several thousand black South Africans were murdered in this way by mobs led by Mandela’s second wife, Winnie. In the region known under white rule as Natal,the ANC fought for control of the province with the traditional paramount chief of the Zulus, Buthalezi, and the party he had organized. Up to 10,000 black South Africans, mainly Zulus, are said to have been killed in this bloodbath.

  11. Someone please explain this to me:

    NEW YORK (AP) — Police in New York City are struggling to control a crowd of thousands of people who gathered in Manhattan’s Union Square for an internet personality’s supposed videogame console giveaway that got out of hand.

    Aerial TV news footage Friday showed a surging, tightly packed crowd climbing on vehicles, hurling chairs, throwing punches and scaling structures in the park. Shouting teenagers swung objects at car windows and ran through the streets.


  12. @Ted and that Arafat lied that he did. Also, remember that “One settler, one bullet” was the PAC’s slogan not the ANC’s. The ANC never randomly targeted civilians deliberately and always explicitly called for an inclusive non-racial society. Comparing Mandela, who did not have the blood of innocents on his hands, to Barghouti who did and was celebrated for it, is drawing a false equivalence.

    This is the problem with life imprisonment instead of death sentences for terrorists with blood on their hands. They nearly always get out. and whether or not they return to murder inc, personally, they become an inspiration to would be copy cats.

    The Left says that the death penalty is not a deterrent. They also say that about guns in the hands of law abiding citizens. They cite studies that claim that these are not deterrents which are obvious nonsense on the face of it.

    While, I condemn the ANC for solidarizing with the PLO, in its own behavior, it did not emulate it.

    In my opinion, Barghouti should never be released under any circumstances.

  13. @Ted

    So If Bibi were to blow off Ben Gvir he would at the same time lose his base.

    Bibi is a talent in a class all by himself, and some people would only vote for Bibi no matter what, but if Bibi is seen to openly betray his base, I would suggest that there would be a sizeable cost to Likud. Where they would go is another question. I question if those who previously voted for Likud would necessarily be comfortable with voting for the well vilified Ben Gvir and the Religious Zionists, so I am doubtful that he would necessarily gain all the disappointed Likud voters on this topic, but his support would certainly increase.

    If Bibi openly broke from supporting judicial reform, it could actually create a breach in the Right which could be quite damaging in the next election – recall the success of the Right was specifically due to their tight cooperation during the election while the Left remained somewhat splintered.

    That being said, for Bibi to betray his base over the topic of judicial reform, would leave him wholly dependent on gaining the support of many from the anyone-but-Bibi crowd on the Left to form a govt, something which would only be at best a temporary situation before the open rivalries once agan returned the country back to early elections. Trading Ben Gvir for the Leftists would likely further gain him the ire of many on the Right on other topics such as returning the treacherous Gantz to the DM. I don’t think Bibi would be so foolish as to do this, regardless of his support, or lack thereof, for pursuing judicial reform. It is notable, however, that Ben Gvir made the statement, as this did not come from nowhere.

  14. @Peloni.
    So If Bibi were to blow off Ben Gvir he would at the same time lose his base.
    By the way, Gvir is being vilified by the left in Israel and by Biden but I don’t see where he has done anything wrong. What he has done is stood up to them.
    He also supports a greater suppression of terrorism i.e. security for Israelis, and the retention of J&S. These are big vote getters for this government.

  15. @Ted
    Ben Gvir makes an excellent point here. The support for judicial reform was a grass roots movement. It was the people who responded to the court being out of control and this support which was evident in the turnout for the pro judicial reform protest will only increase with time. If Likud will not support this policy, Ben Gvir or some other proponent of judicial reform will find their political support increased in the next election.

  16. National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir commented on Monday evening on the possibility that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will decide on the formation of a unity government without him.

    “If Netanyahu comes and says he doesn’t want me because I want judicial reform or because I insisted on the reasonableness standard, we all understand the meaning – that tomorrow Otzma Yehudit will not get 14 seats, but 30 seats,” said Ben Gvir in an interview on Radio 103FM.

  17. Mudar tweeted:

    The last crossing… Jordan’s kinglet’s half brother, Hamza, [Lisa al-Halabi’s kid], leaves #Jordan to the safety and warmth of his mother’s estate in the North West of the United States… The country where the rest of the HASHemites are at the moment...

  18. Ted all comments I write on Chat do NOT take. Also revisions do not take.

    Now when I posted this my last comment and edit were trashed.

  19. Reasonableness Clause and Judicial Reform and the reaction to it by large number of Israelis is really tearing Israel apart. Continuing this now seems to be madness. What is more important having a state or hoping things will be okay and the judiciary will be reformed. This is starting to feel like Russian Roulette.

    Large amount of reservists including over 1000 in IAF are saying they will no longer serve. That is truly scary because Israel does not exist in the long run without the reservists as the standing IDF is very small.

    I actually wish both sides would agree to sit down for six (6) months and come to a judicial reform and bill of rights. I also wish constitution but that is not a reasonable expectation.

  20. @Ted
    I am very familiar wth this article as well as the long list of comments on it. It is an excellent read and an important one as well, which has clearly stimulated a great deal of interest.

  21. @Ted
    Yes, I read the others and one of Perfidy is one of my favorite books. I read it when I was much younger and it changed me forever. I hadn’t heard about the book by Wyman and Medoff til a few years ago, and was quite excited about it, but then the world went mad and …

  22. @Peloni
    I read it 50 years ago. Its a great read. You are right but I wasn’t sure.
    Also be sure to read Perfidy by Ben Hecht. Its a must. Other indispensable readings are The Lone Wolf and The Revolt.

  23. DeSatantis since his early days in politics has been supported by conservative GOP Jews who are the biggest supporters of Israel and the GOP. Including the Moscovitz Family. This family donates to Israel like no other including buying properties to have Jew live in them in Eastern Jerusalem. Have a whole Casino in the LA area (Hawaiian Gardens) in which all the profits go to Israel (family member runs its for $1 per year). Mrs. Adeleson and other large conservative GOP supporters have backed Ron DeSantis.

    Ron DeSantis himself is very pro Israel. He is also more conservative than Trump on some issues. Mostly they agree on issues.
    Trump is better at smearing people and name calling however.

    It is not fair to label DeSantis a RINO. (this is for you Peloni)

    There are some RINO’s who have decided to support DeSantis and also Independents who are looking for a new intelligent and not with baggage candidate.

    If DeSantis is a RINO then Trump is a NAZI. Trump has had NAZI’s and their ilk support him openly. Does that make him a NAZI? So if Trump is not a NAZI then DeSantis.

    Any of you calling DeSantis a RINO tell me which left wing policies he supports and show me the proof. The man is as conservative as they get. Unlike Trump.

  24. Ron Destantis early and continued support (from Congress days through two terms of governor) have included the Irving Moscowtiz family now headed by the Matriarch of the family in Florida. This family runs a whole casino in the LA Area in which all the profits go Israel NGO’s buying properties in Eastern Jerusalem and in Judea/Samaria among other things. Also other GOP supporters like the Addelson’s.

    These are very conservative respectable conservative GOP supporters. There are many others.

    DeSantis has been smeared just like was smeared. Some people consider Rhino’s decided they like Ron DeSAntis. Does this make him a RINO,

    If this makes him a RINO then Donald Trump is a NAZI. Some NAZI’s have rallied for Trump and supported. Is he a NAZI no.

    So DeSantis has been smeared.

  25. Bear,

    Trump won at the polls in 2020, and, barring some shenanigans, will again win next year. DeSantis should not have run; but I’m grateful that he did and revealed his RINO heart.

    Vivek Ramaswami is, from the latest I’ve seen, the next most popular MAGA Republican.

  26. @Bear
    Desantis had a great deal of potential, but he sold out to the establishment wing of the party. He has no chance of beating Trump and no path to the White House if he did beat Trump unless the Uniparty selects him with their vote rigging. He has no appeal to the blue collar voters. He supports the war in Ukraine, just after opposing it. When in Congress he supported the Globalist TPP trade deal. His donors are all big money donors, mostly RINO donors, while he has nearly no small dollar donors – the distinction being further evidence for a lack of popular support for his candidacy.

    If Desantis is going to win the presidency, without the support of election fraud, he is going to have to gain the support of Trump’s supporters. In light of this, it is curious that he has come out and supported the idea that Trump is responsible for Jan. 6. Desantis has never even tried to achieve the support of MAGA. Like Haley, Pence (what an idiot), Pompeo and the rest, they believe that Trump’s supporters will simply flow to them when Trump is placed on trial for whatever crime is cooked up against him. This is not only naive, it is completely illogical. Trump’s supporters are not Republicans. They are MAGA. Anyone who doesn’t grasp the very clear difference will not win anything. MAGA found a champion in Trump, someone who could carry their message and who they found that they could both trust and rely upon. Desantis has lied repeatedly, changed his position to suit, not just the day but the hour it would seem. MAGA recognizes that their 2020 election victory was stolen, and at a minimum, anyone they support would necessarily need to support them in this view.

    This is not even raising the question about the election bill which he put forward which reduces transparency, reduces accountability and reduced election ID significantly. It also outlaws hand counts and paper ballots in an age in which the machines have been shown to have manipulated election results and the machine counts have been shown to be completely unreliable when compared with the real outcome of elections.

    As to the looming conviction of Trump, it will not stop him from running, and it seems to actually be having the greater effect of solidifying support around him. Of course, Trump is not the only man who could do what he has done, he is simply the only man who did do what he has done. If it becomes necessary to find an alternative to Trump, however, the choice will not be found among the RINO and RINO-light group which now stands on the stage unable to speak honestly about the coup which took place and removed their own president from the White House, and that would certainly include Desantis.

  27. Curious how other’s on this site feel about Ron DeSantis?

    I think he is well qualified to be POTUS. I think he is smart, articulate, well versed in all the subject by knowledge and actual experience. His age is a plus and so is his wife.

    I think Trump has serious legal complications and those in power are trying to keep him from running and mudding up his possibility of winning. So whether one loves him or not I think GOP voters need to think of best alternative to Trump. Clearly at this point in time Trump is the GOP front runner but the GOP and its voters need prepare for the serious possibility of Trump being convicted in his upcoming trial.

  28. Tablet published Back to the Borscht Belt. It brought back many memories. I worked there in the Concord and in Grossingers as a life guard for two summers and two Christmas holidays. In the evenings I always went to the nightclub to see the shows. The included rafts of Jewish comedians.

    The Canadian equivalent was epitomized by Richler’s novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz.. It was made into a movie starring Richard Dreyfuss. It launched his brilliant career.

  29. READER-

    Thank you for your post. I must say that if you wait ubtila government not only satisfactory to you , but with action in accord with your world view, is elected and performs suitably, you will be a very old man before yu set foot in the Land.

    When I went, there was NO one to greet me with song and dance, no real benefits and about 1/5th of my good were stolen through flaps cut in the cardboard boxes on the flat truck, before I even got to my cousin’s home.
    Fortunately he had lots of space, a penthouse and flat roof garden in Tel Aviv;he helped me to find a furnished home in Givatayim where my fiance and I were married.

    It was good for a while, but I couldn’t help but notice that the whole country seemed awash with failed olim from elsewhere, some of whom I knew, with stinky reputations.

    A REAL MESS that I endured for 14 years before they wiped me out entirely. You have read my posts re same .

    But I never regretted going there and even today I regret leaving.

    My first pleasurable shock was to see a roll of toilet paper in a jumbled window with the label in Hebrew. Then the delight of being completely surrounded by JEWS is something I’ll never forget.
    But you and I may have different reasons and different psyches.

    I was rich when I wnet there wiped out when leaving, but with a preplanned reserve still abroad, so I recovered. I lost well over $250,000 when it really meant a lot of money. And I didn’t gamble, or play poker or anything, was jus trying to live a normal carefree life-which I did, for a few years. ….until I tried to build a house, they called it a “villa”.
    one part of my downfall. legal crookery played a big part, REAL crooks in High Places.

    So I wish you all the very best and hope you make the right decision -for you.

  30. “Pence just committed political suicide.”


    Your concern is that the Ukrainians, a country most people can’t find on a
    map, who’ve received tens of billions of U.S tax dollars, don’t have enough tanks.
    I think it’s a fair question to ask, like where’s the concern for the United States in that?


    Well, it’s not my concern. Tucker I’ve heard that routine from you before, but that’s not my concern.

    Pence never had a path to the presidency, but if he did, this simple statement would have been enough to end it. Tucker also addresses Pence’s tone deaf position on Ukriane’s religious intolerance and election fraud.

  31. @Edgar

    I find the behavior of the current Knesset coalition even more amazing than the COVID affair.

    Remember, how the previous coalition kept screaming that Lapid and Bennett betrayed their voters?

    What the current coalition is doing is WAY worse than anything the previous one might have done, and the worst part is that, most likely, they will succeed, no matter what this does to the state or to the rest of the population..

    I still hope and plan to make aliyah but sometimes I think that what f it wasn’t meant to happen for me.

    I am not the cream of the crop, i.e. I am not someone who is younger than 35, with the skills and training which are in high demand, and I am not a wealthy retiree.

    Plus, most of the required “proofs” expire after 1 year (?!), and with the very religious in charge of aliyah, they will just about put an end to it because it interferes with the well-being of their “sector”.

  32. Concerning the Ottoman Sultan. I thought it was common knowedge that for at least 150 years before it’s demise, the Sultan was completely cloistered in an inner “city”, basically a prisoner, whilst his siblings who might try to overthrow him were assassinated in avariety of ways. The real rulers of the Empire were the Viziers, often Eunuchs, not the totally uneducated, often half-witted Sultan recently released from Thralldom.

    This explains it’s utter failures over many years which earned it the name of “The Sick Man of Europe.
    It was only the antagonism of the rest of Europe which prevented Russia from totally overcoming the Ottoman Empire, .They were sworn enemies and Russia craved a sea outlet into the Black Sea.

    Prevented as I say, by the rest of Europe.

  33. Here is an important nugget in this recent video about the Ottoman harem, about 1:30,
    we see the mosque in Topkapi Palace from 1634 after the moslems took Constantinople in 1453, showing the tile art of the TWO holy cities of Islam, Mecca & Medina. Nothing about Jerusalem!

  34. READER-

    Since I saw you post after a long absence, I’ve been meaning to ask you how your Aliya plans are progressing. I think I saw that because of some Israeli internal nonsense , you may have put them on hold.

    So please let me know, just a matter of my interest;


    Two pictures that reflect the status of the Jordanians. The picture is of the prostitute Rania, who impoverished the Jordanians because of the dresses of humiliation, profligacy and immorality. And the second picture that gave birth to red eyes and spent their lives to protect the most corrupt family that feeds on the blood of Jordanians. Every global or Arab leader who receives and glorifies this Hashemite family is more base than them in insolence. They must be dragged into the streets of Amman, and soon, God willing


    Abdullah II is now living the state of riding a bike race in the mountains of California, and the Jordanian people are groaning from hunger, thirst, poverty, and indebtedness. All the world leaders in their countries follow the affairs of their countries, and Abdullah II considers Jordan and the Jordanians as a cash cow to pay the expenses of the Hashemite palaces and their salaries, which destroyed the Jordanians, slaughtered them, and starved their children. Abdullah II, the king of immorality, corruption and starvation. Israel and America should bring down this prostitute. Containing and covering up Abdullah II’s corruption is a crime against Jordan and the Jordanians and their slow killing.