Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,626 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7626 Comments

  1. Abedalelah Amaalah tweeted today:

    Exercise Intrepid Maven 23.4 to Commence in Jordan > United States Marine Corps Flagship > News Display . The alliance between the Jordanian army and the American army is the nucleus of the next Arab-Israeli NATO

  2. Mudar tweeted today.

    The Jordanian from Bethlehem, Musa Al-Taamari, the pride of Jordanians in the French League… and before him the Olympic champion Ghosheh and others. The New Jordan is based on achievement only…….

    He is conditioning Palestinians to think of themselves as Jordanians.

  3. Hi, Bear

    You are cheering for them that is good.

    Yes, the Russian army is incompetent and unmotivated. Specifically, it seems to be incompetent from the top down, and unmotivated from the bottom up. The Ukrainians are a proper citizen army, fighting for their loved ones, so yes, they have spirit; but they are also tough as nails, smart and inventive.

    Under Donald Trump, the American armed forces were, hands down, the best in the world; but Joe Biden and his supporters seem to have intentionally done everything possible to sap their strength and morale. On 9/11, we were attacked by our enemies; but under Joe Biden, we have attacked ourselves.

  4. @ Michael,
    US Military is now too woke and enlistment is having problems because of this under Biden.

    Ukrainians are determined because they are fighting for their lives and homes. Best soldiers in the world ??? You are cheering for them that is good. They are way better than in 2014 and fighting incompetent Russian army who is not motivated.

  5. Hi, Bear. The date of the article you cited was Saturday 26 May 2018 — during the Donald Trump Administration..

    Judging by his performance in Afghanistan, I dare say that under Biden, the casualty figures would be flipped. Thank God, we have the Ukrainians, the best soldiers in the world, to protect us from the Russians.

  6. A couple of years ago – US fighters in Syria squared off against the “elite” Russian Wagner fighters. The USA had 45 fighters in the battle and the Syrian and Russian Troops number a total of about 500 thought it would be an easy slaughter.

    Wrong none of the USA commandos died and about 200 to 300 of the elite Russians were killed. Prelude to Ukraine were we see a failed Russian military on display.

    The truth about the brutal four-hour battle between Russian mercenaries and US commandos in Syria
    Up to 300 Russian and Syrian fighters killed in the attack

  7. US military reveals it eliminated ISIS leader in Syria
    In a strike in Syria, CENTCOM killed Usamah al-Muhajir, an ISIS leader in eastern Syria.

    The drone that killed the ISIS leader are the same ones the Russian planes in Syria were harassing in the last few days. Confusing who is on whose side.

  8. @Sebastian, I just read that your Mom died last month. I am very sorry to hear that but glad to hear she lived a very long life of 99. My mother died in 2017 six weeks after the love of my life died and widowed me. My mother also lived a long life to 97+ years.

    Your question about football or soccer in Israel. The Hebrew word is CadurRegal which translates to Football. Cadur is a ball and Regal is a foot.

  9. A new, improved Torah?

    Yuval Noah Harari, historian and professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, suggested that AI could be used to create a new Bible that will “be able to invent new concepts and beliefs that are more socially acceptable than the Bible,” according to the Christian Broadcast Network. Harari further noted that in the years to come AI could make religions that may be “actually correct” and asked the audience to consider what religion could look like “whose holy book is written by an AI.”

  10. “A popular Mexican TV doctor who regularly appeared on “Mexico Today” as a “vaccination expert” died suddenly from a myocardial infarction, according to reports. Dr. Alfredo Victoria Moreno was only 42 years old when he died in his sleep early Monday. He was a vocal advocate of COVID mRNA vaccines. The physically fit medical doctor and public health specialist had no preexisting medical conditions. He regularly appeared on TODAY (“HOY!”) to administer vaccines to the show’s staff on the air…”

  11. Abedaleyla Amaala tweeted:

    Abdullah II, Rania, his son Hussein, his hope, his prime minister and his entire government are outside Jordan in a tourist resort. Jordan is on the brink of collapse

  12. @Felix
    So you are going to go with the US intelligence community as the conclusive evidence for your beliefs? Do recall that this is the same group who told you that the shots were safe and effective, that IVM was horse paste, that HCQ was fish tank cleaner, that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, that there was no election fraud, that Biden won 81million votes, that the laptop was Russian disinformation, and that Trump was a Russian asset. They also hold that Shireen Abu Akleh was murdered by Israel, that the PA is Israel’s best hope for future stability, and that the TSS is the only path towards peace. They also hold that there are no Nazi’s in Ukraine, that Putin is a madman, that Ukraine is winning the war, and that the US had nothing to do with blowing up the Nordstream pipeline. Check your sources. The US govt is not worthy of your trust. Need I say grassy knoll, or Gulf of Tonkin, or Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction, or Operation Paperclip? No doubt you will find some support for some of these fables put forward from the CIA and her sister fabulists, but you should be well aware that these folks actually lie for a living, and document lies to support policy, which is what you are now citing as conclusive evidence.

    I never held that these captured agencies would ever support the truth on this or any topic, even if they bothered to discover what the truth might be. I have spoken with you in detail on the lab leak over the past years, but you continue to support the well disproven claim that China did not develop either SARS-Cov2 or its immediate predecessor while colluding with and being paid by the very same US govt whose report you now hold as being conclusive. Consequently, I have no respect for the authors of this drivel you find earth shattering, but rather find you have once again tied your hopes to yet one more piece of ‘Brought To You By Phizer’ disinformation.

    One more point to share with you, though it hardly changes the fact that garbage in leads to garbage out. The summary of the report hides from view the fact that even among the US intel agencies, there was no agreement upon the source of the virus. Indeed, the Energy Dept held that the Chinese Lab actually was the source of the virus, while most of the agencies withheld a conclusive judgement. In fact, the conclusions revealed in the report are not news, but have been known for some time now, even as report finally being released seems to have given you yet another impetus to revisit this topic without the benefit of anything new to share.

    Do tell me, did you hear about the other recent revelations about this topic which continues to hold your interest? Three Chinese scientists who were actually working on the virus research were among the very first to die of the China Flu. Also, one of the Chinese bioweapon researchers who patented a vaccine for Covid in Feb 2020 died after being thrown off the roof of the lab where the gain of function research was being conducted.

    Well, perhaps this is disinfo as well, but what is known from various sources, and I have shared this in detail in the past, is that China had a serious lab breach in the very lab which was conducting research on the gain of function research being conducted in Wuhan in September 2019, resulting in the international airport being closed and their ventilation system replaced. They also prepared for a viral outbreak at population scale beginning back as early as May 2019. None of what you shared here addresses these facts, nor do I think it likely to be beneficial for either of us to re-re-re-revisit the details again.

    That is, unless you care to go around this barn once more.

  13. A Christian friend has expressed reluctance to support Donald Trump, because she “heard bad things about him”. I have an answer for her and others in this situation:

    Do you want to vote for this?

    We have a Mother’s DAY, a Father’s DAY, a Memorial DAY, a Labor DAY, a Flag DAY… and a Pride MONTH. Is this what we’re about as a nation and a people? Some have called us a “New Jerusalem”, but we’ve become a “New Sodom”. Now Admiral Rachel wants us to have a Pride SEASON! When Fall begins, will she mark our Fall (pun intended) by declaring every year as Pride YEAR?

    Christians are taught that “By their fruits ye shall know them”. Trump’s fruit is pretty much “standard orange”; but the fruit of his opposition smells like compost.

    L et’s
    G et
    B iden
    T o
    Q uit.

  14. School Choice — a way out of the Culture Wars?

    In surfing the morning news, I came across the following:

    Suddenly, School Choice: Its Rapid Post-Pandemic Expansion Sets Up a Big Pass/Fail Test for Education
    By Vince Bielski, RealClearInvestigations
    June 22, 2023

    …Eight states – including Arizona, Florida, Indiana, and West Virginia – have approved “universal” or near-universal school choice laws since 2021. They open the door completely to school choice by making all students, including those already in private schools and from wealthy families, eligible for about $7,000 to $10,000 in state funding each year for their education…

    Our Founding Fathers (here, in the US), in 1787, enacted the Northwest Ordinance that called for setting aside one section per every 36-sq.-mi. township for schools. This was the first nation-wide recognition, that the US government had an interest in providing universal education. Over the years, this good idea has degenerated into a cesspool of mandatory sexual grooming, pornography in the texts, anti-religious teaching and all manner of wickedness, controlled by a predatory teachers’ union. School choice seems like a good way to reverse this situation by returning choice to parents, regardless of income and social status, and funding it with tax dollars that have heretofore been squandered.

    What are everyone’s thoughts on this? Does Israel have a school choice program?

    PS Peloni,

    I just read your posting on the disgusting Biden Crime Family — Mainstream Media — Chinese Dirty Money quagmire. I agree with what you say; I’ve just been thinking more, lately, about my grandchildren coming to live in the US — and what a jungle of wickedness they’ll be exposed to. China, Hunter, etc. are things for the politicians to thrash out. Schools are something more in our local control. Thank you for posting.

  15. @Michael
    It’s even more extensive story than the short intro which Wong describes:

    Hunter Biden used his father to pressure his Chinese business partner to send him millions of dollars.

    10 days later, he received a payment of $5.1 million from the Chinese to his law firm.

    He then moved over $1 million to Joe Biden’s brother’s consulting firm.

    Their bank than shut down his account due to suspected money laundering.

    Also, they now have photo evidence that Biden was with Hunter on the day and at the time that phone call was made to the Chinese, even as Hunter’s lawyer states that no other family member is responsible for what Hunter does while on drugs, while ignoring the money laundering of the Chinese money transfers which followed his client’s phone call to China.

    The Mainstream Press even spent about four whole minutes yesterday at the White House press briefing pretending that they were journalists and asked the Press Secretary about it. Also, the White House NSC Coordinator, Kirby, walked off the state refusing to comment. Similarly a question was shouted to China Joe while with Modi. Hunter’s lawyer responded by stating that no one

    Twitter has been in a state of complete melt down since this story first broke which might be surmised to be not unrelated to the timing of the latest outrage from Prighozin…perhaps. Ignoring the Russian angle for the moment, though, this story is not going to go away.

  16. Why has this seen the light of day, less than 24 hours before the Russian “non-coup”?

    Kristina Wong23 Jun 20234,418

    Photographs on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop place him at Joe Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, on the day he sent his Chinese business partner threatening text messages wherein he referenced his father several times, according to a report.

    Biden had sent his Chinese business partner Henry Zhao, a Chinese energy conglomerate linked to Chinese intelligence, an aggressive text message on July 30, 2017, that said:

    I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. All too often people mistake kindness for weakness — and all too often I am standing over top of them saying I warned you. From this moment until whenever he reaches me.

    He sent a subsequent message that said:

    I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. I sure hope whatever it is you are doing is very very important.

  17. Why do these two headlines seem to fill the same boilerplate?

    Rebellion in Russia: Putin denounces Wagner Group’s “criminal adventure” and prepares to defend Moscow…
    Merrick Garland: Criticizing the Hunter Biden plea deal is an attack on our democracy…

  18. There definitely seems to be something big happening in Russia — Nancy Pelosi on Steroids, at the very least.

    How very odd, that his comes just five days after Donald Trump’s

    “Q” posting (previous post).

    — as well as desperate efforts by the US Democrats, the Deep State, etc. to deflect attention from revelations about the Biden Crime Family.

    As Steve Bannon has said repeatedly, “There are no coincidences”.

  19. Bible prophecies often mention episodes of thunder and lightning. I believe these are time markers or resets of sorts; so we do well to notice the most significant events.

    June 21, 2023
    The enormous undersea volcano that erupted in Tonga last year (began 20 Dec. 2021; climax 15 Jan. 2022) was record-breaking in many regards. It generated the highest-ever recorded volcanic plume, it triggered a sonic boom that circled the globe twice, and was the most powerful natural explosion in more than a century.

    Now, scientists studying the eruption say the volcanic plume created record-breaking amounts of volcanic lightning, the most intense lightning rates ever documented in Earth’s atmosphere. While the ash obscured the view, satellites and ground-based radio antennas with specialized instrument could peer through the ash and see every stage of the unfolding eruption. Over 200,000 lightning flashes were detected in the volcanic plume, more than 2,600 flashes every minute

  20. This year’s spring wildfire season has been the worst on record in Canada, with more than 5m hectares of land burned – a figure higher than the entire 2016, 2019, 2020 and 2022 seasons combined.

    [8] And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
    [9] And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

  21. @Michael
    That may be due to either a result of my reloading the database in the last week or due to the fact that I have placed all Bear’s comments into moderation.. It may be that all comments which mention Bear suffer the same fate. If so it was not my attention. I will look into it.

    I looked into it. There was only one of your comments which has been removed and it was your fault. It had nothing to do with me.

  22. Ted,

    Much of what I’ve posted for the past week or so has been taken down. No sense wasting my time further. Siesta time.

  23. @Ted

    Isn’t this what Israel has objected to the US doing?

    Fair point – it was. This is not an embassy, but only a diplomatic mission, having living quarters to distinguish it from a mere consulate.

    The Foreign Ministry released the following statement on the subject:

    “The agreement is in line with the Foreign Ministry’s efforts to increase the number of diplomatic missions in Israel’s capital Jerusalem.”

    It seems this is an attempt by Israel to specifically ignore the disrespect being shown by Russia in not moving its embassy. Perhaps this was an olive branch from Bibi to Russia which would not cost Israel any serious grief with the US.

  24. @Peloni
    I read Russia to open embassy branch in Jerusalem carefully. The word “embassy” does not appear in their commitment.. Instead we read, “building, and operating a consular branch” and “The diplomatic compound will provide consular services to the residents of Jerusalem and its environs,”

    Israel Hayom uses the word “embassy” a number of times without providing a quote. What I read is that the Russian Embassy stays in Tel Aviv and that this consular branch will serve Palestinians. Isn’t this what Israel has objected to the US doing?

  25. The Russians are targeting US Nuclear Waste Facilities

    washington —

    The U.S. Department of Energy got ransom requests from the Russia-linked extortion group Clop at both its nuclear waste facility and the scientific education facilities that were recently hit in a global hacking campaign, a spokesperson said Friday.

    Putin is also threatening to destroy Europe’s largest nuclear plant, etc.

    References upon request.

  26. @Bear
    Russia has made claim to multiple properties in the area, including the 0.6 acre property in question which is currently being used as the Tsavta parking lot in Jerusalem. Per the report, Israel dropped its ongoing objections which include the limit other demand of taxation and repurposing part of the land for a pipeline, and in exchange Russia is to build a diplomatic residence which holds a higher standing than a consulate. Til the diplomatic residence is built, the property will continue in its current use as a parking lot. Of course, this is all per the report by Israel Hayom and statement by the Russian govt, since Israeli govt and Jerusalem’s mayor are still withholding comment on the subject.

    From what I can discern from the reports, though, the land was well documented as having been in fact purchased in 1885 by the Russian govt, and the outstanding issues have been in regards to taxation and boundary limits. In any event, if I would argue that recognition of Jerusalem would be worth the price of a parking lot, even if it needed to be donated at Jerusalem rates.

  27. @Peloni my question and I do not know answer. Did Israel give the Russian’s land in Jerusalem they did not own but was demanded by the Russian’s which was previously leased? This land was disputed between Israel and Russia for a long time.

    Did Israel buy opaque recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli by giving Russia land.
    Is there a clear answer to this?

  28. Russia to open embassy branch in Jerusalem
    Russian Federation agrees to open embassy branch in central Jerusalem, in exchange for ownership of the land and a promise of no expropriation.

    Five years after the US dedicated its new embassy in Jerusalem, Russia is set to follow suit, Israel Hayom revealed.

    According to Israel Hayom, in a secret agreement Russia and Israel agreed to open a Russian embassy branch in the center of Jerusalem.

    In the agreement between the Jerusalem municipality, headed by Mayor Moshe Lion, and the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russia officially committed itself to planning, building, and operating a consular branch in the Hama’alot parking lot off of King George Street in central Jerusalem. In exchange, the city has promised not to expropriate the land for the benefit of the light rail line which is expected to pass nearby, instead seeking alternative transportation solutions.

    The city will also allow the Russians to register as the owners of an area 100 meters in length, which will be used for the road to the future diplomatic compound, and it will remove any suits or demands from the Russian Federation, which for many years has avoided paying taxes as legally required.

    At the same time, the parking lot will continue operating until the embassy branch is constructed.

    The diplomatic compound will provide consular services to the residents of Jerusalem and its environs, and will also house diplomats, giving the land a higher status than that of a consulate. Under the agreement, construction will be completed within five years, with an option to extend it to ten years.

    The agreement was signed in the Mayor’s office on Jerusalem Day, and both Lion himself and Foreign Minister Eli Cohen (Likud) took part in the negotiations over the past six months. Representing the Russians was their Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov, along with Sergei Makarov, who acted in the name of Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov. Representing the Jerusalem municipality was General Manager Itzik Larry and legal adviser Eli Malka. The Foreign Ministry’s Euro-Asia department head, Yuval Fuchs, is also a signatory to the agreement.

  29. Hacker groups reportedly team up to destroy European Banks in ‘world’s biggest cyber attack’
    ? Published: Jun 15, 2023, 09:22
    ? Updated: Jun 15, 2023, 09:23


    “I don’t trust any group that announces their intentions to do illegal acts – as it ONLY means they are backed by the Deep State as it is easier to track the attacks, no? Only Deep State backed animals would follow through, so if European banks go down, take a guess who is behind it. Yeah, them. The Marxists of the Deep State are desperate to hurt us all.”

    Hmmm… On the other hand, several articles connect the attacks to three “Pro-Russian” hackers.

    This sounds like so many gross happenings lately, with the exception that this could have world-wide consequences. We’ll see, soon enough.

  30. Can’t find my mask! Now I can’t go to the White House!

    White House Sends Out Guidance Mandating Face Masks and Social Distancing for the Unvaccinated
    By Rick Moran 9:14 AM on June 11, 2023

  31. 11 Sivan – Bnei Brak – 1924

    On this day in 1924, the town of B’nai Brak was settled just east of Tel Aviv. The town is originally mentioned in the Book of Joshua and is most famous for being the place of the all-night Seder mentioned in the Passover Hagada that was led by R’ Akiva. During the 4th Aliyah, 8 Chassidic families immigrated from Poland intending to build a religious agricultural settlement. By 1933, those 8 families had attracted over 1,000 others including the Chazon Ish who was considered the leading Rabbi in Israel until he died in 1953. The Jewish world was being guided from his little house in the town. By 1948, the population would be almost 10,000, and today there are nearly 200,000 residents. In 1950, B’nai Brak became an official city of the young State of Israel.

    Much of the growth and development of B’nai Brak can be attributed to R’ Yosef Shalom Kahneman. R’ Kahaneman had already led the city of Ponevezh in Lithuania for 20 years. One of the largest Jewish cities in Lithuania, under his tutelage the city exploded as a center of Torah. At the outbreak of WWI, he was on a trip to Israel and found himself stranded there. He continued to run the city’s institutions from afar. In 1941, the city of Ponevezh was decimated first by the Red Army and then a few days later by the Nazis y”s. The local Yeshiva was destroyed and all its students were murdered. What was R’ Kahaneman’s response? Within two years he opened the Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak with Rommel and the Nazis just a few sand dunes away in North Africa. As Europe was up in smoke, he saw his duty to rebuild Torah in Israel. Within a few months, Rommel would be dead and the Ponevezh Yeshiva would be on its way to making R’ Kahaneman’s vision a reality.

    Naveed Anjum

    on Facebook

  32. MUDAR just tweeted:

    In the name of the People of Jordan, we condemn the extremist and racist policies of the Hashemite occupation “regime” of Jordan which are being carried out against Jews, we are utterly disgusted by the insulting of religious symbols recently exhibited by the kinglet’s henchmen against Jewish tourists.
    Laws of the NEW JORDAN will criminalize hate speech and discrimination, whether they are based on religion, sect, race, appearance, or physical disability, “zero tolerance” is our policy.


    Source: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman is negotiating a peace deal between Moscow and Kiev. The Saudi proposed deal is described as “Fairly considerate of Russia’s strategic security needs and Ukraine’s independence”
    We proudly support the #Saudi effort for peace against the warmongers.

  33. Contrary to Mudar’s dismal of the recent Royal marriage between the Crown Prince and an important Saudi Princess, that it was not important event is the article I shall reference and quote a bit below:

    “The marriage of Crown Prince Hussein and Rajwa al-Seif is a case in point and a particularly significant one. That such an important branch of the Saudi royal establishment was prepared to let one of its own daughters marry into the Jordanian Hashemite ruling family indicates that, after 100 years of enmity, the Saudi royal family feels secure enough to bury the hatchet and build a familial alliance with their rivals. It also shows that the Hashemites are willing to put aside their unspoken but ever-present claims to Mecca, at least for the time being.

    All of this has major ramifications for the political future of the Middle East. That the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, was prepared to allow and enable the marriage appears to be part of his program to build a more solid and stable Middle East.

    The Saudis and Jordanians share the same enemies: Radical Sunni Islam, led by the Muslim Brotherhood and the likes of Al-Qaeda, and radical Shiite Islam led by the Iranian regime. Thus, an alliance between the Saudis and the Jordanians makes geopolitical and ideological sense.”