Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,945 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7945 Comments

  1. Seb-

    Do you not see the resemblance between “Gematria” and “Dementia”…
    Apart from alliteration.

  2. Seb-

    If you’d referred to me as “bug” you’d still be hearing about it. A grasshopper is insulted by being called a bug, It is practicaly Jewish. A Noachibde… it eats only kosher food. It is almost exactly like a locust, which is a kosher article of food. Maybe, being so, contrary, you’ll have some for Pesach, a memorable time to have them.

    I’ myself don’t partake, being a vegetarian.

    And the “poetry” you mention HAS to be of the
    H-Y-M-A-N K-A-P-L-A=N_kind. “Poyetry” and not Byron.
    I hate poetry, –

    except “The boy stood on the burning deck” sort.

    Di you know that this ditty was composed because of a true event. It refers to a real person; the very young son of the captain of a French ship-of-the-line at Aboukir Bay. I read about it very many years ago and it stayed with me. Very sad in fact.

    Then there is the Billy Bunter/Bessie Bunter poem;. I rea dthat whenI was about 5 years old. In the Magnet which I got weekly.

    They sat in beauty side by side
    They filled the house with glee
    Their mouths were opened far and wide
    for breakfast, lunch, and tea.

  3. Sed-

    Yes and I responded that it was not meant by e to be “shouting” but a respectful heading, because it IS a heading for the comment.

    I call you Seb, as a more friendly nickname kind of address, and will do so for the future. That is , if I’m not “trashed” again through inadvertence.

  4. @Edgar Not to be too prickly, myself, I like, “Seb,” or “Sebastien” and dislike “SEBASTIEN”. I have mentioned to you in the past that all caps is universally read as shouting. It’s quite rude.

    “While all caps can be used as an alternative to rich-text “bolding” for a single word or phrase, to express emphasis, repeated use of all caps can be considered “shouting” or irritating.”

    “All caps” – Wikipedia

  5. @Ted “Seb” works. Edgar sometimes uses that. I appended this on the wrong thread and it’s too late to correct it because of the time limit.

  6. @Edgar 😀 Be grateful I didn’t call you, “bug,” in the interests of brevity, if you will forgive me levity, ignoring the gravity of your concerns, for the sake of preserving sanity, while temporarily forsaking all propriety at the risk of some notoriety though we have since called bygones bygones in the interest of congeniality for the sake of unbreakable unity and fraternity, in the name of poetry . 😀

  7. TED-

    Naturally I have seen that notice; I’m not blind-everyone has. And it’s routinely disregarded by everyone. It was I myself who suggested that our comments should be in Chit-Chat. I commenced to do so. But the last, which you trashed without warning, was posted on the same page as the comment to which it was responding. This comment also should have been in Chit Chat.

    This is the 2-3rd time I’ve repeated the same thing. Yes, please restore the comments from Trash.

    The term “trash” does not have the same connotation for me as for you.

    If yo did not remove my post asking the other to be restored, it nevertheless disappeared. Perhaps computer issue.

  8. @Sebastien
    I only referred to you as Zorn about two times. I switched from Sebastien to Zorn because it was less than half the length.. I will return to calling you Sebastien.

  9. @Edgar
    If you look above I wrote

    Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

    And that is what I did except I didn’t put you in moderation.
    Nor did I remove your comment asking me to retrieve the posts.

    So what do you want me to do exactly. Is it enough if I just retrieve your comments?

  10. SEB-

    My posts are only for the postee, unless I ask otherwise. So, nobody looking at old posts, although true, matters nothing to me.

  11. TED-

    To ask Sebastien to put his many separate comment on one-two posts is a good idea. yet, you ASKED him….Me, you did not. So… I Logged Out.


    I am a very old-fashioned guy about certain things. A principle. A bit prickly around. the edges. I have never been “trashed” before. Yes Michael is a friend. Although we exchange acrimonious remarks, they are not really serious.
    You are also a friend, but, when your “grasshopper” became tiresome, I closed you out, knowing it was temporary.

  13. @Mr. G. The emperor of Japan, being a fellow violist, is therefore my cousin so You may henceforth call me, “Your Royal Highness” unlike the pop singer, “Prince,” who changed his name to a glyph with no pronunciation. Or just:

    “His Imperial and Royal Majesty the Honorable Mr. Sebastien Zorn the First, Esq., , By the Grace of God and the Constitution of the Republic, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation and Co-Prince of Andorra, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

  14. @Edgar Don’t sweat it. Nobody looks at old chit chat, anyway. We had a nice exchange in real time but it’s over. I’m sure Belman was unable to transfer the comments to chit chat without a laborious cut and paste for each one as opposed to hitting the delete button. No particular reason to preserve this acrimonious exchange between friends, You did call Michael a friend? Ted refers to me as Zorn, now, so I am calling him Belman. I like the formality.Very polite. Very old world. Or Korean. I think I will call Michael, S. Shall I call you, G? Tanna calls me Mr. Zorn. 😀

  15. @Edgar
    I wanted to underscore my determination to enforce that rule. I can always retrieve them from Trash.
    I also asked Sebastien to put his many comments together into one comment.

  16. TED_

    It would have beenbetter to leave the posts and make sure we knew the bext posts would be removed.

    Your arbitrary action is unpleasanrt .. Not in the spirit of Israpunsit at all.
    Nor my principles ..

  17. TED-

    I do not see my comments in Chit-vhat. I saw the beginning of your decision to remove them but it was not complete so I do not know the rest of it. Of course you are right and I suggested they should be there, and did put some there, but I responded in the subject because Tanna’s comment was there. She and Michael were discussing Ezekiel which also should have been in City Chat.


  18. @Tanna

    “but I never try to convert Jews. You need to Return to the God of your Fathers 😀 Waddya call that? First that, then your meshuggah.

    “and stop joking about trying to remove your Jewishness.”

    Why, it’s not like I have a choice. 😀

    Unlike you.
    “of MY fathers?” I gather you’re not Jewish much less a 2nd Gen Shoah survivor.

    Calling you insensitive would be too generous.

    For thousands of years, humor has been our only escape, weapon and solace and you would strip it from us, eh?

    Later for you.

  19. Thanks Ted on the comment box. I thought it was gone for a minute.:)
    Now is there a way to find one’s own post that have been driven into the black hole by Mr. Zorn. If I miss a 12 hour period, my post can’t be found. Help!!!


    Your “no comment” is pretty good, but you must have noticed that Ted’s sense of humour” , to paraphrase Mark Twain, is not spacious.

    (Twain in his “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses”) This is a HOWL. I’m surprised you’ve never read it. I mentioned it here several years ago. A genuine gem. Read it and tell me what you think of it…


    It’s typical of a maladjusted machine. My comment IS printed as you can see (below) and above it is the “moderation”.

    I had an idea that they were activated by particular words. The last time I was moderated was about 15 years ago and, offended by my conception of censorship, not really knowing what it was, I immediately cancelled from the site. I reminded Ted of this when I returned some years later. He didn’t recall it, and II couldn’t think of what my user name was then.. I haven’t been moderated since, but with my successive posts to you being printed and then vanishing, I was beginning to wonder.

    So, since my post is printed below the moderation thing, I was wondering what it was all about.

  22. @Edgar

    “What’s all this about “moderation”’

    I already told you that it’s governed by an algorithm. There’s nobody upstairs. Just post it again. Or wait for Ted to see and retrieve it, if it’s there somewhere.

    “Moderation” has nothing to do with content. It means it’s been sequestered by the moderator who is a mindless machine that operates and governs according to its own inscrutable rules like every Supreme Court ever known, certainly America and Israel. But that’s democracy. Or fascism. Take your pick.


    Sorry if I shocked you. Your 8-9 irrelevant posts likely are a result. Cease babbling and listen to wisdom. That Orthodox priest was undoubtedly correct. Zeke HAD to have been on something up to his eyeballs.(did I pun here).

    Regardless of the symbolic drop of blood, the end result is the same.(another pun?-both unintended)

    I hope you spotted the typo in my post to NOSTRADUMBUS,; the first “B” was meant to be a “D”. You know I would not gratuitously insult or offend anyone.

    As for youtube, I regret that that I have no recommendations, and would remark that the picture/sound seems to have deteriorated, in lock-step with the amount of sheer rubbish they show, I used to delete what I didn’t like and one time reached as high as 45 discarded videos on a single page. My suggestions are better, believe me…!!

    It’s nice to see you taking a (late) interest in our Torah,

    The term “moyel” is the Yiddish transliteration of the Hebrew. Likely Paylisher. Since you are in America, the prime location where the English language is murdered every minute of every day ((Is this a Freudian reference to Ra’s daily journey, death and resurrection) I’m surprised that it hasn’t degraded into “just call me Mo”.

    ****The first mention I ever saw about the Amanita Muscaria was in John Allegro’s “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross”. A really brilliant man. But this book ruined his sterling reputation, unfairly I believe.****

  24. As the saying goes, two things can be true at the same time. Just as 9/11 was perpetrated by Muslims whose ultra-violent, hateful goals needed no assistance from one or more 3 letter agencies to help facilitate if not expedite their fulfillment – admittedly conjecture, but after Jan 6 believe it more than a little plausible – the bloody centuries old Russian/Ukrainian conflict may well have resumed sooner or later without US involvement, but as we can all plainly see most certainly has considerably sooner because of it.
    Moreover I’d say the Arab/Israeli conflict, which needed no more than centuries of shariah supremacism to fuel it, has arguably been stoked more by the US than the Russians since the dissolution of the Soviet Union – not that the Russians have exactly been benign, far from it – particularly during the Obiden terms, (read: Obama’s three terms).
    I’ve never been a “blame America first” type – I’m an America Firster – but after the past seven years in particular I’m afraid America is no longer the country I thought it was, that it’s lost it’s way seemingly due to a combination of elite capture by the CCP/WEF/Globalists, rampant institutional corruption, and civilizational decline, and consequently is much more a force for American malfeasance than exceptionalism. Unless Trump or possibly De Santis and others can help America find its way back to what it once stood for the whole country and the West generally may be lost forever.

  25. I made a much needed change to the location of the Comment Box.
    From now on it will remain at the bottom of the article rather than at the bottom of the comments.
    Thus no more scrolling down to the bottom to find it.

  26. SNIFF! SNIFF! Something smells funny.

    Paul Bois21 Mar 20231,581

    An alleged serial pooper reportedly dropped a fat, smelly turd in the aisle near where former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was sitting alongside her daughter at the Shubert Theater in New York as they were watching a performance of Some Like it Hot.


  27. It would be hard to make this up. “Hess began reading American anarchists largely because of the recommendations of his friend Murray Rothbard. Hess said that upon reading the works of Emma Goldman he discovered that anarchists believed everything he had hoped the Republican Party would represent, and that Goldman was the source for the best and most essential theories of Ayn Rand without any of the “crazy solipsism that Rand was so fond of.”[6]

    ibid 😀

    (FYI Emma Goldman was an Anarchist Communist, a follower of (Prince) Peter Kropotkin 😀 ) Did you know, both Bakunin and Kropotkin were Russian princes who urged their serfs to rebel and then went into exile? Bakunin was a mutualist like Proudhon. Don’t know about the other two gut Proudhon was an antisemite.

  28. “Karl Hess (born Carl Hess III; May 25, 1923 – April 22, 1994) was an American speechwriter and author. He was also a political philosopher, editor, welder, motorcycle racer, tax resister, and libertarian activist. His career included stints on the Republican right and the New Left before embracing a mix of left-libertarianism and laissez-faire anarcho-capitalism.[1] Later in life, he summed up his role in the economy by remarking “I am by occupation a free marketer (crafts and ideas, woodworking, welding, and writing).”[

    I thought it was Nixon. It was Goldwater.

    What a character. “Only in America.”

  29. I remember dating a girl back in the day who exclaimed in frustration after I explained my vision of the ideal society, “But I don’t want to go to meetings all day!”


    Apparently, in Catalonia Spain, during the Anarchist Revolution/Spanish Civil War (depending on who you read or talk to) , communities that wanted to paint a barn would take forever to decide on the color and type of paint because they had to reach a consensus.


    Libertarianism is very close to right wing Anarchism. I once read an autobiography of one of Nixon’s speech writers who trod that line.

  30. I just remembered: Majority rule is Democracy. Consensus is Anarchism! 😀

    {any sort of left wing Anarchisn, Communism, mutualism, syndicalism. Right wing Anarchism is all about the individual, capitalism with no state. Ayn Rand. . Or the artist in the woods who just wants to be left alone.)

  31. @Michael Look at Steve Bannon in this picture. In 2017 he was the age i am now. He dresses, wears his hair, everything, the way my generation of leftists in the 70s did. 😀 And then he went to work in a bank. I wonder if he was a leftist back then. The jacket is a faux vietnam era army jacket which we all war :D.

    It’s a good interview but the only news is that various platforms are letting him back on because of his understandably rising popularity in light of the financial crisis. He fixed the bad economy Obama left. He has a very good record. His rivals have none, really.

    Seems to me that as with Netanyahu, the things Trump is being accused of aren’t even crimes in the first place.

    More importantly, Couldn’t find any relevant diet information on Trump, Bannon or Epshtein. Have fun with your pot luck. I thing it’s called cannabis luck, now.

  32. HI, Sebastien

    1986 was a tough year for me, and 1996, and 2006 and 2016, etc. That’s life. Then you die, and things start getting serious.

    Let’s not panic. Biden wrecked it. Trump will fix it if he’s given the chance.

    You’re right — no sense panicking. (Where did that come from? Should I be considering panicking? I might have missed something). Yes, Biden wrecked it, with lots of help . I pland to vote for Trump, if I get a chance to We should be so blessed, to actually have elections! God knows.

    Shalom shalom! 🙂

  33. @Michael But UBS, which ruled out a merger with Credit Swisse is going strong. I worked there as a temp word processor – remember the days before the crash of ’86 when executives weren’t expected to know how to type? 😀 – for several months, so that must have brought them luck. Well, that explains that.

    Took year long Paralegal course after that – 9-5 every Saturday for a year with a half hour for lunch, because that was the next, hottest field. Which crashed right after I graduated. 😀

    Downside of capitalusm.

    Let’s not panic. Biden wrecked it. Trump will fix it if he’s given the chance.

  34. “Why a hundred? – If it were wrong, one would have been enough.” – Einstein

    “100 Authors against Einstein: A Look in the Rearview Mirror'”

    “In 1931, a booklet was published titled Hundert Autoren gegen Einstein (Hundred Authors against Einstein, Israel et al. 1931) featuring many of those ill-informed contributions.

    ‘…Criticism Gone Wrong
    In total, 121 authors are identified as opponents to the special relativity theory. Hundred Authors against Einstein contains contributions from twenty-eight authors that greatly vary in length and are the main focus of this article. A further ninety-three authors are listed as also having rejected the special relativity theory—with some also having publications. The geographical distribution of the authors’ affiliations shows that eighteen contributions originated from Germany and two from Austria. There were eight contributions from other countries—Czechoslovakia, Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. Almost all contributions were written in German except two, which were written in English and French, respectively, and those have subsequently been translated. The contributions vastly differ in length, ranging from just one paragraph to several pages…”

    “One Hundred Authors Against Einstein: (English Translation) Paperback – December 31, 2021
    by Hans Israel (Author), Erich Ruckha”
