By Ted Belman
From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.
Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.
Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.
The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.
Everyone will be happier.
Knesset passes 2025 Budget!!
Thank you it worked very well……
I would’nt recognise a cookie if it suddenly bit me. Nor how to get into a cache. I’ll try logging out and back in as you suggest. Thanks.
It is working on my end. You might try deleting cookies, cache and history, or signing out and back in to the site. That usually works for me when this problem arises.
Sorry Ted/Peloni
Thr thumbs up/down is not working, thus depriving a deserving poster of gratifying support.
Jethro was a big part of my childhood, as well. The Beverly Hillbillies was one of the shows I watched religiously every afternoon in re-runs.
@fquigley Didn’t see an article about an iceberg re-growing at Need a link. But I know another joke:
A Jewish-American guy and an Asian-American guy happen to be seated next to one another in a plane.
Suddenly, the Jewish guy throws his drink in the Asian guy’s lap.
“Hey, why’d do you do that?”
“That’s for Pearl Harbor!”
“Pearl Harbor? Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. I’m Chinese!”
“Chinese, Japanese, what’s the difference.”
Some time goes by.
Suddenly, the Asian guy throws his drink in the Jewish guy’s lap.
“Hey! What’d you do that for?’
“That’s for the Titanic!”
“The Titanic? The Titanic was sunk by an iceberg!”
“Iceberg, Greenberg, what’s the difference.”
Good attempt at humour but not many upp there are laughing
The Arctic is vulnerable.
The science is very much dealing theoretically with it and even the article you mention shows that
Massive amount on
Listen to this “Israel Hayom” headline: “The goal: Bringing Hamas back to the negotiating table”, By Yoav Limor Published on 03-19-2025 12:05
Is this really true? Who in their right mind thinks that negotiating with Hamas, rather than wiping them out, is a good thing? Don’t we want Hamas gone? No, I guess not. We want to keep them around so that we can negotiate with them. Mishugana!
Good observation about the Climate tab. I had forgotten about that. The site has many important and valuable aspects. One of my favorites is the Archive tab which lets you finger thru the past articles by choosing a year and month. I often get lost reading old articles and the very impressive comments of past years.
Re Trump/Bibi/Putin/Musk/Vance (the list keeps growing, it’s like anti-fans for Kdramas, pick a celebrity you love to hate factions) Derangement Syndrome, amusing meme I’m reminded of that’s going around::
Just noticed there’s a Climate tab at the top of the Israpundit home page. Found the article about a glacier growing despite scientists’ predictions a page or two in.
Points out scientists’ poor track record when it comes to long-range prognostication but I thought of a counter-argument. A religious counter-argument, how ’bout that, inspired by the Tikkun Olam bit. Why is this heretofor shrinking glacier growing all of a sudden after all these scientists were tearing their shirts and crying out that the end was near?
Maybe God just knows how to take constructive criticism?
If so, I guess maybe it’s reasonable to assume He’s not a Democrat, then? (Though from the way their leaders talk and behave, you coulda’ fooled me.
Oh, wait, I know. They think they’re Greco-Roman Gods, that’s it. There were several classic Star Trek episodes on that theme.)
I still have no interest in pursuing this debate. As I said before, to my mind the issue has been well exposed as a fraud and the science is to at least a large part bought and paid for by those who profit from this non-science scam.
You presume that what has not been proven to cause glaciers to melt is actually causing them to melt, which is illogical to conclude. What is more, even if the global-cooling-turned-global-warming is causing the melting of the glaciers, you have to prove that it is CO2 which is responsible. You have to prove that human actions are responsible for elevating CO2. You have to prove that correction in human actions could reverse elevations of CO2. You have to prove that the partial applications of corrections, ie to the western world alone, would achieve that reversal. And you have proved none of this.
I find this conversation a silly one, even as it seems to fascinate you. So, this will likely be my final comment on this topic. Don’t take it personally, but this hoax is no more substantial than the Russia hoax, which I have no need to disprove either as it has been well achieved as well.
Peloni 1986
My query, and viewpoint, is that glaciers in every part of earth are being melted at speed.
The strange thing Peloni is that you answer without referring to glaciers.
Your answer is therefore constructed, sorry to say, with dodging the issue in mind
“I have no interest in pursuing this debate. To my mind the issue has been well exposed as a fraud and the science is to at least a large part bought and paid for by those who profit from this non-science scam. What is more, even those, who are most beholden to the belief that they could ever impact the global content of the earth’s atmosphere, approach the matter with a bias which allows nations such as China and India to pollute as they need to do, while requiring the US to undergo significant restrictions, costs and taxes.
Indeed, the hockey-stick math is non-linear and and the conclusions advance the amassment of wealth among the power elites who ignore the “toxic” CO2 in support of a Chinese aligned geopoltical endgame which should be rejected entirely. ”
You put CO2 in parentheses claiming it is toxic. But it is toxic because while this gas is a good thing for earth too much of this gas derived from fossil fuels is not a good thing.
That is what is causing the heating of earth.
There’s no better proof that the earth is this heating up than the glaciers are melting
Along with welfare of people and nature this melting is also proof of concept.