China Inaugurating a New World Order?

by Judith Bergman, GATESTONE  •  March 17, 2023 at 8:00 am

  • On March 10, Chinese President and Communist Party General-Secretary Xi Jinping brokered a surprise agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to reestablish diplomatic relations between the two countries, effectively knocking the US off the Middle Eastern chessboard and showing himself as a power-broker on the world stage.
  • Xi is, in fact, on his way to Russia, possibly as soon as next week, with a 12-point peace plan — ostensibly to see if he can pull off the same wizardry with Ukraine, but more likely to nail down plans to seize Taiwan.

  • China as the world’s new power-broker anywhere, especially in the Middle East — until Biden squandered America’s alliances there — is conceivably a seismic turning point: possibly the beginning of China fulfilling its dream of replacing the US as the dominant superpower in a new world order.
  • For the Biden Administration, this is a blow for which it has only itself to thank.
  • In addition to ignoring Saudi security concerns about Iran’s escalating nuclear weapons program, Biden also let Iran’s terrorist proxies off the hook. He removed Yemen’s Iranian-sponsored Houthi terrorist group from the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations in February 2021, and refused to put it back even after the Houthis resumed missile and drone attacks on the United Arab Emirates, as well as more attacks on the Saudi Arabia.
  • Is it any wonder, then, that in the vacuum the US created, the Saudis felt pushed towards China and Iran? What, after all, was their alternative?
  • It is likely that the Saudis were hoping that the Americans, even at the last minute, would pledge completely to terminate their negotiations with Iran over the nuclear deal, which permits Iran unlimited nuclear weapons.
  • China and other aggressors also cannot avoid seeing America’s non-stop ineptitude, whether the focus in the US military on teaching critical race theory and “climate change” rather than on how to win or deter wars; billions for “climate change,” which must give China, which is building “six times more coal plants than other countries,” a good laugh, while the US military budget has been in a steady net-decline, outpaced by Biden’s 6% inflation. Someone has not been minding the store.
  • Will more countries be willing to reject an international order based on democratic values — not to mention the world’s reserve currency — of the US?

(Image source: iStock)<

On March 10, Chinese President and Communist Party General-Secretary Xi Jinping brokered a surprise agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to reestablish diplomatic relations between the two countries, effectively knocking the US off the Middle Eastern chessboard and showing himself as a power-broker on the world stage.

Xi is, in fact, on his way to Russia, possibly as soon as next week, with a 12-point peace plan — ostensibly to see if he can pull off the same wizardry with Ukraine, but more likely to nail down plans to seize Taiwan.

China as the world’s new power-broker anywhere, especially in the Middle East — until Biden squandered America’s alliances there — is conceivably a seismic turning point: possibly the beginning of China fulfilling its dream of replacing the US as the dominant superpower in a new world order.

For the Biden Administration, this is a blow for which it has only itself to thank.

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March 17, 2023 | 3 Comments »

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  1. It’s clear or should be by now as it should have been for a long time Russia and China are going to remake the world order sooner rather than later. It’s not totally clear what the remade order will look like but clearly many will say “good riddance” to the current one. If the US leadership wishes to physically survive, they are going to need to change course. They’ve probably already figured this out and to them is a fight to the death and is worth perishing in an unwinnable fight rather than face loss. This becomes a major problem for me. Preservation of their wealth, power, and dominance simply isn’t worth dying for me or my loved ones. A prudent course of action for US leadership would be to seek an immediate end to the conflicts between the Russia and China. At least in the case of Russia, obviously reparations of some type will need to be paid for unjustly imposing sanctions on them and the costs they’ve incurred. Better to deal with it now head on and take action rather than allow the problem to become worse. Also, works towards positioning ourselves to eventually join BRICS.