MK Chikli: Israel has the right and duty to reshape the security reality on the northern border

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My friend the lawyer David Peter (@ptr_dvd) directed me to a very important point regarding the war in the north, Article 51 of the UN Charter – the right to self-defense.

1. After the 9/11 attacks, the UN Security Council passed Resolutions 1368 and 1373 that condemned the Al-Qaeda attack and clarified that the right to self-defense also applies to non-state entities and called on countries to take measures against international terrorism.

2. Following the US invasion “In Afghanistan, an international norm has developed according to which an attacked country has the right to use force against a terrorist organization that operates from the territory of a sovereign country when that country is unable or unwilling to deal with the terrorist organization. As George W said. Bush in his speech a few days after the terrorist attack: “We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them”

3. The principle of a country unable or unwilling to deal with a terrorist organization operating on its territory was also adopted in the matter of the war against ISIS.

4. Lebanon does not comply with even one clause of Resolution 1701 and moreover it is the right and duty of the State of Israel to take the reins and reshape the security reality on the northern border. Mtsev: a screenshot from a detailed report by the Ecclesiastical Institute on the subject.

September 23, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. I think Chikli must mean the Ecumenical Institute of Christian Churches, which has its central office in Lebanon. He misidentified it as the “Ecclesiastical Institute.” I dont know anything about Mr. Chikli. Who does he work for? Where does he live, and what country is he a citizen of?

  2. I don’t know anything about an “ecclesiastical institute” or what authority it has in Lebanon or Israel. This report needs to be clarifies. Israel does have the right and duty to put Resolution 1701 into effect in view of the complete failure of Lebanon or UNIFIL to do this.