Part 1 can be read HERE
“Civilisation and Islam are two different things” —Ayatollah Ali Sistani
Special series for Ramadan 1446
In this series, Murtadd to Human looks at perceptions of Islam after a year in which Muslims went from euphoria in the wake of their October 7 “moment of triumph” to silence, bewilderment and depression as their “freedom fighters,” Hamas and Hezbollah, cling on for dear life, Iran and the Houthis nervously watch the skies and it turns out the indefatigable George Galloway is not so indefatigable after all.
Well, those were the headlines. We want look at what in the old days we used to call ‘the inside pages’, news that doesn’t make the front pages, specifically, at articles, podcasts or videos of ex-Muslim perceptions of Islam and Muslim defence of Islam in light of events over the last year.
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The Muslim world speaks: Hamas must meet its end
Dr Qanta A. Ahmed
Though I am not Israeli, and I am not Jewish, the anguish of the Bibas family is mine. I am devastated by the return of the bodies, the babies’ remains separated from those of their mother, which Hamas withheld for a further day. These are the most agonizing events since that October 7th day.
This unforgivable crime, perpetrated on infant Jews and their mother, clarifies to the world the depravity of Hamas and the Palestinian civilians who abducted them. That this act was only one amid thousands of acts perpetrated with zeal, ecstasy and abandon on October 7 remains incomprehensible.
Walking through devastated home after home in October 2023, I followed the footsteps of the dead. I moved slowly, methodically, examining the scenes of murder, torture, sexual violation and abduction. Later, I spent hours with Dr. Chen Kugel and Dr. Nurit Bulbit at Abu Kabir (Israel’s National Forensic Center in Jaffa) where I witnessed autopsies of the murdered, and, as a physician, examined the anatomy of lethal, genocidal Islamism.
Islamism does indeed have an anatomy writ large.
The rest is here.
Qanta Ahmed speaks of Islamism’s “signature,” etched in the mutilated corpses of innocents, burned into the charred bones of Jewish children, and written in the grotesque actions of those who took pleasure in their slaughter. This is not hyperbole; it is the grim reality of October 7 – a date that should forever be seared into the conscience of every Muslim. Islamism’s war against the Jew is not an aberration – it is the logical extension of an ideology that exalts submission, justifies conquest, and cloaks its crimes in divine mandate.
For too long, Muslims have been conditioned to excuse, justify, or outright deny these horrors. I was once among them, arguing that Islam’s so-called “ethics of war” were superior, that Islam prohibited the killing of innocents. Yet history and lived reality tell a different story. If Islam truly forbids such barbarity, why has its history been saturated with it? Why do its adherents still carry out such acts with impunity, supported by the very people who claim to defend its honour?
The truth is, Hamas is not an anomaly – it is the natural consequence of a supremacist doctrine that has long sought to dominate and subjugate. The condemnation from Saudi and Emirati clerics, while significant, is not enough. It is not enough to call Hamas a stain on Islam when Islam itself has for centuries been stained by blood. The “Muslim world” must do more than condemn – it must be held accountable for enabling, financing, and justifying the ideology that birthed Hamas in the first place.
Hamas will fall. But until the ideological engine that drives it is dismantled, the cycle will continue. The Muslim world can no longer feign innocence. The time for reckoning is long overdue. The Grand Muftis of Saudi Arabia and the UAE have spoken with righteous clarity: Hamas is a disgrace to Islam. Their words mark a pivotal shift. For too long, Muslims have tolerated the intolerable, excusing the barbarism of Hamas and its Islamist enablers under the pretext of ‘resistance.’ No longer. The Muslim world must not only denounce Hamas but actively eradicate its influence, sever its financial lifelines, and ensure that its ideology is buried with it.
The reality is clear: Islamism has poisoned the minds of generations, twisting a faith into a doctrine of genocide. Those who, like Sheikha Moza, look away or feign ignorance are complicit. Those who fund Hamas under the banner of ‘Palestinian aid’ are enablers. And those who continue to support Islamism in any form are perpetuating an ideology that has dehumanised not only its victims but its adherents.
My own journey from defiance to surrender mirrors the trajectory of Islamism itself: built on arrogance, destined for downfall. Where once I wielded words as weapons, I now wield them as an offering of truth. The article by Dr Ahmed is not just a condemnation; it is a clarion call for the Muslim world to choose between Islam and Islamism, between humanity and barbarism.
Hamas must be erased, its supporters must be held to account, and the Muslim world must cleanse itself of the stain of October 7. Anything less is an abdication of morality. I offer my full support to those within the Muslim world who have spoken out, and I commit myself wholly to the cause of ensuring that Islamism meets its deserved end.
Jalal Tagreeb
Former imam
On 23 February 2025, Times of Israel carried “The Muslim world speaks: Hamas must meet its end,” by Dr Qanta A. Ahmed, who is a regular there, because she peddles coexistence palliatives, rather than tell Israelis what they need to hear and, increasingly after October 7, also want to hear.
On October 7, Hamas were the heroes who gave Muslims their “moment of triumph that nothing will ever take away.” The world’s horror and revulsion at the Palestinian savagery was but a one-week blip on their path to propaganda victory in the West. Hospitals bombed, genocide, women and children killed, genocide, population starved, genocide.
Things were going swell until: one, Philadelphi Corridor; two, Deif, Shukr and Haniyyeh; three, the pagers; four, the entire Hezbollah leadership and all their heavy weapons within a week; five, Nasrallah; six, Sinwar; seven, Iran’s air defences; eight, Donald Trump; nine, Mount Hermon, Druze annexation request, Assad’s arsenals… by which point the world’s triumphant Muslims were reeling, silent or depressed. But Western liberals continued to root, if not for Hamas, then for the Palestinian Arabs. Then came ten, the Bibas babies, a Palestinian self-inflicted nakba.
This is when Dr Ahmed decided that her sentimentality is just what was needed. She opens by presenting her credentials.
Though I am not Israeli, and I am not Jewish, the anguish of the Bibas family is mine.
This is the kind of thing a racist might say, and one can expect also of Muslims, people for whom humanity does not extend beyond themselves, hence “though” and having to explicitly state what no one else ever points out about themselves: “the anguish of the Bibas family is mine”. Only a stunted humanity necessitates such a clarification.
I am devastated by the return of the bodies, the babies’ remains separated from those of their mother, which Hamas withheld for a further day. These are the most agonizing events since that October 7th day.
Only someone of stunted humanity feels it necessary to make others know that they feel for someone not of themselves. The concept of humanity, as generally understood, is alien to them.
This unforgivable crime, perpetrated on infant Jews and their mother, clarifies to the world the depravity of Hamas and the Palestinian civilians who abducted them.
No, Dr Ahmed. It is an unforgivable crime because it was perpetrated on infants, not infant Jews. Besides, for most Israelis, the moment of clarity was October 7; the Bibas murders rent their hearts and churned their stomach, but it deepened their resolve.
That this act was only one amid thousands of acts perpetrated with zeal, ecstasy and abandon on October 7 remains incomprehensible.
Was 9/11 incomprehensible, too? Was any of the subsequent 46,923 deadly jihad attacks likewise incomprehensible? For the Muslims celebrating October 7 around the world, there was nothing incomprehensible about it at all. “Nothing will ever be able to take back this moment of triumph. This moment of humiliation on behalf of the Zionist entity. Nothing. Ever!” Dr Ahmed is well-familiar with these people:
From Doha to Davos, pro-Islamist Muslims and their sycophants have described Hamas as resistance fighters and denied they are terrorists. I know so because well-healed Muslims have raged at me, rendered me pariah.
And it is these “well-healed Muslims,” and the not-so-well-healed Muslims outside of the Doha-Davos set, that Dr Ahmed must differentiate herself from. She continues:
Walking through devastated home after home in October 2023, I followed the footsteps of the dead. I moved slowly, methodically, examining the scenes of murder, torture, sexual violation and abduction. Later, I spent hours with Dr. Chen Kugel and Dr. Nurit Bulbit at Abu Kabir (Israel’s National Forensic Center in Jaffa) where I witnessed autopsies of the murdered, and, as a physician, examined the anatomy of lethal, genocidal Islamism. (My emphasis)
Dr Ahmed’s agenda is clear: a string of sentimental credentials to lull the reader into accepting her authority on “Islamism,” which she will now proceed to denounce in order to convince the world that Islam is about peace and coexistence, exactly what a shrinking number of Israelis still want to hear. Dr Ahmed resents Hamas because of:
The harm done to the innocent Palestinian, future unborn generations of Palestinians and to the vanishing mirage of one-day Palestinian statehood alongside Jewish statehood that even the most optimistic now question.
In short, Hamas’s crime was to have blown the fantasy of coexistence by tarnishing the people a shrinking number of Israelis still dream of coexisting with.
In a recent essay, I wrote:
Some non-Muslims even do their “moderate” Muslim friends the favour of expelling their “extremist” counterparts out of the category “Muslim” and relegating them to a new category, “Islamists”, who, once so expelled, no longer practise Islam, but “Islamism”. In this simplistic mind-game, the proponents of “Islamism” have yet to identify the Islamist scripture that is not a Muslim scripture, an Islamist ritual that is not a Muslim ritual, the Islamist doctrine that is not a Muslim doctrine, the Islamist prophet who is not the Muslim prophet and the Islamist Allah that is not the Muslim Allah. When they “clarify” that Muslims want to live in peace, while “Islamists” want to take over the state, they merely confirm their ignorance of Islam.
“Islamism” is also an extremely convenient device for those Muslims unable to face up to the barbaric nature of their religion (or those who have left Islam, but have not recovered from it). They convince themselves that their violent co-religionists are not their co-religionists, but members of an altogether different religion, thereby protecting the candyfloss Islam they hold onto in their minds. But being Muslims does not make them better able than non-Muslims to identify the distinctions between the bad religion “Islamism” and their wonderful Islam. No “Islamist” scripture, ritual, doctrine, prophet or Allah differs even in the slightest detail from their Islamic scripture, ritual, doctrine, prophet or Allah. To make such a distinction, they must resort to sentimentality, and Dr Ahmed does not hold back.
Its signature is carved deep in flesh wounds; charred black in furnaces of bones and teeth; imprinted in swollen wrists restrained, even in death, with electrical cables and zip ties; perforated in the peppercorn spray of gunshot wounds, tiny at entry, cavernous at exit; ripped asunder in the blasts of grenades and cascades of their shrapnel; handwritten in the bloodied calligraphy of frenzied stab wounds; chiseled deep in the murderous handiwork of the hatchet’s swing. Sometimes Islamism’s signature was legible only with radiology, the annihilation so absolute.
When this argument by gore reaches its conclusion, we learn that, “But the seal is eternally the same: the silenced anatomy screamed of Islamism’s elimination of the Jew.” This is curious, because Islamism’s “elimination of the Jew” sounds very much like Islam’s elimination of the Jew:
The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: “Muslim, oh the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him;” but the Gharqad tree would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim 6985)
“…a stone or a tree would say: “Muslim, oh the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him…”, meaning no one is spared, not a single one. Dr Ahmed continues:
No one spared. Mercy to no being. Neither woman, child, nor infant, not even countless animals, saved from Islamism’s barbarism. All, eradicated.
It is absolutely necessary that the world not be spared the full horror of what Hamas had perpetrated that day (and that Muslims the world over celebrated). But here is what Dr Ahmed’s descriptions, all in the passive voice, pared down to verbs, adjectives and nouns, amount to: Muslims did not do this; Islamism did. And now the damage limitation and salvage operation can begin.
For Palestinians, this is a tragedy of staggering proportions. October 7 stains the Palestinian people with a broad brush, and permanently so. Your terror, your barbarity, your monstrous zeal leave a permanent brand not only on Israel and the Jew, but on each of you.Palestinian acts have stained even pristine Islam.You appeal for the world’s mercy, aid, intervention, humanity, yet you gather around the tiny Bibas coffins in a ghoulish display at the handover of the baby hostages inside coffins lined with propaganda. You cheer and gawk and parade, defiling even corpses of babies. Your hatred dehumanizes you and debases all of humanity.
What were the “Palestinians,” one might legitimately wonder, before October 7? Dr Ahmed implies that they were something other than tragic before that date. What were they when they rained rockets down on Israeli homes? What were they when they sneaked into Israel to murder worshippers leaving synagogue? What were they when they blew themselves up on packed buses? What were the Palestinians when they blew themselves up in restaurants full of families and all felt happy? These people were not tragic for their intifadas, killing thousands of Israelis? They were not tragic when they massacred an Olympic sports team? They were not tragic when they hijacked passenger planes and blew them up in Jordan? Were they not tragic when they tried to assassinate their host, the Jordanian king? Are they not tragic for wishing their own children kill themselves killing Jews? Dr Ahmed will have us believe that with their murder of the Bibas babies, the Palestinians had crossed a line into tragedy.
Now for her next trick: not all Palestinians, a version of not all Muslims. Dr Ahmed tells us, “October 7 stains the Palestinian people with a broad brush.” Not all Palestinians are tainted by this, we must take note and not be reckless with our words. She is here establishing the basis for later sleights of hand. Furthermore, it only stain the Palestinians, not the Muslims who celebrated October 7 around the globe. On the steps of Sydney Opera House chanting, “Kill the Jews!” Revving around the Jewish neighbourhoods of London urging their brethren through megaphones to “rape their daughters.” Taking over Times Square in New York shouting, “Globalise the intifada!” The da’wah gangs in the West dropping their pretence of how wonderful Islam is, and boldly asserting that they will offer Christians and Jews “three good options,” convert to Islam, pay protection money, or die right there and then. But she has to keep Muslims out of all this. She needs them pristine for later.
“Your terror, your barbarity, your monstrous zeal leave a permanent brand not only on Israel and the Jew, but on each of you,” says Dr Ahmed. So the Palestinians were as much the victims of October 7 as were the Jews. They were violated as the Jews were violated. They suffered as the Jews suffered. This equivalence, too, foreshadows greater iniquities to come.
We come to the real purpose of Dr Ahmed’s propaganda strike, her psychological attack. “Palestinian acts have stained even pristine Islam.” She is not alone in rushing to the rescue of “pristine Islam”. The murder of the Bibas babies, much more so than even October 7 itself, has drained the opium from the veins of the world, leaving Islam and Muslims once again exposed in all their savagery. Sheiks from Saudi Arabia to Texas must now drop everything to defend Islam.
To be clear, Muslims like Dr Ahmed are openly reviled by Hamas and the Muslims who support them. Their revulsion, though, helps sustain the Western liberal fantasy that “we can all get along”. This ruse held for more than a year, but then they killed the mom and her two babies—oooh, bad move. Very bad move.
Muslims are well-aware that we, the kufaar, love life, and they know that for us, children, and especially babies, are not only precious, but deserving of our protection for their vulnerability. It’s called civilisation. But as Ayatollah Ali Sistani helpfully pointed out, “Civilisation and Islam are two different things”. Some Muslims get it, most do not, and Palestinians, people who practise child sacrifice, most certainly do not.
The real perversion that the Bibas murders highlight is that in the Palestinian mind, it is perfectly fine to claim that the Jews killed 40,000 Palestinian children (they try constantly to engineer civilian casualties), because it elicits Western sympathy for themselves and hostility towards Israel. At the same time, it is perfectly fine for them to kill Jewish children, because it demoralises the Jews. It would never have occurred to them to even consider the world’s reaction to their baby murders. What’s the problem? Killing the Bibas children, especially the manner in which they did it, broke the Palestinian stranglehold on the Western liberal psyche.
From a week after October 7 till the Bibas murders came to light, the Muslim world said nothing and the Palestinians had complete control of the Western liberal mind, and they managed to maintain that control by constantly ratcheting up their child-killing, starvation and genocide claims. But then they did something so grotesque that it brought down their own propaganda edifice, and it was plain as day that not only were the Palestinians the monsters, but there was no starvation, there was no genocide and there was no child-killing. Suddenly, not only Hamas, but Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and Islam risked exposure for what they truly are. This is why, all of a sudden, “The Muslim world speaks and Hamas must meet its end”.
Muslims must stop at nothing to protect Islam, nothing at all, and it is at times like these that they readily throw themselves under the bus, to save Islam. This goes for the nice and cuddly Muslims like Dr Ahmed, as well as for the brutal “Islamists” who, till Bibas, backed Hamas to the hilt. Muslims observe a hierarchy of perfection: Infallible are Allah/Islam/the Qur’an; closest to perfect is Muhammad; next comes Muslim males (“scholars” before lay); then the kufaar (first amongst them, “people of the book”); dhimmis; people not of the book (Hindus, etc.) and finally, apostates, who are fair game. This hierarchy of perfection parallels a hierarchy of “worthy of life” on which Muslims are beneath Muhammad and so beneath Islam (Allah is eternal). Allah and his messenger must be closer to the Muslim than his own jugular vein—cut that before you harm Islam.
Hamas was not alone. Countless survivors and eyewitnesses, men, women, and even children have testified to me that Palestinian civilians sanctioned, supported and joyously participated in this atrocity. And because you are Muslim, you stain me. (My emphasis)
Now, somehow, these “Palestinian civilians” who “sanctioned, supported and joyously participated in this atrocity,” are not “Islamists”, but Muslims. Dr Ahmed wants to score the point that they stained her, and so must associate herself with them. She is Muslim, so they are Muslim. However, if Palestinians participated in the Hamas atrocity, joyously, no less, and are Muslim rather than “Islamist”, then Hamas, too, is Muslim, rather than “Islamist”. Dr Ahmed cannot have it both ways. But she tries, and gets herself into an awful muddle, or does she?
“For Muslims, October 7 is a stain on us all,” asserts Dr Ahmed. It doesn’t seem that way from all the Muslims who celebrated October 7. By this point, especially after having claimed that the Palestinians have stained her, it is no longer clear what a Muslim is. Dr Ahmed has muddied the waters, and to those Jews desperate for Muslims to coexist with, she can now say almost anything. They will interpret her words to mean what they want to hear. This class of Muslim sacred lying is called tawriyah.
From Doha to Davos, pro-Islamist Muslims and their sycophants have described Hamas as resistance fighters and denied they are terrorists. (emphasis original)
And from the muddied waters, Dr Ahmed can now retrieve “pro-Islamist Muslims”.
“In lionizing Hamas,” says Dr Ahmed, “we have erased and denied their atrocities.” Muslims would not have lionised Hamas, had Hamas not perpetrated those atrocities. They lionise Hamas in acknowledgement of their atrocities. Before October 7, Hamas were not the “freedom fighters” that Muslim thereafter came to universally praise. Muslims the world over were at one with Hamas because Hamas made them proud; it vindicated their beleaguered faith. Hamas affirmed Islam as superior.
Hamas also confirmed the dominance of Muslims, all Muslims, over the Jews, making all Muslims complicit. Dr Ahmed, a “moderate” Muslim, knows this and is trying to extricate herself from complicity with Muslims, without extricating herself from Muslims.
We have refused to acknowledge the atrocities even when the witnesses are Muslims like me. The refusal to witness has been unwavering, even when the victims – both the dead of October 7 and the hostages – are themselves Muslims. (My emphasis)
Dr Ahmed implies the primacy of Muslim testimony over kafir testimony: “even when the witnesses are Muslims like me”, and “even when the victims …are themselves Muslims.” When it comes down to it, how different, really, is Dr Ahmed from her derided “Islamists”? More importantly, we have yet another category: “Muslims like me”. Dr Ahmed does not tell us how “Muslims like me” are to be distinguished from “pro-Islamist Muslims”, “Muslims” and “Islamists”. In the following passage, which of these four Muslims does “we” refer to?
…we have bankrolled sophisticated propaganda wars to demonize the Israeli and provide Hamas cover. We have manipulated and inverted the world’s empathy for the terrorist over the terrorized, even as it cowers among human shields of Palestinian civilians…
We have provided billions in aid knowing it flows to Hamas… We have kept captive in the Gaza enclave any Palestinian civilian who might want to flee… We have expertly empowered, lionized, and aggrandized the intolerable. (My emphasis)
Is the “we” who bankrolled propaganda wars and ran cover for Hamas, the same “we” who got the world’s empathy behind Hamas, or the “we” who knowingly funded Hamas, or the “we” who maintained Gaza as an open-air prison, and is any of them in any of the four categories of Muslims? Finally, which is it: “Palestinian civilians sanctioned, supported and joyously participated in this atrocity”, or “human shields of Palestinian civilians”? But the muddying continues, for in the next line Dr Ahmed introduces yet another category, “ourselves, the Muslim Ummah”.
Look at the harm it has done to mankind, to ourselves, the Muslim Ummah, and to those we purport to beseech the world to support. See the harm done to the innocent Palestinian, future unborn generations of Palestinians [from which will come future Jew-killing shaheeds, AP] (My emphasis)
Palestinians have now gone from “joyously participated in this atrocity” to “human shields” to “innocent”, and Palestinians are now severed from Hamas. Dr Ahmed can finally return to the real task at hand: protecting Islam.
Each act on October 7 is abhorrent to Islam: targeting the civilian, the woman, the elderly, the child, the infant, all are outside the bounds of Islam.
The violence, debasement, and gratuitous mutilation of the Jewish person in life and even after death, the sexual violation of women, the taking of civilians as hostages and their maltreatment in captivity, all are profound violations of all Islamic values and a stain upon all Islam.
Hamas and its civilian participants are punishable for the worst crimes against humanity in Islam, which are also seen as crimes against our Maker. Those Muslims who support them are accomplices. (My emphasis)
As is invariably the case with Islamic apologists such as Dr Ahmed, they offer nothing from the Islamic teachings or law to substantiate their bold disclaimers. Every single claim that she makes above is untrue and easily shown to be untrue. Since she is making the claims, the onus is on her to prove her claims, not on the objector to disprove them. She does not prove her claims, because no such proof exists. This is the reason Muslims avoid venturing into such waters, unless they absolutely have no choice, such as after the Bibas murders, and simply hope they’ll get away with it.
To avert challenge, Dr Ahmed then resorts to a very common Muslim trick, appeal to authority:
I am not alone in this sentiment, clerics at the highest level of my faith share exactly my sentiments. In reaction to Hamas parading bodies of the deceased hostages, the leaders of Islam made their outrage public.
“What we saw today in Gaza is a disgrace to Islam, an act of blasphemy against Allah, and a sin that does not represent the followers of the Prophet, peace be upon him’ declared the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Abdul Aziz Al Sheikh.
“Hamas has brought shame to Islam on a level never seen before,” pronounced the Grand Mufti of UAE, Ahmed al-Haddad.
Saudi Arabia and the UAE have long outlawed the Islamist mothership, the Muslim Brotherhood, as has Egypt. They know it as an imposter purporting to be doctrine when it is instead thinly veiled violent totalitarianism. They know Islamism perpetrates only harm to humanity.
Dr Ahmed fails to understand that it is not sentiments we’re after, but facts. She is neither going to tell us what doctrine is, nor show us what makes the Muslim Brotherhood her implied Islamist Brotherhood, though the onus is on her to do so. She must avoid doing so at all costs, because the only proof that exists, in the written Islamic texts themselves, is of exactly the opposite: Islamic doctrine perpetrates only harm to humanity.
By Muslim standards, the word of someone of social standing is proof (as is the word of a mass of riff-raff). Dr Ahmed has, in fact, started a hadith with two chains of narration, each chain consisting of two hear-sayers, herself and a sheikh. All she now has to do is work one of the chains all the way back to Muhammad et voila! Sahih!
Unfortunately for Dr Qanta A. Ahmed, the Grand Mufti of UAE, Ahmed al-Haddad, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz Al Sheikh, and all others who make bold exonerating claims about Islam, but pointedly avoid the Islamic texts, those texts bear out the very “Islamists” they seek to disparage. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and, of course, Hamas all provide verbatim the same evidence for the correctness of their actions, because their evidence comes from the same sources, the Islamic texts.
Dr Qanta’s “interfaith” sentimentality is not new; it goes back years. “Barring Jews from praying at their holiest site perverts Islam and profanes the God it shares with Judaism,” said Dr Qanta in a 2015 article. Times of Israel laps up this kind of sentimentality because it is the haunt of deluded, liberal Jews who dream of coexistence with people specifically created to kill them, the Palestinian Arabs, being the embodiment, as we recall, of that uniquely genocidal hadith:
The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them… (Sahih Muslim 6985)
Instead of putting her efforts into salvaging her barbaric religion, she might learn from others of the same background who are not out to serve palliatives to non-Muslims as they seek validation for their own cowardice. Since October 7, Israelis have been shedding their illusions. Dr Qanta A. Ahmed is doubling-down on hers.
Thank you to Jalal Tagreeb for his commentary. The next that you are invited to write a commentary on is a video on YouTube: “Pro-Israel MUSLIM Trailblazers Give Jewish Audience HOPE For Future”, J-TV, . The video is just over an hour long. Watch only as much as you feel like (let us know the time markers). Deadline: Thursday 13 March.
Picture credits:
Oren Rozen – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Alisdare Hickson from Woolwich, United Kingdom – A Prayer for Palestinian Children, CC BY-SA 2.0,
“it is the logical extension of an ideology that exalts submission, justifies conquest, and cloaks its crimes in divine mandate.”
There you have it. Islam sells itself as righteous. But then touts and pushes the glorification of evil to be perpetrated against the non-beleivers.
It is not a religion, but a cult and as such is in need of complete isolation, until it matures in about 500-700 years from now, if ever.