CCP’s 3-Battle Scheme: Eroding U.S. Power Before Taiwan Strait Clash

E. Rowell:  Putting this article together with the efforts made by Cultural Marxists to seize, infiltrate, and subvert all the institutions in the US, we see a powerful series of attacks on the US from within and without.  The Marxist infiltration of all agencies of the federal government was abundantly advanced by Obama’s presidency, along with the beginning of the surveillance of law abiding Americans, (particularly conservatives and Obama’s political rivals), the FBI entrapment schemes, and turning the FBI and DOJ into the NKVD of Soviet Russia.  Now the Biden Administration is seeking to imprison a former President for running against him in the next election.  China, Russia, and Iran are smiling.

English Translation of two articles by a PLA commentator affiliated with Kunlunce Strategy Research Institute, a CCP’s think tank

By Long Kaifeng, LEI’S REAL TALK    12 October 2023

The United States is a larger version of Chiang Kai-shek; after the “Three Major Battles”, the U.S. dollar will become worthless.

Yesterday, I wrote an article titled “Along with intense international struggles, recent events are numerous, and the U.S.’s downfall is inevitable.” This piece sparked controversy among many readers. Some think I’m boasting too much, and the idea of the U.S. disintegrating is unrealistic.

I’ve consistently argued that the U.S. is essentially a larger version of Chiang Kai-shek. Why? Because Chiang Kai-shek’s key advisors and decision-makers were Americans. The U.S. invested in and armed Chiang, controlling his economic decisions. So, when we fought against Chiang Kai-shek, we were also battling against American consultants.

01 U.S. Post-Cold War Strategy

In 1991, after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, the U.S. began NATO’s eastward expansion, establishing its unipolar global hegemony. It’s crucial to understand that NATO’s eastward push was not about territorial acquisition but to establish a base for the U.S. dollar hegemony.

Where is the foundation of the U.S. dollar’s dominance? It’s in three regions: Europe, where European goods are anchored to the U.S. dollar; the Middle East, where oil and gas are dependent on the U.S. dollar; and Asia, especially China, Japan, and South Korea, where goods are linked to the U.S. dollar.

So, we saw the U.S. leading NATO in its eastward expansion: first through the Kosovo war, moving American influence into Eastern Europe, previously under Soviet sway; second, through the Afghan war, pushing U.S. influence into Central Asia and posing a threat to China and Russia; third, through the Iraq war, marking U.S. expansion in the Middle East, and the Syrian war, continuing American dominance there. The fourth step involved the Island Chain Strategy, growing U.S. influence in Asia. Through all this, the U.S. set up its dollar hegemony, building a financial system based on dollar pricing and settlement.

02 Three Major Battles to End U.S. Dollar Dominance

We once ended the reign of the Chiang Kai-shek dynasty through three significant battles in China. After these battles, the Kuomintang-controlled territories experienced financial crises, with their currency depreciating to worthlessness.

On a global scale, three major battles are in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia respectively. The Ukrainian war represents the European front; the Middle Eastern battle will be a conflict between Israel and Palestine, and the Asian theater might be the second Korean war. After these battles, the U.S. military and dollar dominance established post-Cold War will fall. The U.S. dollar will depreciate, becoming worthless—a trend seen as inevitable.

Given the current situation, Russia seems poised to win in Ukraine. Reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran and unity in the Arab world are crucial to counter U.S.-Israeli dominance. In East Asia, North Korea is ready, possessing nuclear capabilities and openly challenging U.S. dominance.

03 High Probability of U.S. Disintegration

To say the U.S. will disintegrate isn’t just boasting. It’s a deduction based on the Chiang Kai-shek reference. As these three major battles unfold, the U.S.’s dominance in Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia becomes more precarious. The U.S.’s prosperity hinges on the dollar’s supremacy. Without it, internal conflicts will rise, leading to disintegration. The U.S.’s continued overseas military dominance will determine the dollar’s power.

Due to these battles in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, the U.S. is showing signs of weakening. The bankruptcy of the U.S. Silicon Valley Bank, the global move away from the dollar, and divestment from U.S. debts all point to the dollar’s decline. Once the U.S. dollar loses its dominance, the flood of printed dollars returning will make it worthless. This will heighten domestic conflicts, causing disintegration. Trump’s legal issues highlight the growing internal divisions in the United States.

As the U.S. military and dollar dominance wanes, allies will have to decide how much they rely on the U.S., which may result in the complete failure of the Biden administration’s alliance strategy.

Whether or not one believes in the U.S. disintegrating is irrelevant. Even if it does, it won’t be because of mere claims. We’ll wait and see.

Strategic Objectives of “Three Major Battles”:
Abolish NATO, US Dollar, and Island-Chain Dominance

Finally, Blinken has visited China. I use the term “finally” because, as the U.S. Secretary of State, how challenging must it have been for Blinken to decide to visit China? The challenges stem from the U.S.’s belief in its unmatched superpower status, hence it doesn’t see a need to visit China. Secondly, the U.S. is rallying its so-called allies to suppress and threaten China. Thirdly, China’s stance towards the U.S. is clear: if a wolf approaches, we have a shotgun ready; if a friend comes, fine wine awaits. Given Blinken’s posture as seeming to play a wolf, a friendly visit to China seems out of place.

So, why did Blinken eventually decide on visiting China? Circumstances forced him. What were these circumstances? The three major battles.

The three major battles refer to the European, Middle Eastern, and East Asian battles, each targeting the U.S.’s strategic focuses: Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia. The U.S.’s European dominance hinges on NATO, so the goal of the European Battle is to dismantle NATO; the Middle East underpins the U.S. dollar, so the Middle Eastern Battle seeks to dethrone the U.S. dollar; and the Island Chain Strategy is central to U.S.’s grip on Asia, making the East Asian Battle’s aim to shatter this strategy.

The Ukrainian war is nearing its conclusion. Ukraine’s significant counteroffensive marks its last stand. This prompted Zelensky to warn: if they falter, either NATO crumbles, or the U.S. engages with Russia. A U.S.-Russia confrontation is unlikely as the U.S. values its survival and wouldn’t stake its existence for Ukraine. As I’ve pointed out, if the U.S. can abandon Afghanistan, why not Ukraine? Should the U.S. forsake Ukraine and Russia and Europe shape a new security framework, NATO would inevitably unravel.

Losing NATO, its principal hatchet man, would see the U.S.’s global dominance crumble dramatically. This provides the backdrop to Blinken’s visit to China. On one side, the U.S. hopes to sow discord between China and Russia through diplomacy, relieving NATO’s strategic pressure. Concurrently, it’s pre-empting a resolution with China before its European influence wanes, aiming to avert the collapse of its Island Chain Strategy. Otherwise, the U.S. might be cornered into retreating to the Americas, facing hard times.

The second reason for Blinken’s visit to China is the looming crisis of U.S. control in the Middle East, pushing the U.S. to make concessions. The Middle East has witnessed three significant shifts: Saudi Arabia and Iran reconciling, which spurred a broader Arab nation unity; Syria’s reintegration into the Arab League, stabilizing the nation; and the realization of Palestinian statehood. The next chapter involves Israel’s relations with Arab countries, possibly necessitating a military resolution.

Globally, the U.S. relies on three key allies: the UK in Europe, Israel in the Middle East, and Japan in Asia. Neutralizing these allies is pivotal to dismantling U.S. global dominance, crucial for world peace. Strategies to counter the UK include invoking the Falklands War, supporting Spain’s claim over the Strait of Gibraltar, and endorsing the independence of Scotland and Northern Ireland. For Israel, it’s about backing Palestine and its rights. Regarding Japan, it entails enforcing post-WWII accords and championing the Ryukyu Islands’ independence.

The Middle East, the linchpin of the U.S. dollar and its hegemony, is gradually moving away from the dollar. This shift threatens the U.S. dollar’s foundation, which is tied to its control over oil trade and pricing. If countries abandon the dollar and bypass U.S. oil futures, the dollar’s pricing power diminishes, undermining U.S. dominance. Blinken’s visit hopes to stabilize U.S.-China relations, seeking through diplomacy to curtail China’s close ties with Middle Eastern nations, but this is almost impossible.

The third reason for Blinken’s visit to China revolves around stabilizing Asian relations, staving off a potential U.S.-China strategic clash. With two major battles already unfolding, a third front in Asia would overextend the United States. Hence, stabilizing relations with China now might give the U.S. room to focus on Europe and the Middle East. However, I am afraid this is the United States’ wishful thinking.

In summary, ‘You fight yours, I fight mine’ is the essence of our strategy and the key to seizing the strategic initiative. We know very well that the abolishing of the island chains in the Pacific, the abolishing of NATO in Europe, and the abolishing of the dollar hegemony in the Middle East are one and the same. As to how we prioritize them, it depends on the situation on the battlefield.  If NATO is dismantled, wouldn’t it be easy to neutralize the Island Chain Strategy? And if the U.S. dollar’s reign ends, how long can the U.S. hold on?

May 30, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. This author needs reminding that the dominance of a currency reflects the trade reality not the other way round. Compare and contrast the renaissannce florin – still on Dutch notes/billls till the €uro; the gold pound of the 18th and 19th centuries based on Britain being the principal supplier of new steam industrial goods and services Money is what you get for it. Wealth is real and the dollar floats on the fact it can always be “cashed” or “realised” for US goods and services.

    The author has also discarded the nationalist factor in international relations which might correspond to “good will” in commercial talks. It is precisely the Russian attack on Ukraine and CCP threats on Taiwan that has led the little powers to cluster round the US on the precedent that when the USSR ran the Berlin blockade Britain and France then Benelux signed the Treaty of Dunkirk and persuaded the US to join, expand and create NATO.
    Those who do not like publicising how the opponents think, are missing out on intelligence – in both interpretations. This article is worth picking over for several other mistakes and assumptions of doubtful substance. For one the €uro is unlikely to replace the dollar for a long time because there is nothing China can buy for €uros even if it buys oil with them what will Iran and Russian buy in the EU? Besides since UK created industrial urbansed society on coal fuel, and then oil and now gas have replaced coal each change in energy supply has rearranged the commercial and power structures. Now we are on the threshold of fossil energy being replaced with solar, wind, and insulation which wiltorpedo China’s “friends” Russian and Iran – but with friends like that, do you need enemies? The Falklands and Ulster (NI) and Israel are all sideshows to the main match in global economics – or you are a poor Marxist and poor at realpolitik because whatever happens the US continues to be a major economic unit and power and less obnoxious than the closed society mentalities of Russia, Iran and China.

  2. @Peloni you are asking Laura from refraining from saying you are shilling for Russia or China. You found that offensive. Fine but kindly now but I request you need to be curtailing the numerous constant offensive ad hominem attacks (not debate style arguments) Felix makes on several commentators here including myself, Laura, Adam…….

    A censor, monitor or moderator should at least give the appearance of fairness.
    I appreciate your anticipated review of keeping all of us commentators of not being attacked, even if they may fall on the side of those supporting the Russian position.

  3. @Laura

    It’s not enough to shill for Russia, now you’re shilling for China?

    Please refrain from characterizing people as shills. Such ad hominem attacks are against Israpundit policy as it is counter productive to promoting an open dialogue. Please refrain form such commentary as this in the future.

    Furthermore, you would do better to address the content of these articles than to attack the character of those who posted them, particularly as you seem to have glossed over the editorial prelude which Eve provided above the article which renders your characterization of her to be quite inaccurate, even as it stands outside the bounds of acceptable discord. In point of fact, the material discussed in this article, while disturbing, is both relevant and revealing. Perhaps you can provide us with your own challenge to these policy statements provided by the CCP.

    As to your view that America is not going to be replaced by the CCP and Russia, it seems that America’s decline is declining ever faster, and I would argue that while it may be reassuring to state that such a replacement is not going to take place, the truth of your comment relies very much on the outcome of the coming US election, something which we should not delude ourselves as being certain due to the loss of such standards of American society as the rule of law being replaced with the rule of the powerful, as well as govt by the consent of the governed being replaced with govt selected by the elites. We will see what the future provides, but we should not delude ourselves into believing that America is invincible, nor that she is currently on a path which would prohibit the future designs of the CCP, as discussed in the above articles which Eve was very correct to share with us.

  4. Laura, I think that E. Rowell, is doing the right thing to publish these articles, because they reveal the depths of evil intentions and hatred of the United States of the current CCP leadership. Americans need to know their enemy. For this reaon, the British and American press during World War II occasionally translated and published some articles and broadcasts by Goebbels, so that everyone in Britain and the United States would realize just how evil and ill-intentioned their enemy was.

  5. Now your posting content from the CCP? This surely is an objective source of info. It’s not enough to shill for Russia, now you’re shilling for China? It’s not a good look for Israpundit to be promoting anti-American propaganda. This is the only nation with strong pro-Israel feelings among the population. You do know China is also an enemy of Israel, working alongside Iran and hamas. You must really hate America to be giving voice to Russia and China propagandists and overlook the fact that enemies of America are also enemies of Israel, therefore you are promoting the enemies of Israel.

    America isn’t going to be replaced by anyone, least of all the second- and third-rate BRICS nations or communist China which is on its way down, including their demographics.