Caroline Glick’s Capitol Hill briefing

Caroline Glick is the Senior Contributing Editor at The Jerusalem Post, the author of The Israeli Solution: A One State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, and an Adjunct Fellow at the Center for Security Policy. She was scheduled to speak on Capitol Hill a couple of weeks ago, however her speech was delayed until this week because the war broke out.

In the embedded video below she speaks for the first 35 minutes, after which there is a Q&A that is just as substantive as her talk.

Glick covers a range of urgent topics including the war between Hama and Israel, U.S. foreign policy, and European economic boycotts against Israel. She explains how the Obama administration is supporting Hamas all the way down to pushing Hamas’s ceasefire proposal as their own. She speaks of the enormous and complex pressure Israel is under, fighting two wars on two fronts: Hamas on the ground and the West’s threat to destroy Israel’s economy if she continues to defend herself and fight Hamas.

She speaks about how the threat of Hamas is not just a threat against Israel, not just a threat against Jews, not just a threat against the United States, but a threat against civilization.

At the end of her talk, at around the 32-minute mark, she outlines what we can do, and must do, to shift the dangerous direction the Obama administration is taking things with respect to Israel.

  • Ask Congress why the United States is on the UN Human Rights Committee – a sham that mocks the very notion of human rights.
  • Put a hold on funding for the UN Human Rights Committee. And if they continue to act as a “Kafkaesque tribunal against the Jewish people” then defund the United Nations. (The United States funds 22% of the UN budget.)
  • As Europe expands its government-sponsored economic warfare against Israel, pass legislation that says those countries involved in such boycotts will not receive federal contracts and cannot do business with the American government. There must be clear congressional warnings to European countries involved in boycotts against Israel. The Commerce Committee must make it clear those European countries enacting anti-Semitic legislation will pay a price if they continue to do so.
  • Make sure the Armed Services Committee is monitoring whether there are any Israeli requests for spare parts (for F16’s, for example) that are not being fulfilled. Ensure that all Israeli requests for spare parts in a time of war are not questioned, are automatic, and are fulfilled quickly so Israel need not fear they won’t be able to defend themselves.
  • Call on Congress to investigate why the FAA closed Ben Gurion airport to ensure this kind of collusion with Hamas to harm the Israeli economy during a time of war doesn’t occur again.
  • Make sure the Palestinian Authority is not funded. Though the Appropriations Subcommittee of the Foreign Relations Committee did not put aid to the Palestinian Authority for fiscal year 2015, they already have language in the explanatory notes related to a presidential waiver for allowing that aid to move forward. This suggests that Congress assumes that aid will be restored at some point during the mark-up process. The language needs to be clear and unequivocal: no aid to the Palestinian Authority. Period.

Glick speaks with incredible knowledge, clarity, and urgency.

Please listen. And share.

July 30, 2014 | 3 Comments »

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  1. “West bank” and “occupied territories or occupier” should be officially banned from the Israeli lexicon since they misrepresent the legal facts.

  2. Caroline Glick provided effectively a good performance in summarizing the present situation, and as things stand currently for Israel.

    Israel is caught in the middle of a sandwich between on the one hand, the Arab terrorism, and on the other hand, the West indirect terrorism.

    Indirect terrorism is effectively conducted by the US and Europe who fund and support the Arab terrorism and, more recently, by launching a mere economic boycott on Israel through a ban on flights to Israel.

    It is important to reiterate that the Arab terrorism is not only conducted by Hamas. It is also conducted by its twin sister terrorist organization, the Palestinian Authority which advocates the same objective, ie the annihilation of Israel and the eradication of Jewish national existence by means of terrorism.

    This is the same Palestinian Authority who is currently making with “what’s to hand”, and who ensures to achieve their daily Jew killing quota and their daily Jew attacking allocation.

    As we witnessed these last weeks, Arab terrorism crossed the Atlantic to attack Jews everywhere. This is another proof that it has nothing to do with land and territories and Israel, but with the very existence of Jews worldwide.

    In fact, the progroms perpetrated against synagogues in France and the Kristallnacht which accompanied the same remove any possible doubts about their heinous purpose and goal.

    As to the Israeli leadership, hoping to see the Chief Terrorist Abbas in the place of the Chief Terrorist Hanieh is a fatale error. Hamas and Palestinian Authority are the two sides of the same coin.

    During the conference, Caroline Glick wrongly referred many times to the “West Bank”. This is a huge mistake: Yehouda and Shomron form an integral part of Eretz Israel, formerly known as the Kingdom of Judea. The world should be made aware of that, starting with the Israeli leaders.

    In addition, offering permanent residency to Arabs in the midst of Jews, as she suggests, would the problem and certainly not the solution.

    The current Israeli leaders did not yet understand that Israel is surrounded by enemies from inside and outside, whether called “Arab Israeli”, “Palestinian”, or even “Bedouin”.

    Only a change in the Israeli leadership would be the first step towards a peace and security for the Jewish citizens, and the second step would be to expel from the Land all the terrorist populations respectively of Hamas and that of the Palestinian Authority.

    PS: If the UnJews among the Israeli leaders and the Israeli citizens are not happy with that, they are invited to go along with them. They are as nefarious to Jews as their beloved terrorist population.