Caroline Glick addresses the Threat of the Red Green Alliance | Israel Conference 2024

Peloni:  Avi Abelow’s Israel Conference was very important and I suggest everyone watch it all in full, but Glick’s presentation was particularly important. Glick addresses the growing strength of the alliance between the Left and the Islamists and notes that it is the preeminently rising power in the West, which is concerning for the future of Israel and the Jewish people.  She explains that this has taken root in the US in which Israel no longer can expect bipartisan support, as the Republicans are increasingly supportive and the Democrats are increasingly hostile.  She explains that the solution to this dilemna is not to try to entreat with our enemies, but to support those with whom we might find common cause, and as is the case with certain elements in Eastern Europe, this is irrelevant to how these potential partners might reflect upon either Israel or Jews, so long as they will join in common cause in facing a common foe.

July 7, 2024 | Comments »

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