Candace’s Jewish problem

By Ted Belman

Everyone is reporting on Kany West’s latest pronouncement about Hitler on an interview with Alex Jones.

“I see good things about Hitler,” West, who also goes by Ye, told Jones during the bizarre appearance on the Infowars Network, alongside Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. “Every human being has value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler.”

“I like Hitler,” he added later, and called himself a Nazi.

I can’t help but feel that there an overlap between what he said and what Candace Owen said on the matter of Hitler.

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I previously came to her defense with this prologue,

Owens has my full support. I watched the clip of her remarks in which she said Hitler wasn’t a nationalist and said he was a globalist. She said “if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay fine.”  I think she led with her chin on that one but she was referring to the distinction between nationalism and globalism and was defending nationalism.

In her clarifying remarks she said Hitler was “a homicidal, psychotic maniac” and there is “no excuse or defense ever for … everything that he did”. 

I have heard her speak of Jews and antisemitism many times and can assure you she is in no way antisemitic.

She also said in defence of  Kyrie Irving,,

“If you actually go on Amazon right now, you can order and read Mein Kampf. It is not an endorsement of Adolf Hitler to read a historical textbook”

Candace Owens  explained herself in  Breaking My Silence on Ye & the Jewish Community, I commented,

Dennis Prager in his monologue about all this clearly said Ye’s statements were antisemitic but refused to call him an antisemite. His reason for not doing so was very lame. Candace is doing the same thing. How sad.

Candace angrily said to him “I am not playing this game with you guys” meaning the Jewish community. She referred to the episode of the Hitler remarks and basically said that after explaining the context and that she didn’t apologize for Hitler, she was offended that so many Jews didn’t accept it and called her an antisemite. I think they were wrong. She is not an antisemite. Rather than look deeper into her defense to see why her defense was insufficient, she took umbrage and basically said “fuck you” and also said it to Dennis.

I don’t recall her actually saying that Ye’s remarks were antisemitic and he shouldn’t have said such things.

She explained Ye’s antisemetic outbursts as a result of him being “hurt” by one person’s attacks. Sorry, that is no excuse. Ye did not knowingly “blow himself up.” Dollars to donuts, if he knew what would happen to his worth, he wouldn’t have doubled down. And what’s with the “Now I am finally free” remark to Hollywood pressure.. What pressure? What had he been bottling up that he was happy to rid himself up? Was he suppressing his antisemitism? Was he finally free that he could horrid things out loud?

In the Hitler affair Candace should have said she misspoke in saying what she did but she merely said it was out of context. She took no responsibility for the incident.

Once again with the Ye thing she blamed others for causing the hurt and justified Ye’s reaction by saying “hurt people hurt”. She would have been better off if she just said the Ye’ already apologized but no she had to defend him making such remarks.

So now I feel that Candace Owen’s has a Jewish problem. Her statement regarding Mein Kamf while true, misses the point. Of course it has historical value but it also serves to promote antisemitism. She ignores this.

There is an eerie similarity between West’s Hitler remarks and Candace saying ““if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay fine.” So it would appear I was too quick to call it a mistake.

Candace is insensitive to the feelings of Jews regarding the Hitler and the Holocaust as exemplified by her emotional outburst “I am not playing this game with you guys”.

Yet no matter what Kanye has said, Candace refuses to condemn him because “he’s my friend”. She should be embarrassed to be his friend.

December 2, 2022 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Candace Owens claims Hitler wasn’t the most evil, Mengele experiments ‘bizarre propaganda’
    Former Daily Wire employee engages in more antisemitic conspiracy theories, claims the allies were worse than Nazis and the Holocaust was ‘ethnic cleansing’ rather than genocide.
    Gary Willig

    Jul 11, 2024 at 3:32 PM (GMT+3)

    My comment: Now, she’s a Holocaust-denier, too. What’s next? How far is she going to devolve? full-blown neo-Nazi?

  2. I’m a little tired of predators being given a pass on the grounds of mental incapacity, aren’t you? Especially when this is a courtesy never extended to Jews, Roseanne Barr comes to mind in this context and what she said once and apologized for, a dog whistle at best, doesn’t even come close!

    This is plain out incitement! He’s a pogromist influenced by Farakhan, the Black Hebrews and his Black Panther father.

  3. “I am not playing this game with you guys.”

    Her whole shtick sounds pretty antisemitic to me. But, what do I know? I’m just an over-sensitive Jew. I should just get over myself, right?

  4. No Candace is not antisemitic.
    And also NO, it is not Goims’ responsibility to be sensitive to Jewish sensitivities around Hitler.
    We are responsible for our feelings, for our neuroses, for our collective victimhood.
    And so are Blacks responsible for theirs, and so is every individual and every group.

    At the same time what Candace said was of course wrong.
    Hitler was by all means a nationalist. Candace being American, does not understand that in mots other countries nationality is closely connected with ethnicity. That for most of our history we have been considered a foreign nation living in exile, rather than just Germans, or Poles, etc. of Jewish faith.

    So from her perspective Hitler was not a nationalist because from her American perspective German Jews were just Germans of Jewish faith, or of Jewish ancestry, and if Hitler was nationalist he’d have cared for all members of his nation including Jews.

    Also, the term “Globalist” is inaccurate. It really refers to a new form of imperialism.

    Also, it is far from clear to me that Imperialism is worse than nationalism.
    It may actually be better.
    The times of empires produced much peace (relatively), cultural and economic development. More so than the times when the empires fell and the constituent nations endlessly squabbled among each other.

    Roman imperialism brought Pax Romana.
    The British Imperialism with all it’s ugliness saved India from becoming annihilated by Muslim imperialism and made India a modern democratic country.
    It also brought education, health care, law and constitutional government to Kenya.
    Likewise Russian imperialism including the Soviet brought great benefits to the central Asiatic peoples, and even to Ukrainians who among other things got good education.

    Currently Europe is caught between establishing the European empire, and being vassals to the American empire.

    In this context Israelites have a difficult problem, we are not just a nation, but also a civilization. But unlike other civilizations we consist of just one nation.