Canadians United in Pride of PM Harper

B’nai Brith Canada reports:

January 20, 2014, Toronto — B’nai Brith Canada was proud to be present as Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave his historic address to the Israeli Knesset.

The excitement and deep emotion were palpable among the broad and diverse Canadian delegation which filled the visitors’ gallery. Everyone present rose to their feet in yet another standing ovation as their Prime Minister vowed that Canada will stand with Israel “through fire and water.”

Frank Dimant, CEO, B’nai Brith Canada, stated: “The Prime Minister’s office, in making recommendations for the trip, has done a superb job in demonstrating the diversity of the Canadian Jewish community. The group was made up of a broad range of representatives including B’nai Brith Canada, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, religious Zionists, Agudat Israel, Rabbis from the Modern Orthodox, Conservative, Chabad and Reform movements, the Jewish National Fund, United Israel Appeal, Jewish Federations of Canada, the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee and Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre For Holocaust Studies, among others.

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“Prime Minister Harper once again clearly articulated Canada’s unwavering support by putting Israel’s right to defend itself at the forefront. The message, even though coded, still resonated clearly: Israel must defend itself even if this means opposing US Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace plan to the extent that it may compromise the security of the Jewish State. Harper’s message that the Canadian government will continue to stand with Israel was powerful and welcomed.

“In addition, the shouted objections and dramatic exit of two Arab Members of Knesset just as Harper decried the rising tide of the new antisemitism — with Israel as its target — and the lies of apartheid provided a real-time demonstration of the vibrancy of Israeli democracy.

“Harper’s unequivocal commitment to the safety and security of the Jewish people proves once again that the title bestowed upon Canada as Israel’s best friend is well deserved and will continue into the future.”

January 20, 2014 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. dove Said:

    Let’s just hope this honeymoon lasts long enough for Jews in Canada to get their ducks in a row. The feedback from the average Canadian is that they are concerned that Harper is sticking his neck out too far.

    That’s not feedback form Canadians, that’s from the media who tell Canadians what to think.

    You have no idea what Canadians actually think, no one does, not even themselves – they listen to the news to figure out what they are supposed to think.

  2. Let’s just hope this honeymoon lasts long enough for Jews in Canada to get their ducks in a row. The feedback from the average Canadian is that they are concerned that Harper is sticking his neck out too far.