Canada forging stronger defence ties with Israel

This is great news.There is no question that Canada has been staunchly in Israel’s corner in the diplomatic war. In fact she has lead the way. Now this. There is no question in my mind that this relationship will include a commitment to resupply Israel in the event of war. Such a back-up to American resupply is very important. What ever Canada gets in exchange, she deserves. Ted Belman

By Lee Berthiaume, Postmedia News November 17, 2011

OTTAWA — Canada and Israel are about to complete a number of defence co-operation agreements that will significantly tighten military bonds between the two countries as tensions grow over Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

And Defence Minister Peter MacKay refused Wednesday to rule out a mutual-defence agreement that would oblige Canada to come to Israel’s defence should the latter be attacked.

Appearing together at a media conference in Ottawa on Wednesday, MacKay and his Israeli counterpart Ehud Barak said they anticipate negotiations will be completed by the end of the year.

“Israel needs strong, reliable partners, which Canada is certainly one,” MacKay said. “I would argue they could not find a more supportive country on the planet.”

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The ministers said the agreements will cover a range of areas, including intelligence sharing, joint research and development, and military exchange programs.

“The steps that we’re taking today are in fact bringing our countries closer together,” MacKay said, “and they are also allowing us to further build on a strong foundation of co-operation that will build tangible results, not just to our two militaries, but to Canada and Israel more broadly.”

MacKay said the agreements did not relate to basing Canadian soldiers in Israel.

“The defence co-operation details will be disclosed when we sign,” he said.

War between Israel and Iran has become a very real possibility since the UN’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, released a report last week that laid out the most details yet of Iran’s alleged efforts to build a nuclear arsenal.

Neither Barak nor MacKay would talk specifically about military action against Iran, saying world leaders are in the process of deciding the appropriate response.

But they also identified Iran as the greatest threat to global stability, and continued to hint at the possibility of military action.

“We said all along the way that we recommend to all friends around the world not to remove any option off the table,” Barak said. “And I’m glad to notice that many leaders in the world recently just repeating this very phrase.”

While the Conservative government has been criticized for tacking a strongly pro-Israel policy since taking power, Barak said his country appreciates all of Canada’s support.

“Israel and Canada are very good friends,” he said. “We highly appreciate the support we get from the Canadian government and people on many issues. And we are proud of the deepening and strengthening of the defence relationship that we have developed.”

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November 19, 2011 | 24 Comments »

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24 Comments / 24 Comments

  1. Dove, did you miss what I wrote in No. 16 above? The point is that if Stephen Harper does not have the cojones to oppose anti-Semitism taking place in his own country right under his nose, then what good are his pledges to support Israel when push comes to shove? Is it simply more hot air like his previous politically expedient pledge to a Jewish audience to stand against anti-Semitism in Canada “no matter the cost”?

  2. Not nearly like the Catholic women swooned when Pierre Trudeau was in power. Why wouldn’t Jews be happy to have a political leader on Israel’s side?

  3. Dove writes:
    First of all, I doubt very much that Harper gives orgasms to Jewish audiences. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from repeated vulgarity. The Jewish people know the truth and are glad that not everyone can be fooled all the time.

    Dove, if you go back and read news reports at the time, it actually sounded like orgasms. Canadian Jews were swooning all over the place. Then Harper ran and hid under his desk when we saw the familiar anti-Semitism at York University.

  4. First of all, I doubt very much that Harper gives orgasms to Jewish audiences. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from repeated vulgarity. The Jewish people know the truth and are glad that not everyone can be fooled all the time.

  5. Enmess writes:
    Where was Stephen Harper when we needed him? At least, he’s here now.

    Stephen Harper is the best Canadian P.M. in the last 50 years from several points of view, even though I like to burst his pretentious bubble when he gives Jewish audiences orgasms by saying things like he will oppose anti-Semitism “no matter the cost”, and then does nothing when York University exhibits manifest anti-Semitism.

    For Canada to step up on the world stage and openly support Israel at the UN and in diplomatic circles is HUGE, even though most of it will be rhetorical and diplomatic. They can be the good cop to Arab dictators leaving the post-Obama US to be the bad cop.

    I just hope Harper would take some meaningful action at the hate speech that goes on at York University instead of hiding behind their right of free speech, which is NOT unlimited in Canada due to political correctness and laws against hate crimes, to the extent it is in Britain and the US. The Islamists exploit these same politically correct attitudes and hate crime laws all day long in Canada.

  6. York University; Trudeau’s legacy. What a string on malevolent governments Canada has had since the original obamanation, Pierre Elliot Trudeau bamboozled the public with his charisma. For a moment, there seemed to be hope when the Conservatives, under Joe Clark (a loser of the first order) decreed that the embassy be moved to Jerusalem. The order was given and then all hell broke loose as companies like Nortel were joined by the post-Jews of the Canadian Jewish Congress who dumped on the idea. And so it died. And the Clark government died, too, because of the Prime Minister’s political ineptness — losing on a vote of confidence in his budget — a very good budget. Then back came Trudeau with his multiculturalism and a desire to make Canada the supreme member of the 3rd world. He was followed by the Liberal clown, Chretien and it has taken half a century to return to good government. Where was Stephen Harper when we needed him? At least, he’s here now.

  7. Ted Belman writes:
    This is great news.There is no question that Canada has been staunchly in Israel’s corner in the diplomatic war.

    Alan writes:
    The Canadian Government of Stephen Harper is probably the best government – clear-thinking, level-headed, no-nonsense, in the world today.

    Enmess writes:
    Now, in the worst of times for the rest of the world, it is one of the best of times for Canada. If this isn’t a Genesis 12:3 blessing, nothing is.

    Linda Murray writes:
    Way to go Canada!!!! You will never regret deciding to stand with Israel!!!

    I support Canada’s involvement 100%. Canada will be a fierce and awesome ally of Israel when rhetoric, “standing with Israel”, diplomacy and hot air need to be “staunchly” applied to “attack” Iran or anyone else.

    In the meantime the anti-Semitism at Canada’s York University continues unabated by Stephen Harper’s threat to combat anti-Semitism “no matter the cost”.

    Oy veh!

  8. The Canadian Government of Stephen Harper is probably the best government – clear-thinking, level-headed, no-nonsense, in the world today. Julia Gillard of Australia isn’t bad, but she’s still a Lefty, and having that POC Kevin Rudd still around should still be a cause for concern. She’s cute and feisty, but she’s still no John Howard. As for Cameron, he’s too much of a poofie boy to do the right thing and reverse the Islamist trend so prevalent in the UK the past 40 years. Sarko is a Wiener in more ways than one.

    The opposition in Canada??? The NDP? Led by a girlieboy who allows the queer scum of a Libbie Davies to spew anti-Semitism when “he” and “she” both know “her” life wouldn’t be worth a farthing in anti-Gay, Sharia-driven Gaza.

    No, Harper is the REAL DEAL…too bad he isn’t the President of the USA, John Baird our Secretary of State, and Jason Kenney our director of Homeland Security, instead of Bonzo, Shrillary and Nappy the Dyke.

  9. I agree with Ted Belman and Laura
    Regarding Iran, Iran must be stopped now. And regarding Canada that is good news, I am proud of the Canadian government for standing up for Israel.

  10. Now, in the worst of times for the rest of the world, it is one of the best of times for Canada. If this isn’t a Genesis 12:3 blessing, nothing is. Not only does Harper have a majority government that is clearly pro-Israel, but the two opposition parties are in disarray, hopelessly leaderless.
    Of all the leaders in the world, Harper’s team that includes John Baird (Foreign Affairs) and Jason Kenney (Immigration) represents more integrity than all the houses of parliament and congresses combined. Canada blesses Israel, Hashem blesses both. Now it’s up to other leaders, as foretold, forthe nations of the world to follow.

  11. Israel definitely needs support from leaders around the world but how is Canada going to do this? Or, is this just a cue that if push came to shove the U.S. and other nations will have to come forward unless they want a worse result than WWII? Canada does not have much military strength. This tension is not going to remain in the middleast only. I think Harper is aware of that and knows that if Canada were ever under attack there are alot of nations that would help out, as Canada has a reputation of peacekeeping…..but…if all else fails….

  12. Thankfully, Canada is stepping in to fill the breach caused by having a Saudi robot stooge as president of the U.S.

    I sure hope Nigel Shaw is right, but it is hard for me to imagine Britain making a 180 on Israel. Maybe the fact of Obama treating the UK so shabbily is driving them into a closer relationship with Israel.

    Both Canada and the UK, while not having particularly powerful armed forces, have excellent intelligence services, among the world’s best. I think they know things about Islamist infiltration of the U.S. government under Obama that could explain a closer shift towards Israel (not that you really need to be James Bond to figure out what an Islamist stooge Obama is).

    Still, in the UK’s case, I’m not seeing any evidence of yet of any kind of tilt towards Israel. I’ll believe it when I see it. They abstained on the UNESCO vote, and PM Cameron’s government is as critical of Israel as any British government I can remember.

  13. I was envious of Australia when they had John Howard as leader and we in Canada had Trudeau’s protege Chretien and the anti-American Liberals. So now we have our own John Howard in Stephen Harper, it’s good to have the grown ups in charge. Too bad about the US. Good analysis of Obama at American Digest, Presence of Malice.

  14. abie, you are clearly a moron. And in need of dire psychological help.

    btw – is your real name “dr. strangelove”?

  15. This is a very welcome turn around for Canada. Not only have their previous anti-Israel voices been stilled, but they are now vociferously pro-Israel.
    Unlikely as it might seem now, this could be the precursor for an even greater volte face- a pro-Israel UK.
    Not only are UK links with Canada very strong, sharing the same monarch, but also the deteriorating situation of the Euro is making UK voters increasingly Euro-sceptic.
    A disengagement from the EU seems highly likely, and given its insistence on its special relationship with the US, and the likelihood of a new staunch Israel supporting president in the near future, the pan-Atlantic alliance could flourish once again.
    Given the reneging on its promises since the Balfour Declaration, and its shameful backing of the Arab Legion, led by the British John Glubb Pasha, in its attempt to drive the nascent state of Israel into the sea, the UK have a great moral deficit to repair.
    The growing antipathy to Islamic infiltration, appears be moving towards a solid pro-Israel Anglosphere.
    Those that bless Israel will themselves be blessed.

  16. I agree with Ted. I don’t understand the shortsighted view of those who are willing to allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons rather than fight a less dangerous war with Iran now. How much more dangerous will Iran be once they have nuclear weapons? Trying to avoid a war with hitler only led to a much deadlier WW2 later on.

    Laura you are right of course, somethings never change and the selfish myopic human mentality hasn’t changed since Adam, the first man.

    We are taught in Tanach that evil must be opposed and fought otherwise evil triumphs and when that happens all people pay a higher price. Hitler could have been stopped but for the same mentality such as Ryan’s that was pervasive at that time. The cost was 50 million + lives lost and who can count the other costs?

    We should always remind the Ryan’s of what the world would be like if Israel hadn’t destroyed when it did the Iraqi reactor. There would not have been any gulf wars Kuwait would today be part of Iraq and he would still be in power and be the dominant power in the Middle East. The world and the world’s economic wellbeing and security should not rest on tiny Israel to do their dirty work for them.

  17. I agree with Ted. I don’t understand the shortsighted view of those who are willing to allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons rather than fight a less dangerous war with Iran now. How much more dangerous will Iran be once they have nuclear weapons? Trying to avoid a war with hitler only led to a much deadlier WW2 later on.

  18. “Israel needs strong, reliable partners, which Canada is certainly one,” MacKay said. “I would argue they could not find a more supportive country on the planet.”

    At the moment, it is certainly true that there is not a more supportive country to Israel in the world than Canada. And thank G-d that Stephen Harper has come along at just the right moment while America is currently lacking in leadership or moral clarity in the White House.

    While the Conservative government has been criticized for tacking a strongly pro-Israel policy since taking power

    What kind of moral degenerates would criticize being pro-Israel? Would they prefer a pro-jihad, pro-hamas PM? They would prefer a PM who sided with those who wish to obliterate Israel? Either you are for good or evil. And not to support Israel is to support evil. Even if one professes neutrality, that in effect amounts to enabling the forces of evil.

  19. Ryan. Take it easy. No one is saying that Canada should fight along side Israel against Iran. Are you saying that a war against Iran is worse than allowing them to get the bomb. i.e., that you don’t support any war against them even if Canada is not doing any of the fighting?

  20. I’m Canadian and I can tell you that a huge majority of voters do not support Harper’s views on this. I voted for Harper in the last election and I can tell you that I certainly don’t support a war in Iran. Most of my Conservative friends (and certainly all of my Liberal and NDP friends) do not support it. We do not want “mutual defense pacts” with anybody and we don’t want to get involved in ANY new wars. We have our own problems to solve.

  21. This is very good news — for the moment. The problem with democracies like Canada, is that the governments — and foreign policy — are prey to the voters’ whims. That said, Israel could use a few “short-term” allies. The USSR and Czechoslovakia were just that, but they were largely responsible for the Jewish victory over the Arabs in the crucial war of 1948-51.