Canada: 300 university academics sign anti-Israel open letter to Prime Minister Trudeau about Gaza


About 300 university academics from around the country have signed an open letter calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to keep his word and ensure there is an independent investigation into the Israeli army’s use of force against Palestinians in Gaza…Two Liberal MPs — Robert-Falcon Ouellette and Marwan Tabbara — hand-delivered the letter to Trudeau.

Why are these politicians promoting the Palestinian cause when they should be busy representing Canadians? The Islamic supremacist political agenda has seeped like poison into Western countries, aggressively manipulated by Muslim Brotherhood interests, Iranian proxies and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The open letter asked: “How many Palestinians need to die or be maimed for life before we wake up and take action?” Yet the letter doesn’t mention the fact that a Hamas official admitted that 50 of the 62 Palestinians reported killed during Gaza border riots were members of Hamas, “bringing the total number of known members of terror groups among the fatalities up to 53.”

The larger question is this: how many Palestinian human shields need to die before the world wakes up and accepts that Israel is fighting for its very existence, and that the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Fatah Charters all call for Israel’s destruction?

These “academics” should know better, but their letter to Trudeau is unsurprising. Many academic institutions have become saturated with foreign political propaganda, while jihad terror-linked student groups such as the Muslim Student Associations and Palestinian Solidarity Networks are in full operation on university campuses. Fortunately, there are still some serious academics who are well versed on the facts about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and its historical implications, and who are aware that it is tied heavily into the jihad agenda, as evidenced by, among innumerable examples, the 1936 Arab revolt, led by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, who worked with the Nazis toward obliterating the Jews.

But these academics are addressing their open letter to a sympathetic ear: a Prime Minister with a disconcerting Islamic supremacist entryist problem in his government, including funding of Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations for summer job programs and promotion of the “Islamophobia” canard — as part of his “Multiculturalism Program” promotion. That program will cost taxpayers 23 million dollars.

The signatories urge the prime minister to stand by statements he made in May, when he called for an independent investigation to examine what happened at the border, including any incitement, violence and excessive use of force.  On May 14, a Canadian doctor tending to wounded Palestinians at the border was shot by an Israeli sniper — an incident Trudeau called appalling.

Dr. Tarek Loubani was not simply a victim as presented; nor is new to publicity. Back in 2013, he was jailed along with his filmmaker companion in Egypt while witnessing “a protest at Cairo’s Ramses Square.” He insisted that he never took part in Muslim Brotherhood protests because “he abhors violence.” In prison, he recounted, “they beat the sh** out of us.” Dr. Loubani has now found himself in the middle of another struggle, to which he has drawn the attention of Trudeau and other aiders and abetters of the global jihad. On the day of the so-called massacre at the Gaza border, the Israel Defenses Forces (IDF) released a statement noting that “the rioters are hurling firebombs and explosive devices towards the security fence and IDF forces, and are burning tires, throwing rocks and launching flaming objects in order to ignite fires in Israeli territory and harm IDF troops,” and warning that “anyone who approached the fence would be considered a terrorist.” As it turns out, 88% of those killed were terrorists; the rest were human shields who had been incited to jihad.

“Three hundred academics sign open letter to Trudeau for investigation into Gaza violence against Palestinians,” Canadian Press, June 22, 2018:

About 300 university academics from around the country have signed an open letter calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to keep his word and ensure there is an independent investigation into the Israeli army’s use of force against Palestinians in Gaza.

Two Liberal MPs — Robert-Falcon Ouellette and Marwan Tabbara — hand-delivered the letter to Trudeau on Wednesday. It bears a multitude of signatures from Canadian university professors and denounces the violence at the border between Israel and Gaza.

The letter says that since protests began at the border on March 30, Israeli snipers have killed 119 people and wounded thousands more.

“How many Palestinians need to die or be maimed for life before we wake up and take action against what is now being condemned by a number of international aid and human rights organizations as blatant violations of international law constituting war crimes?” the letter asks.

The signatories urge the prime minister to stand by statements he made in May, when he called for an independent investigation to examine what happened at the border, including any incitement, violence and excessive use of force.

On May 14, a Canadian doctor tending to wounded Palestinians at the border was shot by an Israeli sniper — an incident Trudeau called appalling.

“We are appalled that Dr. Tarek Loubani, a Canadian citizen, is among the wounded — along with so many unarmed people, including civilians, members of the media, first responders, and children,” read Trudeau’s statement on May 16.

“We are doing everything we can to assist Dr. Loubani and his family,” Trudeau’s statement continued, “and to determine how a Canadian citizen came to be injured. We are engaging with Israeli officials to get to the bottom of these events.”

The open letter to Trudeau was written by Hani Faris, a political science professor at the University of British Columbia, as well as Atif Kubursi, an economics professor at McMaster University in Hamilton….

July 14, 2018 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Name and shame the letter writers and their universities. From what little I’ve read it seems its gonna be a list of muzys. Wonder how many are citizens?