By Arlene Kushner
Toughest of all the problems we face is the very real threat presented by Iran, which is a huge promoter of terrorism, and on the verge of going nuclear.
Iranian president Hasan Rouhani is currently engaged in a new technique – popularly known as the “charm offensive” – for forestalling interference with his nation’s goals.
That offensive rose to a new level on Friday, when, for the first time since 1979, the leaders of the US and Iran spoke with each other by phone (via interpreters). As I am reading it, some feelers were put out by Iran, but the phone call was actually placed by the US. The Iranians are saying the call was strictly the initiative of the US.
Whatever the case, the call is being hailed at the White House as an historic diplomatic breakthrough, with Obama enthusing, after the call, that “I believe we can reach a comprehensive agreement.”
But the president is best advised to hold his horses and not yet speak about the “deeper relations” with Iran if a nuclear breakthrough can be achieved. For the cold, hard reality is that while Rouhani is behaving ever so graciously — and ever so differently from his predecessor — there is absolutely no indication of a change in Iranian policy with regard to nuclear development.
Convinced that the Iranian outreach is a “fraud,” he’s coming with a message that Obama is not going to want to hear; he will be delivering it to the president tomorrow, and then to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.
On his departure he said:
“I will represent the citizens of Israel, our national interests, our rights as a people, our determination to defend ourselves and our hope for peace.
“I will tell the truth in the face of sweet-talk and the onslaught of smiles.
“One must talk facts and one must tell the truth. Telling the truth is vital for the security and peace of the world and of course for the security of Israel.”
To put it simply, my friends, what he is doing takes integrity and guts. He is not going to be well received in New York or Washington, and he knows it. But he’s acting as he believes he must.
Obama is not likely to be very appreciative of someone who is attempting to block his easy way out with Iran (no matter the cost to the world). But one Israeli official commented that Netanyahu is used to playing the role of “spoil-sport”: as he did when he gave warnings about the “Arab Spring.”
According to the Sunday Times (London), Netanyahu plans to tell the General Assembly that Iran already has 219 kilograms (482 pounds) of enriched uranium, which is enough to produce a nuclear weapon. What is more, that “Iran has made significant progress in its nuclear program since the new president Hassan Rouhani was elected.”
The Times further said that Netanyahu is carrying an intelligence dossier for Obama, providing evidence that Iran is stepping up its nuclear program.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall, during the closed door session between Netanyahu and Obama.
Netanyahu has instructed all Israeli ministers and representatives to refrain from speaking on the subject of Iran, as he moves into his difficult diplomatic situation.
His position, about which we will hear more in the next couple of days, is that four criteria must be met by Iran in order for the world to know that it has genuinely abandoned its nuclear development:
Halting all uranium enrichment; removing all enriched uranium from the country; closing the Fordo underground uranium enrichment facility near Qom; and stopping the plutonium track.
Last week, Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Jarad Zarif met with P5 + 1 (Britain, France, Russia, China, and the US, plus Germany), and then Zarif met separately with his counterpart, John Kerry. There was a whole lot of talk about the encouraging change of tone and the work to be done. But statements made at this meeting give us a clue as to where all of this is heading:
Kerry, in a statement to CBS, spoke about the possibility of Iran demonstrating good faith by opening Fordo for inspection. But wait! that’s a long way from closing down the plant.
While, after the meeting, Zarif addressed Iran’s need for speedy relief from sanctions:
“Of course as we move forward, there has to be removal of sanctions and in the end game there has to be a total lifting of all sanctions and both bilateral sanctions, unilateral sanctions as well as multilateral sanctions and U.N. sanctions and we hope to be able to move in that direction within a short span of time.”
What would be the minimum Iran would have to do before Obama would be motivated to begin prematurely reducing American sanctions?
Evidence of US gullibility (or, perhaps, readiness to be “had”) abounds. There is, for example, this report by MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute):
September 29, 2013 Special Dispatch No.5461
The Success Of The New Iranian Strategy (I) – The U.S. Administration Swallows The Lie About Khamenei’s ‘Fatwa’ Against Nuclear Arms
“In his address to the U.N. General Assembly (September 24, 2013), U.S. President Barack Obama stated: ‘The Supreme Leader has issued a fatwa [religious ruling] against the development of nuclear weapons.’ In fact, such a fatwa was never issued by Supreme Leader Khamenei and does not exist; neither the Iranian regime nor anybody else can present it.
“The deception regarding ‘Khamenei’s fatwa’ has been promoted by the Iranian regime and its spokesmen for several years. Each time it was mentioned, the ‘fatwa’ was given a different year of issue – for example, 2005, 2007, or
2012 – but the text of the ‘fatwa’ was never presented.
“MEMRI has conducted in-depth research with regard to this ‘fatwa’ and has published reports demonstrating that it is a fiction. The Iranian regime apparently believe that their frequent repetition of the ‘fatwa’ lie will make it accepted as truth. To date, the Europeans refuse to accept it. According to unofficial sources, the legal advisors of the EU3 made an official request to the Iranian regime in 2005 to provide a copy of the ‘fatwa,’ but in vain.
What hangs over all of us, here, is the question of whether Israel will in the end act unilaterally against Iran. Time is truly running out.
YNet now reports that:
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will tell Washington that Iran’s nuclear program must be dismantled and not merely supervised when he visits the White House on Monday, Israeli media reported.
“According to the diplomatic correspondent of Israel’s Channel One television network,Netanyahu will tell US President Barack Obama that Israel will abandon the diplomatic path on Iran’s nuclear program [i.e., take unilateral military action] if it is not completely dismantled.” (Emphasis added)
Genuine intent, or empty threat?
The second biggest headache we face is the nonsense regarding “negotiations” with the PA. The negotiations that are farcical in light of the behavior of the Palestinian Arabs, and, even more significantly, in light of Israeli rights — too rarely enunciated — to the land.
The first encouraging news in this regard I’ve seen comes via a report from Maariv, cited by Israel National News:
“Negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority have arrived at an impasse, according to an evaluation by a senior foreign diplomat who is aiding in the brokering of anagreement between the two, as reported this morning (Sunday) by the Israeli daily,Maariv.
“According to the report, the subject of borders was first raised during the seventh round of talks, which were held before the Jewish holidays. During the discussions, Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni and Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu’s representative, Yitzhak Molcho, refused to consider the exchange of territory in exchange for keeping existing Israeli settlements in their places. Molcho also is reported to have made it very clear to the PA that Israel intends to maintain her territories and communities therein,,,” (emphasis added)
If this is true (have no clue who the “senior foreign diplomat” is), then it is very good news, and negates a host of rumors regarding all that Israel was said to be surrendering. Although I will confess that some of those “rumors” have come from pretty reliable sources.
But in any event the news is hardly all good. Is it ever?
The unnamed official commented that, “Until either the U.S. intervenes, or Netanyahu meets with Abbas – negotiations are futile.”
I’m uncertain what would change if the two met — assuming that their representatives are speaking in their names — and far more uncertain that they would be willing to do so.
What rings bells is the suggestion of US intervention.
What I want to do here is consider the possibilities of what we may be looking at down the road with regard to this situation.
Caroline Glick, in her most recent column, addresses the issue of a president of the US who is overtly hostile and pressures Netanyahu unremittingly. She says that both the ten-month freeze on building that Netanyahu instituted and his Bar Ilan speech embracing a “two state solution” came as a result of Obama’s pressure (which includes such threats as a readiness to refuse to veto Security Council resolutions hostile to Israel).
I’m not sure if this is good news or bad news. On the one hand, it suggests that – contrary to the belief of many – it appears that Netanyahu is not really ideologically committed to a “Palestinian state.”
But on the other hand, it also suggests that Netanyahu does not have the capacity to buck Obama’s demands.
Glick says Israel cannot always refuse what the Obama wants, and that sometimes it’s wise to give in to him. But, she says, Obama has limits to his power because the American people are solidly pro-American. Israel, she maintains, has to make her case with the American people:
“Netanyahu can set out the international legal basis for Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and explain why Israel’s rights are stronger than the Palestinians’.
“The government can expose the fact that the demographic doomsday scenario that forms the basis of support for the two-state formula is grounded on falsified data concocted by the PLO.
“Demography, like international law, is actually one of Israel’s strategic assets.”
Well, it’s now or never, it seems to me. And there is more to Israel’s case than even the factors she mentions here. We cannot and must not cave to “US intervention” aimed at pushing us out of the land that is ours.
I’ve been engaged in dialogue with associates these past few days on the issues raised by Glick – primarily the issue of how much latitude Israel has to say “no.” I’ve never know Caroline Glick to be a shrinking violet and yet she believes that sometimes our prime minister is caught.
It’s important for us to recognize how much goes on behind the scenes and what extraordinary pressure is placed upon Netanyahu – no one should imagine that he makes his decisions lightly.
But it’s equally important for us to have the expectation that our prime minister is there to refuse the American president when he makes demands that are not in our best interest – and for us to communicate that to Netanyahu strongly now: Bravo on your strength in telling the truth on Iran. Now please, also tell the world the whole truth about Israel’s ancient and historical rights in Judea and Samaria and the impossibility of considering the PA a “negotiating partner.”
Glick herself comments on the way in which Menachem Begin, as prime minister, bucked the whole world when attacking the Iraqi nuclear reactor. There are multiple similar examples.
Netanyahu is likely to touch on the subject of “negotiations” in his UN talk. More significantly, he is giving a second Bar Ilan talk in a week, at which he will be announcing new policy.
Rumor has it that he will be saying that a final deal is impossible now and that he will opt for an “interim” Palestinian state without final borders set. That would be very bad news — and I’m aware of persons in the government already alarmed by this possibility. (Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon spoke out against this at a Likud meeting – saying anyone who was for an interim state did not belong in Likud – and was subsequently chastised by the prime minister.)
An “interim” state would create the legality of a Palestinian state, with the leverage that sovereignty would imply for the Palestinian Arabs, without also including “end of conflict” and giving us any assurance about issues of borders or settlements or Jerusalem having been resolved. How could they sign on “end of conflict” when they would not know what their final borders would be? And so, we would have given them a legal reality while we would still be confronting “resistance” of the not so peaceful sort, as well as increased diplomatic pressure. On top of all of this, I would assume that there would be a core region within that “interim” sovereignty that would be off-base for the IDF, and thus permit a breeding ground for terrorism.
We don’t want to see anything of the sort offered, but I do note here that Abbas has categorically said he will not accept such a deal. It is my opinion that he could not go back to his people with this and survive, not when so many are radicalized and disapprove of any negotiations with Israel.
And then, I end here with one very tentative, but potentially positive, thought: In essence, Netanyahu is saying “no” to Obama now, by refusing to sign on to the charm offensive. He refuses to do this because he sees it as the primary existential issue for Israel – his back has apparently been stiffened by this reality (although the true and final test comes with his readiness to act militarily).
It could yet be – and in truth we do not yet know – that at the end of the day, our prime minister will find he has the courage to refuse a Palestinian state, as well, because of the deprivation of rights and security threat it would represent for Israel. A thought that does not, I confess readily enough, negate the niggling unease I feel. But it is a thought to be considered. And worked for.
@ yamit82:
I watch BN speach to the UN and thought it effective, I’am sure you disagree,WHY????????????
Shy Guy Said:
VOLCANO????????? Darlin, what a waste of fresh protein!!!!:
Know the enemy
yamit82 Said:
Palin is not in Obama’s party.
Moshe Feiglin is in Netanyahu’s. He understands that Netanyahu is a slick politician and can be very pragmatic. The problem, according to Feiglin, is indeed pragmatism, specifically secular pragmatism, which doesn’t see any other way out or know of any other direction to look for help.
Feiglin works from the inside, often under the media’s radar. Others in Manhigut often work the same way. Feiglin uses more subtle methods than your loud and rowdy whines here to convince MKs and ministers to go against Netanyahu, the Supreme Court, etc.
He released himself from the coalition and has voted against it whenever called for. He constantly speaks out against Netanyahu’s policies and decisions.
It’s one thing to say you don’t like Feiglin’s tactfulness. It’s another thing to lie and say that Feiglin does what’s politically correct and expedient. Every one of his practical activities and votes has been for what’s right versus what’s wrong. In the present Knesset, I don’t think there’s another individual doing that.
But go ahead. Spit on him.
yamit82 Said:
I was trying to suggest tossing them into a volcano. That’s always a crowd pleaser. 🙂
@ yamit82:
Thank-you kindly!!!!!!!!!
@ honeybee:
A rodef lit. “pursuer”;, in traditional Jewish law, is one who is “pursuing” another to murder him or her. According to Jewish law, such a person must be killed by any bystander after being warned to stop and refusing. The source for this law is the Tractate Sanhedrin in the Babylonian Talmud, page 73a, which begins:
And these are the ones whom one must save even with their lives [i.e., killing the wrongdoer]: one who pursues his fellow to kill him [rodef achar chavero le-horgo], and after a male or a bethrothed maiden [to rape them]; but one who pursues an animal, or desecrates the Sabbath, or commits idolatry are not saved with their lives.
This law, the din rodef (“law of the pursuer”), is significant as one of the few provisions in Jewish law permitting extrajudicial killings.
The allowance to kill the rodef does not apply, however, in a case where lesser means would prevent the innocent’s murder. Furthermore, according to the Rambam, killing a rodef who may have been stopped by lesser means constitutes murder, though the punishment for a murderer in this case is not dealt out by Beit din
yamit82 Said:
Is there another way???????????
yamit82 Said:
May I ask what this means????????????
bernard ross Said:
I own part of an abadonad apt building in ludz,if intested. Somewhat haunted,bring bed roll
yamit82 Said:
I thought you liked Bussian woman,perhaps you should give up the vodka!!!!!
@ bernard ross:
Negotiations would on the face of it preclude any attack by BB even if it was a real option before. Obama thus has maneuvered BB into a place he should never have allowed himself or Israel. Iran understands this as well…They will develope their missile capabilities and engineer the components for a weaponized nuke missile, when they get enough fissile material for 10-20 bombs then they will announce the breakout. A fait accompli.
BB has been played the cowardly fool and we will pay the price. I have been shouting for years that the end game is Israeli WMD tradeoff using Iranian Nuke leverage. That makes us virtually defenseless. American oil companies want Saudi oil on better terms they have now, to that end they want the Shia tribes to take control of the oil fields they have long occupied and stolen from them by the Saudi Sunni-Clans.
Felix Quigley:
A True Commie Believer and you have the chutzpah: (temerity, effrontery, impertinence, impudence,audacity) to call anyone nuts?
If you ain’t nuts then you are just plain stupid. Choose nuts as it gives you an excuse, stupid is just stupid.
Shy Guy Said:
Shoot em dead!!! Screw the banishment even to remote places: they are Rodef.
Shy Guy Said:
Trotsky pin-up
Shy Guy Said:
Yes you are correct:
Really? 🙂
Would Sarah palin say that about Obama even as a joke?
Since he was barred from the Mount what has he done to reverse his ban? Capitulated!!!
Seems to me that he is no better than BB all talk.
This time he has set the bar high ( becoming PM within a year)and if he does not make it happen he is finished politically.
He thinks he would be better than BB? ROTFL
bernard ross Said:
All 4 of them!
I have a better idea!
Netanyahu met by protesters outside White House
the despicable kapo naturei karta should be sent to poland.
@ Felix Quigley:
comment 5 in moderation, cant understand why. Ted, what’s wrong with this moderation software, it appears to have no logic.
BB’s policy of repeatedly begging and cajoling the US to disarm Iran is leading into a corner where Iran and syria base their dismantling of WMD on Israel doing the same. The world will demand that Israel dismantle in such a scenario. It would be better to conduct a policy that publishes Israeli independence re its decisions on Iran and syria. Israel should cease cajoling and begging US, it will backfire. Israel can present its case to the world without begging but rather as putting forth its position independent of the US and the world. When Obama turns to Israel and says “you wanted iran disarmed and now they say they will disarm if you disarm”, what will Israel then answer? Begging the world to disarm Iran and expecting the world to accept Israeli arms is unrealistic and will backfire. Regardless of what Israel finally does it needs to disassociate from whatever Obama is doing: stop visiting Obama!
Felix Quigley Said:
You’re a total boor and ignoramus.
But beyond what we know of you already.
Go back to staring at your Trotsky pin-ups on the wall.
Shyguy has now gone completely nuts. Feiglin as the saviour of the Jews you really are delusional.
For one thing Feiglin is not a political operator he is a religious operator and this issue has moved way beyond religion. No less that Steven Plaut spotted this.
If you were the Iranian Mullahs what would you do now? Play for time above all. They have done that ages ago by putting all their gear below mountains. Would you be aiming for one bomb well no you would be going for say 200 bombs. The US facilitate this, all are now facilitating this.
What will Feiglin do … convince the Likud to push the button for the Samson Option.
Feiglin is a washed up and totally at the core rotten person, completely bankrupt and he is spouting such full of himself as saviour bullshit
And you are a prime bullshitter on this site worse even than Yamit who has a little streak of sanity in the midst of huge arrogance.
You do not make me laugh you make me puke. You and your Feiglin are two delusional c…s
@ Shy Guy:
A man incapable of standing up to Obama on the release of killers of Jewish children from Israeli prisons is not going to be the man to rescue Israel from the Iranian nuclear threat.
Netanyahu is big with words but is unimpressive in taking the action required to stop Iran and he has dithered and done nothing for four years. And the Iranians are supposed to be scared of him? Dream on.
Asked and answered