CAIR to Stand Trial for Massive Fraud

The Council on American Islamic Relations is now charged with fraud and cover up perpetrated against hundreds of victims.


The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) will stand trial on charges of fraud and cover up for alleged crimes perpetrated against hundreds of victims, according to a new ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The case against CAIR National was originally dismissed by a federal judge but unanimously overturned by the appellate court. Two cases are involved in the suit, which the appellate court consolidated into one, since both cases involve racketeering, a federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) crime.

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The lawsuits claim that CAIR National was aware that Morris Days, the “Resident Attorney” and “Manager for Civil Rights” at the now defunct CAIR-Maryland/Virginia chapter in Herndon, Virginia, was in fact not an attorney and that he failed to provide legal services for clients who came to CAIR for legal representation.

Moreover, the suits claim, CAIR knew of this fraud and purposefully conspired with Days to keep the CAIR clients from discovering that their legal matters were being mishandled or not handled at all.  In addition, the complaints allege that, according to CAIR’s own internal documents, there were hundreds of victims of the fraud scheme.

While the original federal judge in the case ruled that Days and CAIR’s Virginia chapter were liable for fraud, he concluded that CAIR National was not responsible for Days’ conduct. The appeals court, however, found that, upon a review of the evidence, there was a direct relationship between CAIR National and Days.

David Yerushalmi, senior counsel for the plaintiffs in the case and co-founder of the American Freedom Law Center, remarked, “CAIR engaged in a massive criminal fraud in which literally hundreds of CAIR clients have been victimized.

“In his ruling, Judge Friedman [the original judge] inexplicably ignored material facts that establish CAIR National’s liability and then engaged in a transparently disingenuous ‘weighing’ of the factual evidence he did address …  We are thankful that the appeals court has rectified the trial court’s errors. Now, at long last, our clients will go before a jury and get their day in court.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has a history of Islamist extremism including links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. The U.S. Justice Department labeled CAIR an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a Hamas-financing trial and listed CAIR as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity.

CAIR was also listed by the Justice Department as a part of the Brotherhood’s covert “Palestine Committee” to support Hamas in the United States.

In addition, CAIR was officially designated a terrorist organization on by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on November 15, 2014.

You can read all about CAIR in Clarion’s  FACTSHEETabout the organization.

June 22, 2016 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Now if only a way could be found to bring the Obamanation into this case as a co-conspirator, giving sufficient justification for those ever brave creatures in the Congress to impeace, even at this late date…. But then I hear that song playing in the background, Dream along with me I’m on my way to the stars …..

  2. The lawsuits claim that CAIR National was aware that Morris Days, the “Resident Attorney” and “Manager for Civil Rights” at the now defunct CAIR-Maryland/Virginia chapter in Herndon, Virginia, was in fact not an attorney and that he failed to provide legal services for clients who came to CAIR for legal representation.

    I am surprised that this is the best they can do with this terror connected muslim org.

    “In his ruling, Judge Friedman [the original judge] inexplicably ignored material facts that establish CAIR National’s liability and then engaged in a transparently disingenuous ‘weighing’ of the factual evidence he did address …

    I wonder if this was another of president husseins appointments like the racist, biased, secessionist, mexican la raza judge curiel who failed to disclose his racist la raza bias and involvement and failed to recuse himself as racist and biased in the Trump case…. the same case which Ryan did not back Trump and lied about and obfuscated Trumps very real allegations and concerns.
    Perhaps Ryan is not supporting Trump because Trump has not supported Ryans BS health plan bill. Ryans bill is a typical GOP establishment reaction, same as with trickle down, medicare and social security.. seeking to give state grants, whereas trump recognizes that it can only work by having large insurance pools to bring cost down.. hence Trump wants to remove the limitations restricting interstate competition to make the insurance pool larger. I think single payer, self insurance, national pool makes the only sense if considering this type of idea. Ryans bill has nothing to do with medical issues.