By demanding the status quo, both Jordan and the US violate the peace treaty with Jordan

Yisrael Medad, INN

I think this following information is necessary for a fuller understanding of the matter:

Jordan: Peace treaty with Israel under threat should Al-Aqsa violation continue

Jordan’s government spokesman Mohammed Mumuni said that the peace accord with Israel, signed 20 years ago this week, was under threat should Israel continue its violations of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount, Arab-language Sky News reported.  Mumuni slammed Israel for saying it was working to preserve the status-quo in the flashpoint site while actually doing the opposite.  He further noted that Jordan had formulated a plan to address Israel’s actions in East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

Jordanians have been ranting about this matter for months.


Back in February, Jordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur threatened to pull the treaty if the Knesset were to continue advancing a bill to allow Jews to pray on the Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, where the Jordanian Waqf (Islamic trust) has forbidden such prayer.

It isn’t even the first time this week Jordan has made such a threat, as Jordan’s ambassador to Israel Walid Obeidat on Sunday threatened the agreement was in danger as he said in June.

and in April we read:

Israeli Ambassador to Jordan Daniel Nevo was summonedMonday by the Jordanian Foreign Ministry following violent clashes between Israeli police forces and Palestinian youths on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Sunday…and told the ambassador that Israel’s actions in the holy site pose a violation of the peace treaty between the countries, and “constitute and extreme insult to bilateral relations,”

and now this:

former prime minister and current Senator Samir Rifai, who chairs the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, called for an immediate end to Israeli assaults on Al Haram Al Sharif. “Jordan, on the basis of the historic Hashemite custodianship over holy sites in East Jerusalem and on the provisions of the treaty of peace, expects and demands that all Israeli measures taken in occupied East Jerusalem must be stopped comprehensively and immediately, including the intensified and increased dangerous and unacceptable assaults on Al Haram Al Sharif /Al Aqsa Mosque compound by Israeli settlers…All measures attempting to impede or undermine the work and authority of the Islamic awqaf [department] in East Jerusalem must also be stopped immediately. Denial of access to Muslim worshippers to enter Al Haram Al Sharif /Al Aqsa Mosque compound and all attempts at altering the status quo there must be brought to a complete halt,” he noted.

Such provocative actions are inconsistent with the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty and in violation of international laws, Rifai stressed.

“They also place the entire region in peril and adversely affect the already shaken regional stability by fuelling tension and feeding extremism and the agendas of terrorists,” he warned.

Has anyone, especially our Prime Minister, reviewed the treaty to ascertain what it actually contains regarding Al-Aqsa?  Here:


Each party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.
In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.
The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.

Just maybe Israel is the party that should be making announcements that it is Jordan that is violating the letter and surely the spirit of that treaty according to its text?

In fact, why is Israel silent?


November 2, 2014 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Jordan not in any position to dictate anything in the ME or to Israel. But the king must show on which side he is publicly. He owes his safety to the IDF as we all know.

  2. Apparently the GOI is willing to invest in maintaining the facade of it’s “peace” treaty with the HasheMites. It is a logical policy however twisted. It is a temporary arrangement of some considerable value, I guess. I do not see how Jewish visitors to The Temple Mount can be prevented from “praying”. I am certain those who need to engage in dovening, pray even when they are appearing not to be praying so…it will eventually be resolved in our favor, not to worry about that one. Jordan should be more concerned about the ISIS threat, if they are smart…if

  3. In fact, why is Israel silent?

    For the same reason BB did not go into gaza, why BB released terrorists knowing the talks would go nowhere, why BB did not go in at POD,:
    he seeks to continue and cultivate a covert relationship with the Gulf monarchies hoping for it to wax overt.
    “Threats” increase demands for peace from the electorate thus giving appeasement more support. A series of carrots and sticks.