by Joseph E. Katz
Middle Eastern Political and Religious History Analyst
Source: “Battleground: Fact & Fantasy in Palestine” by Samuel Katz,
In a British television interview on December 12, 1971, Mr. Richard Crossman, one of Britain’s famous left-wing intellectuals, a member of the Labour government between 1964 and 1970 and subsequently editor of the prestigious Socialist weekly The New Statesman, bluntly accused the former Labour Prime Minister Clement Attlee and Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, who presided over the destinies of Britain after World War II, of having “tried to destroy the Jews of Palestine.” Mr. Crossman recalled that he was intended by Mr. Bevin in 1945 to be one of the instruments of his policy. He thus discovered first hand what that policy was.
His accusation, with its implication of a violent British passion against the Jews of Mandated Palestine, must have startled many well-meaning people who innocently believed that the conflict over Palestine was a straightforward clash “between Jews and Arabs.” If they knew of Britain’s role in the Mandate period it was as merely an honest broker caught in the middle. In fact, Mr. Crossman added authoritative support to those who have long known and insisted that Britain was an active participant in the dispute, and was indeed the prime driving force in the resistance to Jewish restoration in Palestine.
In the immediate context of this tells of the motives and the vital part of successive British governments and their agents in the creation and perpetuation of the conflict between Jews and Arabs.
Britain Refused to transfer any functions to Jewish authorities, even after terminating the Mandate.
The key to this question is reflected in the behaviour of the British in 1947. When, in that year, the Arabs rejected the partition of Palestine and refused to set up the projected Arab state, the British administration, then still governing Palestine under the Mandate, refused to carry out the recommendations of the United Nations to implement the partition plan. The British government made it plain that it would do all in its power to prevent the birth of the Jewish state. Britain announced that she would not — and indeed, she did not — carry out the orderly transfer of any functions to the Jewish authorities in the interim before the end of the Mandate on May 15, 1948. Everything was left in a state of disorder. This was Britain’s first contribution to the burden of the nascent state.
When, immediately after the United Nations Assembly decision, the Palestinian Arabs launched their preliminary onslaught on the Jewish community, the British Army gave them considerable cover and aid. It obstructed Jewish defence on the ground; it blocked the movement of Jewish reinforcements and supplies to outlying settlements; it opened the land frontiers for the entry of Arab soldiers from the neighbouring Arab states; it. maintained a blockade in the Mediterranean and sealed the coast and ports through which alone the outnumbered Jews could expect reinforcements; it handed over arms dumps to the Arabs. When Jaffa was on the point of falling to a Jewish counterattack, it sent in forces from Malta to bomb and shell the Jewish force. Meanwhile, it continued to supply the Arab states preparing to invade across the borders with all the arms they asked for and made no secret of it.
The British government was privy to the Arab plans for invasion;1 and on every diplomatic front, and especially in the United Nations and in the United States, it pursued a vigorous campaign of pressure and obstruction to hinder and prevent help to the embattled Zionists and to achieve the abandonment of the plan to set up a Jewish state. When the state was declared nevertheless, the British government exerted every effort to bring about its defeat by the invading Arab armies. It was not by chance that one of the last operations in the war between Israel and the Arab states in January 1949 was the shooting down on the Sinai front of five British RAF planes that had flown across the battlelines into Israeli-held territory. This was the culmination of a policy developed and pursued by the British throughout their administration of the Mandate — surely not the least of the great betrayals of the weak by the strong in the twentieth century.
The policy of Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, who was severely criticised, was no more than the logical, if extreme, evolution of the policies of Anthony Eden, who inspired the creation of the Arab League in 1945; of Malcolm MacDonald, the Colonial Secretary who presided over the declaration of death to Zionism in the White Paper of 1939, and of their predecessors who shaped the “Arab Revolt” of 1936, who made possible the “disturbances” of 1929, and who were responsible for the pogrom in Jerusalem in 1920.
Seeds of Arab hostility to Israel & British Policy
It is impossible and, indeed, pointless and misleading to explain, analyse, or trace the development of Arab hostility to Zionism and the origins of Arab claims in Palestine without examining the policy of the British rulers of the country between 1919 and 1948.
One of the great objects of British diplomacy as the conflict in Palestine deepened during the Mandate period was to create the image of Britain as an honest arbiter striving only for the best for all concerned and for justice. In fact, Britain was an active participant in the confrontation. She was indeed more than a party. The Arab “case” in Palestine was a British conception. It took shape and was given direction by the British Military administration after the First World War. The release in recent years of even a part of the confidential official documents of the time has strengthened the long-held suspicion that the Arab attack on Zionism would never have began had it not been for British inspiration, tutelage, and guidance.
In the end, it is true, British sympathy, assistance, and co-operation came to be auxiliary to Arab attitudes and actions. Those attitudes, however, had their beginnings and their original motive power as a function of British imperial ambitions and policy. The two intertwined progressively throughout thirty years, until their open co-operation after 1939. At the last, in 1947- 1949, they consummated an imperfectly concealed alliance for the forcible prevention of the establishment of the Jewish state.
The Sudden Appearance in 1919 of a militant Arab “movement.”
That is the background of the sudden appearance in 1919 of a militant Arab “movement.” In the circumstances of the time, the British military administration should have invited and ensured the co-operation of the local population, Moslem and Christian, in implementing London’s policy. What was required was dissemination of clear and concise information on the vast areas of Arabia and Mesopotamia that had been liberated by the British and their Allies and were to become Arab or predominantly Arab states; on the contribution made by the Jews to the liberation of Palestine, their ancient and unrelinquished homeland; and on the undertaking made to them in the Balfour Declaration and the safeguards in that declaration for the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine. It might have been made clear that the Sherif Hussein had called on the Moslems to welcome the Jews to Palestine; information should have been spread about the cordial meetings between Faisal and Dr. Chaim Weizmann and the agreement they had signed; and last but not least, the determination of the British government to carry out its Zionist policy should have been confirmed. Such a declaration would without a doubt have created the right climate for launching that policy. “The military Administration ruled the country which waited on its very nod,” wrote a contemporary observer. “It would consequently have required the maximum of moral courage, enmity or external support, deliberately to go in the teeth of the policy of the Administration — above all in the Levant where the whole population is so singularly sensitive to every nuance of tyranny and of intrigue.”2
The Balfour Declaration in Palestine is to be treated “as extremely confidential and is on no account for any publication”
The popularisation of the Jewish National Home policy was, however, farthest from the minds of the military administration. For more than two years, it neither published nor allowed the publication of the Balfour Declaration in Palestine. This act of omission was backed by a specific prohibition from headquarters in Cairo. The Declaration, wrote the Chief Political Officer to the Chief Administrator in Jerusalem. on October 9, 1919, “is to be treated as extremely confidential and is on no account for any publication.”3
The group in power in Jerusalem made no secret of its hostility to Zionism. The whole of its administration, even down to its social occasions, was permeated with an anti-Jewish atmosphere that reminded some Jewish observers of the Tsarist regime in Russia. Indeed, Zeev Jabotinsky, then serving as a lieutenant in the Jewish Legion, which he had founded, and himself a native of Russia, wrote: “Not in Russia nor in Poland had had there been seen such an intense and widespread atmosphere of hatred as prevailed in the British Army in Palestine in 1919 and 1920.”4
The measures to prevent Jewish reconstruction slowly tightened
In Palestine, the measures to confine and restrict Jewish reconstruction slowly tightened. The British government was not free to make drastic changes since Britain had no sovereignty in Palestine. She was there constitutionally to fulfil the Mandate and was answerable to the League of Nations for her actions. As long as the League had prestige in the world, it served as a restraining influence on the deepening tendency in London to turn the purpose of the Mandate from the “reconstitution of the Jewish National Home” to the creation of an Arab-dominated dependency of Great Britain. Informed public opinion could not be disregarded, nor that part of the British establishment that fought back, though ever less effectively, against the Arabist erosion of its obligation to the Jewish people.
But while the Colonial Office and the administration in Palestine reduced the essentials of the Mandate, the League of Nations grew progressively less effective; its influence waned gradually in the 1920s, speedily after its show of impotence over the Japanese seizure of Manchuria in 1931. In sum, Zionism was fought on every possible front: economically, in the social services, in the police and public service. The administration was so filled with officials hostile to the purpose of the Mandate that the exceptions became famous. The progress of Jewish restoration was retarded as much as possible.
The central and most effective, weapon in the British armoury was the control of immigration
The central and most effective, weapon in the British armoury was the control of immigration, and this was used with ever increasing severity. In justification, economics were invoked; a principle called “economic absorptive capacity” was the guiding criterion. With the help of “experts” who asserted that there simply was little or no cultivable land left for development, the government’s control of Jewish immigration-administered by a system of quotas — became ever more restrictive. (At that time, there were less than a million people in western Palestine; today there are four million, with still undefined possibilities of growth.) Through the country’s back door, in quiet defiance of its Mandate, it also allowed an incessant inflow of Arabs. These came mainly from Syria and Transjordan, attracted by the progress and prosperity the Jews were bringing to Palestine. In a constant atmosphere of Jewish crisis and tragedy, in the twenty-six years of the Mandate period, the British allowed the entry of approximately 400,000 Jews into their national home and hounded and punished and, in the end, drove back or deported Jews who were trying to steal in. In that same period, crossing the Jordan with ease, probably 200,000 Arabs came in to swell the “existing non-Jewish population.”5
Yet, though the effort was sustained for a whole generation, from the early 1920s to 1948, neither the British rulers nor Haj Amin el Husseini with the machine he had built for propaganda and indoctrination, ever succeeded in converting the Arab population of Palestine into a nationally conscious entity, moved and animated by a hunger for “liberation,” proclaiming and asserting itself as a people with a positive aim. The fundamental reason is that it was — and is still — no such thing. A nation cannot be “created” in a generation or even in two, certainly not when essential ingredients are lacking. It was difficult to distinguish an Arab people altogether, not only in Palestine. A sense of fraternal solidarity did exist in the Arab family, in its economics, in its sense of honour. It existed in the clan that might grow out of the individual family. It might exist in the village. Beyond these loyalties, there was only a religious sense, a sense of community in Islam. Even that, with the considerable sectarian fragmentation, never proved itself in modem times as an effective force. There was little sense of belonging to “Arabdom.” To the degree that such a feeling ultimately did take root, it was expressed by an affinity to the large Arab people as a whole. Such an affinity could at least refer back to the ancient glory of a vast Arab Empire. This very frame of reference emphasised the absence of a “Palestinian” consciousness — which had in fact never existed and which could not be conjured up. Whenever, therefore, a reaction was to be provoked in the more militant, or more unruly, section of the Arab population, it was the vaguer generality of Islam or of pan-Arabism that was invoked.
Thus, the disturbances in 1929 were organised on a religious pretext-the alleged designs of the Zionists on the Moslem Holy Places and an Arab assertion of Moslem ownership of the Western Wall (of the Jewish Temple), which abuts the Temple Mount where the Moslems built their mosques. These disturbances, marked by the resolute permissiveness of the British authority, were characterised by outbursts of sheer slaughter. The massacre of the scholarly Jewish community of Hebron remained unreported elsewhere because of the defence provided by the newly effective Jewish Haganah organisation.
The “Arab Revolt” of 1936-1939, developed by British and Arab co-operation into an expression of pan-Arab policy, was far more ambitious. It was intended-and indeed came to be-the herald of Britain’s final abrogation of her pact with the Jewish people. For between 1929 and 1936, a drastic and dire change had occurred in the world.
If the Jews could proclaim a state, the Arab population might well make peace with it, and the British presence would come to an end
The Nazis had come to power in Germany. The campaign of the German state against the Jewish people in Germany and throughout the world, the wave of anti-Semitism engulfing the Jews of Eastern Europe and poisoning the wells of the West, had created an unprecedented pressure on the gates of their national home. During the three years after 1933, when the official anti-Jewish terror in Germany began, some 150,000 Jews had entered Palestine by taking advantage of remaining loopholes in the immigration regulations. The plight of the Jews remaining in Germany and of the persecuted, increasingly desperate, five million Jews in Eastern Europe was arousing considerable international attention. Opening the gates of Palestine, though the obvious solution, would have meant the defeat of the Arabists’ purpose. A few more years of large-scale Jewish immigration would have placed the Jews in a majority. If the Jews could proclaim a state, the Arab population — for the most part probably prepared to resign itself to a Jewish regime if it did not interfere with its way of life — might well make peace with it, and the British presence would come to an end. The pressure of Jewish need and world sympathy could be countered only by a more powerful, irresistible force which would prove that it was impossible to achieve the Mandates original purpose, that Arab resistance was too strong, too determined. The Arab “Revolt” was the result.
It was not a revolt at all but a campaign of violence directed against the Jews. Haj Amin’s resources, after fifteen years of organisation, were adequate to give it a countrywide — though still primitive and improvisational-character. In 1920, the pogroms had been inspired and connived at by the military administration in an effort to nip its home government’s Zionist policy in the bud. In 1936, the Arab campaign of violence was a move calculated to further the British home government’s intention of finally burying Zionism. The policy laid down in 1939 in the White Paper was the preordained purpose for which the 1936 outbreak was needed.
The permissive attitude of the Palestine government to the campaign of violence was evident from the outset. The outbreak was signalled months in advance. Inciting speeches by Arab political and religious notables and inflammatory articles in the Arab newspapers were the order of the day. It was common talk among both Jews and Arabs that the Arab villages (as in 1920) were “infested with agitators” who were inciting the population to violence against the Jews and that once again the people were being assured that a’dowlah ma’ana. This process was not disturbed by a single overt act, nor by any public statement, nor any warning of preventive or punitive action by the government.6
When, in the face of this astonishing forbearance, warnings were addressed to the High Commissioner and to the Colonial Office in London of the signs of the imminence of Arab violence, the reply was that the situation was under control. Similar reassuring statements were made after the first day’s toll of seventeen Jews killed by Arab mobs in the public streets of Jaffa under the nose of the British authority (Katz, pp. 4-5).
British Troops prevented from controlling Arab violence
Had the campaign been in fact a spontaneous Arab outbreak, and had the government been determined to maintain law and order, the outbreak would have lasted no more than a few days and would have made little impact. A completely typical illustration of the administration’s solution to the problem of pretending to be putting down the “rebellion” is provided by the description by a British soldier on the spot, given in the London journal New Statesman and Nation, September 20, 193 6:
At night, when we are guarding the line against the Arabs who come to blow it up, we often see them at work but are forbidden to fire at them. We may only fire into the air, and they, upon hearing the report, make their escape. But do you think we can give chase? Why, we must go on our hands and knees and find every spent cartridge-case which must be handed in or woe betide us.
In a similar spirit, the general strike proclaimed by the Arab Higher Committee (the self-appointed leadership of the Arab community, headed by Haj Amin el Husseini) and imposed on the Arab masses as the central weapon and symbol of the campaign was not resisted by the administration. It refused to declare the strike illegal, in flagrant contrast to its swift crushing of an earlier strike in non-violent protest-by the Jews against Jabotinsky’s arrest after the pogrom of 1920.
When, subsequently, the “rebels,” mistaking British permissiveness for Arab strength, went beyond attacks on Jewish villages and on Jewish life and property and attacked British personnel, effective measures were and the “rebels” were firmly suppressed.
The revolt, widely publicised, served its purpose. British government proclaimed in its famous White Paper of 1939 its abandonment of the Zionist policy. After the introduction of 75,000 more Jews into Palestine during the ensuing five years, the gates would be closed. The way would thus be open for that ultimate semi-dependent Arab state that would complete the British pan-Arab dream in the Middle East.
The British White Paper was was rejected as inconsistent with the Mandate by the League of Nations, but the League of Nations was dying
This document was rejected as inconsistent with the Mandate by the supervising body of the League of Nations, the Permanent Mandates Commission. But the League of Nations was dying, and Britain treated it with appropriate contempt. Four months later, the Second World War broke out; and the British government executed the White Paper policy as if Palestine had been a British possession and the White Paper an act of Parliament. Unnumbered Jews thus were trapped in Nazi-occupied Europe when, but for the rigid and unrelenting application of the provisions of the White Paper, they could have escaped to Palestine even during the war.
It may be that this grim consequence of British policy is the reason why the British government later wilfully destroyed so ‘many of the documents that could have provided direct evidence of the Palestine government’s behaviour. After thirty years, the British state archives were, in accordance with custom, opened to the research of writers and historians. The entire correspondence between the Palestine administration and its chiefs at the Colonial Office in London relating to the records of the meetings of the Executive Council (in effect the Cabinet) of the Palestine government had been “destroyed under statute.” Another obviously important file so destroyed was that relating to the Haganah organisation, which, if it had not been hamstrung by the government, was itself capable of putting a swift end to the Arab attacks. Yet another file destroyed was on “Propaganda Among the Arabs” — the incitement against the Jews-which the Palestine government had often been charged with inspiring, sponsoring, or at least facilitating.7
The British Government later destroyed records of it’s Palestine Government
The sanctity of the minutes of the British Cabinet in London has, however, saved one item of direct documentary evidence on the British government’s relationship to the “revolt” and to the “rebels.” The disturbances were not even mentioned when the Cabinet met soon after they broke out. Nor was the outbreak discussed at the next meeting or the one after that. Indeed, five meetings went by before the Cabinet discussed any aspect of the situation in Palestine. At the meeting of May 11, 1936-three weeks and a day after the Outbreak — the Secretary of State for the Colonies presented the Cabinet with a memorandum, not indeed proposing or even announcing measures for putting an end to the violence, but reporting that the High Commissioner recommended that the most helpful means now open to His Majesty’s Government of preventing the present disorders from spreading and increasing in violence would be for an immediate announcement of a Royal Commission with wide terms of reference, with power to make recommendations for lessening animosities and for establishing a feeling of lasting security in Palestine. [Cab. 23/84]
The Secretary of State “did not,” the minutes continue, “ask for a decision on the Terms of Reference to, or composition of the proposed Royal Commission which would require careful consideration, but merely for permission to tell the High Commissioner that His Majesty’s Government was favourable to the proposal so that he could sound the Arabs and report further” (italics added).
Nevertheless, in spite of this collusion, the development of the “revolt” was made possible and given shape and thrust only by the introduction of help by Arabs from outside Palestine. One of the outstanding features of the “revolt” was the failure of the Arabs of Palestine themselves to act appropriately.
British Collusion and the Arab apathy to the Mufti’s Incitement
The Palestinian Arabs were comfortably aware of the existence around them, in addition to their original homeland in Arabia, of six more Arabic-speaking countries, five of them predominantly Moslem, all part of the same sprawling territory which many centuries ago had been won and lost by the invaders from Arabia. Those Arabs who had dealings with the Jews got on well with them, and even if they did not like the idea of Jews, rather than Turks or British, ruling the country, they could not conjure up enough hostility to fight them. In 1929, the Mufti had incited them by distributing postcards which showed the El Aksa Mosque flying the Zionist the flag — an effective essay in photomontage. In 1936, the bulk of Palestinian Arabs still remained cold to the urgings of Haj Amin. A minority carried out the street knifings, the sniping at Jewish transport, the throwing of bombs in cinemas and marketplaces. The general strike was maintained only by the constant threat of force by the Mufti’s organisation; and the threat was made more persuasive by the refusal of the administration to declare the strike illegal.
The effort of the Palestine Arabs was not enough to impress the world. After the first phase of sniping, of attacks by street mobs, of individual bomb throwing, of shooting at transport on the main roads, there came a relaxation even of this effort. “Rebels” were consequently imported. A Syrian, Fawzi Kaukji, led a mixed band of Syrian and Iraqi mercenaries in the extended campaign directed mainly against the Jewish villages.8 The Palestine Arab population on the whole refused to co-operate with these liberators, often even denying them shelter. The outcome was a campaign of murder against the Palestinian Arabs. When Arab villages appealed to the British administration for arms to defend themselves against Kaukji’s invading bands, they were refused. In the end, more Arabs than Jews were killed by the rebels.9
The intervention by Arabs from the neighbouring countries was a reflection of the Cairo school’s dream. To its members, Palestine was only part of the larger scheme; it was needed only to complete the homogeneity of a large Arab “world” under British tutelage. That dream was not abandoned. Indeed, the British government worked energetically to create a form of unity, or at least a framework of co-operation, among the Arab states. In an Arab world riven with disagreements and jealousies, the Palestine issue was the ideal instrument to bring about such co-operation. To appear, without much effort, as the champions of their brothers in Palestine and at the same time to nourish the hope that the Fertile Crescent might become homogeneously Arab — this was a prospect that appealed to the Arab states.
As early as 1936, the real or nominal heads of the Arab states or states in embryo were called in by the administration and generously agreed to “secure” from the Mufti and his Arab Higher Committee a temporary cessation of the revolt so as to enable an investigation of grievances. When the Mufti in turn graciously consented, the government permitted the main body of Fawzi Kaukji’s terrorists to go back across the Jordan, where they could rest and reorganise. Thereafter, it became a self-understood facet of British policy that the Arab states had acquired a right to intervene in the affairs of Palestine. As though they were parties to the “dispute,” with a claim and interests in the country-and in flagrant flaunting of the origin, the concept, the letter and the spirit of Britain’s own defined Mandate — the Arab rulers were invited in 1939 to a so-called Round Table Conference. The predetermined failure of this conference (where the Arab representatives refused to meet the Jews face to face) was enshrined in the White Paper that followed immediately.
The British Creation of the Arab League to serve as the mouthpiece of a British sponsored Pan-Arab dream
Looking ahead, through the storms of the war that followed to the final consummation of the White Paper, the British government took active steps to create A formal instrument of pan-Arabism. Thus, the Arab League was born. After Anthony Eden first mentioned It publicly in 1941, the then British Foreign Secretary presided over the necessary diplomatic exchanges and negotiations that brought about the formal establishment of the League in 1945. The pan-Arab dream had meanwhile also assumed that large economic importance which had been part of its inspiration. The oil-fields of Iraq proved to be but a small portion of a vast potential in Iraq itself and, even more, in Saudi Arabia and the British dependent sheikhdoms on the Persian Gulf. British commercial interests played a large part in their exploitation.
Thus, after thirty years, an Arab entity consisting of seven countries — Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Transjordan — formally independent, semi-dependent, or on the way to formal independence and providing substantial dividends to an impoverished British economy, promised to realise the dream, conceived in 1915, of an Arab confederation that would “look to Britain as its patron and protector.” Western Palestine was still lacking to complete the picture, but its inclusion seemed imminent. It remained only to give the finishing stroke to Zionism. That should not be difficult after the battering the Jewish people had suffered from the Nazis.
A Jewish Homeland with a Jewish Majority was an obstacle
From the very outset of the new Pan-Arab-British imperial phase, however that prospect was scarred by one intrusion: Zionism striving for the Jewish restoration of Palestine. The member states of the Arab League, which was formed in 1945 to supply the beginnings of co-ordinated modern Arabic power, were led by the British to be believe that the Prospect of a Jewish state in Palestine had been finally erased by the White Paper of 1939. Accordingly, they announced their acceptance of the White Paper-which also recognised the rights of the Jews to minority existence. They were accorded an immediate earnest of British loyalty to the compact: That same year the British, efficiently and unceremoniously, finally forced the French out of Syria. The Arabs looked forward to the equally effective end to snuffing out of the Jewish restoration in Palestine.
The refusal of the Jews to submit to the British dictate, their underground struggle which, to the Arabs’ surprise and dismay, resulted in the relinquishment of British Power in Palestine, consequently ruled out the transfer of sovereignty (which the British did not legally possess) to the Arabs. Encouraged, and armed, by the British, the Arabs rejected even the partition compromise of 1947, rejecting Zionist pleas for co-operation. If they were to eliminate the Zionists and to prevent the rebirth of the Jewish state they had now themselves to go to war, under strikingly’ favourable circumstances.
Then, precisely at the beginning of the new and so promisingly brilliant era in Arab nationalism, at the very rebirth of the empire, the Arab states suffered one of the greatest shocks, in all Arab history.
In May 1948, they launched the war against the embryonic Jewish state with considerable reason for confidence. The total Jewish population numbered no more than 650,000. Israel’s armed force had for the most part had no more than partisan training. She had no air force at all.10 She had just passed through years of strain and tension and a bitter struggle with the British. When the invasion by the Arab states opened, she had been under guerrilla attack for six months by Palestinian Arabs and by advance units from the armies of Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, aided in a hundred ways by the still ubiquitous British. (The British civilian administration evacuated by May 14, 1948. The British Army began to organise its evacuation well after that date, completing the process on August 1.) While the British had opened the land frontiers so that men and arms could pour in from the neighbouring Arab countries,11 they had refused to open a port for the Jews as recommended by the United Nations; and they maintained their blockade in the Mediterranean to prevent any reinforcements from reaching Israel. The United States bad announced an embargo and enforced it strictly, so that the Jews were deprived of that source as well.
In addition to these advantages, the Arabs were given massive material support by the British government, which openly provided arms and ammunition for the war (and turned aside criticism at the United Nations that Britain was aiding aggressive invasion by the claim that the State of Israel did not legally exist and could not therefore be invaded). The Arabs further enjoyed expert British leadership; the Transjordanian Arab Legion was officered by British soldiers.
British co-operated in planning at least some phases of the war against the Jewish State
Unknown to the world at the time, the British co-operated in planning at least some phases of the war. On January 15, 1948-the day a new treaty with Iraq was signed at Portsmouth-the British Foreign Minister, Ernest Bevin, reached an agreement with the Iraqi leaders, Prime Minister Saleh Jabr, Foreign Minister Fadil el Jamali, and the elder statesman, then President of the Senate, Nuri el Said. By this agreement, the British undertook to speed up the supply of weapons and ammunition ordered from the British government and to supply automatic weapons sufficient for “50,000 policemen.” The purpose was to arm the Palestinian Arab fighters to enable them to participate in the liberation of Palestine.12 A third point in the agreement was that Iraqi forces would enter every area evacuated by British troops in the whole of Palestine, so that a Jewish state would not be formed.13 So much for Iraq. Six weeks later Bevin, at an interview with the Prime Minister of Transjordan attended by General Glubb (the Commander of the Arab Legion), approved the plan of Transjordan to do her share in frustrating the partition plan by invading and occupying the area allotted in the United Nations resolution to the establishment of an Arab state-14 Superiority in numbers, overwhelming superiority in arms and ammunition, the eager and substantial help of a major world power, a strategy based on a converging movement on three fronts against a Jewish force largely untrained, poorly armed and defending a small but densely populated coastal strip-these were surely enough to assure victory and even the slaughter that Arab leaders openly promised.
1. See Elie Kedourie, The Chatham House Version and Other Middle Eastern Studies (London, 1970), pp. 231-233.
2. Horace B. Samuel, Unholy Memories of the Holy Land (London, 1930), p. 51.
3. Pal. Govt. File Pol/2108, in Israel State Archives. Quoted in Kedourie, Chatham House Version, p. 57.
4. The Story of the Jewish Legion (New York, 1945), p. 171. Jabotinsky’s book contains (pp. 168-77) a description of the policy and motives of the military administration in 1919 and 1920. More detail still is in Richard Meinertzhagen, Middle East Diary 1917-1956 (London, 1959); Horace B. Samuel, Unholy Memories of the Holy Land. See also Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error (London, 1949).
5. See the report of the Royal Commission on Palestine (HM. Stationery Office, 1937). Also Y. Shimoni, Arviyei Eretz Yisrael (Tel Aviv, 1947); the UNRWA Review, inf. Paper No. 6 (September, 1952) on Megal Arab immigration during the Second World War.
6. A description of the developing situation three months before the outbreak began is contained in Samuel Katz, Days of Fire (London, 1968), pp. 3-4.
7. Files CO 793/27/75269; CO 793/27/75402; and CO 793/27/75528/25.
8. Colonial Office files of correspondence on the “Participation an Arabs” in the Disturbances (CO 793/27/75528/48), and “Activities of Fawzi Kauldi” (CO 793/27/75528/82) have been “Destroyed Under Statute.”
9. A critical detailed analysis, legal and administrative, of the British measures during the first phase of the 1936 revolt is given in Horace B. Samuel, Revolt by Leave (London, 1937). For a comprehensive picture and summing up, see Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error (London, 1949), and Katz, Days of Fire (London, 1968).
10. Four fighter Planes were later scraped together and they brought about a turning point in the war by halting the Egyptian advance at Ashdod.
11. The British themselves announced (in the House of Commons) at the end of February that 5,000 Arabs from the neighbouring countries had entered Palestine in the preceding three months.
12. This was a wildly optimistic estimate. The Iraqis later discovered that the total number of Palestinian Arabs taking part in the fighting was 4,000.
13. See Kedouri, The Chatham House Version, pp. 212-233, quoting Iraqi historian Abd-al-Razzaq al Hosani. The scheme, according to Jamali, was dropped when the Portsmouth Treaty was revoked.
14. J. B. Glubb, A Soldier with the Arabs (London, 1957), pp. 63-66.
This page was produced by Joseph E. Katz
Middle Eastern Political and Religious History Analyst
Brooklyn, New York
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Source: “Battleground: Fact & Fantasy in Palestine” by Samuel Katz,
SPECIAL OFFER Purchase this 1970s classic, a special reprint only found at WorldNetDaily
We in the English speaking world barely know of this. King George II’s ban on pubication of the disaster almost totally banished the incident from English language histories. But it was truly shattering.
Because of it, the English could NOT totally blockade our American colonies during the War of Independence.
Because of it, the British were forced to make concessions to European powers which undid previously victorious wars.
The British never got a real foot in South America apart from British Guyana.
It would be a century before they recovered. Not until the Napoleonic Wars.
This has to rank with Spartan victory at Thermopylae or the Hannibal’s victory at Cannae, but almost no one knows about it.
I am very good at history, but had not heard of Blas de Lezo until 2 years ago. This is amazing. The anglophonic world has amnesia bout this.
please continue my name on the list for Israpundit mailings.
Yitzhack rubin
@ ICE:
King David’s throne is in England and the Monarchy still sits on it today. This is the unbroken monarchy that Jesus Christ will inherit when he returns.
The Throne was passed from the Matriarchal line of King David’s grand daughters to the Irish then to the Scot’s and to the English.
the Stone of Destiny is there as well.
@ ICE:
The aftermath of the beating the British took at Cartagena:
Duncan, Francis. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, London, 1879, Vol.1, p.123,”…so reduced was this force in two years by disaster and disease, that not a tenth part returned to England…’thus ended in shame, disappointment, and loss, the most important, most expensive, and best concerted expedition that Great Britain was ever engaged in’…”. “Of the regiments that had sailed from St. Helen’s under Cathcart in all the pride and confidence of strength, nine in every ten had perished.”. At least 11,500 british soldiers were killed and another 7,500 were wounded and sick ( most likely dying later).
@ ICE:
I think you have a teensy weensy PROBLEM. Jesus if I am not mistaken had no earthly father and in Judaism tribal identification is through the father and who is a Jew is by the mother. So the line of David through Solomon can only be through the father. That eliminates Jesus according to Jewish law and tradition. There is a major discrepancy between NT version in Luke version of Jesus’ linage and Matthew. Both are wrong but how to You reconcile them?
@ ICE:
I think you have a teensy weensy PROBLEM. Jesus if I am not mistaken had no earthly father and in Judaism tribal identification is through the father and who is a Jew is by the mother. So the line of David through Solomon can only be through the father. That eliminates Jesus according to Jewish law and tradition. There is a major discrepancy between NT version in Luke version of Jesus’ linage and Matthew. Both are wrong but how to You reconcile them?
Jacob blessed his adopted son’s Ephraim and Manasseh, they will both receive the covenant of power and wealth, Ephraim will become a commonwealth of nations, Manasseh will be a great nation of its own right. The brothers will have a falling out. [revolutionary war], but the rift will heal. Ephraim will displease GOD and will lose the covenant of power and wealth. Manasseh will displease GOD and lose the covenant of power and wealth for a short time but it will be restored and Manasseh will use its power differently.
King David’s throne is in England and the Monarchy still sits on it today. This is the unbroken monarchy that Jesus Christ will inherit when he returns.
The Throne was passed from the Matriarchal line of King David’s grand daughters to the Irish then to the Scot’s and to the English.
the Stone of Destiny is there as well.
@ yamit82: I am leaving that to Howard Grief or Ted Belman, or other lawyers who are younger and better lawyers than I am. I am too old. I might have to live to 102 before I got a ruling.
Funny that my maternal grandfathers twin brother went to Argentina in 1905.
I don’t know the family but I heard they were farming somewhere. But I did locate one member of the Family he lives in Israel.
@ Wallace Brand:
Wallace I do agree with you, so when are you going to sue the British for breach of contract and or trust?
@ CuriousAmerican:
Is there any other kind of Capitalism? There are winners and losers in the capitalist game and in Yamit’s Law: … it is better to be winner than a loser. One correction: I think what the British practice is not capitalism, but neo-mercantilism with some capitalism.
On April 25, 1920 England volunteered to be trustee of the political rights put in trust by the British Mandate for Palestine and to be guardian of its ward, World Jewry. See Article 22 of the League of Nations Covenant, drafted by Jan Smuts, that established the mandate system. See especially paragraphs one and two that showed the mandate was based on the British legal concepts of trusts and guardianships. The obligation of a trustee and guardian under British law is a fiduciary obligation. So its actions, from 1920 to 1948 was to act in its own interest and not that of the beneficiary of the trust or ward. It specifically acted against its beneficiary and ward’s interest. This was a gross abuse of its fiduciary obligation. This tainted its action, particularly its urging the League of Nations to amend the Mandate to eliminate the Jew’s political rights to TransJordan.
Even the Romans called the British despicable. They have only gotten worse over the centuries since then. They committed Nazi like atrocities during their occupation of the Land of Israel and incited the Arabs against the Jews. They pretended to be ‘honest brokers’ but they were aiding the Arabs to attack Jews. They disarmed Jews while allowing the Arabs to get weapons, sometimes from British supplies.
G-d repaid them with the collapse of the British empire and the ‘sun has set on it’. They did the same thing in India where they played the Hindu and Muslim against each other to maintain control which in the end backfired on them.
@ James B – Canada:
I am not at all certain that Melanie Phillips would appreciate this comment!
Israel Thrives
For those of you who think this is a side issue, it is not.
Britain control the world in may ways through its banks. When it left its colonies, it was careful to leave its banks behind.
Even now, as we speak, the center of world banking, is shifting back to London from New York.
I know from reading history how British Bankers destroyed Argentina; a nation that should have been the equal of the USA. It was a Republic, about 1/3rd the size of the USA, but has more arable land than the USA. The Pampas are the planets greatest wheat and beef growing areas. Most American farmlands are in temperate areas. Most Argentine farmland are in subtropical areas with a longer growing seaon.
It had industry and massive European immigrations. Most Germans went to Argentina before 1940.
But Britain got control of the railroads and banking system and ran Argentina into the ground with usurious debt.
The Argentines are natural democrats, but would vote in right wing strongmen like Peron, because only strongmen would stand up to the British.
And when Peron finally had the British on the ropes in 1946, by demanding Britain return all Argentine money to Argentine banks, Churchill had Truman block Argentina from selling to Europe.
SHmuel HaLevi could probably tell you more.
The British system still controls large sections of the planet by stealth.
I am American, but when I studied South American history, I was astounded how the British bled South America dry.
The British are savagely ruthless when it comes to capitalism.
Perfidious Albion is rightly named.
Excellent response. Britain tried to carve up Argentina many times into mini-states which Britain could control.
Britain and the French refused to pay import taxes so they steamed up the Parana River to Argentine provinces. While losing the initial battle, the Argentine hammered the fleet sinking six merchant vessels. It proved too costly for Britain to keep it up. It would cost more in sunk ship than paying Argentine import taxes.
In the end Britain backed off. The British won the battle but lost the war.
Uruguay started out as an Argentine province. During their War of Independence, Brazil conquered Uruguay.
The Uruguayans revolted and the Brazilian-Argentine war started.
Argentina was winning. The Uruguayan leaders wanted to return to Argentine sovereignty.
But Britain knew that if Argentina controlled both sides of the Rio de la Plata, then the Rio de La Plata would be internal Argentine waters, like the USA controls the Mississippi, and the British fleet could be legally shut out.
So Britain intercepted Argentine naval privateers calling them pirates. And then forced Argentina to a humiliating treaty. The Argentines were winning. They had driven the Brazilians out of Uruguay, and had won a battle against the Brazilian army. Uruguay was free of the Brazilian invaders, but Britain insisted that Uruguay be a separate nation, so the Rio de la Plata would not be under Argentine control; and the British navy could go up the waterway.
During negotiations the British insisted the Argentine plentipotentiary agree to an independent Uruguay which the Uruguayans at that time did not even want. When the plentipotentiary returned to Buenos Aires, the people were so furious that a Civil War started. How could you agree to this when “we” were winning?
After lopping off Uruguay, the British tried to lop off North Argentina, but at Obligado, the Argentines gave them a sort of beat down. The British constantly were interfering in Argentina. There is a reason the Argentines detest them.
Still the lost of Uruguay was a total disaster. Rosas was a dictator, but a popular one.
Actually, in most cases, the British lost when trying to invade South America.
The Jewish colonies of Argentina are amazing. Unlike American Jews who stayed, usually, in the cities, Argentine Jews were actually land pioneers going out into the Pampas.
I found this video and translated it. Excuse the 90 second intro but I had to explain the background: (I added a 90 second explanation)
Here is another lie: (Peron was anti-semitic)
NO! HE WAS NOT! He had Jewish advisors. Peron let the Nazis in because he thought they would bring technical skill, that is all. But 95% of all Argentine Germans arrived BEFORE WW2.
Peron liked the economic policies of Musssolini, but he found the German to be stiff.
He was dictator, but not a totalitarian. He did have elections, and he was popular.
What the British did to Argentina was criminal.
Argentina still has the sixth or seventh largest Jewish community on the planet.
Argentina was mostly good to the Jews. There were a few instances of anti-semitism, but it was never governmental policy or systemic.
I have known Argentine Jews. They loved the place.
Tango, A Jewish Story. from Pogroms to Rio de la Plata
It was the Jews who brought tango to Europe. They heard it in Argentina and brought it back to Paris.
I am American, but it is infuriating to see how the British regularly destroyed the Argentine economy in order to control the country.
Peron was a dictator, but not a brutal one. He was popular.
After World War II, the British were in debt to Argentina for billions. The British Army had run on Argentine beef and wheat during the war.
Peron paid off any debts Argentina had to British banks, and then demanded that Britain pay Argentina the debts she owed to Argentina. Then Peron demanded the British Central Bank return all Argentina monies back to Argentina.
Churchill called Truman and requested a blockade of all Argentina goods to America, and Europe. Argentina was forbidden to sell wheat and beef to a Europe that was starving. The idea was to bankrupt Argentina and make it compliant.
What the British did to Argentina over the decades was brutal.
Argentina had massive immigration from Italy, Spain, France, Germany, etc. It should have been another America, and once had a per capita income equal to Canada.
Britain purposefully used international monetary practices to destroy Argentina.
Hello, Britain. G-d is calling in his markers. You screwed up. Time to pay.
@ CuriousAmerican:
Excellent depth in your response.
Actually the Anglo-French fleets got creamed several times in and about the Rio de La Plata and Parana and Uruguay Rivers. I was referring to the Rosas period in the 1840’s
At that time some of the British ships were already steamers and initially they took over several Argentinean warships. Nelson may have defeated the Spanish in Europa but the British fleets in America were decimated several times over in numbers of dead and ships lost.
Nevertheless, they still found a way to take over the Railroad system and used it to rape the farming communities inland, including the Jewish Colonies.
But again on this eventually they got put down by Peron.
I was born in the Colonies and saw the sites of the Vuelta de Obligado fleet battle.
Bottom line…
There is little chance for loss of love between Argentina and the Brits.
Are You a descendent of King David? His Birthday will be celebrated on May 21,2012
Here is the partial list of family names that trace their descent back to King David. It is important to note that through the course of years and trails through many countries, variant spellings and pronunciations have evolved for many of the names.
Abarbanel* AdlerAlter/Rotenberg(Ger Chassidim) Altshuler Ashkenazi Auerbach Averels/Everels
Babad/Heschel* Bach(descendants of Sirkes) Bachrach Beharier Berdugo Berlin/Berliner Bernstein Biederman Birnbaum Breslav Chassidim, Nakhman
Burstein Caro/Karo Charif Charlap* Chayes/Chayut Cohen (various families) Dayan* Don Yechia/Ibn Yechia* Edels Ehrenreich Ehrlich Eichenstein
(Zditchov Chassidim) Elfandari Enzel Epstein* Falman Fishel Freidensohn Frenkel/Frankel* Frenkel-Teomim* Friedland Friedman (Rizhin, Sadagora etc. Chassidim) Fuchs Ginzburg/Gunzburg Glickman Goldman Gombiner Gordon Halberstam(ZanzChassidim) Yisroel Karduner Halpern Meshulam Shraga Feivish Halpern Yehuda� Leibish Halpern Heilprin/Halperin* Heller* Helman Hertzkes Heschel/Babad* Hillel and the Nesi’im* Horowitz/Hurwitz
(various Chassidim)* Ish-Zvi Isserles/Isserlin* Itinga/Ettinger/Ittingen Jaffe/Yoffe* / ** Kalb Kalmankes Kalonymus* Karo/Caro*Katz (Maharal of Prague)* / ** Katzenellenbogen* Klauber Klausner* Klingberg Landau Lau Levinsohn Lichtenstadt Lichtenstein Lifshutz/Lipshitz Loeb* Loewenstam
Lowe* Lubarsky Lukashevesky (Lux) Lurie/Luria* Maharal of Prague * / ** Malavski Margolioth Margulies/Margolis /Margaliot* Meisels* Mintzberg
Mirels Mirkes Morgenstern(Kotzk Chassidim) Moskowitz Yisroel Dov Odesser Oknovski Openheim Paprosh Parnas Pereles, Peretz Polak PosnerRabinowitz
Rapaport* Rashei Galut (Exilarchs) male descent from David* Rashi (descendants of daughters)* Reines Roffe Rokeach (Belz Chassidim) Rotenberg/Alter (Ger Chassidim) Roth Rubin (Horowitz) (Ropshitz Chassidim) Rubinstein Sabatka Safrin Sassoon* Schneurson Schneurson (Lubavitch Chassidim) Schol Schorr* Segal (descendantz of “Taz”) Shachor/Charny/Shwartz Shapiro/Shapira.Spiro/Spira* Shealtiel/Sealtiel* Shereshevski Shipman Shrentzels* Simchowitz/Simchowitch Sirkes/Sirkin Sonnabend Spiro Tamarels Teomim/Teomin-Frenkel* Treves/Dreyfus*TwerskyTwersky (Chernobyl Chassidim)Weil *WeinbergWeisblum(LizhenskChassidim)*WidslawskiWinklerZakZaslovskyAvrohoZorachZiffersteinZinger
* Primary Families **Further Research Required
The research on this matter is an ongoing process.
Russia is going to be about 40% Muslims soon.
India unstable. Lots of Muslims, even if a Minority. (15%)
China is unstable.
Brazil is the up and coming country, though it is racially unstable.
It just surpassed Britain in output.
And its present President Dilma Roussef, has a Jewish Father; though this is played down.
She toned down a lot of the former President’s, Silva’s, pro-Iranian policies.
@ James B – Canada:
Good advice! But who will listen?
I am citizen of Canada so technically I am subject to the Queen. Canada pays a royalty of sorts to the UK every year.
Despite this I loathe anything British to where I am beyond rehabilitation ( yes I am aware that this is not the appropriate word ). I would love to see London Bobbies attacked by muslim hoardes. I frequently peruse their vile media.
No gold, no silver, and well done lads. I have read to many articles on the electronicintifada and too many interviews with British wackjobs on and have read too many jew hating comments on the Telegraph, the BBC and
But I am less and less friendly to the US. I go to the US with my family every two weeks but I am aware that the American “bosses” are financial terrorists and ruin everything they touch. I respect their medical people, police force, farmers and waitresses but I REGARD AMERICANS as FINANCIAL TERRORISTS.
The incident in Cartagena, Colombia at the Hotel Caribe ( I have been there ) regarding the treatment of the ladies the married Americans slobbed over, borrowed and then made them cry for payment is very telling. This underscores how Americans feel towards the rest of the world.
To an American, all non-Americans are losers to be used and discarded. Preferrably discarded from a moving vehicle.
America, via its suppression of precious metals to keep its worthless fiat percieved to be a safe haven, have ruined people’s lives, countries and have impoverished miners. It is the world’s capital ( or almost ) of identity theft and vile child porography, enjoyed by pakistany and afghany muslim males.
The loss by JPM is at least 3 billion ( before taxes) but most likely north of 20 billion, and ultimately will reach 100 billion!! The horse has left the barn.
I am not afraid of the UN but I am afraid of the American elites, on a Saudi payroll ( Carter, Scheuer, Girardi,, ) and retarded leftist American “jews” with German names ( Robert Reich, Peter Beinart, Foxman, Paul Krugman, Kissinger, Schoenman, Finklestein, Feinstein, Schumer, Franks, etc..).
Time to stop going to Camp David nor the Oral Office at the White House. Time for Israel to take back the Sinai ( 4th time ), commericalize their off shore natural gas deposits, take over the oil fields in the Sinai, buy out the palies to leave. The USA will go KFC. 33% obese, 15% on food stamps, 8% work for fed or state govt, manufacturing is in Asia,,,
Sad. It will not end well. Inner American cities are war zones. Pity.
1) Russia. Lots of muslims and will not build relationships with Israel for this reason.
Three times American leadership has told Israel to leave the Sinai while they sell weapons to the Kingdom of Sod and Egypt.
2) Israel treasury is low, if any, of precious metals. The shekel is backed by other fiats, namely the US peso.
“BRIC Nations” – Israel must aggressively build ties with these countries. They are ascending. Not sure how. Israel has very good relations with Colombia. Israel is major supplier of military hardware to Colombian army. Colombia is ascending too and building ties with BRICS. Israel should and must seek their assistance.
for what it is worth
@ SHmuel HaLevi:
1806 and 1807 were the defeats of the British at Buenos AIres; twice they tried. Twice they were run out.
The 1807 Commander Whitelocke was cashiered out of the British Army. The British were forced to retreat from Montevideo as well.
The last defeat of Whitelock was made famous in this song.
The song is about William Brown, but it mentions the British defeat
at Buenos Aires
A one armed, one legged Basque general, Blas de Lezo, was responsible for the destruction of the British fleet.
The defeat was total. The British were in shock. They expected to conquer South America, and instead lost their fleet.
Spanish Victory Against The English Armada in Battle of Cartagena in 1741. This English fleet, led by Admiral Vernon, was the largest naval fleet in history, right up until the Normandy landings of 1944. Yet this English fleet of 186 ships and 24,000 men were annihilated by just 3,000 Spanish and around 500 or so American natives, all under the command of the best naval commander in history: Don Blas de Lezo. (subtitles)
The reason you never hear about it was that the British made it illegal to report the defeat in print, because if it became well known, their empire would have collapsed.
Britain took a savage beating. She was forced to re-negotiate the results of treaties that she had formerly imposed on others.
The loss of the fleet would impact the American Revolution. The British fleet was weakened for decades.
That is why we Americans won.
BTW: Washington’s brother was at the Battle of Cartagena.
20,000 dead, wounded, missing, or captured,
407 ships lost (this higher number probably includes rowboats)
The enormity of the defeat is astounding.
Britain made it a crime to report it which is why we in the USA rarely hear about it. Our history is often based on English sources.
It was essentially Spanish revenge, this time on the British Armada.
Those South Americans have had no fear of Europeans ever since; which is why they almost all declared indpendence around 1810.
They defeated the British alone, without Spanish help. Who needed Britain or Spain?
And out of the Islas Malvinas as well. OUT. NOW
The crude usurpers need to be reminded about Admiral Bedford and how he and his fleet ended up after they tried to blockade and take over BA/Argentina. About 1850?. A few dozen row boats used for fishing in the Silver River, sufficed to destroy the whole fleet.
Bedford ended up hanged in England and over 6000 British sailors and others made prisoners.
t@ James B – Canada:
@ Laura:
Yes – my thoughts exactly. It was most likely that they were blindly infatuated with the idea of doing away with the Jews, as opposed to loving the Arabs. Blindly.
Oh – and as for that King David Hotel incident; that got them REALLY upset. To this day.
Perhaps the islamic takeover of England is poetic justice for the country’s betrayal of the Jews.
@ James B – Canada:
James B — Canada, you said a lot of things which beg tongue-in-cheek responses.
Have you checked lately? Canada has quit the British Empire, but ERII is still very much its sovereign. You are therefore not “British”, but very much one of the “Queen’s subjects”.
Where is this “West Bank”?? Is that the bank PM Brown sold all that British gold to?
This looks like another chapter in the “Identity Wars” that often rage through Israpundit. The first time I visited Canada, the border policeman asked me, in perfect US American English,
I just looked at him slack-jawed for a minute or so, waiting for him to finish his sentence. Then he said,
“You’re American, right?”
I had to think about that one for a while, because my first thought was,
“Of course I’m American! We’re in America, right? Aren’t you…?”
I looked him up and down, and tried to assess the situation. The policeman was obviously American, and we were at… at… a BORDER of some sort. Then the thought popped into my head: “Canadian! I get it.” And I’m… uh… American!
“um — yes!” I said, and he smiled. He must encounter a lot of that stuff.
Let’s put it this way: If England were admitted as our 51st state, and Kate Middleton were accepted as our sovereign (There would be agreement on both sides of the ocean for that one), the major impact on us would be that Gordon Brown would run as Obama’s VP and win, and that in a few years the streets of our big cities would be the scene of continual turf wars between US Blacks and Pakistanis. All in all, then, things wouldn’t be very different in either country, would they?
Here’s a historical oddity: Just before we parted ways, the South of the US was solidly Anglican, and the Baptists lived, for the most part, in New England. If we were to go through with my proposed “Middleton Compromise”, the Church of England folks south of the Thames would probably vote with our Southern Baptists, and our New Englanders would probably vote with Gordie’s Yordies.
In the next chapter, I will discuss Israel as a 51st state. Hmm… that’s a tricky one, on both sides. Stay tuned
Take it a step further:
‘LAS MALVINAS SON ARGENTINAS'[The Falklands are Argentine]
Begin aided Argentina during Falklands War to avenge the British’
Contrary to popular belief, Argentina was mostly friendly to the Jews, and they used to have a large community in Buenos Aires.
The junta went after leftists, but if one of the leftists was Jewish, they let the leftist go to Israel which was better than what they did to fellow Christians.
As if I need more reasons to loathe the Queen’s subjects.
Their lovely personalities are because they no longer control ” their ” territories ( ie, Palestine, Hong Kong, India, US,etc..) xcept Gibraltar and the Falklands. Their hold on the last 2 show their grotesque hypocrisy when their bankrupt government head of the day demand the Israel withdraw from the West Bank.
The Brits live in very small hovels, all attached to each other, thin walls to hear couple make love and still believe that their country has a future. Their rapidly seeking treasury is the result of ” brown’s bottom”; may, 1999 when Gordon Brown sold 40% of their gold ( to bailout their banks ). I believe that all of their gold is gone.
Back on topic: their cities are infested with muslim gangs raping white girls while their bobbies wiggle their hips.
What a loathsome place. The Brits are either at the top or at the bottom of any survey, 1/3 of brits post a drunk page on their facebook page.
In all due respect of the EDL, Melanie Phillips ( more of a man than most british males ), Niall Fergusson, Douglas Murray, the rest can sink with their bankrupt island. Bob’s Your Uncle!. I suppose I have read too many jew hating zionist hating comments in british newspapers. I am beyond rehabilitation when it comes to the brits.