Brennan and Hagel – Bolstering or Weakening US National Security?

Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”

“Israel Hayom”, January 8, 2013,

The US Senate vote on the nomination of John Brennan and Chuck Hagelto the positions of CIA Director and Defense Secretary, respectively, will shape US power projection and posture of deterrence, global sanity, war on Islamic terrorism and the US determination to avert the wrath of a nuclear Iran.

John Brennan presented his position on Iran in the July, 2008 issue of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science: ”A critical step toward improved US-Iranian relations would be for US officials to cease public Iran-bashing, a tactic that may have served short-term domestic political interests, but that has heretofore been wholly counterproductive to U.S. strategic interests.”

John Brennan believed that Iran halted its nuclear-weapons program in 2003, as reported by the 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate report.  He criticized President Bush for refusing to ease the pressure on Iran. Brennan opined that “preventing Iran from making a nuclear weapon could only be achieved through persuasion.”

On August 6, 2009, John Brennan presented his worldview on countering-terrorism in a speech on “A New Approach to Safeguarding Americans” at the Center for Strategic and International Studies: “The President does not describe this [war on Islamic terrorism] as a ‘war on terrorism.’ That is because‘terrorism’ is but a tactic…. The President does not describe this as a ‘global war….’ It plays into the misleading and dangerous notion that the U.S. is somehow in conflict with the rest of the world…. Nor does President Obama see this challenge as a fight against ‘Jihadists.’ Describing terrorists in this way—using a legitimate term, “Jihad,” meaning to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal—risks giving these murderers the religious legitimacy they desperately seek….”

Brennan’s ideological ambiguity/confusion towards Islamic terrorism – and his misrepresentation of Jihad and ignoring the dominance of hate education in the Muslim Middle East – could be transformed into operational ambiguity/confusion in the battle against Islamic terrorism.

At the beginning of President Clinton’s 2nd term, Senator Shelby placed a “hold” on the nomination of Anthony Lake, then the National Security Advisor, to head the CIA.  Senator Shelby succeeded to block the nomination, contending that Lake was an ideologue, while a CIA Director should excel in management and operations.

According to the December 19, Washington Post editorial, John Brennan and Chuck Hagel approach Iran in a similar manner: “Mr. Hagel’s stated positions on critical issues, ranging from defense spending to Iran, fall well to the left of those pursued by Mr. Obama during his first term — and place him near the fringe of the Senate that would be asked to confirm him…. Mr. Hagel was similarly isolated in his views about Iran during his time in the Senate.He repeatedly voted against sanctions, opposing even those aimed at the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, which at the time was orchestrating devastating bomb attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq. Mr. Hagel argued that direct negotiations, rather than sanctions, were the best means to alter Iran’s behavior.”

Chuck Hagel serves as a Co-Chairman of the Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board and a Senior Director of the US/Middle East Project, promoting his worldview at-large and on the Middle East in particular.

Hagel considers the Palestinian issue to be the core cause of Middle East turbulence, a root cause of anti-US Islamic terrorism and the crown jewel of Arab policy makers, irrespective of the seismic, stormy Arab Winter, which has erupted independent of the Palestinian issue, refuting such oversimplified and misleading assumptions.

Senator Hagel was – along with Senator Kerry – one of the few supporters of Hafiz and Bashar Assad on Capitol Hill.  In October, 2009,Hagel stated: “I believe there is a real possibility of a shift in Syria’s strategic thinking and policies…. If we can convince Damascus to pause and re-consider its positions and support regarding Iran, Hezballah, Hamas and radical Palestinian groups, we will have made progress for the entire Middle East, Israel, and the U.S.  Syria wants to talk – at the highest levels – and everything is on the table…. The next bi-lateral peace treaty for Israel is with Syria.

As the Chairman of the Atlantic Council, Hagel has subscribed to the centrality of the UN – which is not the home court of US interests – in the conduct of international relations.  He does not believe in US exceptionalism in the international arena and espouses the superiority of multilateralism over unilateral independent US national security actions.

Both Brennan and Hagel are out of the American mainstream on crucial national security issues.  What does that portend for global stability and the US national security?

Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative” ???? ??????, “?????? ?????”

January 8, 2013 | 29 Comments »

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29 Comments / 29 Comments

  1. @ Michael Devolin:

    Rabbi Balmalocha said,”as a Jew I cannot support Israel invasion of Gaza”. Rabbi Kvitch said”as a Jew I d not agree with Israel foreign policies”. Rabbi Mutche,a J Street member said, “as a Jew I like Abbass as a human soul.”
    GET THE IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. thanks for the post about the snow, Yamit. Now I know what Shy Guy was saying. And sorry, Shy Guy, for misinterpreting your statement.

  3. @ Michael Devolin:

    I received a letter today from a Jewish friend who attended the Shul where members of Bennet’s party attend. Upon discovering who he was and what he represented (the unifying of a religious bloc, as per Rav Shneerson’s suggestions), he was physically pushed aside forcefully enough that his CD was knocked out of his grasp, the cover broken on the floor. I still cannot believe this happened. What is so bad about his dream of a Zionist Israel? How could this same dream be a threat to Bennet’s political party? I would appreciate hearing from you or Yamit on this matter. Just when you think you have everything figured out about Israeli politics (not that it’s my business anyway, but I am curious all the same), you’re thrown a curve ball..

    Where was this incident? What shul? Why was your friend pushed according to him? You haven’t given me enough information to comment on. Is your friend religious or not?

  4. @ Michael Devolin:

    Israel in 2013

    Israel: At 8 million strong, sizzling with creativity and vibrancy, Israel will continue to be envied far and wide. All in all, it is a great place to live, especially in comparison with the crumbling Arab Middle East states around us or much of the failing West. Our economy is strong, and our technological edge formidable. This is the year in which we may even become energy self-sufficient. Hurray!

  5. “I live the dream. Regards from Jerusalem, where the winds are howling and the sleet and snow is dropping.”

    I know, I’ve probably offended you with my question? Why else would you be so sarcastic? I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, Shy Guy. As I said, I don’t live in Israel, so I can only imagine what it’s like for you. It doesn’t mean I don’t care.

  6. What I talking about, Shy Guy, is the Israel that exists today, as opposed to an Israel that did not exist before the Holocaust. In Jewish consciousness, does there still exist a contradistinction between the two? As you point out, it’s not such a comfortable existence (I can only imagine), but what is worse. The “dream” is of an Israel while an Israel did not exist. This is the dream that I’m asking you about. Do you think that dream still exists? I do.

  7. “Now Foxman is a little worried”

    Foxman supported publicly the removal of Jewish families from Gaza. Why does his opinion matter?

  8. Stan Revich Said:

    The ironic part “Shy Guy” is that should things fall apart for Jews here in USA these people will be the first to demand a free El Al flight to Israel as their right!

    Halevei! If history is our guide, Jews weren’t so lucky. “U’ba’oo Ha’ovdim B’eretz Ashur….”

  9. The ironic part “Shy Guy” is that should things fall apart for Jews here in USA these people will be the first to demand a free El Al flight to Israel as their right!

  10. Stan Revich Said:

    I apologize “Shy Guy”. I should have put quotation marks about the phrase!

    Once you agree that there’s little Jewish about the JINOs, there is no reason to differentiate them from the remaining voters of all shapes, colors and sizes who voted for the Emperor. Israel is not on the priority list for these “Jews”. In fact, a decent proportion of them are ashamed to be Jewish because of Israel.

    I wish anyone the best of mazal drawing some of these individuals back. But if history is a guide, they will assimilate even further (if that’s possible) into the American melting pot.

  11. The Jewish community in the USA must open its eyes to reality. 69% of Jewish voters voted for Obama last year despite all the warning signs. The community was constantly reassured that Obama meant what he said when he stated that he had “Israel’s back”. And who were those reassurers? They were the capos, the Jewish leaders of the community who put their own advancement and self-interest ahead of their brothers.
    Now Koch opines that he knew “all along” that Obama would renege on Israel! Now Dershowitz suddenly see the light! Now Foxman is a little worried! Now AIPAC is a little concerned and knows not what to do!
    Well I know what we should do and that is get rid of these people and their ilk that would supposedly speak for Jews.

  12. Michael Devolin Said:

    Sometimes I think Israeli politicians (I speak as a non-Jew) have lost the dream that is Israel.

    What dream is that? A melting pot for JINOs to live and multiply in and live the life of Riley (name intentionally selected for you), without G-d, the Torah, its ideology and spirituality and without those pesky Arabs surrounding us forcing us to constantly defend ourselves? That Israel?!

  13. The Hagel and Brennan appointments (and make no mistake they will be confirmed) illustrate precisely why Barry Rubin’s contention that Israel isn’t losing support was so hopelessly fatuous. When your bedrock ally, the world’s only superpower makes moves like this – you’ve got to face reality. And, thinking that Putin or China can be trusted to be a friend of Israel is foolish in the extreme. The U.S. has made the calculation that Israel is a headache it doesn’t need anymore given the situation with the Palestinians and its redlines with Iran. I would venture to say that The White House, Pentagon, and CIA now believe that Iran would be a better (militarily, geostrategically, and economically) ally than The Jewish State. Congress is irrelevant and so are the feelings of the American people whatever they may be and I’ve never believed the rosy picture that groups like AIPAC and the ADL put out.

  14. I agree, Shy Guy. It seems to me that the whole world is asleep these days as regards Islam. What is wrong with Western politicians that they are more prone to subjugate those who support freedom of speech than they are to subjugate those who support Islam’s religious/political agenda.

    Sometimes I think Israeli politicians (I speak as a non-Jew) have lost the dream that is Israel. I hate to even suggest this, but what else to think? I know for a fact that there are many Jews, both within Israel and without, who nurture this dream, but it seems that the “religious” Zionist vision for Israel is being delegitimized in Israel all over again for the sake of elections. I received a letter today from a Jewish friend who attended the Shul where members of Bennet’s party attend. Upon discovering who he was and what he represented (the unifying of a religious bloc, as per Rav Shneerson’s suggestions), he was physically pushed aside forcefully enough that his CD was knocked out of his grasp, the cover broken on the floor. I still cannot believe this happened. What is so bad about his dream of a Zionist Israel? How could this same dream be a threat to Bennet’s political party? I would appreciate hearing from you or Yamit on this matter. Just when you think you have everything figured out about Israeli politics (not that it’s my business anyway, but I am curious all the same), you’re thrown a curve ball.

  15. Both of these TL’ing dhimmis will open the floodgates to Muslim infiltration into the US even more than they’re open already.

    Philistines upon you, America!