Breaking News: Exchange of Fire Between Egypt and Israel

By Amir Tsarfati, YOUTUBE    27 May 2024

The IDF announced: The Joint Chiefs of Staff’s investigation mechanism (an independent investigative body that is not subordinate to the Chief of Staff) will investigate the airstrike tonight in Rafah in which, according to the Palestinians, dozens of civilians were killed.

The IDF also shows a map that marks the location of the attack – not in the area defined as a “humanitarian zone”.

The humanitarian area is shaded white; the site of the bombing has a red dot.

IDF officials said that contrary to the Palestinian claims, the attack was carried out using two small and accurate bombs that are adapted to attack targets in a populated environment, and NOT  using seven heavy weapons weighing a ton as per the Palestinians.

According to Amir Tsarfati, there are two elements to this story.  One element is that the Hamas is trying to manufacture a cause celèbre by making it seem that the Israelis purposely attacked innocent civilians in order to get the international community to pressure Israel to stop the fighting.

The second element is Egypt.  At the Rafah border crossing, an Egyptian force opened fire on IDF Brigade 401.  The IDF were shocked, they weren’t expecting shots from the Egyptians, but they had to respond, and four Egyptian soldiers were killed.  The Egyptians are also trying to manufacture a crisis because they stand to lose a lot of money.  It is a multimillion dollar smuggling business that the Egyptian authorities all the way up to the son of the Egyptian President with Hamas.  Egypt does not want the world to know how much they have been benefitting at the expense of the Palestinians and of Israel.


May 27, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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  1. article excerpt disappeared when I hit enter. I have no way of verifying all the facts but it explains a lot on this subject. Certainly worth reading. And very interestingly, by contrast, it makes the period of Israel occupation, 1967 to 1982, look good for the local Arab residents by contrast.

  2. Very Interesting article.

    When Sinai was under Israeli control from 1967 to 1982, the Bedouin’s livelihood transitioned from semi-nomadic pastoral to low-wage work in charcoal manufacturing, shop-keeping, camel transport, hunting, fishing, and guiding pilgrims at Mount Sinai.10 Upon regaining possession of Sinai, Egypt converted over 200,000 acres of tribal desert land into agricultural land. Consequently, Bedouin who owned arable land were forced to accept lower quality land in the interior of Sinai and stripped of the core livelihoods that defined their Bedouin identity.11 Tribes owning land in South Sinai’s coastlines were also coerced to sell it or accept an exchange of lower quality land to make way for wealthy businessmen from elsewhere in Egypt to build luxury hotels. Although some of South Sinai’s tribes benefited from peripheral tourism activities, employers primarily recruited Egyptians from the Nile Valley as they openly discriminated against Sinai residents.12 Meanwhile, the centralized government in Cairo spent little on developing Sinai’s infrastructure, schools, and economy for the benefit of the local population.13 As a result, South Sinai’s level of food poverty is nearly double that of Egypt, and North Sinai is Egypt’s poorest governorate.14

    With no steady source of income and exclusion from legal employment in Sinai’s thriving tourism sector, many Bedouin turned to smuggling.15 Members of Sinai tribes whose land crossed the Israel-Egypt border leveraged their relations to smuggle goods, people, weapons, and drugs into Israel and Gaza.16 Israel’s blockade of Gaza, starting in 2007, made smuggling the primary means for goods to enter Gaza, thereby increasing profits.17 Additionally, unemployment in Rafah—a Palestinian city on the Egypt-Gaza border, decreased from 50 to 20 percent in 2008 due to a rise in work related to cross-border tunnels.18The lucrative $500 million annual enterprise enriched multiple stakeholders in Israel, Gaza, and Egypt. Egyptian police, for example, were reportedly involved in the drug trade while other government officials took a cut of profits along the production and distribution chain.19 This may partially explain why the Mubarak regime ignored the smuggling routes established by Sinai Bedouin and Gazans.20

    excerpt from much longer article:


    De-securitizing counterterrorism in the Sinai Peninsula
    Sahar Aziz
    Sunday, April 30, 2017

  3. JNS is now reporting one Egyptian soldier died. The Egyptians are confirming that one Egyptian soldier was killed. The information in the above article that four Egyptians were shot was from Amir Tsarfati earlier today. So the correct number of deaths of Egyptians does appear to be one.

  4. To view keyboard shortcuts, press question mark
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    See new posts
    Lt. Col. (R) Peter Lerner
    Evolution of #FakeNews and mass manipulation by Hamas.
    One quote in
    coverage of the strike on Hamas terrorists in #Rafah caught my eye this morning.
    “??? ????????? ???? ??? ?????? ????? 2371, ?? ???? ???? ??? ?????????? ? ???????????? ???? ???? ?? ??????? ????????? ?? ??? 22, ????????? ?? ???????? ??? ????, ? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??? ???? ?????.”
    Muhammad Abu Hani, quoted is a #Hamas official. He appears to be the source of the widely reported claim that the IAF targeted the humanitarian zone. Is he also the source of the reports from the same “civil defense” of 50 people killed in the strike? A number published by many of the world media.
    ????: ??? ?????? ????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????????? ???????????? ????. See the aerial photograph of the point of the strike, compared to the humanitarian zone. The Washington Post should’ve checked this verifiable quote. They chose to blindly run a story, miserably failing their readers.
    has now announced that the incident will be investigated by the Fact-Finding Assessment Mechanism. Including what caused the ignition of the fire beyond the target, and the tragic result, despite the precautionary measures including surveillance, precise munitions and additional intelligence to limit civilian casualties.
    We must however ask ourselves, if the Washington Post and others are willingly quoting as fact the Hamas lies about a strike that DIDN’T occur in the humanitarian zone, what else are they automatically regurgitating?

    The Hamas compound in #Rafah is another example of how they’ve intentionally weaponized the civilian arena.
    The question of why Hamas is allowed to push fake news, exaggerated figures and false narrative should be at the heart of all media coverage of this war.
    Hamas have one goal in this war – survive. They can only do that if Israel can’t fight, hold Hamas accountable for the #October7Massacre and bring back 125 hostages they continue to unlawfully hold.

    ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ?????, ?? ???? ?????????, ??????? ?? ????????????, ???? ?? ??? ??? ?????’ ???????. ????? ???? ??????? ??? ????????, ??? ??????????????? ?????????.
    4:16 PM · May 27, 2024
    Assaf, MD
    At least delete the old posts before making a new propaganda post.

    Word for word in Arabic and Hebrew.

    “From now on, the area will spread from Deir al-Balah in the north to blocks 2323, 2371, 2360, in the south…”

    You wrote that, we didn’t.

    Show more
    ??? ????? ??????
    May 6
    Replying to @idfonline
    ???? ???? ????:

    ??”? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????????? ?????? ???????.

    ????, ????? ???? ???? ??-???? ????? ??? ?????? 2323, 2371, 2360, ????? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???????.

    ????? ?? ????? ????? ????????? ??????>>

  5. Estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around 350,000 to 500,000. Estimates of civilian deaths due to the flight and expulsion of Germans, Soviet war crimes and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union are disputed and range from 500,000 to over 2.0 million. › wiki › G…
    German casualties in World War II – Wikipedia

    Sigh. I wish we could go back to the good old days of winning a war against monsters, don’t you?