Bombshell legal case exposes the treachery of the FDA, Fauci,

the corporate media and entire deep-state biomedical security complex
After bashing it for three years and watching millions die, FDA now admits doctors had every right to prescribe ivermectin as a legitimate treatment for Covid-19

Just how corrupt is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the entire biomedical security state apparatus that peddled fear of Covid and said the only hope of defeating the virus was to wait for a new technologically advanced “vaccine” — the same “vaccine” that proved unsafe and ineffective?

We are talking about a corruption that is beyond the capacity of many Americans to comprehend.

The FDA, Fauci, the CDC, Biden, the entire U.S. medical system and the corporate media mind-controlled millions of Americans into believing that using the well-known anti-microbial drug ivermectin was a laughing stock perpetuated by quacks and conspiracy theorists.

They kicked to the curb any physician who sought to prescribe ivermectin to his or her patients infected with Covid. Despite the fact that ivermectin has been FDA-approved for use in humans for decades, this same deep-state apparatus made it sound like ivermectin was just a “horse drug” that stupid people were dangerously ingesting in a failed attempt to ward off Covid.

They mocked and derided us. Telling us we were using “horse paste” that was meant solely for livestock, when it was a known fact that ivermectin, while used to protect equines and bovines from various viral infections, is just as effective in humans.

Now comes the bombshell report we’ve all been waiting for, exposing who the real quacks have been all along, detailing how they suppressed the administering of a well-known, very effective drug during the heat of the Covid pandemic that could have saved millions of lives.

The Epoch Times reports that doctors are now free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, two years after millions were killed by doctors listening to Fauci and the FDA’s advice not to treat them with a known effective drug.

It all came out this week in litigation against the FDA.

A lawyer representing the FDA said “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.”

That lawyer is Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA. She made her comments during oral arguments on August 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

The government is defending the FDA’s repeated exhortations to people to not take ivermectin for COVID-19, including a post on Twitter that said “Stop it.”

Three doctors brought the case against the FDA, alleging the federal agency unlawfully interfered with their practice of medicine with its repeated statements blasting and denigrating the use of ivermectin to treat Covid patients.

Why did it take this long, you ask? Because a federal judge dismissed the case on December 6, 2022, prompting an appeal.

Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court:

“The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no.”

The FDA on August 21, 2021, wrote on Twitter:

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

The post, which linked to an FDA page that says people shouldn’t use ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19, went viral.

In other statements, the FDA said ivermectin “isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19” and “Q: Should I take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19? A: No.”

The plaintiffs are Drs. Paul Marik, Mary Bowden, and Robert Apter. They say they were professionally harmed by the FDA’s statements, including being terminated over efforts to prescribe ivermectin to patients.

Other doctors were threatened with having their licenses revoked if they prescribed ivermectin for Covid.

The Epoch Times article cites Dr. Marik, chairman of the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, as noting that a number of studies support using ivermectin against COVID-19, as the FDA itself has acknowledged.

Federal law enables the FDA to provide information, such as reports of adverse reactions to drugs, but not medical advice, attorney Jared Kelson said.

A version of the drug for animals is available, but ivermectin is fully approved by the FDA for human use against diseases caused by parasites.

Honold, the FDA lawyer, argued that the FDA didn’t require anyone to do anything or to prohibit anyone from doing anything.

“What about when it said, ‘No, stop it’?” Circuit Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod, on the panel that is hearing the appeal, asked.

“Why, isn’t that a command? If you were in English class, they would say that was a command.”

Honold described the statements as “merely quips.”

So they were just playing with us. They were just making quips, playing with our minds and trying to influence us not to use ivermectin, but they weren’t “requiring” us to do anything.

Remember that next time you hear anything come out of the FDA, or any government agency for that matter.

Below is just one of the hundreds of corporate media reports mocking ivermectin as a drug “intended for barnyard animals,” and citing the FDA as the authority warning Americans not to take it.

Fauci’s hands are also full of blood. He was routinely bashing ivermectin as a viable treatment for Covid during the peak of the pandemic. In an interview with CNN’s Chuck Todd, Fauci also said, “Don’t do it.”

The interview appeared totally staged. Todd phrased the question this way: “Cases are spiking in places like Mississippi and Oklahoma, because some Americans are trying to use an anti-parasite horse drug called ivermectin to treat coronavirus. What would tell someone who is considering taking that drug?”

“Don’t do it. there is no evidence whatsoever that that works and it could potentially have toxicity because they’ve taken the drug at a ridiculous dose and wind up getting sick, and there’s no clinical evidence that indicates that this works.”

The reason Fauci, the FDA and the entire mainstream corporate media had to destroy the credibility of ivermectin was because they had the real toxic drug all ready to be deployed, the one that indeed had “no clinical evidence” of efficacy or safety.

As a result, millions of people died.

August 12, 2023 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. HUGE Ruling out of 5th Appeals Court:

    FDA is not a physician. Thus, assuming FDA is correct that we must consider the merits to some degree even at the pleading stage, the Posts that issue medical advice to consumers are plausibly ultra vires. The Posts are plausibly agency action, too, because they publicly announce the general principle that consumers should not use ivermectin to treat the coronavirus, and because the Doctors fall within the Act’s zone of interests.

    Also under footnote 2 it states that:

    while this case’s caption includes additional defendants (beyond FDA), the distinctions between them are not relevant for most aspects of this appeal, and the parties refer primarily to FDA. Except where noted, we do the same.

    Once more, Drs. Bowen, Marik and Apter have dealt a significant blow against the medical bureaucratic tyrants who have no role to play in providing treatment advice to patients. These tyrants are not trained for this, they are not empowered for this, and they are subject to suit for having failed to appreciate these facts. They knowingly caused untold harms to the public with their Horse Paste campaign to interfere in doctors’ treatment of patients suffering from Covid with truly safe and effective treatments such as IVM.

    I am particularly looking forward to seeing doctors, and not bureaucrats, who are trained and empowered for such a task, being placed back in control of of treating our way back towards health.

    This has been a very great victory indeed.

    Now, let the lawsuits begin.

  2. Hi, Tanna

    Thanks for recommending my link. RFK Jr. has the goods on these guys, and people here would benefit from hearing him out.

    I don’t plan on voting for RFK Jr. Donald John Trump is clearly the choice of the American people; and if he can be cheated in 2024 by Deep State, then there isn’t another legitimate candidate in America who can be elected: The Republic will have been destroyed.

    Kash Patel has some interesting insights. He points out that it would be a mistake to try to impeach Joe Biden. The ones to go after are Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray.

  3. Thanks Michael. Everyone needs to hear this interview with RFKJR. If Trumps is not on the ticket, looks like I might be voting for RFK.

  4. Why has the American ruling class, all parts of it, both parties, the media, the many intelligence services, been so keen to convince American people that the virus originated in a Chinese laboratory? Even as all evidence and all scientists believe the path is through Wet Markets

  5. Among other claims made by Honlold during the hearing was that the FDA could not be found liable even if it made false statements. She claimed that the only remedy would be a political consequence, ie vote out the politicians which appointed the relevant leadership at the FDA. Purposefully subjugating doctors to the tyranny unveiled over the past 3yrs and the public to the lethal consequences of this tyranny must have a far more equitable penalty than a political solution. They persecuted both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in differing ways, while causing millions of people to suffer needless injuries, job losses, and death due to their unlawful medical experimentation, and they believe that they will only be voted out of office? They must be held accountable for what they did, and this requires a far greater consequence than a political solution. Do not forget what they did to us and our loved ones.

  6. What is the punishment for genocide?
    1. The US public health system under Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx used a PCR test that couldn’t diagnose anything to make it appear that COVID cases were going through the roof. The purpose: to frighten and terrorize the public.
    2. Fauci and Birx decided on a lockdown of all healthy people: something that has never been done in the history of medicine. If there is a dangerous communicable disease, you quarantine the sick not everyone else.
    3. They used the lockdown also to generate fear and hysteria. This resulted in a massive wealth transfer from the middle class to the billionaire class, as family businesses were locked down while big box stores were allowed to remain open. Liquor Stores could be open but. not churches or synagogues. The purpose again was to make the public willing to take an unknown injection willingly, if only to end the lockdowns.
    4. The FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization to the DoD contracted pharmaceutical bioweapon they called a “vaccine.” It was/is not a vaccine, it is gene therapy. The mRNA codes for the viral spike protein to be produced by every cell in the body. There were no long term safety studies because the military does not need to test weapons for human safety. There is in fact no regulatory body that tests any military procured toxin. Fauci and Birx acted as if this toxic substance was the “cure” for a virus no more harmful than a flu. Giving it FDA EUA status made Americans think the FDA had tested it and regulated it so it had to be safe. “Safe and Effective.” Only it turned out is was neither safe nor effective, and those injected got the virus at greater frequency than those who refused the injections.
    5. Patients in hospital were put on medical protocols decided by NIH with drugs that either were sedatives which were respiratory depressants or Remdesivir, which is a drug that is known to be nephrotoxic. The death rate from Remdesivir was known to Anthony Fauci because it had been tried in Africa against Ebola and people died directly from the drug. In addition patients were put on ventilators when they did not need to be, and died often of bacterial pneumonia which is treatable by antibiotics. But the patients weren’t treated with antibiotics and were not fed or given any form of nutrition. Families were not allowed to take the patients out of the hospital. Hundreds of thousands of people died because the protocols were death protocols and Fauci told everyone not to use early treatments such as Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. Doctors who used these medications lost their admitting privileges if not their state medical licenses-for doing what doctors are supposed to do: TREAT THEIR PATIENTS AND PREVENT THEM FROM DYING.
    5. Fauci and Birx and Francis Collins of NIH and the entire public health system are now responsible for the destruction of the medical profession in the United States. They turned doctors into murderers. Many doctors left practice altogether. This was exactly what those in charge hoped would happen. The people who started the genocide (Fauci and Birx were just taking orders) want to depopulate the globe, and hope people just die at home quietly. Hundreds of thousands if not millions around the world have died already.
    5. We are now finding that young people are dying in unprecedented numbers, many of whom were required to take the injection if they wanted to attend colleges.

    I have seen tissue samples stained for the spike protein taken from people who received the shots and died. The spike protein is seen throughout the tissues of the body. The spike protein causes cells in the walls of blood vessels to shed into the lumen of the cell, and then White Blood Cells attack them and a clot is formed. This was found in many organs of the body. You can see testicular samples without a single spermatozoa in them. Sperm wiped out completely.

    Senator Rand Paul wants the DOJ to investigate Fauci for lying under oath before Congress.

    I doubt the DOJ will do anything at all. The DOJ covers up for the people who decided to carry out the genocide. Fauci knowingly worked for them, thus he should be guilty of crimes against humanity, not just lying under oath. But it is interesting that a US Senator cannot take up the issue of the military bioterrorism program. An Australian Senator, Malcolm Roberts, did exactly that:

    I urge you to see his brief but passionate speech.

  7. Now that we have all seen Fauci testify under oath before the senate and everyone else who was willing to listen, is there any punishment that fits this particular crime, or will he get a “presidential” pardon instead?