Blinken to Abbas: Gazans must not be forcibly displaced

T. Belman. To the contrary, Gazans must be forcibly displaced. It is the only thing that will bring permanent peace. Blinken  wants a continuation of the conflict. Blinken is the enemy. No daylight betrween Blinken and Biden.

There is no such thing as “settler violence”. It is an attempt to show complicity of both sides.

US Sec. of State discusses ‘extremist violence against Palestinians with PA chairman after Jewish man murdered by terrorists in Samaria.

  Nov 5, 2023, 1:29 PM (GMT+2)

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that Secretary Blinken told Abbas that Gaza’s residents “must not be forcibly displaced” during the current war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization in the coastal enclave.

Blinken and Abbas also discussed “the need to stop extremist violence against Palestinians.”

While the two discussed “settler violence,” anti-Jewish violence has been on the rise in Judea and Samaria in recent weeks.

Over Shabbat, dozens of gunshots were fired at the settlement of Rehelim in Samaria. The homes were struck by bullets, and twenty-six shell casings were found in the area.

On Thursday, Elhanan Klein, a 30-year-old father of three, was murdered in a terrorist shooting attack in Samaria.

Blinken arrived in Israel on Friday and met with Israeli leaders and officials.<

In his remarks following his meetings with Israeli officials on Friday, Blinken said that more needs to be done to protect civilians in Gaza and pushed for “humanitarian pauses” in the fighting to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza and the potential release of hostages being held by Hamas.

“Each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses, arrangements on the ground that increase security for civilians and permit more effective and sustained delivery of humanitarian assistance. This was an important area of discussion today with Israeli leaders,” Blinken said.

“We recognize this would take time to prepare and coordinate with international partners,” he continued, noting that “a number of legitimate questions were raised today, how to use any period of pause to maximize flow of aid, how to connect pause to hostage release, how to ensure Hamas doesn’t use pause to own advantage? We believe they can be solved.”

November 5, 2023 | 21 Comments »

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21 Comments / 21 Comments

  1. Having grasped the nettle it is certain that Israeli leaders will begin to get away from seeing separate events happening but will reflect more on the whole. Caroline Glick is seeing the whole when she speaks of the ISM propaganda war in Judea and Samaria. Some of these ISM are coming from Ireland. So a new party in Israel is necessary because everyone has their own position based on previous thinking and political positions taken. But to what end a new party? To the end of Jewish sovereignty. Since the end of the Ottoman Empire the Arabs have got 22 states. They really are wanting to land number 23 in the heart of the Jewish state. The one Jewish state. Even more arguably to end the Jewish state totally.

    Standing against that is only one force at this moment in time which is the Jewish people and their Jewish state

    Of course that is untenable. Sooner or later Jews given this balance of forces will be driven to the wall.

    So FOR SOME TIME it is going to be a holding operation where Jewish leadership will be all important.

    Of course the nature of the present leaders and what type of leaders are needed, on a broad area, has to be considered. I will try to do this later.

    But through October 7 we have been given a picture, a very accurate picture, of the actual forces of reaction in our world. These forces are very strong.

    So to survive in this situation it is certainly Israel and leadership, which I intend to consider later, but not just.

    It is a wider phenomenon. It is also the outside.The world.

    Some will say let us go inside ourselves and stay there. That is not realistic.

    When they talk about rebuilding Gaza we must answer sorry we are looking at the WHOLE picture and we will continue to look at the whole picture.

    Now Hamas, the hostages, and Fatah is immediate.

  2. Of course I agree 1,000 pr cent in principle that entire population of Gaza should be resettled somewhere else. But I think everyone who reads this column knows that can never happen in the “real world.” One reason that it can’t happen is that Israel’s “rich uncle” Sam will never consent to this. And Uncle Sam controls Israel’s purse strings and possesses the weapons Israel needs to defend itself. There is thus zero chance that Israel will make any major decision that Uncle has not given its approval to. But there is also a second reason why Israel cannot evict the “Palestinians from Gaza. No country, and certainly not any Arab or Muslim country, would agree to take them in. And with good reason: they have been nothing but trouble for every cxountry they have ever gone to outside of “Palestine.” Look at how they collaborated with Saddam Hussein in his invasion and attempted annexation of Kuwait in–when was it-1993? And helped Saddam Army despoil and murder the :native” Kuwaitis, burn and destroy their oil wells, etc. No Muslim country wants to go through this kind of sh_t again.

  3. Martin’s logic is 1000% correct.

    Put simpler:
    A safe Gaza = Israeli Ruled Gaza = No foreigner’s there and only Israeli’s

  4. Martin Sherman put it this way:

    The political rationale of the Gaza conflict can be expressed in the inexorable logic of an almost mathematical algorithm—studiously, and tragically, ignored Israel’s policy-making echelons.

    Clearly, the only way Israel can ensure who governs Gaza is to govern it itself. Moreover, the only way Israel can govern Gaza without imposing its rule on “another people”, is to remove that “other people” from the confines of Gaza, over which it is obligated to rule. Up until October 7th, it was possible to conceive of this being conducted in a non-coercive manner by economically induced emigration. Lamentably, that possibility has been overtaken by events. Now, such an exodus must be implemented coercively and rapidly.

  5. As I pointed out in The West should make amends to the Jewish people for this historical injustice. , The West caused the problem and should take responsibility for its solution.

    I ended the article by saying:

    Palestine, as it existed in 1945 before Jordan’s independence should have been divided into two states, Israel and Jordan with the Jordan River separating them AND Muslims should have been moved from Israel to Jordan. This, essentially, is the Jordan Option.

    It is not too late to do what needs to be done.

    All Palestinians who are not Israeli citizens should be induced to move to Jordan and Israel should declare sovereignty over all lands to the west of the Jordan River.

  6. One thing I will say if the government of Israel is planning on helping the exodus of Gazans it is wise not to publicly talk about but just do it.

    Announcing that the IDF is staying there for the forcible future makes sense to let Israelis know that the area will be safe again.

    I would also believe there is not yet a concrete plan but studies underway what to do the day after Hamas.

    Judea/Samaria also must be dealt with.

  7. @Felix
    A very well articulated question to which I would encourage EVERYONE carefully read and careully consider.

    My answer to you is much the same as I just posted to Bear. As you so well explained, it was as if Jews, all over the world, were simultaneously given a front row viewing of the fate which has been calculated for their not too distant future, while also seeing the rise of the Islamist threat rising all around the world. We are few, while they are many, which mandates that we must be far more vigilant than the fantasy island solutions which have previously been adopted and which could only ever lead to our ultimate doom. Even as the likes of Lapid will try to continue to run in place and provide the pretense that he has recognized the future challenges, he is not likely to convince anyone that the PA is any different than Hamas or Iran no matter how often he states this is so.

    So you ask how will this be solved. I need not tell you that the carnage which consumed the innocent of the Otef is not intended to be an isolated event, and the reality of this fact will not easily be lost on any of us. Hence the solution for your question is that the change will come from above or it will come from below. Either our leadership will resolve to amend their policies and their dependence on those nations which have betrayed our interests or we will breed new leadership which will do the same. If it takes a grass roots movement to meet the challenges of survival, the support will be found, and the advertisement of the slaughter of the Otef will remain as an ever burning ember to fuel the fire of change which will come, by this govt or the next. October 7 has given new meaning and hopefully greater diligence to the phrase Never Again, which was actually betrayed in the immediate aftermath of that phrase having been first uttered in the post war years, first in Europe with the post war pogroms and across Arabia with the Jewish evictions.

    We Jews are left to our own abilities to make our state a safehaven for OUR people, and we can no more suffer the treachery which comes from trusting such a sensitive task to our Western ‘allies’ to plan for us. something which we have done for too damn long.

  8. Oct 7 taught us that it is impossible to be on guard in sufficient numbers to deter the enemy from attacking us. The war in Gaza taught us how we failed miserable to stop smuggling into Gaza. We must accept these realities. No more wishful thinking. Another lesson we have learnt is that it impossible to occupy a hostile populace, We fled Lebanon and Gaza because it was too costly in IDF lives to stay there. So I reject Bibi’s latest statement that we will police Gaza in the future.
    These lessons/realities require that we expel the Palestinians. There is no other way.

  9. @Bear

    Do you realistically (not best case) believe for one minute that is going to be the result?

    Well, that is the test of leadership, isn’t it.

    Honestly, and realistically, the reason why Arabs kill Jews is because they can. It is no more complicated than this. Until the Israeli leadership comes to terms with this notion, Jews will continue to be slaughtered in numbers so great as can be achieved by the blood-lusting butchers who fill the Pal communities. I have said it before that the Cleft must be drawn like a festering splinter from where it lies embedded in the Israeli state, and failing this, the only thing which will change is how many Arabs succeed in killing Jews before their task of slaughter is detected.

    So when you ask me is it realistic that the leaders who have led us to where we are today, on one hand Bibi having developed the status quo to appease the West and Gantz having filled Samaria with Ismamists again to appease the West, I can only offer that what was once possible has become impossible since October 7, and that which was impossible has become vital at the same time. Israel must end its enchantment with the US led Liberal World Order and recognize that it is not centered at Brussels, it is not centered at Geneva, and it is not centered at New York. It is centered at Jerusalem, our ancient capital of a long ago lost state, and if we do not wish to once again lose ownership of our state, we Jews must become more sensitive to how best to place our needs before the needs of foreigners, or we will lose everything, and those few who remain will find themselves in a situation not unlike our medieval ancestors in which to survive.

    Consequently, I don’t know if the leaders who previously led us to see the consequences of their policies will have changed so much as to recognize the new reality and be able to actually navigate it to the place where we must eventually arrive, but I do know that the need is self evident, that failing to proceed as needed will create a deficit of support among a population which feels that it has been abandoned and culled, most notably because such policies as you thing are imminent will highlight that they have been abandoned even as they were culled to the interests of foreigners who hold in high regards existential threats both inside our borders as well as outside our borders.

    The new reality will not long support such kumbaya fantasies as you think we can not avoid, so even if we do not avoid them imminently, they will, I would argue, become manifest in the not too distant future.

    October 7 should be seen as the festering wound erupting,with the need to pluck the splinter from its overlong place of rest, respite and destruction within the Israeli state. Ignoring this need will not reduce the ongoing damage nor erase the knowledge by all that what needs to be done can no longer be pretended out of existence as if by such fantasies which have been too long held in place.

    it is no longer about politics which we speak, it is about survival, yet our survival depends upon politicians being cognizant enough and bold enough to fill the needs which must be met to survive. Hopefully this need is filled quickly by the current leadership, but the need will be met. Already Glcik is reporting that the Arab census which informed the slaughter in the south is being replicated in J&S. If she knows this, Bibi knows this, and more. It is likely the reason why he tried to pay Sisi to accept the Gazan horde, and it is not likely to be the last we hear of such things. This is likely why the US controlled Hashemites are threatening war to block such a settlement as will secure the Jewish state. And yet, needs must.

  10. Peloni you write some good stuff but I want to discuss this:

    “The US govt is very much our enemy. They hold us back from resolving the issues in the North, while claiming that Iran has had no role in the Gazan envelop slaughter, while simultaneously aiding Hamas with food, funds and water and holding Israel to a standard of attack which was never demanded in Mosul, never discussed in pre-2022 Ukraine, never used in Libya, and completely absent in Serbia. Israel must tell the Yankees to go home while explaining that their aid is valuable, their advice is obstructive, and their demands are intolerable.”

    Yes all correct and yet not right at all because it takes the mind off THE MAIN ISSUE which is Israel itself

    1. The issue of the rottenness in state that disarmed Jews in the face of Arab Jihad on October 7

    2. Can make a good job of winning this Gaza war but the strategy after…no progress has been made

    How do readers think this can be resolved? This is a great issue for all of us. It touches on all futures not just Jew.

    While disagreeing with Bear overall he does make valid points

    * The Israeli leaders all sides will not provide the alternative. They cannot change FUNDAMENTALLY. To understand that is two sided on one hand daunting but at the same time a great asset.

    * My starting point is the Jews after this Pogrom have fundamentally changed in a deep going molecular fashion. Suddenly they were staring into the Babi Yar massacre and for this generation for the very first time

    * But existing Jewish leadership no matter where is unable to meet this (challenge)

    It is in the resolution of this basic contradiction that the future will be decided.

  11. @Peloni I also would like there to be no Arabs in Gaza after the war. Do you realistically (not best case) believe for one minute that is going to be the result?

    I do not believe Bibi and Gantz will push for this result. Bibi has already stated that the IDF will stay and provide security for Gaza indefinitely as nothing else works. That is true and many of us said that in 2005.

    My deduction is the IDF (and a civil administration) will run Gaza. They hope they will find some Arabs to manage municipal type functions to whatever Arabs will inevitably remain in Gaza. I hope that NGOs will be created to assist Arabs in Gaza find other places to live. Best scenario in my view realistically.

    There will be many who want to re-create Gush Katif and other settlements in Gaza (some are already talking about this). Curious if the government will allow this.

  12. @Ted, Blinken is Biden’s front man and one could assume that he is willingly following orders. That is the impression he must deliver. When that impression coincides with his own opinion, it is easier for him to follow orders. Where have we seen this before?
    The USA is providing weapons that must not be used. Maybe there are similar restrictions on Iron Dome munitions, I.e. not to kill rockets over Hamas territory or some other nonsense. To quote on old colleage from many years ago, what kind of Mickey Mouse government is that?

  13. Bear

    This whole comment is extremely well weighted a method I agree with:

    USA is sending weapons and backing Israel diplomatically but the urge to micromanage Israeli operations is not helpful. In fact counter productive.

    The first part that America is assisting Israel is right because it is true

    The second part affirms the correct relationship that must be between 2 independent states

    The second part is rooted in the idea that Antisemitism is an independent ideology which lives in the world independent of anybody

    As an ideology it has a life of its.own.

    Thus the help given to Israel relates to that fact.

    Allowing Antisemites like the Squad to enter into America is not the mistake of Israel but of the American ruling class which has added greatly to Antisemitism. Similarly Britain and Europe.

    Fighting Antisemitism should be a common fight of civilization

  14. No pause til victory is achieved or our people, all of our people, come home. No Gazans can remain in Gaza following the war, no matter what boondangles are promised. The canard about settler violence is as Ted suggest, an attempt of equivocation to diminish the terrorist actions taking place in the South, in the North and in J&S. No other nation would tolerate such ongoing slaughters much less allow some foreign power to try to normalize such inhumane standards of living.

    The US govt is very much our enemy. They hold us back from resolving the issues in the North, while claiming that Iran has had no role in the Gazan envelop slaughter, while simultaneously aiding Hamas with food, funds and water and holding Israel to a standard of attack which was never demanded in Mosul, never discussed in pre-2022 Ukraine, never used in Libya, and completely absent in Serbia. Israel must tell the Yankees to go home while explaining that their aid is valuable, their advice is obstructive, and their demands are intolerable.

  15. Blinken might have been honest, saying,

    “Mahmoud, if you want the Gazans to die, keep them in Gaza” Also,

    ‘Kill the Babies!’ Anti-Israel Hecklers Taunt Jews at Stroller Protest

    “Hecklers shouted “kill the babies” to taunt a protest Sunday organized by Jews in Skokie, Illinois, to highlight the fact that 30 children, including babies, are being held hostage by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.”

    Kudos to the local Jews, for bothering to put on the protest. I wonder if those Jews have BLM logos on their websites, like our locals do. This isn’t a good time to be called “human”.

  16. @ Ted Belman

    Biden wants a continuation of the conflict. Blinken is the enemy.

    Blinken said that more needs to be done to protect civilians in Gaza and pushed for “humanitarian pauses” in the fighting…

    I agree that Blinken is indeed the enemy, but I find it hard to believe that he and Biden would not be in lockstep on their goals. Continued fighting benefits Israel, while “pauses” in the fighting benefits Hamas. Maybe they are playing ‘good cop’, ‘bad cop’?

  17. USA Democrats and Israels political interests do not clearly align in the long run. Too many far left Democrats are aligned with the haters of Israel and Jews.

    US advice currently would get more IDF soldiers killed, if Israel listened to it. They are advising pauses and to go down into tunnels. IDF after years of studying problem does not want to deal with the problem that way, as it maximizes causalities.

    The idea is to win the war with minimum Israeli casualties. The Israelis have studied how to get get rid of the tunnels in the safest manner and not the most risky.

    Great USA is sending weapons and backing Israel diplomatically but the urge to micromanage Israeli operations is not helpful. In fact counter productive.