Blinken: There’s a gap between Israel’s promises and its conduct on the ground

Secretary of State claims there is a gap between Israel’s intent to protect civilians in southern Gaza and the results on the ground.

  Dec 8, 2023, 6:18 AM (GMT+2)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday criticized Israel’s conduct in its operation in southern Gaza, claiming there was a “gap” between its intent to protect civilians and what has been happening on the ground, Reuters reported.

Speaking at a news conference in Washington following a meeting with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron, Blinken laid out concrete steps to ensure civilians are out of harm’s way and the areas they go to are supplied with food, medicine and water.

“As we stand here almost a week into this campaign into the south … it remains imperative that Israel put a premium on civilian protection. And there does remain a gap between, exactly what I said when I was there, the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we’re seeing on the ground,” Blinken said.

On top of having safe areas, Blinken said, it would be important to have communications in place so that people know where they can go and when, and that the periods that they can move from one place to the other are clear.

Making sure that the pauses apply to not one neighborhood but to a broader area so people have the confidence to know they can move out of harm’s way was also important, Blinken added, urging that those areas be fully stocked with food, medicine and water.

Ensuring that those areas are clearly out of the conflict zone and no military means are used there was also key, Blinken said.

“So this is something that we’re talking about with the Israelis on a regular basis, including, as recently as today and including in the president’s conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu earlier today,” the Secretary of State said.

On Wednesday, in an interview with CNNBlinken said that Israel is taking some “important steps” to better protect civilians during its offensive in southern Gaza.

Still, the Secretary of State said more needs to be done, describing the civilian death toll in the war-torn Gaza strip as “gut wrenching.”

Meanwhile on Thursday, a senior US official said that, at the request of the US, Israel has agreed to open the Kerem Shalom border crossing with Gaza.

The crossing would be open for only the screening and inspection of the humanitarian aid being delivered into Gaza via the Rafah crossing, on its border with Egypt.

Following pressure by the US, the Political-Security Cabinet on Wednesday evening approved an increase in the supply of fuel entering the Gaza Strip.

Most of the ministers supported the decision. Ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir objected and voted against.

Israel to this point had allowed about 60,000 liters of fuel to enter Gaza every day for humanitarian needs. The US administration demanded that a daily amount three times higher, 180 thousand liters, be permitted to enter the Strip.

December 8, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Enough is enough!! If Palestinians were innocent and wanted peace, they would end this war tomorrow by telling Israel where Hamas terrorists are hiding.

  2. Coming back to the subject of this article, of course there is a gap between Israel’s promises and its conduct on the ground and the gap is certainly on the plus side. As long as Blinken insists that Hamas reporting is 100% true, there will be a gap. The numbers provided by Israel tell a different story.

  3. @Evre1, spot on!
    your remarks are 100% right.
    Focus on Humanitarian relief will not get us anywhere.
    Blinken will only be happy when Iran and its proxies win the war and you know what that means.
    Since Obama, the US government has been helping Iran get its bomb, maybe even before then but that was not quite so obvious. However, I did think they were attacking the wrong enemy when they fought Iraq. It should have been Iran.

  4. @Dr. Don, I agree.

    The focus on “humanitarian” relief is code for knee-capping Israel’s efforts. As one of the Israeli spokesmen said today, “Modern warfare means we sometimes have to fight with one hand tied behind our back. But it doesn’t mean we must fight with both hands tied behind our back.”

    In other words, Blinken wouldn’t be happy until Israel commits suicide and stops fighting.

    Whenever anyone says “there needs to be an immediate ceasefire,” they are saying Israel must not win this war. No matter what.

    I don’t accept that. And it appears to me that the Israeli government isn’t bothering to respond to those calls since they are undeserving of a response.

    The US government, which lavishly funded Iran, and is still funding Iran has blood on their hands. It’s shocking that they would even dare to tell Israel how to fight this war that they basically made happen.

    But these are people who are irredeemable. They did all they could to empower Iran and her proxies and now they are doing all they can to undermine Israel’s effectiveness in this defensive war.

  5. “Still, the Secretary of State said more needs to be done, describing the civilian death toll in the war-torn Gaza strip as “gut wrenching.””

    Gut wrenchingly low I’d say. It currently stands at 15 dead Hamas supporters for every Israeli death. It needs to be magnitude of shockingly higher. Posit 100:1 might shake them awake. A lot of work needs to be done. However, a population grown up on the islamic dogma of living is a punishment and death the reward, that is a tough one. Remember, we are dealing with Arab hillbillies being provided with weapons by Iran who’s total focus as a people is to bring about Armageddon.

    Where is the West’s mindset, where we thought nothing of incinerating 250,000 Japanese (mostly civilians)?