Blinken: Wrong. Negotiating with Hamas Ruined the Last Chance to End the Gaza War

Peloni: Appeasement can never be the answer, because such capitulation will only serve to strengthen the enemy while it weakens ourselves.  Unfortunately, realignment towards America’s enemy Iran is more important than standing with its ally Israel for Blinken and this Iranian aligned administration.

by Michael Rubin | The Washington ExaminerAugust 21, 2024

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is desperate for a ceasefire in the war in Gaza, but is consistently wrong in when and how that could be achieved. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Secretary of State Antony Blinken smells like desperation. After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for more than two hours, Blinken said the current proposal to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza and win the release of Hamas-held hostages is “maybe the last” opportunity.

Blinken is wrong. The last opportunity to win a ceasefire and release Hamas captives came when he agreed to negotiate with a terrorist group whose covenant embraces genocide and whose ideology envisions Islamic rule with religious and sexual minorities condemned to second-class status if not slavery or death.

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August 23, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Did the Allies in World War II ever agree to release Nazi war criminals, member of the SS or Gestapo, etc., in returrn fior the release of citizens of one or more of the Allied states imprisoned in concentration camps by the Nazis, people who had been subjected to rape, tortute, cruel forced labor,starvation etc?

    To the extent that the United States or Britain or other democratic countries, post -World War II democratic Germany, for example, has agreed to the release terrorists in exchange for its own citizens held as hostages, the results have been a disaster fro that country. The German Federal Republic, in particular, when it agreed to release terrorists who had committed appalling crimes on German soil in return for the release of German and other innocent people taken hostage from hijacked airlines, the result was a the massive terror campaign launched by the Baader-Meinhof gang, which was closely linked to the Palestinian terrorist organization. Hundreds of innocent German and other European citizens were murdered. In the words of one of Pete Seeger’s songs, ‘when will they ever learn? “

  2. The real point in Blinken’s policy is that he prefers that Hamas win this war. All he has done so far promotes his policy. It was obvious and evident that the moment Netanyahu agreed to Blinken’s proposed cease-fire agreement, Hamas would push for more appeasement. That is probably the reason why Netanyahu agreed to the proposal. Nothing else would show the obvious in a starker light and Hamas followed through by refusing the deal.
    The only point left is that Netanyahu will be beaten over the head again and again with this undisclosed proposal with pressure to agree once again with some new “minor” conditions added on top like full removal of all Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip and a written promise NOT to kill Sinwar.