T. Belman. This article is brimming with hatred of Trump. Unfortunately it is standard fare in the liberal Jewish world. I am so disgusted with it. I support Trump’s agenda including building a wall and preserving western culture. Not for a moment would I call him a racist or a bigot.
Republished from San Diego Jewish World
By Dr. Alon Ben-Meir, JEWISH WEB SITE August 9, 2019
Within 13 hours, two mass shooting took place—in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio—killing 31 innocent people and injuring twice as many. We normally hear about these horrifying incidents, express sorrow and bewilderment, talk about gun control, and move on. Politicians, including Trump, dispatch their old and tired expressions of condolences and offer prayers to console the bereaved families of the victims. But then we go about our daily routine, knowing that the next mass shooting looms as if it were a natural phenomenon like a thunderstorm, in the face of which we can do nothing. And tragically, the vicious cycle continues.
This time, however, something far more sinister and profoundly troubling is at play. Race, guns, and immigration were so artfully combined by a racist president who is sworn not to pass meaningful gun control laws to please his base, promotes racism to divide the country, and calls Hispanic immigrants “invaders” to make them targets. During the past few months, Trump spent over a million dollars on Facebook ads with the word “invasion” in big letters to spread fear among his constituents and create an atmosphere ripe for violence against people of color.
In the first 216 days of this year, 251 mass shootings took place—killing over 520 people and injuring at least 2,000. Is it just a coincidence that of the ten worst mass shootings in American history, five took place since 2016? Can anyone suggest that Trump has nothing to do with it? Leave it of course to Trump to blame the press, mental illness, and even video games for being behind the frequency of mass shootings.
Darker and more ominous days await us. Mass shootings cannot be addressed in isolation but in the context of the general environment in which we are living. The country is politically divided, our values are being stomped on, racism is consuming our social fabric, white supremacists parade their bigotry with pride, and the president contributes to the epidemic of gun violence by spreading hate to promote his political agenda.
When a president makes racism and bigotry the order of the day, and Republican leaders condone it by virtue of their silence, it poisons our social and political organs and defies the very premise on which this country was founded.
The mass shooting in El Paso was explicitly motivated by hate, claiming there is a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” It was a hate crime targeting Hispanics, whom Trump sees as alien, rapists and criminals, taking away jobs, sapping public resources, and above all changing the color of the country. This is the message that Trump is conveying to his white supremacist followers, that America is becoming ‘browner’ and something must be done to prevent that from happening, all while pointing the finger at Hispanic immigrants as the culprits.
True, mass shootings have occurred before and may continue for years after Trump leaves office. The degree to which mass shootings slow or escalate, however, depends not only on the passage of strict gun control laws but on the action or inaction from Trump and the Republican party, because they must bear the full responsibility for the sorry state of affairs in which we find ourselves. I do not hold my breath waiting for our racist-in-chief to do anything about it.
In fact, the precise opposite will happen. At a time of looming elections, Trump will continue to drum up his racism and dehumanizing of immigrants, and use toxic language against anybody who looks Hispanic. He believes that fomenting social division is a brilliant strategy to nurture his white supremacist base which listens to him and follows his preaching. The shooter in El Paso echoed precisely Trump’s sentiment. And while Trump is talking about some gun control legislation, neither he nor his submissive Republican Senate will consider or debate any such laws that may alienate any segment of his followers.
While the Democratic candidates for president continue to bicker about healthcare, taxes, and climate change, however important these issues maybe, they have not only ignored the need for gun control laws, but more important failed to address where the country is headed under Trump’s watch. While they labeled Trump as a racist, they have not focused on the implications of his racist utterances and how devastatingly that impacts America’s social cohesiveness and tolerance, which is the moral glue that keeps the country together.
The Republicans, on the other hand, seem to have totally abdicated their moral responsibility and resolved to enable Trump and use him to promote their socio-political and economic agenda. The fact that America’s international standing is at an all-time low and domestic social disintegration is alarmingly unfolding does not seem to bother the Republicans, who put their personal and party interest above the nation’s.
Just imagine what might happen if Trump loses the next election? Having polarized the country politically to the degree that he has, his poisonous rhetoric against people of color, concoction of a Hispanic invasion, alignment with white supremacists, and catering to his base has created an extraordinarily ominous environment that invites extremism and violence.
Although at this juncture enacting gun control laws remains critically important, they are not enough to remedy the damage that Trump has done to America. Under his watch, America has lost its soul. He has sown hatred, nurtured divisiveness, and pitted one segment of the American people against the other. Antisemitism has reached a new high, people of color are targets of disdain and discrimination, corruption and obstruction of justice is at the top, and alas, mass shootings are further escalating.
Trump will be damned by history for tearing the country apart, and as long as he is in power, we should expect that America’s values and its moral standing will continue to degrade potentially to a point of no return.
Trump is dangerous, and the American public must unseat him to save America’s soul before it’s too late.
Republished from San Diego Jewish World
@ NITZAKHON: The term “Alt-right” was used for a brief period of time by a few American rightists. But they abandoned it almost immediately when one of the individuals who invented the term praised Hitler and Nazism, while linking both to Trump (he is almost certainly a leftist provocateur, as his past support of Obama reveals). Most white supremacists and rightwing antisemites never used the term to describe their views. But he “left” latched onto it and constantly uses it, although no one on the right has called himself “alt-right” in the past two years.
This is the link to Ben-Meir’s screed against both Netanyahu and TRump.https://www.jpost.com/Blogs/Above-the-Fray/When-Geopolitical-Conditions-And-Moral-Values-Converge-537016
Ben-Meir on Netanyahu:
From Ben-Meir’s column:
Go figure.
https://www.jpost.com/Blogs/Above-the-Fray/The-US-Enablement-Jeopardizes-Israels-Future-542074. In this article, Ben Meir argues that America’s “unqualified support ” for Israel “endangers Israel” because it encourages her to “continue the occupation,” thereby making “peace” impossible. Incredibly twisted logic.
“Alt-Right” types say “Jews are behind immigration & migration into Western (white) countries.
The majority of American Jews support:
* Illegal immigration… and are actively working to undermine border security
* Muslim migration… and are actively working to advance the Islamic flood
And then they wonder what could be reinforcing the alt-Right claims.
Elon Ben-Meir is a regular weekly columnist for the Jerusalem Post. A fanatical peacenik and pro-Palestine advocate. His anti-Netanyahu rants equal his ant-Trump rant. They are connected I’m sure in his mind.
After reading this articles I’ve come to the conclusion that the Orange-Headed Monster has created a nightmare. Immigrants living in terror; their next step could mean detention, deportation, being torn from children and loved ones. Millions of children, the elderly, disabled, the sick, the poor — all denied healthcare, food assistance, the very right to live. Women objectified, degraded, and denied the basic right to control their own reproduction, with fundamentalist Christian fascism increasingly being made law. Black and Latino people openly threatened by the President, with maximum sentencing, stop-and-frisk going national, intensified police brutality and murder of our youth with no holds barred. A regime unleashing the violence of white supremacists, anti-Semites, and fascist thugs.
I gotta admit, that all sounds rather exciting. But it is with deep sorrow that I must inform the author and his fuzzy-brained crackheads that not a single member of their Fabulous Furry Freak Coalition is being denied the very right to live or advantage themselves by claiming ownership of the 1st Amendment. Neither are any immigrants living in terror except illegal ones who’d be much more justified in feeling terrified of deportation in any other country in the world besides the United States, which currently exists with almost no border protection. Let any one of these squirming worms go down to Mexico, start exploiting the public welfare system, brag of being undocumented, pour into the streets calling the host culture “racist,” and expect not to be shot dead within five minutes.
And I’d challenge any one of them to present a single instance where Trump “openly threatened” blacks or the so-called “Latinos,” most of whom don’t even speak Latin. Trump has always said he loves “the blacks,” but in the hardness of their hearts, the blacks refuse to accept his love.
The “nightmare” these mental cases have are all inside their heads. And if there is any violence to come I am certain that the mainstream media will not blame it on the non-intolerables, despite the fact that the leftists have been the instigator in nearly all American political violence in memory, including Charlottesville. They operate from atop an extraordinarily flimsy swinging bridge, knowing that all you need to do is claim that you’re fighting back against Nazis who secretly want to kill you even though they’ve never said any such thing and didn’t throw the first punch, and the media will run cover for you no matter how many skulls you crack or legs you break.
Gotta go now. It’s time for my daily double-dose libation. And I’m not inviting any Democrats to join me in my stupor; they’re already quite tipsy.
obviously written by a demtard that believes everything CNN tells him
Seems we have a bonafide far lefty rabble rouser taking things right out of kookie left playbook. If one wants legal immigration and border security they are a racist.
Never mind Bill Clinton, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton all are on record wanting border control and legal immigration. I guess they are racists also for wanting orderly immigration. The left is into name calling and dividing people by race. So really who are the racists?
Trump did not pull the trigger in El Paso so let’s get that out of the way. But the screed placed on the Internet by the actual shooter about Hispanics invading America was right out Trump’s rally routine. Is the leader of the country guilty for supporting a climate of racism? Of course he is.