Blame Israel Firsters

Israel: The Cause Of World War III

Gerald A. Honigman

Now, I’m not complaining, mind you…

There’s an expression, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” I get it. But it doesn’t make what I’m about to share with you any less aggravating.

Just within the last few weeks, while engaged in several different programs on the Middle East, I had three men come up to me with their explanation of all of the region’s woes.

All were intelligent individuals. I assessed this after long conversations with them.

Their conclusion…It’s all Israel’s fault.

The Jews aim to cause turmoil in the entire area to distract the world from their alleged crimes against the “Palestinians”–one of numerous varieties within the Arab nation. Hey, if Jews (or Kurds or Imazighen/”Berbers,” etc.) played the same game, they could demand not only one state but many others as well. When I asked, if Israel had not existed, would Arabs still not have gassed or otherwise massacred, subjugated, enslaved, and so forth literally millions of non-Arab peoples in the region and still engaged in the millennial struggle between the Shi’a and Sunni, all I got was a change of subject back to “oppressor Israel.”

At least two of the above claimed that Israel would cause World War III.

When I asked for an explanation, it came down to them expecting Israel to simply allow itself to be victimized–another “peace for our time” deal that some of us had pegged long ago. Any move Israel took to prevent itself from being offered up as a sacrificial lamb was simply further proof of its guilt.

When I explained that I drove farther to talk to them at these events than Israel is in width via the ’49 armistice lines, and that it’s Israel’s very existence–not size–which is the problem, it was if I was talking to the walls. When I asked why the Brits could claim sovereignty over 8,000 miles from home in the Falkland Islands off of Argentina (and many other places as well) but no Judean–Jew–could live in Judea, more blank stares.


When I asked if these men, who demanded a 22nd Arab state (second, not first, in the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine) by having a minuscule Israel grossly endanger its own people, if they also supported the creation of states for scores of millions of truly stateless, native, subjugated, non-Arab peoples in the region, who had their very cultures and languages outlawed, I once again just received blank stares–and another quick subject change.

One time, out of the blue, the Jesuit of the three switched gears and asked if the year 1492 meant anything to me. He won’t forget what happened next…I said, yes–it certainly does.1492 was when the Spanish Inquisition was in full bloom, Jews had to convert or were roasted alive in autos da fe, and those who hid their identities were dubbed swine–maranos. While the Dominicans started the Inquisition, Jesuits later played an active role as well. In his writings, Christopher Columbus made mention of the exact date of his voyage being linked to the Jews’ expulsion from Spain…perhaps a coincidence–but probably not.


After that exchange, my 2013 would-be Inquisitor walked away in a huff.

So, there it is, once again, dear readers–just in case you needed another reminder that Jew scapegoating is not just a thing of the past. Call yourself an anti-Zionist and attack the Jew of the Nations instead of individual Jews and everything and anything is permissible. Prominent churches are embracing sanctions against the only state where any real freedom exists in the region–despite its own flaws as well. But everything is relative.

Compare Israel to any state which surrounds it with the same exact lenses of moral scrutiny…I dare you. There is no comparison. Not that people like those above give a hoot.
Masses of people are blown apart daily throughout the region–deliberately, not because someone is using them as human shields–but it’s the Jews’ fault.

The real question is, how many people really believe this manure? But that doesn’t make a difference either.

It’s still that Jew thing again.

October 26, 2013 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. All were intelligent individuals. I assessed this after long conversations with them.

    I disagree totally. Wrong measuring rod. They are stupid – not unintelligent – stupid. “Stupid” has the same root as the word “stupor,” and their way of thinking (or not-thinking) is that of being in a stupor. Hence stupid.

  2. American Jews are particularly ignorant regarding how “liberal” germany was for the Jews before Hitler. Jews of eastern europe flocked there. Most american Jews have the same notion as those German Jews “It can’t happen here”. They probably have no notion that it is already happening. In germany it started as a fringe group that was ridiculed and laughed at. There is no reasoning with the arguments presented because those with the arguments have already come to their conclusions. One false flag event in the US can turn the tables and make the Jews into the designated overt enemy. Many Americans already believe it. The “jews did it” and “Jews run everything” story is spreading like wild fire. It is a matter of time before the US becomes dangerous for Jews. Plan ahead.

  3. The real question is, how many people really believe this manure? But that doesn’t make a difference either.

    It’s still that Jew thing again.

    Between 1933 and 1941, the Nazis aimed to make Germany judenrein (cleansed of Jews) by making life so difficult for them that they would be forced to leave the country. By 1938, about 150,000 German Jews, one in four, had already fled the country. After Germany annexed Austria in March 1938, however, an additional 185,000 Jews were brought under Nazi rule. Many Jews were unable to find countries willing to take them in.

    Many German and Austrian Jews tried to go to the United States but could not obtain the visas needed to enter. Even though news of the violent pogroms of November 1938 was widely reported, Americans remained reluctant to welcome Jewish refugees.

    Congress had set up immigration quotas in 1924 that limited the number of immigrants and discriminated against groups considered racially and ethnically undesirable. These quotas remained in place even after President Franklin D. Roosevelt, responding to mounting political pressure, called for an international conference to address the refugee problem. Antisemitic America never filled even these low numbers during this period. Polls (In each year of the War) showed that Americans viewed Jews a greater threat than even Germany or Japan.

    Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who was to become Israel’s first President in 1948, is quoted in the Manchester Guardian as saying: “The world seemed to be divided into two parts – those places where the Jews could not live and those where they could not enter.”

    “In July 1938, when 32 nations met at Evian, France, to discuss the Germans’ inhumane treatment of its Jewish citizens. Yet not one resolution condemning Germany for creating thousands of Jewish refugees emerged — a fact the Nazi Party pounced on for its own propaganda. Historians later called that meeting “Hitler’s green light for genocide.”” (Canada showed even more Jew Hatred than either Britain or France, and voiced their hatred openly)

    “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.”
    (“The lie passed into history and became truth.”)

    The Evian Conference was one of the most significant conferences of all times concerning the Jewish people The world is doing its best to forget the Evian Conference, 1938. Thus the great Grand Larousse Encyclopedique of France speaks about the beauty of the place (as do other encyclopedias) and mentions solely the Conference of March 1962, which dealt with the signing of a French-Algerian accord. Its most signi
    ficant conference of all times, that of 1938 is not mentioned. The Schweitzer Lexicon does indeed mention the Evian Conference, held 6 to 15 of July 1938, “called at F.D.R.’s initiative after Hitler’s march in to Austria, to find a suitable solution to the German and Austrian refugee problem”. Note that Jews are not mentioned at all! The Encyclopedia Brittanica (1982 ed.): “In 1962 a ceasefire agreement between the French Government and the provisional government of Algeria was concluded in Evian.” The 1938 Conference is not mentioned at all by the august encyclopedia. Obviously, the Evian Conference of 1938, one of the most significant conferences of all times determining the fate of the Jewish People, seems to be swept under the rug by the world, which does its best to forget it.

    Responding to Evian, the German government was able to state with great pleasure how “astounding” it was that foreign countries criticized Germany for their treatment of the Jews, but none of them wanted to open the doors to them when “the opportunity offer[ed].”

    Even efforts by some Americans to rescue children failed: the Wagner-Rogers bill, an effort to admit 20,000 endangered Jewish refugee children, was not supported by the Senate in 1939 and 1940. Widespread racial prejudices among Americans —

    History Repeats? Conclusion

    ‘Nobody wants them’ claimed the German newspaper Völkischer Beobachter after the Evian Conference in July 1938 and Hitler gloated, saying, ‘It is a shameful spectacle to see how the whole democratic world is oozing sympathy for the poor tormented Jewish people, but remains hard hearted and obdurate when it comes to helping them…..’

    After the annexation of Austria, and the Evian Conference, Hitler seemed to throw caution to the winds while the world stood by and allowed it to happen. As Martin Gilbert comments, “It was a neutral stance, not a hostile one, but this neutral stance was to cost a multitude of lives.” Murders, killings, torture and forced labour in concentration camps continued after Evian. In October Hitler marched into the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia and four months after the Conference Kristallnacht, or ‘Night of the Broken Glass’ took place when thousands of Jewish shops and businesses were destroyed and many people arrested and killed. Although protest was again made in many parts of the world, the appeasement of Hitler and governments’ own agendas were paramount over helping the Jews. Humanitarian considerations were sacrificed to self-interest and after war was declared, the allies’ main thought was that of victory and the refugee problem was sidelined. After war against the Nazis was eventually declared Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’ to the Jewish problem resulted in the loss of around six million Jewish lives in the Holocaust.

    Hitler’s words to Major Hell in 1922 were, “Once the hatred and the battle against the Jews are really stirred up, their resistance will inevitably break down in short order. They cannot protect themselves and no one will stand forth as their defenders.” became ominously true. The Jews were unable to protect themselves as their leaders in various countries of the world were afraid to speak up too loudly for the fear of stirring up an antisemitic backlash.