‘Black Lives Matter’ declare groups representing majority of US Jews in NYT ad

T. Belman. Not even remotely do I back this movement.  In fact I am sickened to see the support it is getting from our Jewish brethren, most of whom are anti-Israel.  For me, ALL LIVES MATTER.

Secondly, statistics amply prove that there is no systemic racism in America. here are some articles I have posted which make the point.

The Myth of Systemic Police Racism

Jewish lives don’t matter to Jewish allies of Black Lives Matter.

Systemic Racism Inherent in Democrats’ DNA

The Black Lives Matter Foundation Does Not Care about Black Lives

Stop pandering to the Left’s systemic racism ‘big lie’


Over 600 Jewish organizations sign letter published on anniversary of March on Washington backing ‘current day Civil Rights Movement’


An ad taken out in the New York Times by over 600 Jewish organizations in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. (Courtesy)
An ad taken out in the New York Times by over 600 Jewish organizations in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. (Courtesy)

Over 600 Jewish organizations, representing the majority of American Jews, signed a letter in support of the Black Lives Matter movement that was published in a full-page New York Times ad on Friday.

“We support the Black-led movement in this country that is calling for accountability and transparency from the government and law enforcement. We know that freedom and safety for any of us depends on the freedom and safety of all of us,” reads the letter, which was published on page A17 of the print edition of The New York Times.

“As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us. When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews,” the letter says.

The 627 groups that signed the letter included the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist denominational movements, which make up 35 percent, 18% and 1% of American Jewry, respectively, according to a 2013 Pew Research Center study.

The list also includes several Orthodox groups such as the Uri L’Tzedek social justice organization and Yaffed, an advocacy group that seeks to improve secular education in Hasidic schools.

The Black Lives Matter movement is the current day Civil Rights movement in this country, and it is our best chance at equity and justice. By supporting this movement, we can build a country that fulfills the promise of freedom, unity, and safety for all of us, no exceptions.

The letter’s signatories include ardently Zionist, mainstream organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League and Jewish Federations of North America local chapters, along with several groups that support the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, including Jewish Voice for Peace and Anti-Zionist Shabbat.

A group of Jewish activists penned the letter and first posted it on the publishing platform Medium on June 25, against the backdrop of nationwide protests that erupted following the police killing of George Floyd in late May.

It garnered the backing of over 400 organizations within its first 48 hours, according to Audrey Sasson, the executive director of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice.

“We were starting to see the far-right concoct conspiracy theories that Black Lives Matter was being manipulated by Globalists and Marxists in an anti-Semitic attempt to undermine the Black-led movement,” Sasson said. “This brought an opportunity to unequivocally state as a large swath of Jewish community organizations that we stand behind Black Lives Matter and that any attempt to divide that movement will not land.”

Members of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, including in the front row April Baskin, on the far right and Leo Ferguson, third from right, march as part of a Jews4BlackLives protest in New York in 2016. (Erik McGregor/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images/ via JTA)

A decision was made to re-publish the missive as a New York Times ad on Friday to mark the 57th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, the 1963 mass-rally for the civil and economic rights of Black Americans.

Organizers were careful to assert that no single organization had been behind the letter and that a diverse group of activists had been involved in writing it up.

“When we put it out, we said there would be no edits,” said Dove Kent, the senior strategy adviser at Bend the Arc: Jewish Action. Her progressive, political action group had been involved in the early logistics of the effort.

“I was shocked that we didn’t get one edit request from an institution. It showed how committed people in this moment are to supporting Black liberation,” Kent said.

Vigil for Black Lives Matter movement held during Tisha B’Av by Jewish groups in Brookline, Massachusetts, July 30, 2020 (Emily Glick/Boston)

Asked whether organizers faced any hurdles getting traditionally Zionist organizations to back a movement with some anti-Israel leanings in its past, Kent simply responded, “no.”

“What the response to this letter has shown is that people are not succumbing to the politics of division… We’re seeing the need to join together, even when we’re in disagreement on core issues,” she added.

Kent went on to assert that the latest effort by the coalition of Jewish organizations does not stop with the letter, and that many of them have been following it up with actions at the local level in support of police reform, hiring equity and affordable housing.

We are Jewish organizations and synagogues from across the racial and political spectrum; from different streams of Judaism; whose members trace their lineage from countries around the world.

We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.

We support the Black-led movement in this country that is calling for accountability and transparency from the government and law enforcement. We know that freedom and safety for any of us depends on the freedom and safety of all of us.

There are politicians and political movements in this country who build power by deliberately manufacturing fear to divide us against each other. All too often, antisemitism is at the center of these manufactured divisions.

There is a long history to these attempts: during the Southern Freedom Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, conspiracy theories were used by white supremacists attempting to delegitimize the extraordinary organizing of Black activists. Billboards were erected smearing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a communist, signs and flyers claiming that “communist Jews” were masterminding the civil rights movement were common, and pro-segregation organizations like the John Birch Society popularized these lies.

Black Lives Matter, the recent uprisings across the globe in the wake of the murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, and so many others, and the decades of political organizing across the country that have led to this moment are movements led by and for Black people. We see through any attempt to suggest otherwise by pointing fingers, scapegoating, or using antisemitic dogwhistles.

As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us. When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews.

Antisemitism is part of the same machinery those politicians use to blame Black and brown people, people who are immigrants, people who are Muslim, and more. But whether they generate division and fear based on our religion, our skin color, or how long we’ve been here, their goal is to keep us from working together to win the things we all need to survive and thrive.

When Jewish people join together with our neighbors across racial and religious differences, as we have in the past, we can protect each other and build the future of freedom and safety we all deserve.

Jewish tradition teaches us that justice is not something that will be bestowed upon us, it is something that we need to pursue, and that the pursuit is itself sacred work. We’ll show up for each other every time one of us is targeted because of our differences, and reject any effort to use fear to divide us against each other.

The Black Lives Matter movement is the current day Civil Rights movement in this country, and it is our best chance at equity and justice. By supporting this movement, we can build a country that fulfills the promise of freedom, unity, and safety for all of us, no exceptions.

412 Black Jewish Collaborative
A Wider Bridge
Adas Israel Congregation
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
Adath Jeshurun Congregation
Agudas Achim Congregation
Agudas Israel Congregation
Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School
ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal
Alumni Association of the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College
Am HaYam Cape Cod Havurah
Am Kolel Jewish Renewal Community
Am Yisrael Congregation
American Conference of Cantors
American Jewish World Service (AJWS)
Americans for Peace Now
Ansche Chesed
Anti-Defamation League
Anti-Zionist Shabbat
Aquarian Minyan
Arizona Jews 4 Justice
Atlanta Jewish Music Festival
Augusta Jewish Federation
Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center
Aytzim: Ecological Judaism
B’nai B’rith Colorado
B’nai Israel Congregation
B’nai Jeshurun
B’nai Shalom Day School
B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation
B’nai Adath Kol Beth Yisrael
B’nai Portland Congregation
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Be’chol Lashon
Beacon Hebrew Alliance
Beis Community
Beit Ahavah Reform Synagogue of Greater Northampton
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Atlanta
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Austin
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Bay Area
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Champaign Urbana
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Cincinnatti
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Cleveland
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Denver
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Greater Ann Arbor
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Houston
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Jacksonville
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Long Island
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Louisville
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Memphis
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Milwaukee
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action New Mexico
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action New Orleans
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Pittsburgh
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Portland
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Prince George’s County
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Riverdale
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action San Diego
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action San Luis Obispo
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Seattle
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action South Bay
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action South Florida
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Southeastern PA
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Southern California
Bet Chaverim (Columbia, MD)
Bet Shalom Congregation
Beth Am Synagogue (Baltimore, MD)
Beth Chaim Congregation
Beth El (Bethesda, MD)
Beth El Congregation (Baltimore, MD)
Beth Emet the Free Synagogue
Beth Israel Congregation (Ann Arbor, MI)
Beth Meyer Synagogue
Bethesda Jewish Congregation
Bolton Street Synagogue
Boston Workers Circle Center for Jewish Culture and Social Justice
Building Jewish Bridges
Burbank Temple Emanuel El
California Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Cambridge Minyan
Camp Tawonga
Cantors Assembly
Carolina Jews for Justice
Center for Jewish Nonviolence
Center Square Minyan
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Central Reform Congregation
Challah for Hunger
Charleston Jewish Family Services
Chicago Jewish Labor Committee
Chicago T’ruah Cluster
Chizuk Amuno Congregation & Schools
Chochmat HaLev
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Coastside Jewish Community (San Francisco Bay Area)
Community Shul of Montecito and Santa Barbara
Congregation Agudath Achim
Congregation Agudath Israel
Congregation Anshe Tikvah
Congregation B’nai Israel (Basking Ridge, NJ)
Congregation B’nai Torah
Congregation B’nai Yisrael
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah
Congregation Bet Haverim (Atlanta, GA)
Congregation Bet Haverim (Davis, CA)
Congregation Beth Am
Congregation Beth David
Congregation Beth El (Norwalk, CT)
Congregation Beth El of South Orange, NJ
Congregation Beth El of the Sudbury River Valley
Congregation Beth HaTephila (Asheville, NC)
Congregation Beth Hatikvah (Summit, NJ)
Congregation Beth Israel (Fayetteville, NC)
Congregation Beth Israel (Skokie, IL)
Congregation Beth Israel (Worcester, MA)
Congregation Beth Israel Judea (San Francisco, CA)
Congregation Beth Shalom (Bloomington, IN)
Congregation Beth Shalom (DeKalb, IL)
Congregation Beth Shalom (Overland Park, KS)
Congregation Beth Shalom (Pittsburgh, PA)
Congregation Beth Shalom (Seattle, WA)
Congregation Beth Sholom (Providence, RI)
Congregation Brith Sholom (Bethlehem, PA)
Congregation Dor Hadash (San Diego, CA)
Congregation Dorshei Tzedek
Congregation Eitz Chayim (Cambridge, MA)
Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun
Congregation Emanu-El of San Francisco
Congregation Har Shalom (Potomac, MD)
Congregation Kerem Shalom (Concord, MA)
Congregation Kol Ami (Elkins Park, PA)
Congregation Kol Ami (Elmira, NY)
Congregation Kol Ami (Kansas City)
Congregation Kol Ami (Spark)
Congregation Kol Shofar
Congregation M’kor Hayim
Congregation Mishkan Israel
Congregation Nahalat Shalom
Congregation Ner Shalom
Congregation Netivot Shalom
Congregation Neve Shalom
Congregation Nevei Kodesh
Congregation Or Atid of Wayland, MA
Congregation P’nai Or of West Hartford
Congregation Rodef Shalom (Denver, CO)
Congregation Rodef Sholom
Congregation Sha’ar Zahav
Congregation Shaare Emeth (St. Louis, MO)
Congregation Shaarei Shamayim
Congregation Shaarei Shamayim
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Congregation Shaarie Torah
Congregation Shir Tikvah (Portland)
Congregation Shomrei Torah
Congregation Tifereth Israel
Conservative Synagogue of the Hamptons
Cuba America Jewish Mission
Cultural Leadership
Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action
Democratic Jewish Outreach PA
Detroit Jews for Justice
Dorot Fellowship in Israel
East Bank Havurah
East Side Jews Activist Collective
Edot Midwest Regional Jewish Diversity Collaborative
Ekar Farm
Elon University Hillel
Etgar 36
Fabrangen Havurah
Fabrangen West
Fig Tree
Flatbush Jewish Center
Fort Tryon Jewish Center
Germantown Jewish Centre
Goucher College Hillel
Greater Cincinnati Board of Rabbis
Greenwich Reform Synagogue
Habonim Dror Camp Galil
Habonim Dror Camp Gilboa
Habonim Dror Camp Moshava
Habonim Dror Camp Tavor
Habonim Dror North America
Hadar Institute
Hadassah Foundation
Hashomer Hatzair North America
Hashomer Hatzair USA
Havurah Shalom (Portland, OR)
Havurat Shalom (Andover, MA)
Hebrew College
Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor
Hebrew Seminary
Highland Park Minyan (Highland Park, NJ)
Hill Havurah
Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl
Howard County Board of Rabbis
Illinois Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-IL)
Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)
Institute for Jewish Spirituality
Interfaith Action for Human Rights
Interfaith Families Project of Greater Washington
Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
Isaac M.Wise Temple (Cincinnati, OH)
J Street
JAM: Jewish Action Maine
JCC Harlem
JCFS Chicago
JCRC of Southern New Jersey
JCRC/AJC of Detroit
Jewfolk, Inc.
Jewish Action NorCal
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action
Jewish Asylum Seekers Initiative (JASI)
Jewish Bridge Project of New Mexico
Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement
Jewish Center of Indian Country
Jewish Chaplain, Federal Prisons of Southern Ontario
Jewish Climate Action Network-MA
Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice NW
Jewish Collaborative of San Diego
Jewish Communal Leadership Program, University of Michigan
Jewish Community Action
Jewish Community Alliance of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Jewish Community Board of Akron
Jewish Community Center of Greater Ann Arbor
Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund (San Francisco, CA)
Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Valley
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix
Jewish Community of Greater Stowe
Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc.
Jewish Community Relations Bureau|AJC
Jewish Community Relations Council (San Francisco)
Jewish Community Relations Council Howard County MD
Jewish Community Relations Council of Cincinnati
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Charleston
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix
Jewish Community Relations Council of Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley
Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis
Jewish Community Relations Council of the Greater Asheville Area
Jewish Community School, Elmira, NY
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jewish Democratic Women’s Salon, Atlanta (JDWS)
Jewish Educational Alliance
Jewish Family & Career Services of Louisville
Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay
Jewish Family Service of Metrowest MA
Jewish Family Service of Seattle
Jewish Family Service of Western MA
Jewish Family Services of Greater Kansas City
Jewish Family Services of St. Louis
Jewish Farmer Network
Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor
Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
Jewish Federation of Oxford, Mississippi
Jewish Film Institute
Jewish Gateways
Jewish Initiative for Animals
Jewish Institute for Lifelong Learning & Innovation
Jewish Labor Committee
Jewish Law Student Association (JLSA), CUNY School of Law
Jewish LearningWorks
Jewish Liberation Theology Institute
Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation (Evanston, IL)
Jewish Sacred Aging®
Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA)
Jewish Studio Project
Jewish Study Center
Jewish Veg
Jewish Voice for Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace — Albany, NY
Jewish Voice for Peace — Atlanta
Jewish Voice for Peace — Bay Area
Jewish Voice for Peace — BIJOCSM Network
Jewish Voice for Peace — Boston
Jewish Voice for Peace — DC Metro
Jewish Voice for Peace — Denver/Boulder
Jewish Voice for Peace — Hudson Valley
Jewish Voice for Peace — Las Vegas
Jewish Voice for Peace — Los Angeles
Jewish Voice for Peace — Milwaukee
Jewish Voice for Peace — New Haven
Jewish Voice for Peace — Northern New Jersey
Jewish Voice for Peace — PSU
Jewish Voice for Peace — San Antonio
Jewish Voice for Peace — San Diego
Jewish Voice for Peace — Tucson
Jewish Voice for Peace — Twin Cities
Jewish Voice for Peace — Western MA
Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinic Council
Jewish Women’s Archive
Jewish Women’s Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh
Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York
Jewish World Watch
Jewish Youth for Community Action
Jews for Racial & Economic Justice
Jews in ALL Hues
Jews of Color Sanctuary
Jews of the Earth
Jews United for Justice
Jewtina y Co.
jGirls Magazine
JGS Lifecare
JLens Investor Network
JOIN for Justice
Joyous Justice
Judaism Your Way
Jumpstart Labs
Kadima Reconstructionist Community
KAM Isaiah Israel
Kane Street Synagogue
Kanfot Ha’aretz
Keeping It Sacred
Kehilat Chaverim (Greater Hartford, CT)
Kehilla Community Synagogue
Kesher Pittsburgh
Khazbar.org: A Distinct Identity
Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute
Kol HaEmek, Mendocino County Inland Jewish Community
Kol Hai
Kol HaLev
Kol Rinah (Sacramento, CA)
Kol Shalom
Kol Tzedek Synagogue, West Philadelphia
Kolektiv Goluboy Vagon
Kolot Chayeinu / Voices of Our Lives
Lander~Grinspoon Academy
Larchmont Temple
Lehigh University Office Of Jewish Student Life
Leo Baeck Temple
Let My People Sing
Lighthouse Kosher
Lilith Magazine
Linke Fligl
Lo Taamod: Orthodox Jews Against White Supremacy
Ma’yan Tikvah
Macalester Jewish Organization
Main Line Reform Temple (Wynnewood, PA)
Makom Solel Lakeside
Malkhut: Progressive Jewish Spirituality in Queens
MAOR/Montana Association Of Rabbis
Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan
Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center
Massachusetts Board of Rabbis
Matanot Lev | Gifts of the Heart
Mayim Rabim Congregation
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
Mending Minyan New Haven
Mendocino Coast Jewish Community Justice Group
Metro Chicago Hillel
Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus
Minyan Oneg Shabbat, Washington DC
Minyan Segulah
Minyan Shaleym
Mishkan Chicago
Mishkan Shalom
Mitsui Collective
Mitzvah Matzos
Mixed Operations
Mizpah Congregation
Mount Zion Temple (St. Paul, Minnesota)
Moving Traditions
Nahalat Shalom
Nashville Jewish Social Justice Roundtable
Nashville Jews for Justice
Nashville Jews for Social Justice Facebook Group
National Association of Jewish Legislators
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council of Jewish Women — Arizona
National Council of Jewish Women — Bergen County
National Council of Jewish Women — CA
National Council of Jewish Women — Chicago North Shore
National Council of Jewish Women — Cleveland
National Council of Jewish Women — Colorado
National Council of Jewish Women — Columbus
National Council of Jewish Women — Contra Costa
National Council of Jewish Women — Essex
National Council of Jewish Women — Florida
National Council of Jewish Women — Greater Dallas
National Council of Jewish Women — Greater Houston
National Council of Jewish Women — Greater Long Beach & West Orange County
National Council of Jewish Women — Greater Miami
National Council of Jewish Women — Greater New Orleans
National Council of Jewish Women — Greater Philadelphia
National Council of Jewish Women — Greater Rochester
National Council of Jewish Women — Indianapolis
National Council of Jewish Women — Jersey Hills
National Council of Jewish Women — Kendall
National Council of Jewish Women — Los Angeles
National Council of Jewish Women — Louisville
National Council of Jewish Women — Maine
National Council of Jewish Women — Michigan
National Council of Jewish Women — Milwaukee
National Council of Jewish Women — Minnesota
National Council of Jewish Women — Nashville
National Council of Jewish Women — New Bedford
National Council of Jewish Women — New York
National Council of Jewish Women — Palm Beach
National Council of Jewish Women — Pittsburgh
National Council of Jewish Women — Sacramento
National Council of Jewish Women — Saddleback
National Council of Jewish Women — San Antonio
National Council of Jewish Women — San Francisco
National Council of Jewish Women — Sarasota-Manatee
National Council of Jewish Women — SE Atlantic
National Council of Jewish Women — South Cook
National Council of Jewish Women — South Shore
National Council of Jewish Women — St. Louis
National Council of Jewish Women — Texas
National Council of Jewish Women — Utah
National Havurah Committee
NCSY (New York)
Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue
Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies, Inc.
Neve Shalom
Never Again Action
Never Again Action — Los Angeles
New England Jewish Labor Committee
New Israel Fund
New Synagogue Project
Nice Jewish Boys SF
Nishmat Shoom
O’ahu Jewish ‘Ohana
Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion
Ohavay Zion Synagogue
Oheb Shalom Congregation (South Orange, NJ)
Open Dor Foundation, Inc.
Open Hillel/Judaism On Our Own Terms
Open Temple
Or Emet, Minnesota Congregation for Humanistic Judaism
Or Hamidbar
Or Shalom Jewish Community
Or Tzafo
Oseh Shalom
P’nai Or of Portland
Pacific Northwest Jewish Network for Collective Liberation
Park Slope Jewish Center
Pearlstone Center
Pomegranate Initiative
Portland’s UnShul
Project Kesher
Project Shema
Rabbi Without Walls — Pittsburgh
Rabbinical Assembly
RAPHA, The Center for Healing and Spirituality
Realize Paradise
Reconstructing Judaism
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Religion Outside The Box
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Repair the World
Rimonim Liturgy Project
Rise Up
Riverdale Temple
Rockwern Academy
Rodef Shalom Congregation
Rodfei Tzedek, social justice team of Congregation Rodef Shalom
Ruach HaYam
Sacred Monsters Havurah
SAJ-Judaism that Stands for All
Savannah Jewish Federation
Secular Synagogue
Seeds of Wonder Journey School (Roswell, GA)
Shaare Tefila Congregation
Shaare Torah Congregation (Gaithersburg, MD)
Shalom Bayit
Shamayim: Jewish Animal Advocacy
Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community
Shir Tikvah, Minneapolis
Shirat HaNefesh (Chevy Chase, MD)
Shomeret Shalom Global Congregation
Shtibl Minyan
Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center
Silverstein Base Hillel
Sinai Temple (Springfield, MA)
Sixth & I
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Sutton Place Synagogue
SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva
Synagogue Village Network
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
Temple Adas Shalom
Temple Adath Israel
Temple B’nai Brith (Somerville, MA)
Temple Bat Yam of East Fort Lauderdale
Temple Beth Abraham
Temple Beth Am (Pinecrest, FL)
Temple Beth Am (Seattle, WA)
Temple Beth Ami
Temple Beth David (Cheshire, CT)
Temple Beth David of the South Shore
Temple Beth El (Aptos, CA)
Temple Beth El (Fall River, MA)
Temple Beth El of Boca Raton
Temple Beth Emeth
Temple Beth Emunah
Temple Beth Hillel
Temple Beth Israel (Eugene, OR)
Temple Beth Israel (Skokie, IL)
Temple Beth Israel (Waltham, MA)
Temple Beth Israel of Highland Park and Eagle Rock
Temple Beth Jacob
Temple Beth Or (Everett, WA)
Temple Beth Shalom (Needham, MA)
Temple Beth Tefilloh
Temple Beth Zion (TBZ), (Brookline, MA)
Temple Beth-El (Jersey City)
Temple Covenant of Peace
Temple Emanu-El (Birmingham, AL)
Temple Emanu-El (Edison, NJ)
Temple Emanuel (Kensington, MD)
Temple Emanuel (Newton, MA)
Temple Emanuel of Tempe
Temple Emanuel Sinai (Worcester, MA)
Temple Emek Shalom
Temple Emeth (Teaneck, NJ)
Temple Etz Chaim (Franklin, MA)
Temple Hillel B’nai Torah
Temple Isaiah (Lexington, MA)
Temple Israel (Albany, NY)
Temple Israel (Columbus, OH)
Temple Israel (Greenfield, MA)
Temple Israel (Minneapolis, MN)
Temple Israel (Sharon, MA)
Temple Israel of Boston
Temple Israel of Catskill
Temple Israel of Hollywood (Los Angeles, CA)
Temple Judea
Temple Kehillat Chaim
Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman
Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai
Temple Micah (Washington, DC)
Temple Ohabei Shalom
Temple Ohav Shalom
Temple Reyim
Temple Rodef Shalom
Temple Shalom (Chevy Chase, MD)
Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
Temple Shir Tikva (Portland, OR)
Temple Shir Tikvah (Wayland, MA)
Temple Shir Tikvah (Winchester, MA)
Temple Sholom (Broomall, PA)
Temple Sholom (Cincinatti, OH)
Temple Sholom of Chicago
Temple Sinai (Atlanta, GA)
Temple Sinai (Brookline, MA)
Temple Sinai (Saratoga Springs, NY)
Temple Sinai (Stamford, CT)
Temple Sinai (Washington, DC)
Temple Solel (Scottsdale, AZ)
The Alberta Shul
The Aquarian Minyan
The Awakened Heart Project
The Board of Rabbis of Greater Rhode Island
The Center for Jewish Studies at UNC Asheville
The Contemporary Jewish Museum
The Den Collective
The Jewish Center and Federation of the Twin Tiers
The Jewish Education Project
The Jewish Federation of Reading/Berks
The Kirva Institute — Inside Out Wisdom and Action
The Kitchen
The Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center
The Shefa School
The Shul of New York
The Soul Center
The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity
The Temple
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah
The Tribe (Miami)
The Wilton (CT) Jewish Center
The Wisdom School & Temple of SOPHIA
The Workers Circle
The Workers Circle of No. CA (Branch 1054)
Tiferet, a Jewish Spirituality Project
Tikkun Chant Circle
Tikkun Leil Shabbat
Tikkun Olam Women’s Foundation
Tikvat Israel
Tivnu: Building Justice
Torah of Awakening
Torah Trumps Hate
Tree of Life Congregation
Tucson Jews for Justice
Tzedakah Songs
Tzedek Chicago
Tzedek DC
Union for Reform Judaism
United Jewish People’s Order — Canada
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Unorthodox Celebrations
Urban Adamah
Uri L’Tzedek
Washington Hebrew Congregation
Westchester Jewish Council
Wilderness Torah
Women’s Rabbinic Network
Woodstock Jewish Congregation
Yavneh: A Jewish Renewal Community
Yesod Farm+Kitchen
Young Democrats of America Jewish Caucus
Zioness Movement

August 29, 2020 | 43 Comments »

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43 Comments / 43 Comments

  1. @ Reader:
    Here is recent information about Kyle Rittenhouse:


    Kyle’s lawyer told Tucker Carlson that just before the shootings, the police had blocked off the property Kyle had come to guard. He had a first aid kit with him, with which he went to render assistance to people in the street, when he was accosted by protestors trying to take his firearm. In the ensuing struggle, three protestors were shot in self-defence. One of those appeared to be brandishing a handgun, when he was shot in the arm.

  2. @ Reader:
    Reader, you really don’t want to know all my problems. 🙂

    I just wanted to be sure you weren’t confusing Kenosha with Portland. Yes, Kyle does not look like and is not a terrorist. I never imagined anyone would think he was; but in this day and age, any craziness is possible.

    The victim in Portland has finally been ID’d by the police:


    This is the first post I’ve seen that tells us his age (38). His killer’s ID has been all over the internet all day — a real scumbag, if you ask me; but God knows. The police still aren’t releasing his name nor info about him, but you can see for yourself that he’s the man:


    Governor Kate Brown, whom I, rightly or wrongly, think of as “The Wicked Witch of the Northwest”, has proposed a plan to change no policies, but get more sheriff’s departments involved. The sheriffs will have none of it; and the Portland Police Union is getting in her face:


    The man that was killed in Portland was in the city to protest ON BEHALF OF the police; and Brown can take a trip to hell and back if she thinks they’ll want to let something like this happen again through her stupid, self-seeking policies.

    This is good news for Oregon.

  3. @ yamit82:
    I try to avoid doing those things, Yamit. I did find an interesting article, about the response to that Trump supporter being gunned down in Portland:

    “Alex Nester – August 31, 2020 3:31 PM

    “Six left-wing groups in Portland are demanding Mayor Ted Wheeler (D.) resign after a fatal shooting this weekend, saying the mayor has “fundamentally failed” to keep the city safe.

    “”What took place last night was inevitable given Mayor Wheeler’s repeated failure,” the groups said in a joint statement released Sunday afternoon. “He has not protected or supported Portlanders. We do not have confidence in his ability to course-correct. He must resign.”

    “The groups—which include the Oregon chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Oregon Justice Resource Center, the Portland Democratic Socialists of America, Next Up Action Fund, Portland’s Resistance, and Popular Mobilization—released the statement just hours after Wheeler tried to pin the nightly outbursts of violence in his city on President Donald Trump, who he claims has created “hate and division.”

    “But members of the far-left groups said they’ve feared for the lives of residents under Wheeler’s leadership for years….”


    Go figure…

  4. @ yamit82:
    Yamit, Biden also says, and I am not making this up,

    “Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 year, look, here’s, the lives, it’s just, when you think about it.”

    I don’t see the MSM quoting him; otherwise, I would suppose that he is into a new “Woke” language that I do not understand but his supporters do. We are dealing with a potential president, who is already incapacitated BEFORE taking the oaffice..covid off, you know, the January thing.

  5. @ Reader:
    Reader, I hope you’re not confusing Kyle Rittenhouse (age 17), the teen charged with murder in Kenosha, WI, with the shooter or victim in Portland, OR.

    “Michael Reinoehl (age 48), an Oregon man who attended Black Lives Matter demonstrations and railed against President Donald Trump and the police in expletive-laden posts, was named by a major Oregon newspaper as the man under investigation in the shooting death of Aaron Danielson (age unknown, looks about 25-30), the man who was shot and killed in Portland after a pro-Trump caravan broke down. The victim was affiliated with a conservative group called Patriot Prayer, which has engaged in counter demonstrations, and he was helping the caravan with security.

    The Antioch, IL youth arrested in Kenosha has pleaded self-defense.

  6. @ Michael S:
    I saw his photo soon after it happened and couldn’t believe he was a terrorist.
    I also saw the video soon afterwards and it did look like he might have been attacked but I have slow eyes, so to speak, and it was hard for me to figure out who did what to whom.
    Basically, he was volunteering for the police that night with some other people, the police screwed up, and he should have never been there in the first place because of the danger and his age:

  7. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    Thanks for the post, Adam. These indeed are NOT “peaceful protests”:

    “Last night my son was brutally murdered by communists in Portland. He did not deserve that!” Stephen Bishop said of his slain son, Jay Bishop, in a fundraising post on Fundly.com. “Please help us bury him with the dignity deserved by true patriots! Thank you and god bless you all!”

    The shooting (of Jay Bishop) in the chest took place about 8:45 p.m. Pacific Time Saturday night, and was witnessed live by some watching video feeds. Here’s a video feed:


    This was a point-blank-range shooting, apparently unprovoked. Several witnesses were present at the time.

    “I was watching a live video feed of the riots when I personally saw the guy execute Jay Bishop,” wrote Julie Jackson-Steele on Facebook. “There was no fight, just a coldblooded murder right before my eyes last night. America, the news media is lying to us! These are not peaceful protests.”

  8. @ yamit82:
    You are right, except if the orthodox started accepting patrilineal descent, the Jewish males would quit marrying the Jewish women altogether, and Jewish women would have to marry non-Jewish men or stay single.
    This would finish us off even faster.
    And why assume that mixed couples and especially their children and grandchildren would even want to move to Israel?
    WWII showed that when it comes to life or death situations, non-Jewish spouses often abandon the Jewish ones, and worse.

  9. @ Michael S:

    I see antisemitism as beneficial for Jewish survival. Makes the weak assimilate and disappear and the strong to better survive and continue as Jews.

    “If the Redemption were to occur in good, peaceful times, when quiet prevailed among peoples many of our Jewish brethren would not want to leave the Exile; for what would they be lacking there? …therefore, these calamities come upon us in order to awaken us to return to our Holyland.” HaKadosh Rabbi Yissachar Teichtal, Em HaBanim Smeich p.67-68 (written in Hungary 1944).

  10. @ Reader:

    With the Jewish rate of intermarriage in America (70%) I call it the vanishing American Jew. Except for most orthodox strains, almost all other Jewish denominations and surveys already accept defining who is a Jew as having a single Jewish parent. Remove that qualifier you can reduce the number of Jews in America by at least 25% maybe more. Jews need the numbers now to mask the steep decline in American Jewish demographics…American Jewish leaders haven’t a clue and have capitulated to intermarriage rates. In 1-2 generations if current trends continue there won’t be a viable and identifiable Jewish community in America. IMO they are past a point of correction. They can remain in America and disappear or if they qualify move to Israel.

  11. @ yamit82:
    I don’t think it would be a good idea to start recognizing patrilineal descent because children usually have a closer relationship with their mother.
    Also, when only the father is Jewish and the environment is openly antisemitic, the children tend to see their father as an indirect cause of their lack of acceptance instead of being drawn closer to the Jewish people, as in “Why did Mom marry him?”

  12. @ yamit82:
    Yamit, you said, “Do you see Asians for BLM?”

    In Communist China, it’s fair to say that most people, including my American family there, are very Anti-Trump and therefore in favor of much of this BS. During 9/11, people close to my daughter actually cheered as the murdering Arabs plowed their hijaclked airplanes into the buildings. When they saw my daughter in tears, they stopped cheering.

    I think it’s safe to say that most poeple of ALL races are very anti-Jewish, anti-white, anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-Israel. They’ve been fed a steady diet of BS from their youth up, which mostly explains this.

  13. @ yamit82:
    Yamit, you’re definitely “anti-” a lot of people and things, as even my frenemy Edgar has pointed out. Some of your angst is understandable; but fortunately, most whites, as well as blacks, in America are very civil people. A recent poll found that 81% of blacks in this country FAVORED increased police presence in their cities. As for the whites, some are outraged by the recent riots; but their response has so far been very restrained. Here in Oregon, they have counter-demonstrated against the thugs, with both sides getting in each others’ faces; but it is the BLM/ Antifa side that has drawn first blood.

    The police are rather hamstrung in Oregon, California, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Washington — places dear to me, — which I have been following closely. It is the Democrats who rule and oppress these places who are chiefly at fault for this violence, and they are mostly white. Even so, I do not hate them; I simply hope many others will join me in voting them out of office.

  14. Here’s a still/ photo of the youth who is being charged with murder in Kenosha, WI. Unquestionably self-defense, if you believe your eyes. It looks like he has been thrown to the ground, and is being assailed with a man with some sort of stick, and another in the background seeming to point a pistol at him. One of them got shot dead, and another wounded. Good shooting. The second man shot dead was actively trespassing and attempting to destroy a car dealership that the teen was guarding. He was not armed with “non-lethal” weapons.


    In Portland, OR last night, a demostrator with a “Patriot Prayer” hat was shot dead in the street, likely by the BLM/ Antifa set.

    These are cities that are close to me: I’ve lived most of my life in those two states. President Trump is likely to win Wisconsin, after this outrage. I’m praying that he wins BIG in Oregon: In the presidential race, the senate, race, the governor’s race, and in the congressional races. We have suffered too long under Democrat oppressors.

  15. WHO IS A JEW?

    The Jewish people is a religio-nation, meaning that it is a people that consists of two coexistent and intertwined components: Ethnicity and Religion. Consequently, the Jewish people constitutes both an ethnic nation and a faith community. However, for full Jews (i.e., those descended from both a Jewish mother and a Jewish father), the former component of Jewish peoplehood is involuntary and immutable, while the latter component thereof is voluntary and mutable.

    It is a unique collective, in that it is the only religio-nation born in Antiquity that, despite being dispersed throughout much of the World for the greater part of its history, continues to exist Today.

    The Jewish people is comprised of:

    (1) the descendants of:

    (a) the eponymous Hebrew tribe of Judah, and

    (b) the Hebrew tribe of Benjamin — the descendants of the Hebrew tribe of Benjamin being the product of collective intermarriage between the surviving male members of the Hebrew tribe of Benjamin and some female members of the Hebrew tribes of Manasseh (from the City of Jabesh-Gilead) and Ephraim (from the City of Shiloh) (see Judges 21:1-23), and

    (c) the Hebrew tribe of Levi, which (per the deathbed declaration of Jacob in Genesis 49:5-7, per God’s Declaration in Numbers 18:20-24 and per the lottery conducted by Joshua for that tribe in Joshua 21:1-40) was not allocated a separate tribal territory within the Land of Israel, but was instead allocated 48 cities located throughout the Land, including within the territory of the tribe of Judah (see Joshua 21:4 & 21:9-16), and

    (d) the Hebrew tribe of Simeon, which (per the deathbed declaration of Jacob in Genesis 49:5-7 and per the lottery conducted by Joshua for that tribe in Joshua 19:1) was allocated a separate tribal territory completely enclosed with the territory of the tribe of Judah; and

    (2) those Gentiles who have converted to Judaism and their Jewish progeny.

    Although not an ethnic Jew, a Gentile nonetheless becomes part of the Jewish people by self-identifying as a Jew and by simultaneously joining the latter’s faith community (i.e., acceptance of the God of Israel as the one and only Deity in the Universe and the Truth of His Torah). This two-component formula for becoming part of the Jewish people was first uttered by Ruth, the Moabite ancestress of biblical Israel’s King David (and of the future Messiah):

    “And [widowed] Ruth said [to her widowed mother-in-law Naomi], ‘Do not urge me to leave you, to turn back from following after you; for, where you go, I will go; and where you lodge, I will lodge; your people are my people, and your God is my God.’” (Ruth 1:16)

    This means that a person may be a Jew via ethnicity or faith or both. That being said, since conversion to Judaism was usually rare throughout History, only a small minority of the Jewish people are Jews by faith only. Moreover, since religious Jews are also minority among the Jewish people, the vast majority of contemporary Jews are Jews by ethnicity only.

    The ethnic-religious duality of Jewish identity means — uniquely — that an ethnic Jew who later repudiates Judaism (or even the Existence of God) nonetheless continues to be part of the Jewish people, as such an apostate nonetheless remains an ethnic Jew. This duality distinguishes Jews from Christians, Muslims and adherents of other religions, precisely because the latter lack a unifying ethnic component (i.e., the latter are merely followers of a religion, not members of a religio-nation). So, while the Jewish apostate may continue to be identified (and to self-identify) as a Jew, the Christian apostate and the Muslim apostate can no longer be identified (or self-identify), respectively, as a Christian and a Muslim.

    Although intermarriage between members of the Hebrew tribes and Gentiles is prohibited by the Torah (see Deuteronomy 7:3-4) and, consequently, also by normative Judaism, when such a union does happen a question arises as to whether the offspring thereof is nonetheless to be recognized as an ethnic Jew. In such a case, the Orthodox branch of Judaism (which, until several hundred years ago, constituted the entirety of Judaism) has traditionally recognized as an ethnic Jew the child of a Jewish mother (i.e., matrilineal descent) regardless of the child’s spiritual beliefs or lack thereof (e.g., the child adheres to another religion or is an atheist), but not the child of a Jewish father (i.e., patrilineal descent) regardless of the child’s spiritual beliefs (e.g., the child adheres to Judaism). However, I disagree with this formula, as the child of a Jewish father in such a forbidden union is as much a (partial) ethnic Jew as is the child of a Jewish mother in such a forbidden union. Rather, I believe that the child of such a forbidden union ought to be recognized as an ethnic Jew if and when such a child self-identifies as an ethnic Jew, but not otherwise. This means that, in the case of intermarriage, the Jewishness of a child of a Jewish mother ought not be automatically accepted; and that the Jewishness of a child of a Jewish father ought not be automatically rejected. While such a formula is considerably more complex than a bright-line rule which accepts matrilineal descent and rejects patrilineal descent, it properly includes those people as ethnic Jews who self-identify as such (even if their Jewish parent is male), and it properly excludes those people as Jews who do not self-identify as such (even if their Jewish parent is female).

    Moreover, at the dawn of our history as a nation, none of the female progenitors of the Hebrew tribes were Hebrews (e.g., Tamar, who married Judah, was a Gentile). For this reason, the Jewish people are ethnically Jewish only by virtue of patrilineal descent.

    Consequently, although a child of both a Jewish father and a Jewish mother is automatically and involuntarily an ethnic Jew, a child who is descended from only one Jewish parent ought to be able to voluntarily become an ethnic Jew by means of such child’s acceptance of that status.

    This proposed formula is not to be confused with the formula that applies to full Gentiles who wish to become Jewish by virtue of joining our faith community, as they must not only self-identify as Jews but they must also accept the God of Israel as the one and only Deity in the Universe and the Truth of His Torah.

  16. Here is yet another example of what the MSM insists on referring to as “peaceful protests.” From ABC7news.com:

    “San Jose mayor’s home vandalized as hundreds protest downtown against police brutality, Jacob Blake shooting
    SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) — Friday’s demonstration in Downtown San Jose brought hundreds to the heart of the city.

    Protesters were peaceful for the most part, but there was some vandalism to Mayor Sam Liccardo’s home. Video posted to social media showed protesters spray painting near his front door.

    A spokesperson for the mayor said Saturday morning that protesters spray painted expletives, fired paint balls and burned a flag outside of his house.

    Liccardo was not home at the time of the vandalism.

    In a statement, the mayor said he was grateful for his neighbors who helped clean up the graffiti.

    “Many of these same neighbors’ homes bear ‘Black Lives Matter’ signs, and they represent the true spirit of the movement, and of our San Jose community,” Liccardo said. “They contrast sharply with the roughly hundred so-called “protesters” who stood by silently-or even cheered-as a flag was burned and while “f*** you” and other messages were scrawled on our home.”

    WATCH: Home of San Jose mayor vandalized during protest

    The San Jose Police Department said they responded to the mayor’s house around 10:45 p.m. Friday night for the vandalism.

    A spokesperson said another case of vandalism occurred later that night at city hall. Police arrested a suspect in that case on a felony vandalism charge, though it’s unclear if the suspect is connected to the incident at the mayor’s house.

    Earlier in the night, the crowd of peaceful protesters first gathered at San Jose City Hall.

    From there, the hundreds marched through downtown toward San Pedro Square. Protesters crashed dinner for many dining outdoors.

    Demonstrators joined together to dance the “Cupid Shuffle,” all while holding signs, demanding justice for Jacob Blake and the end to police brutality.

    Earlier in the day, ABC7 News spoke with Pastor Jethroe Moore II, president of the San Jose-Silicon Valley NAACP.

    RELATED: More than a dozen arrested in Oakland protests, police say

    He said the association was present, mainly to observe and make sure San Jose Police Department officers “behaved themselves.”

    Pastor Moore explained demonstrations, and the continued push for change, really hurts in a different way, each time.

    “It’s eerie. 57 years after the March on Washington, what was a peaceful march,” Moore recalled. “And we’re marching again, claiming peace, but yet we’re still getting no peace from those that are supposed to protect us.”

    ABC7 News asked Pastor Moore about previous protests in both Oakland and Sacramento which turned violent, earlier this week.

    He said supporting and protesting is commendable, but to burn and destroy does no one any good.

    “I don’t want to see nobody die. Nobody in the hospital,” he told ABC7 News. “And college kids, sophomores, juniors. They’re all in it, and they have aspirations of being a lawyer. Pick up a felony. Then they can’t go into law school or something because of something they did on a night when they really meant good, but they got caught up.”

    One protester said she also took part in the George Floyd protests in San Jose.

    RELATED: Thousands at DC march for policing reforms, commemorating MLK’s ‘I Have A Dream’ address

    She said the video of Jacob Blake reignites the fire, and reinforces why protests are necessary.

    Moore added, “We watched a black man getting pulled from his shirt, shot seven times, in fear of getting a weapon. Then we turn around and two nights later and we see a young white boy walking down the street with a weapon strapped around him. After shooting two people, nothing’s happened.”

    “So, it hurts even more. And you got to wonder more and more about which direction is this world is going to,” he continued.

    Pastor Moore told ABC7 News, “The goal is not to hurt anybody. The goal is not to kill anybody. The goal is to get systemic changes.”

    More protests are expected around the Bay Area over the weekend.

    VIDEO: Understanding commonly used terms, ideas related to racism, injustice
    Report a correction or typo”

  17. @ yamit82:
    I agree with you a THOUSAND times:

    Jews should distance themselves from this problem and conflicts learn to mind their own business and affairs.

    How about directing the focus INWARD for a change?

  18. Hispanics are the same as everybody else (I overheard them at work a few years ago). People who believe otherwise simply never mixed with them for any length of time.
    There are several reasons for the way many Jews behave this way, in my opinion, (I don’t claim it’s a complete list, and I haven’t read the recommended article yet):
    1) a knee-jerk reaction to rush to defend any minority believed to be mistreated because of the assumption that as a Jewish minority which used to be badly abused it is their duty;
    2) the subconscious desire to end antisemitism by showing everyone how good, noble, generous, and patriotic the Jews really are (even when acting this way is to their own detriment), so that the haters will see that they were mistaken in their hatred, repent, and accept them into “the family of nations”;
    3) the belief that antisemitism results from poverty, misery, lack of education, ignorance, lack of intelligence, bad family influence, and other such excusable reasons, rather than from the fact that “we are the people who dwells alone” and that “Esau hates Jacob”.
    They believe that antisemitism will disappear as soon as these societal flaws are fixed;
    4) DENIAL which makes them unable to see the reality until it REALLY STARTS HURTING THEM PERSONALLY, and then it is usually too late.
    They remain convinced until the last moment that they are equal citizens of whatever country they happen to reside in at the time and that “it cannot happen here” or “it will go away if we just wait it out”, or “we must fight antisemitism”, or whatever.

    We need another Zhabotinsky, ASAP.

  19. Bear Klein Said:

    Hispanics I never found that the case. What do you base that on?

    Polls and surveys by ADL, Pew and others over past 10 years. They are also mostly Catholic without the updated church reforms re: Jews

  20. Ted Belman Said:

    Most of the people protesting under the BLM banner are white.

    I would call it a symbiotic relationship where each group uses the other for their own purpose and agenda. Do you see Asians for BLM? Indians for BLM? Hispanics for BLM? There are many more… How many blacks or leftists support Jews orJewish causes… Hispanics are the second-most antisemitic group in America and they don’t love Blacks. Jews should distance themselves from this problem and conflicts learn to mind their own business and affairs. Every year they are losing influence in the politics of America and their overall demographics as a voting block in some states is decreasing… Jewish money has been replaced by Chinese money Arabic Money and Asian Money including Indian Americans…

  21. Revisionist History Continues as NAACP Removes Jewish Founder From Website

    The revisionist anti-Jewish history continues its relentless march …

    Now an organization which was co-founded, heavily financed, and materially and morally supported by Jews throughout the years has turned its back on the Jews and erases our involvement–condemning another generation of African Americans from the knowledge of those who have worked on their behalf as partners in the fight for civil rights in America.

    Sadly, it appears, the NAACP has decided that Jews are such a hated group of people that they can no longer admit they ever had any association with us, let alone that they had been founded by us.

    Good thing Jews didn’t feel the same way about blacks when blacks needed us to stand up for them and no one else would lift their hands to help.

    But, we are unlike any other people in the world. Jews cannot and will not count on the help, acknowledgment, or recognition of any people, government, or organization in the world.

    It is a sad state of affairs that Henry Moskowitz, Ph.D., one of the original co-founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), has been excluded from the list of prominent “People” under the History heading of the new NAACP Website. Of all the founders of the NAACP, it is only Dr. Moskowitz (1879-1936) which is missing, leaving a gaping hole in the history of the organization.

    Dr. Henry Moskowitz was a Romanian-born Jew that was involved with social work in New York City during the early 20th century. He was active in city politics under the administration of New York City Mayor John Purroy Mitchel; and he was the Associate Leader of the New York Society for Ethical Culture which often looked out for the rights of new immigrants on New York City’s Lower East Side. He is credited as being one of the original founders of the NAACP which was created in a tiny New York apartment on February 12, 1909.

    While Dr. Moskowitz’ name is fleetingly mentioned in small print on a non-primary page of the NAACP Website, it is a sad commentary that the organization has not added him, his background information, his photo, and his name to the list of prominent people in their encyclopedic alphabetical index, which includes past and present NAACP leaders. Of all the NAACP founders, only Dr. Moskowitz, one of the original eight, has been marginalized from the history portion of the official NAACP Website.

    Further, and even more interesting to note, is that other early NAACP supporters and founders included: Lillian Wald, Rabbi Emil G. Hirsh, and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, all of them are missing from the NAACP Website where past leaders and prominent persons are listed. Who is listed? People such as such as Harry Belafonte, Rodney King, Oprah Winfrey and President Obama are included.


    “A handful of Blacks and Whites–including Mary White Ovington, W.E.B. DuBois, Mary Church Terrell, Henry Moskowitz and William English–founded the NAACP.” — Ebony Magazine July 1989 p.126

  22. Actually a lot of black people are against the riots and killings go in across the US.
    In may cases it is their businesses and stores that are destroyed.

  23. No ethnic group in America is more antisemitic the Black Americans and they are also the most violent!!!! This is a warning.

  24. If I wasn’t anti-black before all these riots, looting, shootings, murders, and wanton destruction of property I am now. I fault decades of affirmative action led mostly by Librul Jews. There will come a violent White Backlash and the black Americans will be outmanned and outgunned. The Jews again will find them on the wrong side of the conflict and the wrong side of history.

  25. Do Jews support this POS directly or thru surrogates???

    Revealed: Here is the Horrifying Sexual Assault Criminal Complaint Against Jacob Blake

    29-year-old Jacob Blake was shot 7 times in the back by a Kenosha police officer last Sunday after Blake brawled with the cops, resisted arrest, shrugged off two tasers and had a knife in his possession.

    The New York Post obtained the sexual assault criminal complaint against Jacob Blake and it is horrifying.

    Kenosha police were trying to arrest Jacob Blake for violating a restraining order stemming from a sexual assault, according to the New York Post.

    Blake was ordered to stay away from the victim’s Kenosha home following the May 3 sexual assault.

    The victim, who said she has known Blake for 8 years, called 911 on Sunday saying Jacob Blake was at her home in violation of the restraining order.

    Blake had previously broken into the woman’s home, sexually assaulted her while she was in bed with one of her children and stole her car.

    In July police filed charges against Jacob Blake for felony sexual assault, trespassing and domestic abuse.

    This is who the Democrats are lauding as a hero.

    The New York Post reported:

    The cops involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake — which touched off a fresh wave of angry, anti-police sentiment across the country — were attempting to arrest him for violating a restraining order stemming from an alleged sexual assault, The Post has learned.

    Blake is accused in the criminal complaint, which was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home of a woman he knew and sexually assaulting her.

    The victim, who is only identified by her initials in the paperwork, told police she was asleep in bed with one of her children when Blake came into the room around 6 a.m. and allegedly said “I want my sh-t,” the record states.

    She told cops Blake then used his finger to sexually assault her, sniffed it and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men,” the criminal complaint alleges.

    The officer who took her statement said she “had a very difficult time telling him this and cried as she told how the defendant assaulted her.”

    The alleged victim said Blake “penetrating her digitally caused her pain and humiliation and was done without her consent” and she was “very humiliated and upset by the sexual assault,” the record states.

    She told police she “was upset but collected herself” and then allegedly ran out the front door after Blake, the complaint says. She then realized her car was missing, checked her purse and saw the keys were missing and then “immediately called 911,” the complaint alleges.

    Jacob Blake is paralyzed after being shot by a Kenosha police officer.

    So far over $2 million dollars has been raised for Jacob Blake on GoFundMe.

    The ‘pro woman’ Democrats and their stenographers in the media are defending this violent alleged sex offender who resisted arrest.

  26. Of all the places to publish this smarmy dissertation you would think, in light of the recent very public resignation of Bari Weiss, that the NYT would be the last place. But I suppose the signers prefer to demonstrate their derangement beyond a reasonable doubt. Something in Jewish DNA that contains the seeds of our own destruction.