Biden tells Netanyahu to reach ceasefire and hostage deal with Hamas within two weeks, or else


Biden appears determined to enable Hamas to survive.

“Biden warns Netanyahu against escalation as risk of regional war grows,” by Barak Ravid, Axios, August 2, 2024 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

President Biden privately demanded in a “tough” call Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stop escalating tensions in the region and move immediately toward a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal, two U.S. officials told Axios….

Behind the scenes: At the end of the meeting with Netanyahu in the Oval office last Thursday, Biden became emotional, raised his voice and told Netanyahu he needs to reach a Gaza deal as soon as possible, three Israeli officials with knowledge of the meeting told Axios.

“Biden raised his voice and said he wants a deal reached within a week to two weeks,” a senior Israeli official said.

“Biden told Netanyahu that a hostage and ceasefire deal is the most important thing right now,” the Israeli official added.

Shortly after, when the president and the Israeli prime minister met with the families of the American hostages held in Gaza, Biden doubled down on his message to Netanyahu.

“We are at an inflection point … we need to do everything to end the war and reach regional stability, even if the deal is not perfect. Hamas wants the deal right now. It might change,” Biden told Netanyahu, according to the notes of one of the participants.

What they’re saying: “I had a very direct meeting with the prime minister today. Very direct,” Biden told reporters on Thursday night about his call with Netanyahu.

Biden said there is a basis for a ceasefire and stressed Netanyahu should “move on it now.”

When asked if the assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh has ruined the chances for a deal, Biden said: “It hasn’t helped.”

August 6, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. Nice comparison, EvRe. Bibi has just reason not to want to be tied too tightly to Biden, who recently orchestrated yet ANOTHER great military and diplomatic failure (this time, in Africa):

    America retreats from Africa. Pushed out by Russia and China

    In a whirlwind of military maneuvering, the United States has abruptly ended its presence at Niger’s Air Base 201, obeying the edicts of the nation’s ruling junta. This swift evacuation involves nearly 1,000 U.S. personnel, a direct consequence of the coup that rocked Niger last year. The airbase, a $100 million investment near Agadez, was once the linchpin in the U.S. strategy for monitoring Islamist militant groups across the region.

  2. When you raise your voice you have already lost the argument. Biden can yell all he wants. It’s the impotent rage of one who has been politically and personally emasculated.

    Bibi has a military that is more effective, more nimble, has better intelligence capability, and a force more determined to win than the entire US military under the US Commander in Chief of the DEI forces. Biden’s military advertises employment openings using transvestites, and Biden’s military is focused on green energy. Bibi’s military is currently waging a winning battle against a genocidal foe.

    Biden is demented. Bibi is not.

  3. “Menachem Begin Warned Us about Joe Biden

    Above one of the classroom whiteboards in the Jewish day school I attended as a child hung a poster featuring the face of former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin alongside a quote: “I’m not a Jew with trembling knees.”

    I would be tempted to say that our present circumstances call for a proud Jew to tell that to Joe Biden, but the fact is that he’s already been told — by Begin himself. In 1982, at a closed-door meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden had threatened Begin with cutting off military aid for Israel’s offensive campaign in Lebanon. As Tevi Troy noted in the Wall Street Journal, the story went that Begin responded in fiery outrage:

    Don’t threaten us with cutting off aid to give up our principles. I’m not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.

    Forty-two years later, Joe Biden has learned nothing.

    But we have learned who Joe Biden truly is. That he is doing exactly what he threatened Begin with over four decades ago suggests that Biden’s actions in pledging to withhold weaponry for an Israeli offensive into Rafah, however surprising they might seem to some, are drawn from a long-standing outlook toward Israel. In other words, Biden threatening to cut off aid to the Jewish state if it takes measures against its enemies is a feature, rather than a bug, of his decades-old policy. ”

    NATAN EHRENREICH, a recent graduate of Yeshiva University, is a writing fellow at National Review. @natanehrenreich”

  4. @dreuveni
    Actually the opposite.
    In his heart Biden may be a friend of Israel.
    But his heart is not in charge of the show.
    The interests of the Democratic party, and of the globalist elites behind them are in charge.

  5. Biden is not our friend but theoretically our ally. It is always better when an ally is really also a friend, not just theoretically. Now the US government is proud to announce that they are sending some of the smaller bombs they promised. I guess those bombs, when they penetrate the earth, are absolutely going to hit mostly women and children, just like in all the other cases, rather than the booby-trapped tunnels they are intended for where no women or children are to be found. I guess Biden deserves a round of slow clapping applause.