Biden Regime Sends Another $100,000,000 to ‘Palestinians’

Peloni:  The outrages from the American govt continue to build in support of terror and towards the slaughter of the Jewish people.

Daniel Greenfield | July 14, 2024

USAID boss Samantha Power has some news for Americans. Another $100 million for terrorists.

Today, Administrator Samantha Power announced that the United States, through USAID, will provide an additional $100 million in critical humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in dire need throughout Gaza and the West Bank.

Critical and dire need. So critical and so dire that we’ve been lied to and told that all the Islamic terrorists and their supporters have been starving to death for 8 months.

And yet somehow it never actually seems to happen,

Meanwhile, every Hamas terrorist leader is morbidly obese.

Biden announced $100 million in aid after the Hamas attacks. How much are we up to now?

This new funding, provided under the recently passed bipartisan National Security Supplemental, brings the total humanitarian aid that the United States has announced for Palestinians since the beginning of the conflict to more than $774 million.

Start a war, kill over 1,000 people in the name of Islam, and get three-quarters of a billion in aid.

Or what Samantha Power blandly calls “the beginning of the conflict”.

And we wonder why Islamic terrorism is so commonplace.

In 2022, the Biden administration put out a press release bragging that,”since April 2021, the United States has provided over half a billion dollars in assistance for the Palestinians, including more than $417 million in humanitarian assistance for Palestinian refugees through UNRWA, $75 million in support through USAID, and $20.5 million in COVID and Gaza recovery assistance.”

In response, Hamas was able to pull off Oct 7.

But sure, let’s send another $100 million to the terrorists through the UN.

This funding will support USAID’s partner the UN World Food Program (WFP) to deliver urgently needed food assistance in Gaza and the West Bank

The executive director of the WFP is Cindy McCain who has been claiming for the worse part of a year that everyone in Gaza already starved to death. Meanwhile, the UN refuses to deliver food until the war ends.

The Biden Gaza pier was shut down because the UN boycotted it to protest an Israeli hostage rescue.

When does it end?

July 15, 2024 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. ADAM-

    Are you just looking for PR Space. Most unlike you. Everything you profess ignorance of is splashed all across the Internet, you could get it exactly where your “informant” got it, whom you thank so profusely.

    By the way, is your health NOW under proper control I/we are all concerned, especially I.

  2. I guess we have to follow the money trail. Who is really benefitting from all this aid?
    We know that Arafat was VERY wealthy and Abas is too. There are plenty of other wealthy terrorists languishing in Qatar and even a few in Turkey so we should be examining exactly where the money goes. I can’t imagine the hotels are receiving all this money directly…

  3. Biden reiterates identification as Zionist, calls Hamas ‘a bunch of thugs’

    “Gosh, we’re all so terribly impressed down here”. But, isn’t that, just a tad too harsh? [Is he going to “take them behind the woodshed?,” perchance?]

    “After repeated JNS queries, Biden admin fixes error sanctioning wrong Israeli”

    “Your majesty this is a very serious problem. The peasants feel you have no regard for them.”

  4. @peloni1986.Thanks for telling me all this about Cindy McCain. I didn’t know any of this before. She seems to be a sinister influence behind the scenes in American politics. Probably explains why her late husband was so hostile to Trump.

    Interesting that she didn’t criticize Epstein until a year after he died. One reaon may be that most of the U.S. political elite was involved with Epstein in one way or another. Nearly the entire Who’s Who of America’s political and business elites seems to have spent time on Epstein’s “Fantasy Island” at one time time or another.

    The Reality of America’s political and business elite’s behavior is so weird that if it had been invented as a movie plot by some film scriptwriter or director the critics would have dismissed it as a really bad “B” horror movie. It would have attracted only a small audience, mainly kids crunching popcorn and crackerjacks and throwing some of them in the direction of the screen, while laughing their heads off. Yet this Grade B movie script is our American reality, however bizarre it is.

  5. @shmujew

    76 Years of the Left’s Hitlers
    From the little man on the wedding cake to Donald Trump.
    July 15, 2024 by Robert Spencer

    My comment:
    “What’s even more ironic is that Governor Thomas Dewey (there was also an Ohio Congressman by that name with the same politics) was an ardent Christian Zionist who had advocated Rescue and Statehood as were all four of the Republican candidates who lost to FDR over 12 years including Dewey who lost to Truman as well, in 1948. But, then so is Trump, a philosemitic supporter of Israel being compared to Hitler by these demagogues. Since it’s obvious nonsense, what they are actually accomplishing by degrees, is removing the horror associated with Hitler’s name from the public consciousness enabling the real Hitlerites to come out of the woodwork.

    tasteless satire

  6. @Adam
    Cindy McCain is the widow of John McCain, and self styled nemesis of Trump. She is an heiress of an Anheuser-Busch distributor in her own right. She was also notable for many philanthropic enterprises, but also for the unrehearsed and unprompted confession that “Epstein was hiding in plain sight. We all knew about him. We knew what he was doing. But we had no…legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him.” What is most outrageous in making this confession of being aware of Epstein’s trafficking of young girls is that she only revealed her knowledge of this crime one year after Epstein was already dead, and most ironically, Cindy McCain’s philanthropic focus has been on combatting trafficking going back decades. Additionally, she is (or was a couple of years ago) on the leadership council of a childhood development initiative setup by the notorious Clinton Foundation.

    Oh, one more point of interest to raise is that Cindy McCain, and the entire McCain family, have been proud friends and close associates of Biden and his family. While making her animus with Trump crystal clear, she provided Biden with what was basically an endorsement of Biden in something of a character reference which she aired as part of the Democratic Convention in 2020. While refraining from endorsing Biden, it was clearly an endorsement of him on a personal basis, for which she seems to never have anyone question her about Biden’s quite well documented role in a number of scandals, not the least of which was his relationship with Ashley Biden, and promoting his son as the bag man for the Biden crime family.

  7. Most of this is completely new to me. None of my usual news sources for Israel has reported any of this. Not even Caroline Glick,I had no idea about the behavior of the UN and its involvement with the collapse of the pier, etc. before reading this report. I had allso not heard that the UN refuses to deliver food until the war ends. I never knew anything about the World Food Program and its role in Gaza until read Daniel’s report. Daniel, who is Cindy McCain? Is she the widow of the late Senator McCain? or his widow?
    I have been following Samantha Power and her hostility to Israel and the “Jewish lobby” for years. She is truly bad news.

  8. It is my information that about 400,000 refuges will be deported to The New Jordan
    Meanwhile the IDF is waging a full scale war aganst the arming of the refugees. Many have been killed.