Biden Regime Considering New Move to Stab Israel in the Back and Hand Hamas Victory

By Robert Spencer, PJ MEDIA                                                                       22 March 2024

The Biden regime is in a tough spot. Its far-left base is enraged over its ongoing ostensible support for Israel. Instead of acting with integrity despite the electoral cost and standing by a loyal ally in its time of need, the regime is making a series of moves to betray Israel and give aid and comfort to its enemies.

Now it’s mulling over a step that would constitute the biggest betrayal of all and would hand victory to the Hamas jihad terror group. For the unprincipled Biden regime apparatchiks, it’s all about winning in November.

The New York Sun reported Monday that Old Joe and his henchmen are “reportedly considering leaving Israel short of the armaments it needs to fight Hamas.” The veiled threat was there on that same day, during the callow but thoroughly indoctrinated National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s White House press briefing. A reporter reminded Sullivan that “the deadline for Israel to comply with the National Security Memorandum 20 is coming up on Sunday,” and asked him: “Has Israel responded in writing?”

National Security Memorandum 20 is not exactly a venerable cornerstone of American foreign policy. It is only a few weeks old, dating from Feb. 8. It seeks, among other things, to “prevent arms transfers that risk facilitating or otherwise contributing to violations of human rights or international humanitarian law.”

Given the fact that Biden issued it during a time when Israel was being falsely accused of massive human rights violations and when the Biden regime was under heavy pressure to betray Israel or face a massive loss of votes from Muslims and their allies in November, this memorandum has the look of a trap that was being laid and is about to be sprung now.

Sullivan answered: “So, first, when you say ‘to comply,’ what they have to do by Sunday is just provide credible and reliable assurances that they will abide by their international obligations, not obligations we’ve imposed upon them, but — but obligations they have freely accepted with respect to international humanitarian law, which, of course, includes not arbitrarily impeding the flow of humanitarian assistance where they can control that. So, I cannot tell you today — confirm today that they have provided that. Obviously, as you said, they have several more days before they have to do so. And we anticipate that they will.”

So Israel had, as of Monday, not yet complied with a new rule the Biden regime just made up, that arms sales can only go to nations that respect “international humanitarian law.” Israel does respect this law; when independent observers have dubbed the IDF “the most moral army in the world.” The international outrage, however, is growing against the Jewish state. Hamas is eagerly fueling that outrage, fabricating casualty numbers before a world that has been all too eager to be fooled, and even preposterously claiming that Israel was conducting a “genocide.”

There is more. Read the rest here.

March 22, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. John Galt, yes there’s a lot of ammunition out there that’s relatively cheap and certainly less accurate, but when you’re using a fully automatic rifle and “spraying” bullets around, accuracy isn’t that much of a problem. It is of course, if you’re a sniper, where the ammo is required to be of a very high standard.

    dreuveni: When your choices are limited, you just do ahead and do what must be done… and the faster the better… The vehemence of the reporting will not change no matter what kind of ammo is being used…

  2. Since 93% of land mammals in Gaza support Hamas, let’s call the October 7th attack what is was – Gaza attacking Israel. Therefore all are fair targets.

    When Germany attacked Europe, we didn’t distinguish between Nazi Party followers and German opposition party members. Why would we do it now?

    Much like 2001 hoof&mouth outbreak in the UK required most of the European cow herd to be culled, so too will 93% of Gazan dwellers need to be culled as a result of Gaza’s attack in Israel Oct 7th attacks.

  3. Good idea, John. Then there will be real cause for a UNSC resolution against Israel. The press will have to be killed too to slow down the rate and vehemence of the reporting…
    I could expand on this a lot but you get my drift.

  4. Israeli response:

    “If you withhold precision munitions the IDF will have to resort to other, less accurate munitions that we can easily acquire virtually anywhere. Those munitions are crude and will result in thousands of civilian deaths that we will certainly let everyone know is on the Biden Administration. Your call, Joe.”