Biden Outraged Netanyahu Mentioned His Blocking Aid to Israel

Peloni:  Bibi has remained an obstacle in the path of the Iranian pivot which has been taking place in Washington going back to at least the reign of Obama.  In fact, Bibi has survived the many attempts by Washington to regime change Israel by swapping the intractable Netanyahu for the more American compliant Gantz.  It would appear, however that the ongoing battle between Washington and Jerusalem just stepped up a notch or two.

The goal is to abandon Israel and convince liberal American Jews to blame Israel.

Daniel Greenfield | June 19, 2024

Act 1. The stage is set. The key players are Barack Obama, who wants to manufacture a break with Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, looking to navigate a hostile administration, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Vice President Joe Biden.

During Biden’s visit to Israel, the Obama administration stages a scandal, claiming that it was deliberately insulted because the local Jerusalem municipality routed some housing that the administration belatedly opposed through an approvals process.

Hillary Clinton spends an hour (and later brags about) yelling at Netanyahu over the phone. Biden refuses to come down for an hour to an event and a glass trophy being awarded to him ends up being broken. The media plays up a scandal that had been purely invented while spreading the narrative that it was Netanyahu who was creating a crisis.


Act 2. Dramatis Personae. Joe Biden. Benjamin Netanyahu. Barak Ravid, the Axios-employed propagandist acting as a point man for the Biden administration’s influence operation to remove Netanyahu and stop the war on Hamas while preventing any action against Iran.

Here’s how it plays out.

Biden publicly blocks previously approved military aid to Israel. And is slow-walking other aid. Netanyahu mentions this in a video. The Biden administration fumes and cancels a meeting over Iran. Barak Ravid writes all of this up with lots of “anonymous sources” in the administration and the Israeli Left.


Act 2 is even more absurd than Act 1 because Biden was touting his “extreme pressure” on Israel in a recent video.

But when Netanyahu mentions it, it’s a “scandal” and an “insult”.

Cue the media narrative campaign.

Barak Ravid / Axios: Scoop: White House cancels meeting, scolds Netanyahu in protest over video

Barak Ravid / Axios: White House baffled by Netanyahu’s claim Biden is withholding weapons


Barak Ravid / Axios: Scoop: U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel

All of this is a scam. The goal is to abandon Israel and convince liberal American Jews to blame Israel for the breach.

It’s the same Obama playbook being run again.

June 20, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. @Felix

    Answer if you dare!

    Challenge accepted, in part at least.

    So Netanyahu tagged along and now makes a tiny little criticism which is very late in the day and anyway missed the big picture.

    I will address only the claim made here by you that Bibi ‘tagged along’. I will have to followup later with a response to the latter part of your statement.

    You impart a greater authority to Bibi as PM than he held. His govt was always of a divided nature, a mix of the Right and the Left ruling in various measures as one. In fact the govt was formed under his leadership, but there is an extent to which the general policies of the govt tagging along, as you describe it, stand as an impeachment of Bibi alone. In fact, the same voting public which has chosen Bibi in election after election, chose to limit him from having the Right wing mandates to form a Right wing govt and left him hobbled from doing what needed to be done. When they finally did vote in enough Right wing mandates, the efforts of Lieberman and Saar and Bennett betrayed the electorate and instead, formed a Left-wing govt instead. Hence it was not until this past election, just a year before October 7, that Bibi had the means to do more than tag along in accordance with the will of the people as indicated by their repeated choice of voting for a divided govt. What we should never forget, however is that even while Bibi was serving as head of a divided govt, he pressed hard to have the IDF execute a plan to end the Iranian nuclear program. In this, nearly to a man, the entire govt, the military, the Shin Bet, the military intelligence and his own allies on the Right directly challenged his push to put an end to the growing menace from Iran. In the wake of this union of opposition against him, he next chose to challenge the Iranian nuclear program by challenging the American president in his own capital before his own Congress. This defeat of the full success of this effort was also seen to have been aided by members of his own military and his own govt who supported the American’s support for the JCPOA which gave Iran cover to get to where it is today.

    So, while you chastise Bibi for ‘tagging along’ I would argue that his efforts were stymied by his own military, by his own govt, by his own Right wing allies, and most importantly, by the electorate which failed as much as anyone to solidify a certain opposition against the growing Iranian threat all about them.

    Recall the saying, “People get the govt they deserve”. While it is fair to criticize Bibi for having failed to succeed, even in these matters relating to stopping the nuclear program, which he estimated as the greater posing threat than Hamas, for instance, it should be noted that the criticism which you place upon Bibi alone, should be seen to be fairly owned by the nation as a whole, and not just Bibi. Bibi wasn’t tagging along in all of this, but instead he was fighting against the will of the army, the will of his govt, the will of his Right wing allies, and yes, against the will of the people who left him with but few assets to employ in facing the many challenges which needed to be addressed.

    Speaking as someone who chastised Bibi’s mowing the grass policy as being illogical and unacceptable back while it was being pursued, I do recognize the limits within which Bibi was constrained to work, and those constraints were not of his own making…with a notable few exceptions.

  2. This type of Jewish leadership typified by Netanyahu is very shaky. The people, who are mainly the working class, need to have the issues spelled out in clear terms. Netanyahu has spoken about one of the great crimes of Biden…his long lifetime of shafting the Jews, while.lying continually that he is the greatest friend the Jews have ever had. He is a conman like all of the Irish rulers of today. But there are many issues. The biggest issue with Sinn Fein who you should know lost ground in recent elections is this, that the leader in Belfast is a feminist type woman who is charged with the fixing of Lough Neagh’s extreme pollution. It is extreme because that pollution is caused by INTENSIVE AGRICULTURE. And Sinn Fein are losing because they as a party are very partial to farming and are a rural type of party. Thus every Jew should rather do hate their Antisemitism of all classes in Ireland but miss out on the great opportunities. So Netanyahu tagged along and now makes a tiny little criticism which is very late in the day and anyway missed the big picture. Why does he miss it? Answer if you dare! It’s a mixture of bankruptcy and political cowardice.

  3. Barack HUSSEIN Obama hates Israel and supports anyone who attacks the Jewish State. His hatred stems from his religious beliefs and is not amenable to reason or a Judaeo-Christian conscience. Trump must win in November or we are all sunk.

  4. I can see this possibly causing disruption in the Democratic Party. There MUST be some Jewish lawmakers who are actually Jews and who are well aware that the American public overwhelmingly support Israel against Hamas.