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  1. The title is not close. This is not what this political statement by Glick is about. It deserved a full analysis. Under present leadership Israpundit is the opposite of helpful. The present editors are too cowardly and there’s nothing coming from any comments either.

    Also Glick misreads important things.

    It comes from Israpundit keeping Jewish Fascists on board. With that concession made with at least three of these Jewish Fascists there’s no way back.

    Glick first. She covers for the imbecile and showman Netanyahu.

    Netanyahu goes along and is incapable of confrontation with Biden on the world stage.

    The need for unity with Putin is clear to anybody

    Biden and NATO operate a colour revolution against Putin and EQUALLY against Bibi.

    That’s the basis also for unity with China.

    Go that route or be totally defeated.

    Also Glick lies totally against Assad and is silent on so many victims of Empire especially Milosevic and the Serbs

    She says correctly hit the Mullahs but kind of doesn’t make the Iranian women the centre

    Like the Israpundit so full of people filled with hot air Glick promises only to deceive

    Israpundit a hardened antivirus crowd and hardened closer of eyes to global Warming.

    Where the first important person Michael Mosley fell victim in Greece last week