Biden Administration Seeking to Overthrow Israeli Government to Save Hamas

By Daniel Greenfield, GATESTONE                                                        19 March 2024

US President Joe Biden meets with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, Israel on October 18, 2023. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

  • One Israeli expert frequently consulted by American officials says, “I have been asked by a serious administration figure what it is that will force the Netanyahu coalition to collapse. They were interested in the mechanics, what can we demand which will collapse his coalition.”
  • [O]ur intelligence apparatus is rotted through with Islamic terror supporters and sympathizers.
  • The 2024 ODNI assessment treats Netanyahu like a leader to be overthrown and suggests that this would be a good outcome. It’s a hostile act from a hostile administration that is doing everything it can to save Islamic terrorists.

Since October 7, the Biden administration pivoted from backing Israel’s effort to remove Hamas, to backing the effort by Hamas allies from Dearborn, Michigan to Doha, Qatar to overthrow the Israeli government in order to save Hamas.

One Israeli expert frequently consulted by American officials says: “I have been asked by a serious administration figure what it is that will force the Netanyahu coalition to collapse. They were interested in the mechanics, what can we demand which will collapse his coalition.”

“What can we demand which will collapse his coalition” is revealing as hell. The Obama administration was infamous for trying to use pressure on Israel to create splits inside its coalition government. Biden’s people are trying to do the same thing.

The report comes from Noga Tarnopolsky, and calling her biased and hostile is an understatement, but this stuff is now showing up in intelligence reports.

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March 19, 2024 | 21 Comments »

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21 Comments / 21 Comments

  1. SEB –

    A strange interpretation. I re read it and see no ambiguity. Note that I also said that WHEN speaking to the Republicans, he will be speaking to the rest of the US as well etc.etc.

    Never mind; the story was aired, which was the issue.r

  2. @Edgar I wasn’t being careless; I was answering your ambiguously worded question. It sounded like you thought Schumer was keeping Bibi from speaking to Republicans as well as Dems.

  3. @Edgar

    Netanyahu tells Republicans Gaza war will continue, days after Schumer speech
    By Patricia Zengerle
    March 20, 20243:48 PM EDTUpdated 11 min ago

    WASHINGTON, March 20 (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. Republican senators on Wednesday that Israel will continue its efforts to defeat Palestinian militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, senators told reporters after he addressed a party lunch.
    “He’s going to do what he said he’s going to do. He’s going to finish it,” Senator Jim Risch said.
    The conservative Israeli leader spoke to Republicans via videolink nearly a week after the Senate’s Democratic majority leader, Chuck Schumer, gave a speech in the Senate harshly criticizing Netanyahu as an obstacle to peace and urging new elections in Israel.

    Wednesday’s meeting underscored the politicization of Washington’s Israel policy. Netanyahu has long been aligned with Republicans, who accused Schumer of seeking to “overthrow” the Israeli leader.
    “We asked… him for an update and we got it on the war, on the release of the hostages and in the efforts to defeat Hamas. We told him Israel has every right to defend themselves and he said that’s exactly what they continue to do,” Senator John Barrasso said.

    Democratic leaders have been grappling with divisions in their party over the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza five months into a war that began with attacks on Israel by Hamas militants on Oct. 7.
    A spokesperson for Schumer said that Netanyahu had offered to speak to the Democrats as well, but Schumer declined, saying that the conversations should not be partisan.
    “I care deeply about Israel and its long term future. When you make the issue partisan, you hurt the cause of helping Israel,” Schumer told reporters.
    Israel says it killed dozens of gunmen at Gaza hospital

    Progressives have called on Democratic President Joe Biden to put more pressure on Israel to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where aid groups warn of famine and U.S. officials say more than 30,000 civilians have been killed.
    Risch, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Netanyahu had addressed civilian casualties and the need to get more aid into Gaza. He said Netanyahu was “very supportive” of plans to build a temporary pier and bring in aid by sea.
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    “He’s very sensitive to the fact that every civilian casualty is a very unfortunate event,” Risch said.
    Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said Netanyahu had made a presentation and then taken questions from senators.
    “I made it clear to him, that it’s not the business of the United States to be giving a democratic ally advice about when to have an election or what kind of military campaign they may be conducting,” McConnell told reporters.

  4. Edgar

    I do think you are right. The American ordinary folk are behind your line and the more blatantly they attack Trump the more they support Trump so Biden is doomed.

  5. I am sorry to have to say that a big and very nasty trick has been played on the Jews…even yet again. And it centred around the forces of Banderism, Zelensky, with the Brits and NeoCon movement involved.

    And although long gone the sharp intellect and overall Historical forcing truth may still be necessary…of Leon Trotsky.

    But this truth will not be easy to uncover witness the article I passed to Peloni.

  6. I’ve just read that Netanyahu also intended to address the Democrat as well as the Republicans but Schumer would not allow it..

    This is telling us /Netanyahu something important.

    However I should expect that in his speaking to the Republican Party he may add that he is also speaking to ALL Americans
    I doubt if Schumer would have the authority to close down all news outlets which will be covering the event..

  7. Ted

    Do you recall

    You told us this a long time ago.

    You were visiting a very elderly distant relation. Toronto?

    You said that when the name of Trotsky came up this elderly man suddenly became very animated and you meant in a very positive way.

    I find this now suddenly relevant because this material from these Jewish historians I find not truthful

    And your elderly relative knew better the truth

    Link to Peloni

  8. Peloni

    So you are puzzled by me talking about Trotsky.

    That fact by itself needs some explanation.

    I am not making little of your lack of knowledge about Trotsky

    But please tell me HOW COME?

    What has led you to this state of ignorance? There may indeed be good understandable reasons.

    Or even perhaps write down what you do know…if anything.

    Then later we may be able to understand the following very deceitful article… together

  9. Sebastien

    Trotsky was assassinated . That is pretty central to everything I said. The regime of Stalin murdered the last remaining link to the 1917 Revolution and the most outstanding political leader. I do not dismiss that. Rather than dismissal I make it very central. And you should too. Even more so since you are Jewish.

  10. Netanyahu to address US Republican senators, after Democrat Schumer’s critical speech


  11. @Felix So we can just call any correct, pro-Zionist, and competent leadership, “Trotskyist leadership?” OK, if that makes you happy.

  12. Peloni Sebastien

    Putin, Yeltsin and Gorbachev misunderstood and consequently misjudged the lethal nature of British, American and EU crisis. As of course did Stalin. It is an historic crisis which is tied up with every single aspect of capitalism. A major debate has emerged within the American ruling class over the role of the NeoCon strategy centred on Donald Trump, and this NeoCon strategy underpins Biden. But it is not clear to me that Trump can defeat such massive forces as is behind NATO with its massive media output. Their attitude to Donald Trump suggests they need a clear NeoCon run to world war. This in every way is what Russia, Israel (the Jews) – are facing. Trotskyism today building on the struggle of Leon Trotsky up to the point of his brutal assassination by a Stalinist assassin in August 1945 in Mexico. As the Russian people, the Jewish people, have both moved forward courageously in recent times, so also must Trotskyism. This is a time when correct leadership becomes not a luxury but a necessity.

    That is what I meant when I referred to Trotskyism.

  13. @Felix
    What do you mean by
    “It affirms the need to create a Trotskyist leadership”

    Otherwise great comment.

  14. There is a direct line between Hamas/Fatah and the Ukrainian Fascist regime (both rooted in German and Ukraine Nazism) This is an objective reality. It is a Trotskyist analysis and concept independent of for example the Russian leadership or the Israeli leadership. It affirms the need to create a Trotskyist leadership in the world today. The enemy Biden regime does to Netanyahu exactly as it does to Putin.