Biden Admin Pushes Israel to Give Land to Hezbollah

T. Belman: Just like they pushed Israel to give part of her gas fields to Hezbollah.

Making deals with Islamic terrorists doesn’t work

by Daniel Greenfield, GATESTONE  •  September 16, 2024 at 5:00 am

Pictured: Hezbollah terrorists in Baalbek, Lebanon give a Nazi salute on November 12, 2019. (Photo by AFP via Getty Images)

  • “In its boldest move, Hezbollah sent four drones toward the Karish platform several weeks ago, all of which were intercepted by the Israel Defense Forces,” reported The Times of Israel on July 31, 2022.
  • This was exactly what surrendering part of the gas field to Hezbollah was supposed to prevent.

  • “The proposal for this point involves recognizing it as part of Lebanon, with UN forces deployed there as a neutral party for both sides.” — The Jerusalem Post, September 8, 2024.
  • United Nations forces are absolutely useless and pull back whenever there’s any conflict. (Nor is the UN remotely neutral.)
  • Hezbollah will claim any territory it gets and attack anyway because that is what Islamic terrorists do. Hezbollah is backed by Iran. It’s going to attack when Tehran tells it to. As an Islamic terror group, attacking non-Muslims and dominating them is a fundamental religious obligation. So making deals with it won’t work.
  • Just like making deals with Hamas doesn’t work.
Hezbollah will claim any territory it gets and attack anyway because that is what Islamic terrorists do. Hezbollah is backed by Iran. It’s going to attack when Tehran tells it to. As an Islamic terror group, attacking non-Muslims and dominating them is a fundamental religious obligation. So making deals with it won’t work.

The appeasement lobby only has one big idea when it comes to Islamic terrorists and any other enemies:

  1. Give them land.
  2. When the terrorists attack anyway, explain that it’s because they didn’t get enough land last time.
  3. Give them more land.
  4. When the terrorists attack anyway, explain that it’s because they didn’t get enough land last time.

Israel has been living through this particular “peace process” nightmare for a generation.

Now, faced with growing Hezbollah attacks, the Biden administration has one big bright idea.

“American officials recently proposed, in a virtual meeting with their Israeli counterparts, a land swap between Lebanon and Israel as part of a comprehensive agreement to end the border conflicts and resolve the land dispute between the two countries, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Sunday,” reported The Jerusalem Post on September 8, 2024.

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September 16, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @peloni, sending Hochstein back again is only the recurring attempt to disrupt Israeli officials by keeping them away from more pressing duties. Nothing new here, unfortunately. The only real open question is if Israel can wait until the US is so busy with the election that they can’t be bothered with the Middle East.

  2. @dreuveni
    Yes, I agree with you, but take note of the US desperately interceding in an attempt to continue its constraints on Israel with the rushed move sending Hochstein back to Israel again, while pleading with Israel to give diplomatic steps a chance, all while ignoring the realtity that his diplomacy is focused on Israeli capitulation rather than that of Hezbollah. So, we will see where things lead in the coming days and weeks, but hopefully this is more than a veiled threat. Personally, I believe it is much more than that, but time will tell.

  3. @peloni, it’s nice that the Security Cabinet were able to reach agreement but it’s action that counts. Making it possible for the residents of northern Israel to return home is basic, but as long as Hezbollah can fire missiles at Tel Aviv, they cannot consider themselves safe back home nor anywhere else in Israel. Hezbollah must be defeated and the only hope of achieving that is to get Trump back as president. On top of the above, when the Houthies can fire hypersonic missiles from Yemen at Israel, no where in Israel is really safe and we can only keep up appearances by constant vigilance and inevitably evening the score. We are all aware that Iran needs to be taken down a few pegs, that would throttle the flow of weapons, but then, again, any Jihadist with any weapon at all is a danger to the whole world and Israel in particular.

  4. The Israeli Security Cabinet has Unanimously Voted tonight to Approve the War Goals against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, which will allow the return of Residents to their Homes in Northern Israel.
