Biden Admin Demands Jews Stop Praying at Site of Temple

Peloni:  It is outrageous that the policy restricting Jews from praying at the Temple Mount was ever instituted, but even more reprehensible is that this policy has not been repealed in the subsequent 57 years, and that the totalitarians in Washington believe that their imperial edicts should be binding in Israel on the Jewish people.  Ben Gvir was right to give his support in changing the antisemitic status quo over which the otherwise diversity-obsessed Dems obsess so strongly.  Whereas Ben Gvir does not speak for the current govt in Israel, I suspect that he is expressing the position of a future govt in Israel.  Let us hope that this is so.


In all of the pretense that this war has something to do with “human rights” in Gaza and not an Islamic religious war against a non-Muslim minority group, there is an awkward fact that has to be talked around.

Hamas called their Oct 7 assault the “Al Aqsa Flood”. Hamas leaders stated that it was about the Al Aqsa Mosque. That’s what the Muslim invaders called the mosque that they built on top of the former site of the Jewish Temple when they invaded and conquered what had been Israel.

And Muslims get very upset when Jews visit the Temple Mount. They get even more upset when Jews pray there. On the Jewish fast of Tisha Ba’av, which commemorates the destruction of the two temples, Jews mourned by trying to visit the Temple Mount.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir visited the Temple Mount on Tisha B’av (the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av) and stated that Jews should be able to visit and pray there. There were immediate condemnations from European countries and the Biden administration.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement declaring that “the United States strongly opposes Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir’s visit to the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount on August 13, which demonstrated blatant disregard for the historic status quo with respect to the holy sites in Jerusalem.”

By “status quo”, Blinken means that under Muslim apartheid rule, Jews were not allowed to visit or pray at their holiest site. Even after starting and losing two wars, along with the rest of Jerusalem, Muslims demanded that the apartheid status quo be maintained or they would kill Jews.

Rather than say the ugly ‘apartheid’ word, Blinken uses the vague term “status quo”. What it means is the same thing as it was the status quo for black people to sit in the back of the bus.

Blinken continues by describing Jews praying on the Temple Mount as “provocative” and demanded that the “Government of Israel prevent similar incidents in the future. The United States reaffirms our commitment to the preservation of the historic status quo.”

The Biden administration is committing to maintain an apartheid Islamic status quo that bans Jews from praying at their holiest state. And it doesn’t have the guts to say so clearly.

And, obscenely, Blinken, who is of Jewish descent, demands that Jews stop praying.

No one asks why Muslims are so enraged by Jews praying. Or why that justifies violence. That’s one of those questions we’re not allowed to ask.

August 14, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Mikey-

    I apologise- because I omitted to mention that you’re not really half crazy, only totally self deluded. I must curb my nasty inclinations as I really know you are pro-Israel and Jew.

    Archaeologists whose discoveries I’ve mentioned know an can surmise, from evidence they have, far more than any layman could possibly know, including myself, even though I only repeated what they’ve written about their discoveries.

    They find a great deal before publishing so at best, even quoting them, I’m much behind the times. Items and major finds are happening in Israel almost weekly. And they confirm the accounts in The Torah.

    P.S. The Aksa is right on the eastern edge of the platform, hundreds of feet from the Dome/Temple site. Somewhere above The Golden Gates…

    I’m sure you’d find confirmation on the internet……….

  2. My Heavens-
    That I should listen to a half crazy Christian fanatic who knows more about the Temple site than I do, who has been studying about it all my life.”Hhmm…!!

    You silly guy. That the original Temple site may be buried under rubble means nothing. Rubble can be removed and the site will not have moved-which is against nature. The site is there, no matter how deeply you think it’s buried.
    Besides, the Foundation Stone, at least the top 6 ft of it is clearly seen and I have examined it and walked down those few tiny steps beside it.

    You may not know that Abd El-Malik, the builder of the Dome, had a Jewish advisor, who told him about the Temple Mount, which like all Jewish Holy sites had been deliberately degraded by the Mamzerim making it into a rubbish dump.
    So he had it cleared, and built his dome, which was in NO way a mosque. It was a “Meeting Place with entrances at the 4 Cardinal Points.

    He was in a civil war against the Mecca Caliph and hoped that his Dome would distract them from Mecca. It did for a while but old habits were too strong, going back centuries well into Pagan times.

    However he won his war and became the sole ruler of Islam.

    I’m sure that clever YOU knew this all the time only pretending “ignorance”…eh??

    By the way, excavations under the Dome have found “Cedars of Lebanon”, dated to the First Temple, on which Herod’s Temple was placed. Right on the Holy Place and some of which material was used.

    The present platform, on which the Arab budding terrorists play football is the original Herod’s platform on which his Temple was built, so the original site could NOT be buried under much rubble at all. Besides, many items like mikvah’s, cisterns and run-off pipes have been also found extant., not to mention the immense tunnels and underground roads, all mentioned in the Torah in one place or another.

    Read my post and learn something.

  3. Hello, Edgar.

    You are being your usual pedantic self. The reality is that

    1. The actual Temple no longer exists as an identifiable structure, and

    2. There are at least four discrete theories about where it ONCE stood. They are mapped out here:

    3. What is referred to today as the “Temple Mount” is not the ancient temple site (which is buried beneath rubble), but the current surface feature containing some four mosques and other structures. THIS is what ben Gvir visited, and what certain Haredi rabbis raised a stink about (as they always do, regardless of where ben Gvir is).

    Daniel Greenfield is thus not “totally wrong”. He called the facts as he saw them.

  4. GREENFIELD is totally wrong…! The Aksa is hundreds of feet from the Temple site, which itself has not been factually determined yet. Thus the prohibition of Jews going up there in case they might step on the Holy of Holies.
    A lot of Rabbinic nonsense of course but adhered to by most Haredim.

    The Aksa is a converted Byzantine Church sitting on the Eastern Edge of the platform. I think it was called “The Church of Justinian and Mary” or something like that.
    Earthquakes have destroyed it several times and it’s been rebuilt, It’s basically a Church formation with a few domes added. The apse -and more- are clearly there in the interior design.

    A few years ago archaeologists found some ancient mosaic with a Jewish motif and lots of artifacts, so it was part of the Temple Mount complex but far from the Temple.

  5. Press Release – August 14, 2024

    “Netanyahu administration demands US remove “In God We Trust” from the reverse side of all US paper currencies as it is an offense to Muslims, Jews and atheists all over the world.”

    “In addition, Presidents Jackson and Washington, slave owners, must be removed from the $1.00 and $20.00 bills and Alexander Hamilton, whose wife’s family owned slaves, must be removed from the $10.00 bill, immediately”

    “All lands in the US must be returned to the Indians by the end of 2024 – otherwise Israel deems the US to be a racist and pariah nation not worthy of respect.”

    “We reserve the right to add to this list of righteous demands at any time.”

    The Knesset votes 120 to 0 in favor of these demands.