Bibi’s & IDF Spokesman Address the Hostage Rescue

Peloni:  This was a day to be celebrated and rejoiced. And the only reason we can feel this sense of joy is because Israel did something which it has almost exclusively failed to do, with few specific exceptions, over the past 40yrs, and that is to act in her own interest and not that of the antisemitic Great Power leaders, sans Trump, in America. This victory was in fact exacted by the IDF and security services and Yamam, but this victory was only possible because Israel’s political leadership told the US, “NO”. This was Bibi’s doing, and he owes his ability to having done it to both the support of the Israeli people and the resolve of his own govt, sans the Gantz faction, as he faced down the American demand that he should aquiese and surrender to Hamas. This Israeli-faced posture must be the continued posture of Israel going forward. As Bibi said three days ago,

” What has been is not what will be; we will change this reality.”

And he has already begun changing this reality by with his resistance to the yoke of American dominance over Israel’s self interest.

June 9, 2024 | Comments »

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