The Biggest Lie in the Palestine vs. Israel Debate – Jordan Peterson interviews PM Netanyahu

The second image know as the Mesha Stele records events in about 800 BC

Go HERE to read what it says.

Peloni: Fantastic clip from Bibi’s conversation with Jordan Peterson.

“It’s not your land! It has been our land for 3500 years!”

T. Belman: I have added two very important images which confirms what Bibi told Petersen. Bibi’s exposition of the history of our ties to the land right up to the present is fantastic as Peloni just said.

Mesha Stele Mesha Stele[/caption]

This is a very important interview by Jordan Peterson in which he gives Netanyahu the platform to explain in detail, without interrruption, our historic connection to the land. It shows how right the Torah is.

September 16, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. The Tel El Amarna mention of “hibiru: (or Chabiru) has been discounted by experts years ago . The word “Hebrew” is an English word tortuously twisted into a copy of “hibiru”.

    The “hibiru” were identified with The Hyksos and amalgamated similar peoples an not meant as a PEOPLE word at all. hey were
    those who’d come from the east during famine times, or to trade.The Hebrew word is “IVRIM” or (singular. It has no etymological connection to “hibiru” at all according to the experts.

    The Merneptah Stele I’ve already posted on, and “The House of David May be the Oldest authentic mention of Israel.

    There is some evidence that in very early times the word “Davidov” was a TITLE, not a personal name.’ Perhaps I read it in the Golden Bough, Perhaps not. I just can’t recall where.

    P;S; About the Peterson article maybe I misread. Although he would not know, but Netanyahu WOULD. And the info must have come from him (or his researcher-speech writers would)

  2. I hardly think that any educated Jew is not informed on the 4 steles reputed to mention “Israel”. Peterson is just rehashing some very well known ancient, well known issues as if he was the first to discover and bring them to public attention.

    although a writer, he has no expertise in ancient Biblical scripts or discoveries.

  3. I well remember reading in a book of mine about the Mesha Stele, the evidence about Israel (called the House of Omri) the hurried Papier Mache squeeze, stripped off in pieces, and much more.

    I also have a book on the Merneptah Stele where the evidence for Iasrael is not clear. Petrie himself had doubts, as the ancient script could be also be translated “Yezreel” (plains of) as translated “Israel”.

    Clermont-Ganneau, whose father was mashugga) involved in both translations, was the creature who drove Moses Shapiro to suicide, his scroll strips now being recognised as authentic by many,, and the earliest Hebrew document ever discovered -800+- BCE.

    Christian D. Ginsberg a converted Jew, and a recognised authority, declared them authentic, but later Clermont-Ganneau persuaded his to declare them forgeries. C-G saw them only displayed in a class case and had no close perusal of them.

    His motives have always been suspect. And we know what kind……!!

    Shapiro’s loving daughter never stopped trying to prove her beloved father innocent. She later retired to France and became a well known writer named Myriam Harry……………….
    Sad story all round.

    I have a book by Allegro about it, as well as a couple others but his is the most readable.