What all this tells me is that Bibi tells everyone what they want to hear but he doesn’t commit nor does he lie. He has no duty to tell them what he really wants. Secondly Being “serious about negotiations” means accepting Obama’s terms and giving the PA what it wants. Apparently Bibi doesn’t have the right to insist on his terms and only giving the PA what Israel is prepared to give. The US has no right to demand Israel capitulate because of what the US did in the past. In any contract you negotiate what you give and what you get. But in this case the US gave Israel certain security items without demanding capitulation in negotiations. Afterwards, its too late.
To suggest that Bibi is endangering Israelis is to deny that Bibi is doing what the people want rather than what the US wants. Ted Belman
‘Gates called Netanyahu an ungrateful ally to U.S. and a danger to Israel’
U.S. blogger quotes former Secretary of Defense as saying that the Israeli Prime Minister should have called Obama when he was ‘serious about negotiations’.
By Barak Ravid, HAARETZ
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “ungrateful” toward the United States, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who left his post in July of this year, claimed during a closed meeting with senior American government officials.
The news came to light after journalist Jeffery Goldberg reported in a blog post that the meeting took place a short time before Gates’ departure. According to the post, Gates listed off the steps that the U.S. government took to ensure Israel’s security, stating that the U.S. “received nothing” in return.
According to Goldberg, several senior government officials claim Gates told President Obama that not only is “Netanyahu ungrateful, but also endangering his country by refusing to grapple with Israel’s growing isolation and with the demographic challenges it faces if it keeps control of the West Bank.”
The former secretary of defense was also reported to have commented on a 2010 diplomatic incident, surrounding Israel’s approval of 1,600 new housing units in East Jerusalem during an official visit by U.S Vice President Joe Biden.
According to Goldberg’s report, Gates expressed great frustration at the incident, saying that if he had had been Biden he would have cut his Israel visit short as soon as the housing units were approved, adding that he would have told “the prime minister to call Obama when he was serious about negotiations.”
The report was not the first instance of an alleged mistrust of Netanyahu by global leaders. Earlier in the year former Downing Street communications chief Alistair Campbell indicated that former Prime Minister Tony Blair felt that the Israeli PM was untrustworthy. In the second volume of his diaries, wrote candidly of the British view of then, and current, Netanyahu, saying Foreign Office officials had nicknamed Netanyahu “the armor-plated bullshitter.”
Campbell goes on to say that this view was not held exclusively by U.K. officials, adding that former premier, and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Blair during a meeting that he was “was pessimistic because Bibi was a total bullshitter.”
Believe me, when faced with Israelis like you and Yamit it must be tempting, but thankfully most Israelis are not like you and Yamit, and the Obama regime, elected with the help of 78% of American Jews, will soon be on the thrash heap of history.
The REAL facts are that the USA is Israel’s only ally, most Americans – mostly Christians – support Israel unconditionally, and the US taxpayer has spent billions over the years underwriting Israel’s security and protecting its interests.
@ James B from Canada:
Derfbag got fired last week from JP for his last anti Israel comment. 🙂
@ Georg von starkermann:
But we have shared values and we are democracies and all that Bullshit, Blah Blah and 5 bucks for a starbucks.
@ Bill Narvey:
The Real Netanyahu
Is he defending Israel?
Read this: Then go suck a lemon.
What Netanyahu now says
@ Bill Narvey:
You ignore that Gates was Bushes SD for three years and three more under Obama. That is more telling than anything else, There is symmetry and continuity in American policies at least with regards to Israel. Republican or Democrat it’s all the same beneath the public imagery.
@ Ted Belman:
I thought you didn’t believe in polls?
This poll by the leftist Vadana is skewed to the left. Didn’t see the questions and they have always been the farthest from real electoral voting compared to other pollsters..
In any event the poll reflects the Likud down from 31 seats after BB addressed Congress but you and I were talking about BB and not the Likud. Two different animals. Last poll of BB’s favorability was in the low thirties, also before the demonstrations and the terror attacks in the South.
BB will keeps his PM seat until he makes a big giveaway and if he is true to BB he will give, sooner or later.
Hard to be in opposition in Israel the public automatically gives the ruling party a lot of slcak and here it’s more the devil you know than any deep seated political affinity or loyalty. Israel has today no credible opposition they are split amongst themselves right and left. They have no Begin in opposition.
PSR – Survey Research Unit: Joint Palestinian Israeli Press release
So much for Polls????
One anecdote about Gates will tell you all you want to know about this despicable …..(you fill it in.) When interviewed after the Fort Hood massacre he was asked if this was a terrorist attack. His answer..”I won’t go there.”
Gates’ views are importantly revealing in two respects.
1. They likely reflect at least generally the views the Obama administration have of Netanyahu.
2. It speaks well of Netanyahu to the extent that if he is pissing Obama and the Obama boot liking administration off as Gates’ comments suggest, he is stronger in resisting the Obama administrations pressures, than he is being given credit for.
Gates has always been the pawn of Islamic interests and a vile hater of Israel. Netanyahu has to listen to this moron is enough punishment for one day. On top of that the Israelis I think have figured out who their friends are and their enemies are. It looks like the USA is an enemy of Israel.
And to think Bush replaced Rumsfeld with this creep.
So Gates is worried about Israel being endangered. I’m touched by his concern. Talk about being a bullshitter. Israel is under no obligation to surrender territory which rightfully belongs to her over to those who’s aim is Israel’s obliteration. As far as Israel’s supposed isolation is concerned, Israel is doing far better economically than the west.
Western leaders are pissed off at Bibi because he refuses to allow his country to be a sacrificial lamb for their interests. They still don’t get it that appeasing the muslims at Israel’s expense will not bring them security. Just the opposite.
Regarding what Gates or the Britshits think is worthless. Both are fawning Islam as best they can.
American elites are an evil group and have been at war against the their people since Nov 22 1963 and probably before that.
All of them to Robert Reich and Paul Krugman today are wicked and see their people as cannon food. They all line up and bend over when it comes to Saudi money. Obama is a good pupil.
Regarding the Brits, they are deceitful in the way they support the muslim occupation of Cyprus and their own occupation of Gibraltar is beyond criticism.
They day that PM Gordon Brown ordered that 50% of their gold be sold at $275 was the day that their empire ended.
The recent marriage ceremony of those two rich brats at a cost of $60 million is part of their continuous desperate attempts to make the sheeple of that pathetic island still think that their word meand something.
Re: BB and his munchkin, I too do not understand why the munchkin is still there and I do not think that BB is such a rock. BB is more visible when not in power. Happy to appear on the Daily Show, Larry King, etc.. but once in power he is almost invisible despite the interview with Morgan on CNN and morphs into a mysterious politician, coming out at night like a cockroach.
Do the people of Israel deserve better? someone please tell me so. Is Kadima is still popular as are meretz and yachad? Are there plenty of ” ash kan nazis” in Israel? Im too afraid to go to Israel. I do not want to see my kids killed by a palie savage and then read in Haaretz or that Palestine Post scum bag Derfner that the palies ae 100% correct to act in that manner.
Why is that Derfner still alive? And why is he still printed? Who finances the Palestine Post?
As usual you search for any artificial reason to support BB despite all of the evidence to the contrary. I can list pages of evidential support for what I say here. You relay on 2nd hand interview. Barak was for once truthful when he called BB a Bullshitter. I say he is a pathological liar and manipulator whose only goal is personal ego and power gratification and to maintain those he must keep the seat of power no matter what. Everything BB has or has not done is to first and foremost keep his position and power. Yes he will tell anyone what he has to to mollify their demands or criticism. Therefore whoever pressures him last is the one who garners his attention and compliance.
Why do you think BB keeps Barak in his position after he left Labor and has no power in or out of government? Even the left hate Barak so it’s not pandering to the left keeping him in the coalition. Barak’s 4 seats in the coalition if lost will not bring the government down but it would send a strong message and gain him more popularity with the right of center constituency.
No PM has been as anti settlement as has BB even Barak and Rabin were better.
Personally I think you look for any straw and reason to support and believe BB no matter what other evidence shows concretely. You say he is doing what the people want? That is total Bull and if you can defend that statement lets have it? No poll indicates it, his personal popularity and favorability has never been lower than now.
Ehud Barak, master capitulator, and servant boy to western imperialist interests, and not to the people of Israel, has the nerve to talk about anyone else?
Paintball guns, dude.