Bibi Calls for the Formation of Abraham Alliance

Peloni:  Do recall that Mudar advocated for the formation of Middle East NATO during Ted’s  JORDAN: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: The Jordan Option Revisited

July 25, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. Bibi gave a predictably competent speech. Well-delivered. No surprises. He played to both Republicans and to Democrats. I hope that American Jewish voters picked up on the fact that a significant number of Democratic legislators boycotted the speech, including Kamala, who, today, told Bibi that she was concerned about the “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza. Kamala and her ilk support the Palestinian protestors, who of course support Hamas. I believe Bibi said in his speech that such people were evil, or perhaps “useful idiots”. He was right.

    Anyway, back to the subject…NO, NO, NO! A Middle Eastern NATO is an awful idea. Look at the mess the original NATO has created in Europe already. If Bibi thinks there needs to be a Middle Eastern organization, okay. Just do it without the US.

  2. Excellent speeach by Bibi.

    Pelosi denounced the speech as “the worst speech I have ever heard” about the Middle East: and :the worst speech that Netanyahu has ever delivered” although sho didn’t even attend the speech, although she was invited. All of the Democratic leaders in the Congress denounced it. 53 Democrats refused to attend it and boycotted it instead. The Dems beef was that Bibi didn’t support an immediate cease-fire and the proposed terrorists-forr-hostages deal.